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Posts posted by TNTOS

  1. Today, whenever I try to post or make a new topic, the box that I type the content in is extremely tiny, even though it is normally fairly large.Not only that, but I am also incapable of accessing the different fonts, emoticons, or any of the normal features I can use. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?-TNTOS-

  2. Welcome to the eleventh installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series! This story stars Stronius as he and a fellow Skrall are hunted by a mysterious monster.

    As with the other GC stories, here's a brief summary of what the GC is about:

    The Glatorian Chronicles is a series of Bionicle fanfiction short stories/short epics that star each of the twelve Glatorian characters released as sets in 2009. All are written in first person point of view from the point of view of the starring Glatorian. Each story is completely independent of the others, so a new reader can jump in at any point in the series with little-to-no confusion on the reader's part.

    If you wish to read the previous ten GC stories, you can find links to them in my library here.

    And with that out of the way, I now present to y'all the eleventh GC, Obsidian Among the Frost:

    As a special forces Skrall, it was unfitting for me to run away from any battle. It was disgraceful, dishonorable, and could result in a loss of respect from the soldiers I commanded. Moreover, I had a name – Stronius – and named Skrall never, ever ran from battle.

    The fact was, though, that I and my lieutenant (who hadn’t done anything to earn a name, unlike me) could not defeat this beast. My club was unable to pierce its hide and my lieutenant’s sword and buzz saw shield couldn’t even scratch it. We could be forgiven for temporarily retreating in order to devise a new plan against it.

    As I and my lieutenant sat behind a boulder, doing our best to keep quiet lest the monster hear us, I recollected how we had gotten to this point. Perhaps there was a secret to defeating this monster hidden in the past, though I doubted it.

    A few hours earlier, I’d led a battalion of Skrall on an attack on the Ice Valley, which was the only thing standing between us and the pool of silvery liquid that our tribe coveted. There we’d run into the Fire army, which had wrest control of the silver pool from the Ice army. It’d been a fierce battle, one to make any warrior proud, but due to an unforeseen assault from the Water army, we were forced to retreat. And during the assault, my lieutenant and I were separated from the rest of the battalion.

    Normally, that wouldn’t be an unsalvageable situation. My lieutenant and I were strong enough to survive in the Northern Frost on our own for a while. It wouldn’t be hard for us to find the rest of the battalion and rejoin them. My men were probably looking for us even now. I knew they were loyal to me and would never abandon me unless they were sure I was dead.

    We therefore faced only one problem: A monster – bigger than the two of us combined – was trying to kill us.

    Where it came from, I couldn’t say. One moment, my lieutenant and I were walking cautiously and carefully through the snow, keeping an eye out for enemy soldiers that might be waiting in ambush; the next, this beast just came out of nowhere and attacked us both. We’d just barely managed to fend it off and retreat, although it was only a matter of time before the monster found us.

    As we sat there, I remembered with a repressed shudder what the beast looked like. It resembled a Snaj – giant snow beasts that towered over all Skrall – but it was even bigger than that and had deep black armor. It’d had dozens of small spikes running down its back and a long, even spikier tail that could cut through stone. Its head had resembled the slanted, narrow head of a Snaj, but it’d had two tusks protruding from its mouth and a large horn sticking out of its head.

    Also, its armor was incredibly thick. No matter how many times I’d hit with my club – and I’d hit it dozens of times – I couldn’t even so much as dent it. Its armor was even harder than rock, or so it seemed, anyway.

    Neither of us knew what the beast was. We’d never seen or heard of anything like it before. My lieutenant had suggested that it might be some Northern Frost beast we’d never seen before, but I disagreed. Whatever this thing was, it didn’t look like a natural beast. It looked like a monstrosity; a creature, in other words, that shouldn’t exist.

    Whatever it was, we couldn’t kill it. It probably could kill us, though, which didn’t make me very happy.

    I peered around the boulder and looked at the surrounding area. I saw rocks, snow, mountains, and cliffs, but no monster. I didn’t even see any paw prints, but I wasn’t dumb. It was probably hiding, waiting for us to come out. It was possible that it’d left, but that seemed unlikely. Such a vicious monster wouldn’t give up that easily. At least, if I knew that if I were a beast like it, I wouldn’t run away just because my prey had disappeared.

    “What do we do, commander?” asked my lieutenant anxiously. “Is that beast still out there?”

    “No,” I said, shaking my head. “But we should still wait. It might be a trap.”

    “As you command, Stronius,” my lieutenant answered. “I’m just anxious to return to our allies.”

    I looked at him, unconvinced. “Yes, I’m sure that is all you want to do. I suppose your son has nothing to do with this?”

    “Well, that too, commander sir,” said the lieutenant, somewhat sheepishly. “I mean, I haven’t seen him for months now. I’m hoping we can go home to-“

    “Be quiet,” I snapped. “Think about your own survival for once. Or have you forgotten what happens to Skrall with preoccupied minds during battle?”

    “Yes, sir,” said my lieutenant. “I’ll stop thinking about my son.”

    I sighed. My lieutenant had just recently mated with a member of the Sisters of the Skrall. She had given birth to a male and in accordance with tradition the male baby had been given over to us, the male Skrall. The infant was currently in the care of some Rock Agori, who oversaw our younglings while their parents were off to war. When he was old enough, my lieutenant’s son would join the war effort, which was the only useful thing that came out of mating with the Sisters.

    The only reason I knew about any of this was because my lieutenant talked about his son constantly. I’d never had a child before, so I didn’t understand his fascination with his only child. What was so interesting about a baby that couldn’t even hold a knife? Perhaps it was just something that fathers did, although it seemed foolish to me just the same.

    I disregarded that thought and focused on our situation. If we couldn’t kill the beast, then we had but one option in order to ensure our survival, although I disliked it. Still, I wanted to live to see the end of this war and my lieutenant wanted to see his son again, so my lieutenant would have to agree regardless of his personal feelings.

    “Lieutenant, I am about to ask you to do something very un-Skrall-like,” I said to him.

    “What do you mean, commander?” asked my lieutenant.

    I looked around, feeling sheepish and embarrassed, but then I looked him in the eyes as seriously as I could and said, “We’re going to have to run for it. We can’t kill the beast. As much as I hate to admit it, retreat is our only option.”

    “Run away?” said my lieutenant in surprise. “What will Lord Torxus say if he hears about this?”

    “Do you want to see your son again, the one you keep blabbering on about?” I asked.

    “Well, yes, of course, commander sir,” said my lieutenant. “But-“

    “Then follow my lead,” I said. “That’s an order.”

    My lieutenant nodded, but he still didn’t seem happy about it. I didn’t blame him, but right now our survival was a bit more important than our honor. We could worry about that later, after we were no longer threatened by an invincible monster.

    I looked around the boulder again and saw nothing. “The coast’s clear. On the count of three, we’ll run for it. One . . . two . . . three!”

    We ran from behind the boulder and across the clearing as fast as we could. I looked to the left and right for any sign of the monster, but saw nothing. That was both good news and bad. Good because the monster might really be gone. Bad because the monster could be hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike. We were taking a big risk, but I’d taken similar risks in the past and had come out of them all right, so I never doubted our survival for even a moment.

    When we were about halfway across the clearing, however, something huge and black slammed into me. I was sent flying into my lieutenant and we both went sprawling in the snow. After we untangled ourselves, we looked up and saw the monster standing before us. It looked just as I remembered it, although it looked angrier. Perhaps it was angry that we had outwitted it so far.

    Whatever the case, I didn’t have time to think about it. The beast charged at us, but fortunately, we managed to get out of the way in time to avoid being impaled by its horn. The creature lashed out with its claws, which I managed to block with my club. Somehow my weapon got caught on the monster’s claws and, when the monster pulled its claw back, my club went flying out of my hands, landing several feet away from me, well out of my reach.

    Now I wasn’t totally defenseless here. I had my Thornax launcher, after all. But my club had been my primary weapon. I wasn’t as skilled in Thornax launchers as I was in smashing things with my club. Of course, my club hadn’t been useful against the monster in the first place, but I still felt vulnerable without it.

    The beast bent down to leap at me when my lieutenant suddenly jumped on top of it. Startled, I watched as my lieutenant raised his sword and brought it down on the monster’s head, yelling all the while, “For my son!”

    To my amazement, his sword actually pierced the monster’s skull. The monster shrieked in pain and threw my lieutenant off, who fell onto the thick, soft snow. I quickly backed away as the monster bucked and acted crazy, blood running down both sides of its face. Seeing it in pain like that brought me satisfaction, for I was sure the battle was ours.

    Then, to my horror, the monster shook its head and the sword went flying out of its skull. I just barely managed to dodge the flying blade, which embedded itself in the stone wall behind me. Then I looked at the monster and saw its skull regenerating. Soon the only clue that a sword had been in its head was the dried up blood on its face, and even that seemed to be disappearing rapidly.

    So apparently the monster could heal itself. I’d never heard of a creature like that before, which again made me wonder just what this monster was. If there were any more of it out there . . . even I, a mighty warrior, shuddered to think of what they could accomplish if someone tamed them or if they chose to leave their mountain homes and attack the outside world.

    I’d no more time to ponder this, however, for the beast had completely recovered by now. It looked around and, as soon as it spotted my lieutenant, bellowed in rage, in a roar like I’d never heard before. It chilled me to the bone, but I acted quickly just the same.

    Raising my Thornax launcher, I shouted, “Die, monster!”

    I squeezed the trigger, sending a ripe Thornax flying at the monster. The Thornax exploded upon contact with the monster’s hide, although it only seemed to stun the monster rather than hurt it, for the creature didn’t screech in pain.

    The explosion gave me just enough time to run to my ally’s side, picking up my club as I ran along.

    “We’ve got to get out of here while it is distracted!” I told him. “The thing can’t die. You saw it regenerate, didn’t you?”

    “But we’re Skrall warriors,” my lieutenant protested. “True Skrall never run from a fight!”

    “And did you know that true Skrall also never fight an enemy they can’t beat?” I asked harshly. “I understand your concerns, but we have no choice. Unless you don’t want to see your son again, that is.”

    My lieutenant looked like he wanted to argue, but he just nodded and said, “Yes, sir. You walk and I will follow.”

    So we began running away, but the monster seemed to have recovered from the Thornax I’d launched at it. I heard it roar and, looking over my shoulder, saw the monster chasing us. It was fast. Clearly, it was used to running in the snow. I’d no doubt that it’d catch us quickly, and when it did, we’d both be dead meat.

    I looked around again and saw a cliff up ahead. A plan formed in my mind, a plan that, if it worked, would get rid of that monster once and for all. And if it failed . . . well, my lieutenant would never see his son again and I’d never see the Rock Tribe’s inevitable victory over the other tribes.

    “This way!” I said, running toward the cliff.

    “Are you crazy?” my lieutenant asked as we ran. “What-“

    “Be quiet and follow my orders,” I told him as we stopped at the edge of the cliff.

    I peered over the side. It was a long, long way down to the bottom. No doubt a fall from here would be fatal. If my plan worked, there would be something dead down there soon, but it wouldn’t be either of us.

    We turned around and saw the monster running at us. Within a few seconds, I knew it would reach us, but we still had to wait. The timing needed to be just right before we could act.

    And then – when it was only a few feet from us – the monster leapt at us. It flew through the air, claws outstretched, roaring loudly. It was coming almost too fast to dodge . . . almost.

    “Duck!” I told my lieutenant.

    We both fell to the ground as the monster sailed overhead. Unable to stop its trajectory, the creature flew over the edge of the cliff and disappeared. I heard a roar of shock and anger, followed by a loud crash. Then there was silence.

    My lieutenant and I stood up. We looked over the edge of the cliff and saw exactly what I thought we’d see: The broken body of the monster lying on the hard, icy ground hundreds of feet below us. It lay in a pool of its own blood, coloring the snow red. The monster’s healing abilities didn’t seem to be working, but I didn’t intend to stick around and find out if they were delayed or something.

    “Let’s go,” I said, turning and walking away from the cliff. “The monster is finished.”

    “What a brilliant plan, sir,” said my lieutenant as he fell into line behind me. “Though I still wonder what that beast was and where it came from. The ability to heal itself is something I’ve never seen in any creature, whether in Bota Magna or in the Northern Frost.”

    I looked toward the north and said, “Perhaps it is a creature from neither, lieutenant. Remember what the silver pool does to those that touch it; it transforms or destroys. Maybe this monster came into contact with some of the stuff and was mutated by it.”

    “Whatever it was, I’m just glad it’s dead,” said my lieutenant as he glanced over his shoulder. “And I’m also glad it is a single creature. Imagine a whole species of such monsters, commander. That’d be a nightmare.”

    I didn’t look at him as we walked. “Yes. I have imagined what more of those creatures would be like . . . and it is as you say: A nightmare.”


    Comments, criticisms, reviews, and so on are all welcome :) .


    Also, creds go to Cederak, who not only looked over this story for me before I posted it but even came up with the title.



  3. I was wondering what happened to this comedy. Good to see you haven't given up on it :) .This was a pretty good chapter overall. I liked the scene where Jaller decides to break into Kaza's house and steal everything he owns. Quite funny.Keep on writing!-TNTOS-

  4. Chapter II

    The next morning I awoke before Kiina did. And for a long while I just lay there, trying to keep as warm as I could. I didn’t want to move, but I knew I would have to get up eventually. Civilization was not going to come to us, after all.

    I sat up and glanced out the cave mouth. The sun was rising. The storm was nowhere to be seen, which meant it would be safe to travel. The only things we’d have to worry about were wild animals, avalanches and unexpected snow storms, and any Ice soldiers that might be prowling around nearby. It would be a walk in the park, in other words.

    I looked at Kiina, who lay curled in a ball with her trident by her side. I thought about waking her up, but decided to scout the area first and wake her later when I had a better idea of where we were.

    As I stood up, I looked at the fire. It had gone out in the middle of the night, leaving nothing but smoking ashes. Again I wondered who had created that fire, because if Kiina had told the truth, we had a mysterious savior to thank. But who was he? Where had he gone? Why had he saved us? Why hadn’t he shown himself to us?

    Pushing those questions out of my mind for now, I walked slowly out of the cave, for my legs still hurt from the avalanche. Sleeping on the hard stone floor hadn’t soothed to my bones, either.

    I emerged onto the snowy plain. It was still early in the morning, but I could see the sun’s rays shining over the peaks of the mountains around us. I saw no life anywhere. I just saw snow, some rocks and a few dead trees, but mostly snow. The snow was cold and crunched underneath my feet, but that was the only sound I could hear in this dead place, except for the cold wind that occasionally blew through, causing me to shiver.

    One look around the place caused me to realize that we were in the center of a triangle formed by three mountains. That, normally, would not have been odd or worth mentioning, because to my understanding such formations were usual in the Northern Frost, except for the titanic ice walls connecting the three mountains together, like the fortifications of a gigantic fortress.

    No, there really were giant ice walls. They were just as high as the mountains, if not as thick, and were covered with snow, thus making them look solid white. I didn’t see anyone on the walls, but the walls were so tall that if anyone was up there, I would barely be able to see them even if I had the eyes of a hawk.

    I hurried back into the cave and woke Kiina up. I quickly told her all about the ice walls and the mountains.

    “Giant walls of ice?” she said as she rose to her feet. “Triangular mountains? That sounds weird.”

    “Weird, yes, but true,” I insisted. “Just step outside the cave and see for yourself.”

    Kiina gave me a suspicious look, causing me to hastily add, “And, uh, I will step out with you at the same time."

    She looked less suspicious now, but I could tell she still didn’t trust me. I had no intention of backstabbing her, but I understood her distrust of me well, for I didn’t trust her much, either. How can you trust someone who is technically supposed to be your enemy?

    We both stepped out of the cave (in unison, as I promised) and Kiina saw the walls and mountains for herself. I had to resist the urge to say ‘I told you so,’ so I satisfied myself with the look of bewilderment on Kiina’s face.

    “How are we going to get out of here?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around her body, for it was very cold out. “I don’t see any openings in those walls.”

    “I doubt my fire sword could melt holes through them,” I said, looking at my weapon, which was bent but still seemed to be in working condition. “They look as thick as mountains, if not thicker.”

    “We could climb over the mountains,” Kiina suggested, pointing at the nearest peak. “Of course, that might take days or even weeks and there is no guarantee we’ll survive, but . . .”

    “It seems to be our only option,” I said. “Do you think there might be other intelligent living beings in here? Those walls don’t look natural to me.”

    “I doubt it,” said Kiina, gesturing at the fort with her arms. “Look at this place. It’s icy, uninhabitable, desolate, and totally unfriendly. There’s no way anyone could live here. And I seriously doubt the walls were built by somebody. They’re probably just a bizarre natural phenomenon, like those rocks that burn underwater.”

    “Fine,” I said. “All right, Miss Know-It-All, then lead the way up the mountain. I’m sure you are an experienced mountain climber. You do have mountains in Aqua Magna, right? Or do you just spend all of your time playing in the water?”

    Kiina blasted me with a burst of water. Under normal circumstances, the water was cold but not unbearably so. Out here, in the snowy mountains, however, it was absolutely freezing. Only by countering her attack with a blast of fire from my sword was I able to prevent myself from becoming the world’s most realistic ice statue.

    “Shut it, melt head,” Kiina said, shutting off her trident at the same time I shut off my sword. “I think all of the cold is freezing your brain. Then again, all of that heat from the Great Volcano probably melted your brain to begin with, so it might actually be an improvement.”

    I hurled a fire bolt at her, but she was quick, nimbly dodging the projectile. She landed lightly on the snow and said, “So you want a fight, is that it?”

    “Maybe,” I said, my sword glowing with charged energy. “Maybe I’d just like to burn that smug expression right off your face.”

    “And maybe I’d like to douse that temper of yours . . . permanently,” Kiina said.

    I laughed. “Go ahead and try.”

    Before either of us could make the first move, however, a fierce winter wind blew through. It was so numbingly cold that both Kiina and I dropped our weapons and fell to our knees, arms wrapped around our own bodies to keep in as much heat as we could. It felt like a blizzard had blown in, but I didn’t know how that was possible considering the weather had been clear only a few seconds ago.

    Just as I thought we were going to die from the sheer coldness, the wind abated and the temperature rose back to normal. Shivering violently, I looked around and noticed a being made of ice standing between us.

    At least, that’s what he looked like. His body shone in the morning sun like ice. Yet a thin layer of snow also covered his body, like he’d bathed in that stuff. His eyes were a deep, cold blue, absent of any emotion or feeling. His fingers looked like icicles, excepted sharpened to the point where he could probably cut through steel with those grippers. He was also extremely tall, towering over us both like a large ice sculpture.

    I had no idea where he had come from, for he hadn’t been standing there a moment before. But the sheer aura of absolute power emitting from his body was one I recognized, for it was the same kind given off by the Element Lord of Fire, except colder.

    And if my theory about his identity was correct . . . I doubted either Kiina or I would survive much longer.

    “No way,” I said, shivering, looking up into the face of this almighty being. “You can’t be . . . the Element Lord of Ice, Xocion?”

    The Element Lord looked upon me with a cold gaze, and for a moment I felt as though I was standing naked in the middle of the worst, coldest storm in the history of the world. “So I see the brave yet aged Ackar recognizes me. I suppose it is not surprising, for I am famous throughout all of Spherus Magna.”

    He turned to Kiina and said, “And the naïve, easily angered Kiina. You know you stand in the face of winter itself, so I would suggest cooling down that temper of yours before it burns you.”

    Kiina looked too stunned to be angry. “Xocion? That’s not possible. I mean, why would the Element Lord of Ice bother with two soldiers that aren’t even under his command? I thought you Element Lords had more important things to do than that.”

    “Indeed I do, young Kiina,” said Xocion. “Yet sometimes I feel the need to go out and save the lives of pathetic mortals such as you two, just to show my power.”

    “You saved our lives?” I asked in shock. “You saved us from the avalanche?”

    Xocion turned back to me, his face still devoid of emotion, and said, “Of course. Who else could protect someone from the might of the avalanche but the Element Lord of Ice? I dragged both of your half-frozen bodies from the snow and put you in that cave right there.”

    “How’d you make the fire?” I asked. “I thought-“

    “Fire is normally your Lord’s domain, yes,” said Xocion with a sigh. “But I used your sword, so I didn’t have to go through the trouble of making one myself.”

    “That still doesn’t answer the question, though,” said Kiina, standing behind the Element Lord. “Why did you save us? Do you think we have something you want?”

    “Not really,” said Xocion, shaking his head. He stepped back to allow us to face him. He also probably wanted to keep an eye on both of us at once. “As the Element Lord of Ice, I can get anything I want whenever I want it, no matter where it is or how much it may cost.”

    “Except for the silvery pool,” Kiina pointed out. “Last I heard the Fire tribe has it.”

    For a moment, I thought Xocion really was going to kill Kiina for her disrespect. His face contorted with rage for a moment; the first sign of emotion his face had shown so far.

    But then the angry expression faded away, leaving a blank face. Xocion merely shrugged and said, “A minor setback. My army is already moving to recover it, and with it, ultimate power. I shall soon be joining them in the assault, for I believe they will need my help if they are to seize the pool from Slacuvun’s forces.”

    “What if we killed you here now?” Kiina said, but I could see her body shivering violently due to the cold. “Didn’t you think we might do that?”

    “Please,” Xocion said, rolling his eyes. “Only an Element Lord can kill an Element Lord, and last I checked, neither of you are Element Lords. Besides, you saw that winter storm I conjured a few minutes ago. That was but a mere fraction of my true power. Even Ackar’s flames would be unable to melt the ultra cold ice at my command.”

    I didn’t plan to fight Xocion because I was fairly sure he outclassed us both in strength and power. I had heard legends of the Element Lord of Ice’s power and if there was any truth to even half of them, then angering him would be unwise. I didn’t like him, but if he kept us alive for a specific purpose, then maybe we could go on living if we didn’t annoy him unnecessarily.

    So I said, “You still haven’t explained why you saved us.” I looked around and added, “Nor where we are, for that matter.”

    Xocion looked at the large ice walls and said, “This might be what you would call my private resort and personal fortress. I come here every now and then in order to get away from the noise and chaos of the world. It is my Frozen Fortress, for the ice walls I made are virtually impenetrable, as the walls of any good fortress are.”

    “You . . . created these mammoths?” said Kiina, looking up at the barriers that enclosed the area. “No way . . .

    ”“It is entirely possible, I assure you,” said Xocion, “although they did take many, many years to create. Still, it was well worth it, for even Slacuvun would have a difficult time melting even a tiny hole straight through them. No one else knows of this fort’s location, not even my own soldiers. It is entirely devoid of life, aside from me.”

    “I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t use this as a military fortress,” said Kiina, looking all around the area. “If it’s as impregnable as you say it is, it seems to me you could create a powerful army in here.”

    “And risk harming the environment?” said Xocion, gesturing around at everything. “I cleansed this place of all life in order to protect the snow and ice already here, for the snow and I are one. Besides, this fortress is too far away from civilization to be a practical military base. It is my quiet place, where I go when I need time alone.”

    I looked around the place. Aside from the occasional dead tree dotting the landscape, there really didn’t seem to be any life at all. I saw no footprints in the snow and heard no animals. Killing all of the life in a place just to protect the environment . . . somehow that seemed backwards to me, but I was careful to keep my opinions to myself lest Xocion decided to make me a part of his palace statuary.

    “As for why I saved you, I wanted to test you, of course,” said Xocion, folding his arms. “In a way, it is a game. My Ice army is going to be making a direct northern assault on the pool of silvery liquid. Unless the Fire army is made aware of the attack soon, I believe we will easily conquer that place and ultimate power will belong to me once more. The Water army might also be able to stop me; assuming, again, that they are warned in advance.”

    “Let me get this straight,” I said. “You are intentionally telling us your battle plans? Why?”

    “Because I will be sending both of you back to your armies, of course,” said Xocion. “I will give you one week to make it back to your armies with this information. If you do, both of you will be considered heroes. If not, the pool will be mine once more and both of you will perish in the icy wastelands of the Northern Frost. It is about a week’s journey from here to the pool if you go north.”

    “That’s crazy,” said Kiina in shock. “We can’t-“

    “It’s either that or I kill you right now and make you statues in my palace,” said Xocion with icy abruptness. “But I don’t need to read your minds to know that you would rather risk a weeklong trip in an environment which you are unfamiliar with than die at my hands.”

    “You’re right,” I said. “I don’t like it, though.”

    “We can do it,” said Kiina. Her sudden change in attitude surprised me. “We’re battle-hardened soldiers. A week in the snow sounds more like play than work.”

    Xocion laughed, which sounded like the howling winter wind. “Oh, yes. Snajs, lethal and unpredictable avalanches, unendurable coldness, and traveling with a partner you cannot trust certainly sound like play to me. Oh, yes, play away while you die. It will be amusing to watch.”

    “Why you-!” said Kiina, actually rising to her feet.

    “Wait!” I said, holding up one hand. “Calm down, Kiina. If you don’t-“

    “Let her try to attack me, Ackar,” said Xocion, waving me off. “It will be amusing to see a mere snowflake like her even try to touch a blizzard like me. She can learn the hard way what happens when you try to attack the Element Lord of Ice.”

    At first, I feared Kiina would attack Xocion anyway and get us both killed for her stupidity. To my relief, she backed down without another word, not looking at him. Perhaps she was thinking along the same lines as me, or maybe she just didn’t think she could win. Regardless, I was relieved she had decided not to fight. It meant I wasn’t going to die, at least not right now, anyway.

    “You are wise to stand down, young Kiina,” said Xocion with an unfriendly smile. “Now it is time for the challenge to begin. Unless, of course, either of you have any further questions you wish to ask?”

    I knew better than to actually ask anything, and based on Kiina’s icy silence, she did, too. Xocion was clearly being sarcastic. If we asked him anything, he’d probably kill us.

    “Good,” said Xocion, clapping his hands together. “Then let the journey begin.”

    Review Topic.

  5. @herv: Great to see you again. I wondered what you were up to, since I haven't seen you in a while.Now onto this week's chapter:

    Chapter III: Another Ambush

    Chapter Subtitle: Burritos!

    The further north our heroes journeyed, the stranger their environment became. At one point it was a jungle; now it had become a forest of icy trees. Or something. I don’t know. The geography’s really wack in this comedy, so just go with it.“These aren’t more Bat Terra, are they?” said Mata Nui, peering at the tree unconcernedly.Bucket-head kicked a tree, which groaned, and he said, “Nope. Just a talking tree.”“Good,” said Ackar. “But I hate talking trees, so . . .”Ackar snapped his fingers and the tree exploded. But the tree’s debris exploded again in midair, transforming into an army of demons carrying flaming whips. The demons surrounded Mata Nui and the gang immediately, hissing and snapping at the heroes with their beaks.“Demons? Didn’t we fight these things in the last story?” said Ackar, bored.“Um, if you’ll excuse me,” said Bucket-head, inching away from the group. “I have somewhere else to-““Oh, no you don’t,” said Mata Nui, grabbing Bucket-head before he could escape. “You’re going to fight and you’re going to get yourself killed or I will kill you. Got it?”“Um, yes,” said Bucket-head, who looked around at all of the demons. “I may not need to try to get killed, though, considering how violent and evil these things look . . .”“That’s the spirit,” said Mata Nui, patting Bucket-head on the back. He hefted his 40kMGA and said, “Now let us fight! And don’t let Bucket-head sneak, off, either. That goes for you, too,” he added, addressing the demons. “You see this Skrall try to run away, stop him, okay?”“Of course,” said one of the demons, who didn’t seem to understand the concept of dental hygiene based on his fungus-covered teeth. “We know his kind. We are the servants of Dah Element Lord of Fire, Slacuvun!”“Figures,” said Mata Nui. “Dah Element Lords will do whatever they can to stop us, including recruiting the forces of the underworld. Well, time to show them that nothing can stop me in my mad quest to kill everything!”“And save your friends, right?” said Bucket-head.“And save Gresh and Berix, yeah,” said Mata Nui. His casual tone frightened Bucket-head quite a bit, “maybe if we have the time. Anyway, let the fight begin! Charge!”-As predicted, Bucket-head tried to run away as soon as the battle started, but he was ambushed by at least a hundred demons. Considering Bucket-head’s cowardly nature, one would think the demons would slaughter him and move on to help their allies kill Mata Nui, Ackar, and Kiina. The demons clearly thought that as they wrapped their whips around Bucket-head’s body, burning his armor and skin so badly that he nearly cried out.Nearly cried out, that is. Holding in his pain, Bucket-head whirled around in a circle so faster that he became something like a tornado. The demons – whose whips were connected to their hands for some dumb reason – went spinning around and around Bucket-head like planets orbiting the sun.Somehow Bucket-head managed to get himself untangled from their burning whips, but still held onto them with one hand. And, spinning around one last time, Bucket-head launched the whirling demons into space. They crashed through several planets before being absorbed into a black hole, which exploded, thus creating a new universe, but that wasn’t important at the moment. What was important was that the other nearby demons looked at Bucket-head with fear.“That is what you get for messing with the Skrall!” said Bucket-head, raising his gun over his head, Tuskan raider-style. “Anyone else want some?”-One stupid demon tried to hit Kiina with its whip, but she just grabbed it and pulled the demon forward. She then punched the demon so hard in the face that its whole body disintegrated. It tried to reform, but Kiina grabbed its participles and hurled it into the Void, where it kept dying and reforming in an endless cycle of death and rebirth.A billion other demons appeared, but Kiina wasn’t impressed. She slammed her hands together so hard she created a sonic boom, causing several demons to go boom as a result. The rest of them permanently lost their hearing forever, so they did not hear Kiina as she tore through them with relentless viciousness and cruelty.Meanwhile, Ackar had been whipped by the flaming whips so many times that any normal person should have been nothing but a burnt potato chip by now. Yet if anything, Ackar appeared even stronger than normal, for with one slash of his sword he cut through one of the gigantic trees and caused it to fall over and crush millions of demons unwise enough to be standing in its shadow.“Want to know why I’m immune to your fire, eh? Do you?” said Ackar, grabbing a fiery demon and holding it up to his face. “Do you?”The demon didn’t say anything; it just looked uncomfortable at Acker spitting in its face.“It’s because I can control fire!” Ackar screamed, hurling the demon at a group of demons nearby who had been carefully keeping their distance. “That’s why!”The demon collided with its allies, which created a massive explosion that set fire to all of the trees in the area. The demons were now trapped in the fire with Ackar, who now began glowing with the brightness of a thousand billion suns shining at their brightest. The energy radiating off of him was so powerful that most of the demons actually melted, even though they were on fire themselves. The smarter ones tried to escape, but chains of fire flew out of the barrier of flames created by Ackar, capturing them and causing them intense pain.“You may be servants of Dah Element Lord of Fire, but contrary to popular belief, you cannot beat fire with fire!” said Ackar as he went around destroying demons. “Fire only strengthens fire, making it even stronger than before! Mwhahahaha, power, power, unlimited power!”While Ackar gleefully slaughtered billions of demons, Mata Nui had climbed on top of one of the frozen trees. This was to escape the trillions of demons that were coming after him; evidently, they thought he was the bigger threat. Which was perfectly true, of course.“Hmm,” said Mata Nui, peering over the edge of the top of the tree, watching the demons climbing over each other to get to him. “One against several trillion; those odds would be bad if I wasn’t Mata ‘Butt-kicking’ Nui.”So Mata Nui aimed his gun at the center of the tree and fired. This blasted open a hole, allowing him to fall into the tree’s hollow immediately.The demons, sensing victory, climbed up to the top of the tree and fell in. They kept falling in until the entire tree was filled with every single demon that had been attempting to kill Mata Nui. The only problem: Mata Nui was not in there.Outside, Mata Nui had escaped through a plot hole. Now that all of the demons were in one place, Mata Nui stomped on the ground, opening a hole to the underworld. In fact, this particular hole showed Hades sitting reading a Marvel comic book which featured a red, demonic-looking being on the cover.“Hades!” Mata Nui shouted, causing Hades to start and look up at him. “Special delivery!”Mata Nui pulled out his trusty lumberjack axe and immediately began cutting at the tree’s base. Within a few microseconds, the tree fell into the hole, causing Hades to scream as trillions of demons spilled into his castle. Mata Nui quickly closed the rift, but half of the tree still stuck out.“There,” said Mata Nui.A lone demon was sneaking up on Mata Nui. It retracted its claws and lunged at our hero, but at that exact moment the planets aligned. Because this was such an unprecedented moment in the history of the universe, the sun’s power was increased tenfold and for an instant the sun gained sapience.It saw the demon lunging at Mata Nui and declared, “No, thou shalt not killeth this hero! Die, ye foul demon!”The sun unleashed a concentrated beam of sunlight that struck the demon. The demon, being a creature of darkness, was incapable of handling such pure light and it exploded. Then the planets went back to their usual positions and the sun lost its sapience. But its heroic deed shall never be forgotten . . . maybe.Mata Nui turned around and said, “Huh? Who’s there?”He looked around for a moment, then glanced at the ground and gasped. “Ooo! A shiny new penny!”Mata Nui bent over and picked up the penny. It was so shiny that it reflected the sun’s rays into a concentrated beam of energy, which cut through several of the icy trees, felling them instantly.“I have a feeling we did this joke before,” said Mata Nui as he pocketed the penny. “It’s like déjà vu all over again.”Just then, Ackar, Kiina, and Bucket-head approached him. As usual, they didn’t have any scratches on them whatsoever and, again, appeared stronger than before. Mata Nui wondered why he even noted that when it was an established fact by now that, if you were one of the main characters, you never get hurt in big epic battles like these.“So what next?” said Mata Nui.Kiina looked around and gasped. “Guys, I don’t think the demons were trying to kill or capture us. Look at the trees.”The other three looked around the area and saw that almost all of the paths had been blocked by the trees.“Oh, no!” said Mata Nui, his hands flying to his head in horror. “We’re boxed in like, um, chocolate in a box of chocolates!”“But look,” said Ackar, pointing north. “The northern path is open. They must want us to go that way for some reason.”“The Great Volcano Night Club is located north,” said Bucket-head. “They must be trying to herd us there. Most likely Dah Element Lords want to kill us themselves, hence why they blocked off all of the paths but one.”“If that’s true,” said Mata Nui, “then why don’t they just come here and kill us themselves?”“Mata Nui, you should know by now that bad guys aren’t that smart,” Ackar chided. “Remember the Tuma? He never came after us. He waited until we came to his place. Lazy bum.”“The mighty Tuma was not a lazy bum,” said Bucket-head, folding his arms. “He kidnapped Kiina, after all, didn’t he? A lazy person can’t do that.”“To be fair, Kiina is a woman,” said Ackar.“What does that mean?” said Kiina, glaring at Ackar.“Um, nothing,” said Ackar, avoiding Kiina’s stern gaze.“Anyway, it doesn’t matter,” said Mata Nui, pointing at the open path. “Whether Dah Element Lords are stupid or smart does not matter. What matters is that they have essentially opened their front door to us, which makes them stupid.”“I thought you said-“ said Bucket-head.“Onward!” Mata Nui shouted, pulling a sword out of nowhere and pointing it ahead. “Onward, my friends, to kick some more butt!”So Mata Nui and friends went up the only open path, unaware that they were being watched by something in the shadows. This something went to go report to its masters, but tripped on the ice and fell headfirst down the cliff and died.But our heroes didn’t notice that, for the deaths of nameless characters didn’t matter to them. The only thing that mattered to them was kicking Dah Element Lords’ butts . . . and saving Gresh and Berix, too, if they had the time.Commentary:

    “Hmm,” said Mata Nui, peering over the edge of the top of the tree, watching the demons climbing over each other to get to him. “One against several trillion; those odds would be bad if I wasn’t Mata ‘Butt-kicking’ Nui.”

    BTW his nickname isn't "Butt-kicking." He just made that up now.

    Outside, Mata Nui had escaped through a plot hole. Now that all of the demons were in one place, Mata Nui stomped on the ground, opening a hole to the underworld. In fact, this particular hole showed Hades sitting reading a Marvel comic book which featured a red, demonic-looking being on the cover.

    The red, demonic being on the cover of the Marvel comic Hades is reading is supposed to be Mephisto, AKA the Devil of the Marvel universe. 'Cause, you see, Hades is obviously the Devil of Greek mytholoy 'cause he rules the Underworld, which makes him evil, so obviously he'd read a comic book about the Devil. I watched Disney's Hercules, so I think I know Greek mythology better than any of those silly scholars who read the myths in the original Greek.-TNTOS-
  6. Welcome, SSforumgoers, to the tenth installment in my series of short stories/short epics, the Glatorian Chronicles! This story focuses on Gelu as he tracks down Stronius in the Black Spike Mountains (a real canon event, BTW, though only mentioned and never actually shown in the official story).Before we get to the story, however, here is a brief explanation of the GC for any unfamiliar with the series (as quoted from the topic for GC#9):

    The Glatorian Chronicles is a series of Bionicle fanfiction short stories/short epics that star each of the twelve Glatorian characters released as sets in 2009. All are written in first person point of view from the point of view of the starring Glatorian. Each story is completely independent of the others, so a new reader can jump in at any point in the series with little-to-no confusion on the reader's part.

    If you wish to read the last nine stories in the series, you can find links to them in my library right here.With that annoying though necessary bit of exposition out of the way, here is the tenth GC itself:Some people might say I was crazy, going alone after a special forces Skrall in the Black Spike Mountains. After all, this particular Skrall, who was called Stronius, was one of the strongest of his kind. I heard that he could crush boulders with his bare hands, or at least give you a really bad headache from his club. And normally, I would agree that chasing down a special forces Skrall hiding in the Black Spike Mountains was dangerous, if not downright insane.As I walked through the rugged terrain of the northern mountains, my eyes and ears wide open for any unusual sights or sounds, however, I had it all figured out. If I could defeat Stronius, I would surely become famous. And if I became famous, then people would pay me more to guard their caravans during their trips across the desert. And the more I was paid, the richer I’d become. And the richer I’d become, the better off I’d be.Now, of course, it wasn’t entirely for fame and fortune that I went after Stronius. Stronius, as a high ranked and powerful Skrall, was a danger to Agori and Glatorian everywhere. True, Mata Nui had just defeated Tuma, the leader of the Skrall, but Stronius was in a better position than any other Skrall to reunite the disorganized Skrall tribe and attempt to take over Bara Magna once more. If I stopped him, I would be doing a good thing for everyone, not just me.It was such a perfect plan that even I had a hard time seeing any flaws in it. But as no one is perfect – including me – that meant my plan also had flaws. Or at least, one flaw: Finding Stronius.I'd tried to defeat Stronius back in Roxtus, but he'd wounded me and run away to the Black Spike Mountains. I knew the Black Spike Mountains were Skrall territory, so Stronius probably knew all of the best hiding spots. He didn’t need to fight me. All he'd to do was keep quiet and wait until I gave up. As I had already spent what felt like several hours searching for him with no luck, it was a good plan on his part.Yet I knew that no Skrall could ignore a fight forever. How heroic would Stronius look to his fellow Skrall if he boasted about hiding from a wounded Glatorian? Especially because he was a special forces Skrall, which meant he probably had to set an example for the other Skrall, which in turn meant he couldn’t hide forever. It was only a matter of time before he decided to come out and play.So where was he?I’ll admit to being ignorant of Skrall battle strategies, but I knew that Skrall were brave warriors who believed in fighting honorably. I figured that Stronius would probably announce his presence before attacking me, therefore giving me the opportunity to-The sound of stomping feet behind me interrupted my thoughts. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw a giant black club flying toward my face. I managed to block it with my ice blade, but just barely. The attack staggered me, sending me stumbling backwards.As I regained my balance, I looked up and saw Stronius – wearing twigs and leaves attached to his armor, like he’d been trying to blend in with the environment – standing there. He swung his club, his red eyes gleaming with hate and anger.“So,” I said as I took a step back. “I didn’t know that you ‘honorable’ Skrall would resort to tactics as dishonorable as sneaking up on your opponent.”“Be quiet, Glatorian,” Stronius said. “We Skrall have never been particularly honorable. The destruction of Atero, the attack on Tajun . . . All done without warning. You should know by now that we Skrall use whatever advantage we can get in a fight, especially if others hesitate to use it.”“Well, so do I,” I said. “Ice Glatorian have a history of fighting dirty, you know.”Stronius looked at me carefully and said, “You are that Glatorian I fought in Roxtus. I thought, after wounding you, you’d given up, but I see that I was wrong.”“Well, you didn’t hurt me that badly,” I said. “Just bruised my arm. I barely feel the pain at all.”To prove me wrong, my right arm exploded with pain, causing me to grunt a little too loudly. I tried to keep a straight face, look as though the pain didn’t bother me, but that was very difficult because the pain burned so badly.Stronius laughed. “This will be amusing, to say the least. A wounded opponent isn’t much of a challenge, but I’ll need practice smashing Glatorian skulls into fine powder, so you shall do.”“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Stronius,” I said as the pain in my arm subsided. “You know that Mata Nui gave all of us Glatorian elemental powers, right? I could freeze you up to your neck right now before you even realized it.”That wasn’t entirely true. Only Gresh, Ackar, Kiina, Tarix, and Vastus had elemental powers. There hadn’t been enough time for Mata Nui to give the rest of us similar abilities. But my goal was to intimidate Stronius, not tell the truth. Like I said, I take advantage of any opportunity I can get in a fight.Stronius appeared unfazed by the threat, though, because he said, “Elemental powers do not determine a fight’s outcome, Glatorian. Skill and experience are what truly determines the victor. So I shall stand victoriously over your slain corpse once we are finished here.”“Big words coming from someone who ran away from an injured opponent,” I said.That seemed to do the trick, for Stronius bellowed in rage and charged at me. I jumped out of the way to avoid his club, which smashed the rock I had been standing in front of into pieces.Landing on the ground, I aimed my Thornax launcher at Stronius and fired. Stronius just batted the Thornax away, however, which didn’t even explode. Must not have been ripe, which was odd because I usually kept a large supply of ripe Thornax on me during battle.Stronius charged again. I tried to dodge once more, but this time he seemed to anticipate my move. He slammed his club into my side, sending me staggering to the ground. My ribcage felt like it'd smashed into a million pieces and my arm still hurt, but I'd no time to worry about broken ribcages and hurting arms. Stronius had raised his club again and was going to smash me flat if I didn’t move now.I rolled out of the way as Stronius’s club smashed the spot where I had been lying previously. I jumped to my feet and slashed Stronius’s arm. Blood poured out of the wound, but Stronius didn’t even grunt in pain. Instead, he swung his club at me just as fast as before, but I managed to avoid it this time.I jumped backwards to distance myself from Stronius. Panting hard, I said, “Well, you’re tougher than I thought.”“Of course I am,” said Stronius, who was also panting. “I am Stronius, a special forces Skrall and slayer of baterra. You cannot hope to defeat me, Glatorian, especially with your wounded arm.”“I would be more impressed if I knew what a baterra was,” I said. “Whatever it is, it must have been pretty weak if it you defeated it.”“However weak baterra may be, they are still stronger than you, Glatorian,” said Stronius, charging at me again.This time, Stronius was too fast for me to dodge. So instead, I blocked his club with my sword, but too late I realized that he was only holding his weapon with one hand. He smashed his free hand into my stomach. It felt like he punched me with a sack of rocks his blow was so intense.Caught off-guard, I dropped my weapon and Stronius bashed me in the head with his club. I hit the ground hard feeling like my skull had split. I looked up just in time to see Stronius raise his club one more time, a glint of victory in his eyes.I was too disoriented to get up or dodge. So, in one swift motion, I loaded my launcher and fired another Thornax at Stronius just as he brought his club down on me. My Thornax collided with his club, creating a small explosion that blew Stronius’s club out of his hands and sent him stumbling backwards in surprise.Taking advantage of Stronius’s shock, I jumped to my feet and ran to a safer position, away from the Skrall. My head felt like shifting sand, but I tried not to show weakness as Stronius recovered from his shock, seized his fallen club, and scowled at me.“You’re a tricky opponent,” said Stronius. “And I hate tricky opponents.”“Yeah, well, being tricky is how I’ve survived all of these years,” I said. “Unless you want any more, I suggest you give up.”Stronius laughed. “I believe I should be saying that to you. You've given me a bad cut on my arm, true, but I cracked your skull and gave you a beating worthy of a leader class Skrall. I'm surprised you’re not running back to your mother, Glatorian.”“I’m not that weak,” I said. “I can still take you on.”“Then let’s keep fighting, Glatorian,” said Stronius, hefting his club. “Fight me and die. Death does not scare me, but I don’t know if the same can be said for you.”To be honest, I was having doubts about taking on Stronius now. I had survived so far, yes, but just barely. I’d thought all the rumors I’d heard about Stronius’s strength were either exaggerations or outright lies. Now I was starting to wonder if maybe Stronius really could wrestle a Skopio and win. Unlike some of the Glatorian I knew, I wasn’t a hero. There was nothing to gain from dying at Stronius’s hands. Better to run away now and live another day than get pounded into jelly by a Skrall with an oversized club.So I casually loaded another Thornax into my launcher as I said, “Well, Stronius, I think it’s time I ended this fight once and for all. I am going to use the ultimate Thornax, which I save for only my hardest, most difficult-to-win fights.”“The ultimate Thornax?” Stronius repeated with a snort. “I have never heard of such a thing before.”“That’s because it instantly kills anyone it hits,” I answered, forcing myself to sound confident and certain. I lifted up my launcher and said, “Once I launch this Thornax at you, you’d better start running. No one has ever survived a direct hit from the ultimate Thornax before.”That, of course, was a huge lie. The Thornax in my launcher was an ordinary Thornax. If it hit Stronius, it would probably hurt him but definitely wouldn’t kill him even if it exploded. There was nothing ‘ultimate’ about it.My real plan was to scare Stronius. If he thought my Thornax was as powerful as I said it was, he might just give up and leave me alone. Then I could go home with all of my limbs intact. And maybe I could fight Stronius again another day, on my own terms and in my own arena.Stronius, unfortunately, didn’t look even slightly afraid. “Your ultimate Thornax doesn’t look any different from a normal Thornax to me. You’re lying.”“Do you really want to take that chance?” I asked as I aimed my launcher at him. “The last guy who thought I was bluffing . . . well, let’s just say we still haven’t found all of his remains yet.”Now Stronius looked a little worried, but he said, “Not possible. If such an ultimate Thornax existed, I’m sure we Skrall would've gotten one at some point. I know your trickery, Glatorian. You're trying to scare me, make me run away. But I see through your lies and-“Without waiting for him to finish, I fired my Thornax, but not at Stronius. I aimed it at the ground directly in front of him, causing a mini explosion that sent dust and dirt up into Stronius’s eyes, blinding and startling him so that he couldn’t see me.This gave me the chance I needed. I turned and ran, ran as fast and hard as I could, through the wilderness of the Black Spike Mountains. I did not slow down even once as I headed back to the desert. Nor did I look back to see if Stronius was following. It seemed unlikely, but if he was, I didn’t want to see how mad he’d be at my flashy escape.As I ran, I decided I’d tell the others that I was unable to defeat Stronius. In this case, telling the truth seemed better than making up an elaborate lie, for the mere fact that I, a wounded Glatorian, tried to heroically defeat Stronius, a powerful Skrall, all on my own, should boost my reputation quite a bit even if I didn’t win. People will want to have the guy who singlehandedly fought Stronius protect their caravans, won’t they?So in a way, I did win. Assuming, of course, that everything works out as I believed it would. If it didn’t . . . I decided to worry about it when I got back. I still had a long way to go.-Comments, criticism, reviews, etc. are all welcome :) .-TNTOS-
  7. I'm back (and still behind as usual) anyway I wanted to point out:

    Mata Nui’s little bug friend – which had been sitting on his shoulder not existing, since it wasn’t that important to the pot

    I know this comedy oozes with comedic awesome but how come Mata Nui didn't notice that.Back to my review, I can say this is going to be very interesting. The Key to Nongu joke was funny, also I can't believe Ackar would use such a strong swear. Looking back at the Legend Reloaded, Mata Nui did say he would kill Bucket head last does that mean after he hospitalizes Dah Element Lords he will kill him?Sorry it's short hopefully I can have a longer review next time.
    Quoted part: Duly noted and fixed (it was a typo).As for when Mata Nui will kill Bucket-head . . . eh, don't worry about it. It's not that important.-TNTOS-
  8. Welcome to the review topic of my latest short epic, Reluctant Allies. This story follows Ackar and Kiina as they are stranded in the Northern Frost during the Core War, forced to rely on each to survive, despite their lack of trust in each other.The epic itself is 6 chapters long. It's one of the shorter epics I've ever written, but I worked on it just as hard as I do with my longer works. Hopefully y'all will like it :) .As for what the Glatorian Chronicles is, here's the brief explanation from the story topic:

    The Glatorian Chronicles is a series of Bionicle fanfiction short stories/short epics that star each of the twelve Glatorian characters released as sets in 2009. All are written in first person point of view from the point of view of the starring Glatorian. Each story is completely independent of the others, so a new reader can jump in at any point in the series with little-to-no confusion on the reader's part.

    You can read the epic itself right here.Comments, criticisms, reviews, etc. are all welcomed :) .-TNTOS-
  9. Welcome one and all to the ninth installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!

    "But wait," you may ask, "what IS the Glatorian Chronicles and why should I care about it?"

    I can't answer the second question, but the first is easy.

    The Glatorian Chronicles is a series of Bionicle fanfiction short stories/short epics that star each of the twelve Glatorian characters released as sets in 2009. All are written in first person point of view from the point of view of the starring Glatorian. Each story is completely independent of the others, so a new reader can jump in at any point in the series with little-to-no confusion on the reader's part. (NOTE: If you wish to read the last eight GC stories, you can find links to them in my library topic here.)

    This story stars Ackar and is thus written from his point of view. It is 6 chapters long, so it's not terribly long. Hope y'all enjoy it :) .


    Chapter I
    Chapter II
    Chapter III
    Chapter IV
    Chapter V
    Chapter VI

    Chapter I

    I fired off several blasts of fire at the enemy soldiers. I aimed to hit instead of scare, but if they chose to run away that was fine, too, because I didn’t think that my small army of soldiers would be able to keep them at bay for much longer.

    I dove behind a large rock to avoid an oncoming water blast, which created an earsplitting explosion when it collided with the rock behind me. I winced at the sound as cold water splashed onto my armor. A moment later, a big soldier ducked next to me behind the boulder.

    Looking to my right, I recognized the soldier as Malum, one of the troops under my command. His armor was covered in snow splotches, he looked like he’d just been wrestling a Snaj, his sword was broken . . . and he seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. That didn’t surprise me, because Malum always loved fighting and killing, even if his enemies were the ones doing the fighting and killing.

    “Ackar, what are you doing hiding behind a rock?” asked Malum as he crouched next to me. “Why are you not there in the middle of the battle, leading your forces against the Water army? Don’t you wish to die in glorious combat?”

    “I would rather not die at all,” I said as I fired another fire bolt at the Water soldiers. “We are severely outnumbered. There’re maybe five hundred of us against two thousand of them. If I go out there and face the enemy head on I’ll probably just get killed, which wouldn’t help anyone but the enemy army.”

    “Well, if I were in charge of this brigade, I would be out there personally leading my troops to victory,” Malum replied. “And if I died, then it would be in combat. It is what my soul craves.”

    “You sound an awful lot like a Skrall.”

    “And you sound like a frightened little Agori. Which is better?”

    Malum had a way of getting under my skin and right now I wasn’t too happy, what with the cold weather of the Northern Frost, the stress of the battle, and my fatigued body. But I controlled my tongue, because arguing with Malum would get us nowhere closer to defeating the enemy and would just make me more irritable.

    I glanced around at our surroundings, trying to think of a strategy. We were in Ice Canyon, the primary route to the mysterious pool of silvery liquid that this whole war was about. Steep stone walls covered with ice and snow surrounded us on both sides, nearly impossible to scale due to their slippery surfaces. We were at the north end of it, protecting the entrance to the pool from the invading Water soldiers. Should they break through our defenses, the silvery pool would be lost and our Element Lord wouldn’t be happy, to put it lightly.

    In the no-man’s land between us and the Water army lay the corpses of soldiers from both armies, although it looked to me like there were more red-armored corpses than blue. The sight of all of those dead soldiers under my command made me feel terrible, but their sacrifice would be in vain if I couldn’t defeat the Water army. So I had to keep fighting, no matter how bad the situation looked.

    That was when I noticed all of the snow piled high on the cliffs above us. An idea occurred to me just then: What would happen if we were to cause an avalanche? And what if the avalanche, coincidentally, fell on the Water soldiers?

    The idea was incredibly risky, but we had no other options. So I quickly relayed my plan to Malum. To my relief, Malum actually chuckled, saying, “Ah, that’s more like it, Ackar! An icy death awaits those who stand before our raging fire!”

    “Yeah,” I said, with less enthusiasm than Malum. “Now go spread the word to the rest of the brigade. We’re going to have to get at least five or so on each side of the canyon in order to make this plan work.”

    “Never fear, Ackar,” said Malum. “I shall make sure this plan of yours works. It is better than losing the silvery pool to the Water tribe, after all.”

    Malum quickly left, moving swiftly across the snow and ice for a being his size. He even managed to dodge most of the Water army’s attacks. However irritating or even downright crazy Malum was, I had to admit that he did have his uses.

    Soon Malum reported back to me that all of the Fire soldiers knew about the plan and were even now moving into position. Despite the cold wind that blew through the canyon just then, I had to smile. My soldiers were the best in the army, for they never questioned my orders. Then again, I thought, there wasn’t much to question about this plan, except perhaps the wisdom of it.

    Just as Malum had told me, my soldiers began pulling back, as if in retreat. The Water soldiers were advancing now, for they probably thought we had given up. They probably thought we were all cowards. They probably thought they were better than us. They probably thought they were going to win.

    I couldn’t wait to prove them wrong.

    I reviewed my plan as I joined with the rest of my men in retreating. It was simple, really. Trick the Water soldiers into believing we were retreating, and then cause an avalanche that would fill the canyon with snow. With luck, a large majority of the enemy force would be crushed beneath tons of freezing slush and the silvery pool would remain safe in the hands of the Fire tribe. Easy.

    Of course, the whole plan would fall apart without the avalanche. That was why I had five Fire soldiers on both sides of the canyon waiting for the right moment to strike. Assuming nothing will go wrong, as soon as the Water army reaches the center of the canyon, my men will use their elementally-powered weapons to create an avalanche. If my calculations were correct, then the Water army was about to get a very cold surprise.

    I realized the canyon would be blocked by the snow, but I reasoned that, if necessary, my men and I could melt it to allow possible reinforcements to arrive without trouble. Fire melts snow, after all, but I didn’t know if we could melt the tons of snow that the avalanche would create. I figured I would worry about that later, when protecting the silvery pool was no longer an issue.

    I shouted orders to my men to run faster, in order to make our ‘retreat’ look realistic. I could hear the shouts of the Water army as they advanced, taunting us and yelling victory cries. I mentally counted down the seconds until my men escaped the canyon. Fifteen . . . fourteen . . . thirteen . . . twelve . . . eleven . . .

    Just then, I tripped over a rock, of all things. I hit the ground face first and immediately started sliding down the slippery incline. Panicked, I tried to stop, but the iced over rock was too slippery for me to grab onto. I looked over my shoulder and saw that I was sliding straight down toward the oncoming army. With dread I realized I was probably about to die, for none of my men were close enough to save me. In fact, it looked like they didn’t even know I’d fallen, for they were still running toward the mouth of the canyon as though everything was still going exactly according to plan.

    “Wait!” I shouted. “Hey! Someone help me!”

    But I don’t think my soldiers heard me over the loud war cries of the Water army. They just kept running like their lives depended on it (which they did, in fact). I dug my sword into the ground, which stopped me from sliding any further, thankfully.

    At that moment, I heard loud blasts of fire strike the canyon walls . . . and with dread, I realized that the avalanche was heading right toward me and the Water army. I looked to my left and right and saw tons of snow thundering down the cliffs on either side. Even if I did stand up and run for it, I doubted I would be able to escape.

    I stood up anyway, pulled my blade out of the icy ground, and looked around. The Water army seemed to have noticed the avalanche, too, for they were now frantically retreating. I doubted they would escape, for in their haste to run away many of them slipped and slid on the icy ground, knocking their companions over in the process. It didn’t take long for the whole army to become disorganized to the point where it was obvious that their fate was sealed.

    Mine probably was, too, but I was still standing at least. So long as I still had my two feet, I knew I had to at least try to escape. My instincts as a soldier made it impossible for me to give up even when the odds were against me.

    So I began running up the slope as carefully as I could to avoid falling. But it was a doomed effort, for in a minute a wall of cold, rock hard snow slammed into me, knocking me out instantly.


    For a long while there, I was sure I was dead. I neither saw nor heard anything and I seemed incapable of speaking or even moving my body. I had been buried underneath tons and tons of snow, after all. Dying was the only outcome one could expect from being hit by an avalanche of that size and power. Even I, a Fire soldier, knew that much.

    After a while, I opened my eyes, slowly and painfully, for they felt frozen shut. At first, I saw shadows playing on the walls of a cavern and was almost certain that I was dead now. But then I felt heat (maybe from a warm fire?) nearby, thawing my body. And then the pain; dead people don’t feel pain. Of that I was certain.

    I struggled to sit up, but couldn’t due to my weak limbs. So I tried to look around the cavern, to get an idea of where I was.

    It was a plain cave. The walls were not decorated in any way. No carvings, no pictures, nothing. I also didn’t see any furniture, which meant that this cave probably belonged to an animal or at least was not inhabited by Agori (or Gadarians, my own species).

    As I had thought, a warm fire was blazing near me. The heat felt good after the cold. All I wanted to do was lie there until I thawed out, and maybe even after that, too. It was such a cozy fire. I could just sleep in front of it forever.

    That was when I noticed someone else in the cave, sitting on the opposite side of the fire. She was a female in blue armor, carrying a trident in her hands. The Water soldier didn’t seem to notice me, but I didn’t have the strength to get up and run or fight. I just managed to push myself slightly away from the fire, which I knew was a mistake as soon as I did it because the Water soldier looked at me when I stirred.

    The Water soldier started when she saw me move, then relaxed and said, “Oh, you’re still alive.”

    “Why? Were you hoping I was dead?” I asked as I sat up, my strength returning to me, although I was still weak.

    “Kind of,” said the soldier, but to my surprise she sounded doubtful. “Well, not really. I mean, I know you’re a Fire soldier and all and are my enemy, but I just think it would really suck if you were dead because then I’d be all alone. Being all alone in the Northern Frost would not be fun.”

    “Oh,” I said, although I wasn’t entirely convinced by this. “It still would have benefited your army if I had died.”

    “You’re right,” said the soldier, nodding. “Then again, I’m not sure if anyone cares if you died. You’re just one soldier, so-“

    “Be quiet,” I snapped. “How’d you survive that avalanche and drag me into this cave?”

    “I didn’t drag you here,” said the soldier, folding her arms. “I just woke up in this cavern after the avalanche. You were also asleep until just a few seconds ago. So I have no idea how we get here or who started this fire.”

    She gestured at the blaze, which burned brightly in the cave.

    “That’s strange,” I said. “So you don’t know who did it?”

    “Not a clue,” said the soldier with a shrug. “So anyway, what’s your name? I’m Kiina.”

    “Ackar,” I answered. I looked around and asked, “So, do you know where we are, at least?”

    “Somewhere in the Northern Frost,” said Kiina. “I explored outside the cave mouth a little but couldn’t identify our location. All I know is that it is dark out and there’s a snowstorm blowing through.”

    I cursed my bad luck. However thankful I may have been about surviving, I was still angry about being separated from my army, especially since I was stuck with a Water soldier (an obvious trainee at that), and had no idea where we were. I didn’t think it could get any worse.

    “Hey, did you start that avalanche?” Kiina asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

    “What?” I said, looking at her.

    “The avalanche that probably killed a lot of my fellow soldiers,” said Kiina, looking at me with new dislike. “Did you order that?”

    I was about to say yes, I did, but I hesitated. If I told Kiina that I was responsible for the possible deaths of hundreds or maybe even thousands of her allies, she might just kill me here and now without a second thought. It would be too risky to tell the truth in this situation. I needed to be alive and in order to remain alive I needed Kiina’s trust.

    So I said, “No. That was someone else’s idea.”

    “I think you’re lying,” said Kiina, pointing at me angrily. “I know your name. Ackar, the master strategist of the Fire army. I know you were in charge of that brigade. You must have come up with that brilliant plan, didn’t you?”

    I had to admit, I was amazed at Kiina’s sharp mind. She’d managed to see straight through my lie right away. She may have been a trainee, but she was a pretty smart trainee, I had to give her that.

    I shrugged and said, “Okay, you’re right. I came up with that plan. It was all my idea. I suppose you’re going to kill me now, right?”

    “No,” said Kiina, the anger in her voice obvious. “If I killed you, what would that accomplish? Nothing because I’d be all alone in the middle of nowhere without food or water or anything. I have a better chance of surviving with an ally than without one. Doesn’t mean I have to like you, though.”

    “What if I try to kill you?” I replied. “Did you think about that?”

    “Easy,” said Kiina. “You’re in the same boat as me. If you kill me, your chances of surviving on your own are just as slim as mine. So you won’t kill me because you need me, just like how I need you.”

    “You have a point,” I said grudgingly. “So let’s make a deal. I won’t kill you and you won’t kill me. We work together until we find civilization. Agreed?”

    “Sure,” said Kiina with a shrug. “Why not? It’s better than fighting and killing each other like two dumb animals.”

    “We will leave after the storm outside stops,” I said. “Going out in that weather would be suicide. Perhaps we should rest until it passes.”

    “Okay,” said Kiina, nodding. She yawned and said, “I’m tired, anyway. Time to sleep.”

    “’Night,” I said.

    Neither of us got much sleep that night. Even though we’d made an alliance, I still kept awake for as long as I could, just in case Kiina planned to kill me in my sleep. I suspected Kiina thought I’d do the same to her, but I didn’t know for sure. Even a rookie would know better than to sleep in the same room as an enemy soldier without first being prepared to fight for her life. It was the smartest – and safest – thing to do.

    Review Topic

  10. @ManiacToaLaco: Thanks for the compliments :) . Glad you like it.So it's Wednesday, which means another chapter. So here it is:

    Chapter II: The Attack

    Subtitle: Mata Nui and friends take on an entire army of monsters

    Skipping merrily along, Mata Nui, Kiina, and Ackar sung happy songs while Bucket-head the Skrall limped along behind them. Bucket-head limped because they had sent him to walk through a minefield they had come across shortly after leaving the jungle; needless to say, Bucket-head got badly injured. No one cared, though, which made Bucket-head wonder if joining them was as smart a move as he'd thought it would be.These fools obviously do not care for my life, Bucket-head thought. I could just drop dead right now and they wouldn’t even notice, I bet. But it is all part of the plan . . . yes, it is, the plan that will result in the deaths of these morons.But that little bit of foreshadowing was interrupted when Mata Nui immediately stopped. So did Kiina, Ackar, and Bucket-head, who looked at Mata Nui’s tense face (although how that was possible when they were standing behind Mata Nui . . . whatever).“What’s the problem, Mata Nui?” asked Kiina.“I sense danger,” Mata Nui replied. “My main character senses are tingling!”“You’re not Spider-Man,” Ackar said. “But I agree. I sense danger as well.”Without warning, all of the trees, rocks, even some animals transformed into what looked like little midget Bohrok wannabees. All of the shape-shifters were armed to the teeth with razor sharp blades and guns (yes, razor sharp guns. So?). Individually, they did not appear to be a threat, but together they comprised a formidable force.“An ambush two chapters in?” said Mata Nui, sounding impressed. “Maybe this comedy really will be better than the last one.”“I hope so,” Ackar grumbled as he drew his sword. The very act of drawing his sword was so awesome that a thousand of the shape-shifters asplooded into billions of pieces. “The ninja arc was so stupid.”“I liked it,” said Kiina as she also unsheathed her trident. “I actually got to do things in that arc, rather than just being the damsel in distress.”“Um, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” said Bucket-head. His gun and shield were already out, but he didn’t look like he wanted to fight. “But I’m not the biggest fan of these things. So maybe I can just-““Running is not an option,” Mata Nui answered. “Neither is flying or digging. The clouds, if you will look closely, are also shape-shifters. And I’ll be darned if there aren’t some shape-shifters hiding underneath our feet at this very moment, ready to get us if we try to escape.”“So what do we do?” asked Bucket-head. “We’re outnumbered and outgunned. We’re probably going to die.”“We’ve faced worse,” Mata Nui replied. “And besides, I have a secret weapon. Click! Transform!”Mata Nui’s little bug friend – which had been sitting on his shoulder not existing, since it wasn’t that important to the plot – leapt into the air and, with a flash of light and an awesome guitar solo, transformed into a long, dangerous-looking rifle. Mata Nui caught it as it fell and with one hand shot a shape-shifter. The shape-shifter exploded into a vortex of swirly colors and textures, which sucked in the billion or so shape-shifters that had been standing next to it.“This is my secret weapon,” said Mata Nui, holding his gun high. “The 40k Mighty Grandma Assault rifle, the strongest weapon in the universe!”Bucket-head just stared dumbfounded at the spot where the colorful vortex had absorbed the shape-shifters. “Does . . . does it do that all the time?”“Depends on the situation,” Mata Nui answered. “Anyway, Kiina, Ackar, Bucket-head, let’s kick some butt!”-The party of four had separated as soon as Mata Nui’s words left his mouth. Ackar was surrounded by at least one hundred thousand shape-shifters. As one, they all them aimed their guns at him and fired. The sheer force of their collective bullets combined to create a Horseman of the Apocalypse that rode in on a horse made of smoke and fire, leading the army of bullets into battle against Ackar.Ackar was prepared for this, however. Calculating it to the last minute, Ackar spun around and deflected every single one of the 100,000 bullets back at their attackers with his sword. Each shape-shifter exploded as the bullets hit them, not because the bullets hit the right areas but because everything blows up in this comedy.But the Horseman of the Apocalypse still existed and let out an ear-piercing cry as his creators fell. Ackar didn’t like horses, however, and charged at the Horseman.As Ackar ran, it turned out his sword was also a shape-shifter. An ordinary being would have dropped the shape-shifter in shock, but Ackar used this to his advantage. He channeled his fire powers through the shape-shifter and slammed it into the Horseman. The resulting explosion was so powerful that it sent Ackar flying back, but he managed to land expertly on his feet as the Horseman’s essence returned to the Void.“Smoke that, [censored],” Ackar said, as another army of shape-shifters reappeared. “Oh, great. Guess I’ve still got some more butts to kick.”-Meanwhile, Kiina was busily fighting a hundred shape-shifters at once. They were trying to slash, stab, and cut her, but Kiina easily deflected their attacks with her trident. Exactly how that was possible when her trident was not that long and there were so many of them were attacking at the same time . . . eh, not worth worrying about.Kiina got bored of these guys, though, and jumped backwards out of the range of their weapons. Before they could do anything, Kiina started spinning her trident so fast that it created a hurricane around her.Hurricane Kiina went through the shape-shifters, which were trying to run away but failing miserably. All of them were sucked into the hurricane and broken into trillions of pieces by the sheer force of the wind and power. Any that landed in the eye of the storm were instantly dispatched by Kiina, for the eye of the storm, in this case, was actually a lot more dangerous than the rest of it.Kiina immediately stopped the hurricane and the countless bits and pieces of the shape-shifters fell to the ground. Just as Kiina was congratulating herself on an easy victory, the bits and pieces of the shape-shifters fused together and turned into what looked like a giant version of the shape-shifters.“Who the heck are you?” asked Kiina.“I am Shapeshiftias!” the giant boomed, causing a mountain on the other side of the planet to explode. “And I shall shape-shift you!”The giant lumbered towards her, but Kiina thought the shape-shifters must be really stupid if they thought they were going to kill her.After all, they’ve just given me a bigger target, Kiina thought with an evil grin.She jumped up into the air and unleashed a volley of punches and kicks onto Shapeshiftias. The giant stumbled backwards from the sheer force of the blows, until eventually it shattered into billions of pieces. To prevent them from reforming, Kiina gathered up all of the pieces and shot them into the sun, thus incinerating them forever.“There,” said Kiina, wiping her hands together. “That’s what you get for messing with the main character’s girlfriend!”-If Ackar and Kiina were having an easy time with their foes, Mata Nui wasn’t even trying. With his 40kMGA, he just kept blasting any shape-shifter that got near him. The only problem was that there seemed to be more shape-shifters attacking him than there were attacking the others, but this didn’t bother Mata Nui at all. He considered this a problem for the shape-shifters, not for himself.One shape-shifter tried to sneak up on him, which was a deadly mistake, for Mata Nui whirled around, grabbed the shape-shifter, and stuffed it into the barrel of his gun. Mata Nui aimed the 40kMGA at a group of shape-shifters in front of him and blew them into smithereens.A shape-shifter transformed its arm into a huge cannon and fired a cannon ball at Mata Nui. Mata Nui saw it coming out of the corner of his eye and immediately aimed his 40kMGA at the cannon ball. The gun absorbed the projectile and Mata Nui – without even thinking about it – fired the cannon ball back. Except now it was a million times its original strength and when it hit the shape-shifter that had fired it the shape-shifter was blasted into another dimension.“Why don’t you guys ever talk?” said Mata Nui as he ripped the head off one of the shape-shifters. “Seriously, it’s hard to come up with witty banter when you don’t have anyone to talk to. Know what I mean?”Mata Nui threw the shape-shifter’s severed head into the air and then hit it like a baseball, using his gun as a baseball bat. The shape-shifter’s head flew through the chests of a long line of shape-shifters who had been conveniently (and stupidly) standing in one line. This caused a massive explosion that would have ripped a hole in reality – thus destroying all of existence – had Mata Nui not seized the explosion and stuffed it into his gun, thus making his gun strong enough to destroy an entire universe. Not that it couldn’t do that before; it’s just that it could do that even better now.Then the shape-shifter’s severed head shape-shifted into a shape-shifter, which tried to fight Mata Nui. But Mata Nui saw this coming and punched it, causing it to pop like a balloon.Just then, the ground underneath Mata Nui transformed into a whole army of shape-shifters. But Mata Nui – who had been expecting something like that – stomped hard on the ground and said, “You turn back into the ground right this instance, young men, or I will ground you!”This hurt the shape-shifters’ feelings, for all shape-shifters have the mindset of young children. So they transformed back into the ground, lost all individuality and consciousness, and stayed the ground forever. Quite a scary fate, but they deserved it for disobeying their dad, er, I mean, Mata Nui.Mata Nui looked around. All of the shape-shifters had either fled or were killed. Mata Nui saw Kiina and Ackar walking over to him. A barely living shape-shifter grabbed Ackar’s ankle, but Ackar shook his leg and the shape-shifter exploded.“So, that’s that,” said Mata Nui. “How was your time?”“Eh, kind of boring,” said Ackar. “I’ve seen worse.”“Yeah, really unexciting,” said Kiina, nodding. “I mean, seriously, they didn’t put up a fight at all. Well, there was Shapeshiftias, but . . .”“Hey, where’d Bucket-head go?” said Mata Nui, looking around. He added hopefully, “You don’t think he was killed, do you?”But to Mata Nui’s disappointment, Bucket-head reappeared. He didn’t look like he’d been fighting, much to Mata Nui’s annoyance.“Where were you?” Kiina demanded, poking the Skrall in the chest with her trident. “You’re supposed to be our meat shie- I mean, friend.”“Oh, um, I was hiding,” said Bucket-head. “I just thought you guys had it all covered, so-““So you hid like a coward,” Ackar said, spitting on Bucket-head’s feet. “Dishonorable. Your Skrall friends didn’t run from us. They ran to their deaths like lambs to the slaughter!”“My people were stupid,” Bucket-head replied. “Anyway, I know what those shape-shifter things were. I’ve seen them before.”“Oh, really?” said Mata Nui. He turned to Kiina and Ackar and said, “Hey, guys, Bucket-head here says he’s seen these things before. He knows what they are. Isn’t that interesting?”“Why are you so condescending?” said Bucket-head, wiping the tears out of his eyes. “I just want to help.”“I’m not condescending,” said Mata Nui, his voice literally dripping with sarcasm. “Right, guys?”“Actually, you are,” said Ackar. “But Bucket-head deserves it.”“Look, do you want to know what those things are or not?” said Bucket-head, frustrated. “They’re called baterra.”“Bat Terra?” repeated Ackar. “What is a Bat Terra?”“I have a feeling it is related to the Key to Nongu,” said Mata Nui.“No,” said Bucket-head, shaking his head. “It is baterra, not Bat Terra. They work for Dah Element Lords. They are their shape-shifting minions, kind of like how we Skrall were minions of the Tuma. You guys are after Dah Element Lords, right?”“Maybe,” said Mata Nui.“They’re probably trying to kill you, then,” said Bucket-head. “See, this place used to be the Skralls’ turf until Dah Element Lords drove us out. That’s why we moved down south; Dah Element Lords were just too strong for us.”“Not surprising,” said Ackar with a cruel laugh. “You guys are lame.”Bucket-head threw Ackar an irritated glare, and then said to Mata Nui, “Do you guys even know where Dah Element Lords’ base is?”“Sure,” said Mata Nui. He looked around for a minute, clearly confused, then pointed in a random direction and said, “There. It’s over there.”“You don’t know, do you?” said Bucket-head dully.“Well, if you’re so smart, why don’t you tell us?” said Mata Nui, pouting like a spoiled child.Bucket-head sighed and said, “Dah Element Lords are at the Great Volcano Night Club. It’s their headquarters.”“A night club? Is that appropriate for BZPower?” asked Kiina.“It will probably be heavily watered down to make this comedy child appropriate,” said Mata Nui. “Not that it matters, though. Now that I have discovered the location of Dah Element Lords’ hideout-““Hey, I was the one who told you about it,” Bucket-head protested.Mata Nui patted Bucket-head on the shoulder and said, “That’s nice. Anyway, now that I have discovered the location of Dah Element Lords’ hideout, I think we should head there, should we not?”“If we’re going to save Gresh and Berix, then we have no choice,” said Ackar. “That’s what we were going to do anyway, wasn’t it?”“I think so, though I’m not sure,” said Mata Nui with a shrug. “Now let us go forth to the Great Volcano Night Club and save our friends!”Mata Nui began marching ahead of them, with every intention of reaching the Great Volcano Night Club and defeating Dah Element Lords.Bucket-head watched him go for a moment, then called, “Hey, do you even know where the Great Volcano Night Club is?”Mata Nui stopped and turned around. “It’s this way, right?”“Surprisingly, yes,” said Bucket-head. “That’s the direction we need to-“Ackar shoved past him, pushing Bucket-head to the ground as he went to join Mata Nui. Kiina kicked the fallen Bucket-head in the side as she walked past him to join Mata Nui.“Hey, Bucket-head!” said Mata Nui to the fallen Skrall, who was sitting up now. “What’re you playing in the mud for? We’ve got somewhere to go, you know!”“But I-“ said Bucket-head.Ackar sighed loudly and obnoxiously. “Skrall . . . so irresponsible.”Kiina nodded. “Know what you mean. They never brought me any food when they held me hostage. It helped my figure, of course, but it still wasn’t pleasant.”“Well, Bucket-head, at least try to keep up with us,” said Mata Nui as he turned around. “Otherwise we’ll be forced to leave you behind, and we all know how much of a tragedy that would be.”So Mata Nui, Ackar, and Kiina started walking again. Bucket-head scrambled to his feet and went after them, although he kept a safe distance behind them as he followed. All the while, Bucket-head thought one thing:These guys are the meanest people I’ve ever met in my whole life.Commentary:As with the last comedy, I will occasionally do end-of-the-chapter commentary. Usually I try to explain any pop culture reference that may reference something obscure or at least isn't widely known, although sometimes I post random comments on certain events in the chapter just for fun.

    “Who the heck are you?” asked Kiina.“I am Shapeshiftias!” the giant boomed, causing a mountain on the other side of the planet to explode. “And I shall shape-shift you!”

    This is a reference to TLReloaded, in which a tornado entity named Tornadias attacked Mata Nui and friends. As a general rule, if you see the suffix "-ias" at the end of a character's name in this comedy, it usually means they're an entity and have the most unoriginal name ever.-TNTOS-
  11. Hello. My name is TNTOS (what does that stand for? It's a secret to everybody) and I have been writing and posting fanfics on BZP almost since the day I first joined. As a result, I have quite a collection of stories, ranging from epic multichapter stories to quiet short stories and everything in between. I have over 50 fanfics in Comedies, Short Stories, and Epics combined. I made this library to be a one stop location with links to all my fics (well, except for the older ones lost when the Archives were deleted, but most of the links here do work).


    The library is divided into three areas: Comedies, Epics, and Short Stories. Each story has a rating (ranging from G to PG-13), a status ("Beginning," "In progress," "Complete," or, very rarely, "Discontinued), a summary (detailing what the story is about), and a new feature, genre (what kind of story it is). Epics and chaptered comedies contain number of chapters (how many chapters they have).


    COMEDIES (13):


    My Bionicle Road Trip

    Rating: G

    Chapters: 108

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Action-Adventure

    Summary: My first fanfic posted on BZP, My Bionicle Road Trip follows the adventures of a teenage boy named Timongo, who is transformed into a BIONICLE set and goes on an adventure around the world to collect the Bio Symbols, the items that will turn him back into a normal human boy.


    A Normal Day in the Life of the Barraki

    Rating: G

    Genre: Comedy

    Summary: While Timongo and the other BIONICLEs are on their worldwide adventure, the Barraki at home gather to discuss important issues such as stealing the Bio Symbols from Timongo and getting dinner, where hilariy ensues!


    My Bionicle Sets Stories

    Rating: G

    Chapters: 18

    Status: Discontinued

    Genre: Comedy

    Summary: The sequel to My Bionicle Road Trip, Timongo, now a human again, tries to live a normal human life, although that is exceedingly difficult due to the craziness of his Bionicle sets and their adventures. (Author's note: Discontinued due to lack of interest.)


    Transformers PSA (Parody Service Announcement)

    Rating: G

    Genre: Parody Short Story

    Summary: Optimus Prime tries to teach two stupid kids, Billy and Billy, not to jump off a cliff, which leads into an all-out brawl with Megatron for supremacy over the boys' education. Parody of the 80s G.I. Joe and Transformers PSAs.


    G. I. Joe PSA (Parody Service Announcement)

    Rating: G

    Genre: Parody Short Story

    Summary: Billy and Billy are deadly afraid of going to the doctor, so it's up to G. I. Joe medic Doc to teach them not to be afraid. But he clashes with Cobra weapons supplier Destro, who for some poorly explained reason wants to keep Billy and Billy fearing the doctor.


    G. I. Joe and Transformers PSA (Parody Service Announcement)

    Rating: G

    Genre: Parody Short Story

    Summary: G. I. Joe first sergeant Duke and Autobot spy Bumblebee team up to teach Billy and Billy the evils of buying knockoff toys in this third PSA.


    PSA #4: Halloween Edition (Parody Service Announcement

    Rating: G

    Genre: Parody Short Story

    Summary: For the first time in their lives, Billy and Billy are going trick-or-treating without adult supervision. It's up to G. I. scuba diver and resident creepy guy Deep Six to instill fear in their souls to teach them their mistake.


    Can't I just be a Chronicler?

    Rating: G

    Genre: Satire Short Story

    Summary: Kopeke, the Ko-Matoran Chronicler of Metru Nui, is trying to avoid becoming a Toa. But everyone seems to be conspiring against him as he dodges crazy Turaga who wants to stabilize Metru Nui's economy, lighting bolts from the red star, and a Toa of Fire who hands out Toa stones like candy. Can Kopeke succeed in staying as a Matoran or is he doomed to failure?


    BIONICLE: The Legend Reloaded

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 34

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Action-Adventure-Parody

    Summary: Ten years after the great war, Mata Nui, an ex-war hero, lives peacefully with his girl Kiina, until the fateful day he returns home from hunting cybernetic demon wolves. He finds a note from the mighty Tuma, leader of a notorious gang called the Skrall, explaining that Kiina had been kidnapped and that Mata Nui has to turn in ten billion and a half dollars in cash to the Tuma by the end of the night, or else he'll never see Kiina alive again.


    Mata Nui - after seeing so many horrors during the great war - finally snaps and decides to settle his problem with the Tuma cowboy-style. He recruits his three old war buddies and best friends - Ackar, an elderly man who can still kick butt; Gresh, a young guy who is quick with a pistol and as fast as death itself; and "Double Barrel" Berix, a psycho one-Agori army known for his inability to listen to silly things such as reason and logic - and sets out to confront the Tuma and his gang of Skrall in the awesomest TLR parody ever written.


    BIONICLE: The Legend Exploded

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 19

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Action-Adventure-Parody

    Summary: In this sequel to "BIONICLE: The Legend Reloaded," Dah Element Lords have kidnapped Gresh and Berix. Angered, Mata Nui, with Ackar and Kiina at his side, goes to kick Dah Element Lords' butts once and for all . . . oh, and save Gresh and Berix, too.


    Along the way, Mata Nui recruits four new allies: Bucket-head, the intelligent Skrall that everyone hates; Tera and Likus, two air guitar champions; and Oris, who may or may not be Orlando Bloom in disguise but sure isn't nice.


    With new and old friends alike, Mata Nui sets out to do the impossible and outdo himself in this unnecessary and frankly stupid squel to the BIONICLE: The Legend Reloaded.


    BIONICLE: The Legend Imploded

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 27

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Action-Adventure-Parody

    Summary: The Legend Trilogy comes to its awesome conclusion as Mata Nui's old foe (who was never heard of until now), Makuta Teridax, returns with a vengeance. Teridax proves far too powerful for Mata Nui to defeat on his own, which forces our psychotic hero and his equally mad friends to go on a grand adventure across the entire planet in search of the six golden armor pieces, which if brought together will give Mata Nui the power he needs to defeat Teridax once and for all.


    But Teridax is aware of the golden armor as well and sends his own minions all over the planet to find the golden armor pieces before Mata Nui and friends do.


    The race is on as Mata Nuis friend's and Teridax's minions try to get the golden armor pieces first, resulting in epic battles, bizarre meta-jokes and pop culture references, and even stranger plot twists that would make any observant reader cry (not because they are beautiful or sad but because theyre so stupid).


    My Little BIONICLE: Friendship is Explosive

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 15

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Action-Adventure-Crossover

    Summary: Twilight Sparkle's day went from bad to worse much quicker than usual.


    First, her crown was stolen by a bitter ex-student of Princess Celestia, a unicorn named Sunset Shimmer. How that was even possible when Twilight kept the Elements of Harmony under lock and key in her home, she didn't know.


    Second, the crown thief escaped into another universe. This wouldn't be that bad, except that Celestia absolutely forbids Twilight to bring along any of her friends besides Spike. That complicates things a bit.


    Third, upon arriving in this new universe, Twilight meets the oddest, possibly most demented and certainly most violent couple she has ever encountered before: Mata Nui and Kiina. The two biomechs have a score to settle with Sunset Shimmer and offer to form an alliance with Twilight and Spike, which the alicorn princess reluctantly accepts.


    And finally, it becomes clearer that the entire situation is much deeper than any of them know, but for the life of Twilight, she just can't figure out what Sunset's final end game is. It doesn't help that Twilight is noticing her harsher, more violent side beginning to take over the longer she stays in this universe, which is only encouraged by Mata Nui, who doesn't seem to realize just how bad that is. Can Twilight and her companions retrieve the crown and defeat Sunset Shimmer? Or will the evil unicorn's true plans destroy them all?


    Dimension Cookies

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Parody Short Story

    Summary: Isarot is awakened by Kiriah, who alerts him that a thief is stealing the cookies! Can Isarot and Kiriah stop this cookie thief or will the cookie jar be lost forever?


    Based on epic Dimension Hoppers.


    EPICS (11):


    The Shika Trilogy Omnibus

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 69

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Omnibus

    Summary: For the first time ever, the entire Shika Trilogy is in one convenient location. You will be able to read all 69 chapters of the Shika Trilogy from beginning to end as one continuous story, just as the author intended. As an added perk, you can laugh at the author's old writings, a rare opportunity that few people ever receive.


    Includes The Tales of Shika Nui, Tapestry of Evil, and An Unlikely Alliance.


    The Tales of Shika Nui (NOTE: Links to the Shika Trilogy Omnibus edition)

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 16

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure-Mystery

    Summary: Six Matoran thieves steal Toa stones from the local Toa and end up becoming Toa themselves. Now they must master their new powers and learn what it means to be heroes to save their island home, Shika Nui, from the Dark Hunter slave owners that rule it.


    Tapestry of Evil (NOTE: Links to Shika Trilogy Omnibus edition)

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 23

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure-Mystery

    Summary: The six Toa Shika arrive in Wyoko, the land of shadow, where six evil Toa of Shadow and a Turaga of Shadow rule. Everyone is out to get them because they are light dwellers and the Toa Shika are on the run. Can they escape this blasted realm alive or will they fail, unleashing the Kra-Matoran so that they restart their conquest of the universe?


    An Unlikely Alliance (NOTE: Links to Shika Trilogy Omnibus edition)

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 30

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure-Mystery

    Summary: In An Unlikely Allinace, the third and final chapter of the Shika Trilogy, the Toa Shika return to Shika Nui to find it has changed much since their adventures in Wyoko, and in more ways than one. Forced to ally with new friends and old enemies alike to stop an evil greater than any they have face thus far, the Toa Shika are about to prove themselves as true Toa and as true heroes. But will they learn to work with their new, rather unlikely allies or will their disunity allow the might of the mysterious Tuikas monsters to crush them?


    Dimension Hoppers

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 20

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure-Mystery

    Summary: When a valuable treasure is stolen from the island of Tanjo Nui, its two guaridans discover that the thief is a dimension hopper. In order to chase the thief and retrieve the Time Stone, Isarot and Toa Kiriah use a Kanohi Olmak to dimension-hop after the thief. Will they succeed? And if they do, will their dimension hopping give them the wisdom they need to understand the Time Stone's true purpose?


    Dimension Hoppers: The Other Tale

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 10

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure

    Summary: Taking place during "Dimension Hoppers," Toa Nasis and Toa Ahova investigate the possibility of Dark Hunter involvement in the recent theft of the Time Stone. The Shadowed One soon learns of the Time Stone's theft and sends one of his top Dark Hunters to steal it. What will happen when the Toa clash with the Dark Hunter?


    The Ghost King's Tragedy

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 10

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Tragedy-Suspense

    Summary: Toa Akuna, Toa Kiriah, Toa Oggakia, and Toa Ahova are gathered by a mysterious being known as the Master of Mist for a special mission: To go to the island World's End to seek the secret to defeating Makuta Teridax, thus saving the universe.


    But the quest isn't as easy as it seems, for the dreaded Ghost King rules World's End with an iron fist and will do everything in his power to stop the four Toa from completing their quest, even if that means fighting against destiny. Will the Toa succeed in their quest or will the Ghost King kill them all?


    Glatorian Chronicles #4: The Fallen Warrior

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 3

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Suspense-Mystery

    Summary: Tarix finds a strange message from a being known only as "The Fallen Warior." Coupled with some mysterious murders and yet another message challenging him to fight in Sandray canyon, will Tarix discover the identity of the Fallen Warrior before it's too late?


    Find out in the fourth installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Glatorian Chronicles #9: Reluctant Allies

    Rating: PG

    Chapters: 6

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Suspense-Adventure

    Summary: The Core War has rippled through Spherus Magna like a wave, striking everywhere its combatants choose to battle. One of these soldiers, named Ackar, is isolated from his troop after a clash with the Water Tribe army and has to ally himself with the Water Tribe warrior, Kiina, who has also been isolated from her army, in order to survive and return to their respective armies. Can the two learn to work together and reach their armies, despite their differences? Or will their distrust of each other be their downfall?


    Find out in the ninth installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Dawn of the New Century

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 29

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure-Mystery

    Summary: Fifty-thousand years after the death of Makuta Teridax, a messiah-like figure named Masqouth appears seemingly out of nowhere in Zisar, the capital of New Zakaz, promising freedom and prosperity to the enslaved Skakdi people. He backs up his claims by miraculously healing wounded or sick Skakdi, all the while hiding his true intentions for these people.


    At the same time, a Skakdi named Kafor is kidnapped by two Dark Hunters, one a Skrall codenamed Night and the other a Vortixx codenamed Heavyweight. Kafor knows the fate that awaits her at the foot of the Shadowed One's throne, but cannot escape her kidnappers no matter how hard she tries.


    In the city of New Atero, detective Toa Niham investigates two similar kidnappings while trying to balance her precarious love life with the famous Glatorian Rubella the Red Star. Little does she knew just how intimately related these two kidnappings are, nor the hidden secrets they will lead her to uncover.


    Meanwhile, Toa Kiriah, veteran guardian of the Time Stone, is summoned by the Almighty Ones in order to help them deal with a new threat. But an unexpected attack forces Kiriah to change her plans and work with people whom she never though she would find herself working with.


    The lives of these people are destined to intertwine in ways none expect. And when they collide, they -- and their world -- will be changed forever.


    In the End

    Rating: PG-13

    Chapters: 20

    Status: Complete

    Genre: Adventure-Mystery

    Summary: In this sequel to Dawn of the New Century, the Dawn Duology comes to a thrilling conclusion as the conflict between the Almighty Ones and King Atuje finally comes to a head with Atuje's acquisition of a new physical body. With his new body, Atuje goes to finish the Almighty Ones once and for all, as well as anyone who allies with them.


    Night, Kiriah, and Jetrupi attempt to stop him, but Atuje banishes them to a universe none of them have ever been to before. Even worse, they must survive a dangerous maze created by a mad female Skrall who names herself after a trickster goddess, a maze so dangerous that only few have ever came out of it alive.


    Meanwhile, Rubella the Red Star, a famous Glatorian fighter, enlists the help of the mysterious Toa Cina to rescue her girlfriend, Niham, from the clutches of Masqouth and the Echoes. Though Cina is friendly and helpful, she seems to be hiding something from Ruby, but Ruby may not find out what it is until it's too late.


    As for Masqouth, he currently believes that all is well and that he will be reunited with his parents shortly. Yet doubt begins to creep in his mind as to the trustworthiness of Atuje, forcing him to decide who he is really loyal to.


    In the end, all of these threads will come together for the grand finale. When they do, there is no telling who will live and who will die.


    (Author's note: This is the FINAL epic in the Shikaverse.)




    The Recruitment of Axonn

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action-Mystery

    Summary: Axonn is one of the greatest Order of Mata Nui members to have ever lived. But how exactly was he recruited into that mysterious organization? And what was his first mission as an Order Agent? Check out this short story to read my interpretation of those events!


    Icarax's Broken Heart

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Romance-Action

    Summary: During the period when Makuta Teridax took over the Brotherhood of Makuta and ordered all unloyal members to be killed, Icarax develops feelings for Gorast. Will he manage to win her love? Or is their relationship doomed never to blossom?



    Rating: PG-13

    Genre: Horror

    Summary: In an alternate reality, it has been 2000 years since Brutaka stole the Ignika from Voya Nui, killed the Piraka, Toa Nuva, Toa Inika, and Axonn, and took over the universe. But as he is getting older, he starts to become more paranoid with age. He is starting to have visions where he sees Axonn returning to kill him, even though he knows that Axonn is dead . . . or is he?


    False Hopes

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Mystery

    Summary: This story follows Mantax and Pridak as they attempt to steal what might be an important, previously unknown treasure from the Zyglak of the Pit. Pridak believes it will give the Barraki the ability to breathe air again, while Mantax privately thinks it is proof that someone had betrayed the League of Six Kingdoms all those years ago. Will they succeed in their quest?


    An Abrupt End

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action

    Summary: Makuta Koghi, the Makuta of the Southern Islands, attempts to take the island of Shika Nui by striking at what he believes to be its weakest defenses.But when the battle suddenly turns in the favor of his enemies, will the Makuta live long enough to regret his hasty decision?


    A Change in Plans

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Suspense-Action

    Summary: When the Dark Hunter Flamer is defeated and jailed by a Toa team, Guardian is sent by the Shadowed One to eliminate the captured Hunter before he can reveal Odina's location to the Toa.


    However, when Guardian arrives, he learns from a badly wounded Flamer that one of the Toa, a Toa of Psionics named Varian, managed to learn the location of Odina from him and has gone to inform her allies. This forces Guardian to go after Varian, before Odina's security is put at an even greater risk than before. Will he succeed in capturing her or will he fail?


    The Triumph of the Toa

    Rating: G

    Genre: Slice of Life

    Summary: After escaping the destruction of their village, Turaga Mohadias tells the Matoran with him a tale of the triumph of a Toa team from long ago, although Mohadias doesn't understand why they want to listen to it in such dark days.


    Two Tales

    Rating: G

    Genre: Slice of Life

    Summary: A compiliation of TNTOS's Flash Fiction Warm Up entries. Includes "The Curse of Vagueness" and "The Test."


    The Final Answer

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Suspense

    Summary: Entry for the Fortnightly Flash Fiction Contest. Theme: Surrender or Run.


    What I Should have Said

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Romance

    Summary: Toa Chimoy remembers the day he was rescued by his friend Nonzra from slavery in an attempt to make sense of his feelings for his late friend.


    Glatorian Chronicles #1: Gresh's First Match

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action

    Summary: Gresh is one of the youngest Glatorian known. But how did he first become a Glatorian? What inspired him to become one, anyway? Find out in the first in the series of short stories called the Glatorian Chronicles! (Author's note: This story isn't called a GC in its topic because this was before I decided to make it into a series)


    Glatorian Chronicles #2: Malum's Exile

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action

    Summary: Malum is an exiled Glatorian from Vulcanus and is considered highly dangerous by most. But how did he get exiled? And how did he end up leader of a pack of Vorox? Check out the second Glatorian Chronicles for my answers to those questions and more!


    Glatorian Chronicles #3: Intruders

    Rating: G

    Genre: Suspense

    Summary: Follow from the point of view of a female Vorox named Sril as she tries to get intruders out of her territory. Will she succeed in the third installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series or will she fail? Read it and find out!


    Glatorian Chronicles #5: Honor versus Greed

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action

    Summary: In the fifth installment of the Glatorian Chronicles, Strakk makes a deal with Metus to betray the villages to the Skrall and Bone Hunters in order for him to survive. What Strakk doesn't count on is the Skrall and Bone Hunters being defeated, forcing him to run for his life to escape the wrath of his fellow Glatorian. He broods over his fate, but is interrupted when Kiina and Mata Nui stumble upon him in the White Quartz Mountains. Will he fight them or will he flee?


    Glatorian Chronicles #6: New Beginnings

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action

    Summary: With Tuma defeated by a strange warrior clad in yellow armor, the Skrall army has been scattered all over the face of Bara Magna, and the Skrall named Branar finds himself alone in the vast desert at night. Here he encounters a baterra, but will he survive his encounter with the shape shifting entity or wille he die in this final confrontation with one of his worst enemies?


    Find out in the sixth installment the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Glatorian Chronicles #7: Confrontation

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action

    Summary: Lead by Mata Nui, the Glatorian and Agori take on the Skrall and Bone Hunters in one last battle for Bara Magna. Vastus, the Prime Glatorian of Tesara, is isolated from the rest of the group and engages the Bone Hunter Fero in combat. Will he defeat Fero or will the Bone Hunter walk away with Vastus' weapon as his prize?


    Find out in the seventh installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Glatorian Chronicles #8: The Stranger

    Rating: G

    Genre: Mystery

    Summary: A mysterious Glatorian called Jetrupi has arrived in Tajun. Rumors that he has mysterious powers caused Kiina to believe he might be from another world. She decides to figure out for herself, but is she prepared for the truth surrounding the mysterious warrior or is she in over her head?


    Find out in the eigth installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Glatorian Chronicles #10: For Fame and for Fortune

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action-Suspense

    Summary: During the Battle of Roxtus, the elite forces Skrall Stronius escapes into the Black Spike Mountains after wounding the Glatorian Gelu. However, Gelu heads after the Skrall, but soon finds himself up against a foe he is not sure he can defeat. Will Gelu survive his encounter with Stronius or will he die?


    Find out in the tenth installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Glatorian Chronicles #11: Obsidian Among the Frost

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action-Horror

    Summary: Stronius and an unnamed Skrall lieutenant find themselves separated from the rest of their squad following a fierce battle with the Fire army. They are stalked by a monstrous mutation that is attracted to sharp objects, of which they have plenty of. Will Stronius and the Skrall survive this ordeal or will they be eaten alive by the monster?


    Find out in the eleventh installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!


    Glatorian Chronicles #12: The Future begins Where the Past Ends

    Rating: PG

    Genre: Action-Suspense

    Summary: After the death of Makuta Teridax, Mata Nui returns to the Mask of Life, partly to refrain from intervening in the day-to-daye lives of the Spherus Magnans and partly to deal with Ignika, who has been getting increasingly harder to get along with since Teridax's death. Will Mata Nui be able to make peace with Ignika or will conflict prevail between the two?


    Find out in the twelfth and final installment of the Glatorian Chroicles series!


    The Biological Chronicle: 2001

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: The first in a new series of flash fics, this story depicts the scene of Tahu's arrival on the island of Mata Nui.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2002

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the second installment of The Biological Chronicle, Onua sets up a trap to obtain the final Krana he needs to complete his collection.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2003

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the third installment of The Biological Chronicle, Kopaka finds himself facing six Rahkshi at once.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2004

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the fourth installment of The Biological Chronicle, Krekka is annoyed by a Po-Matoran carver whose work he accidentally destroyed.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2005

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the fifth installment of The Biological Chronicle, Norik is surrounded by Visorak and must survive.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2006

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the sixth installment of The Biological Chronicle, Zaktan has to act Toa-like in a precarious situation.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2007

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the seventh installment of The Biological Chronicle, Kalmah confronts Mantax about harm that the latter's snacking preferences are doing to the Barraki's ammunition supply.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2008

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the eighth installment of The Biological Chronicle, Gavla makes a new friend in Metru Nui on the day of Mata Nui's awakening.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2009

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the ninth installment of The Biological Chronicle, the Element Lord of Ice makes Surel an offer.


    The Biological Chronicle: 2010

    Rating: G

    Genre: Flash Fiction

    Summary: In the tenth installment of The Biological Chronicle, two Great Beings discuss the possibility of the Makuta rebelling and how to combat them should that happen.



  12. @Jedi Knight Krazy: Well, if the humans can't provide any of the dragon's necessities, then perhaps they can provide entertainment.Say a dragon is tired after a long day of hunting and just wants to unwind and relax in his cave (or wherever dragons in your story live). So he gets out his humans and orders them to dance or sing or do whatever it is that would entertain the dragon.Or maybe the dragon wants to impress a potential mate, so he shows her just how well-trained his human slaves are by having them dance or do something else entertaining.Just throwing a couple of ideas out there. Don't know if any of them fit your story or not.-TNTOS-

  13. Thanks for the review, muharax :) . Really appreciate it.

    Hopefully it won't be too much like the unreleased fifth movie. Mind if I make a suggestion, I read on Greg's blog that the Skrall was from the southern region. You could make this region like actually south after the Civil Wrar (that's how I like to say it) "The Southern Region will rise again!" full of old Ice tribe soliders who aren't pleased with how the war turned out. One thing I'm looking forward to is the Biomechanical dinosaur scene which will be entertaining to me, because if the fifth movie did come out and I saw this here is what I'd be like:

    1) In comparison to TLReloaded, TLE follows the fifth movie's story almost to a tee. However, I do make several major and minor deviations from the story (TLE's ending, for instance, is very different from the fifth movie's ending. See point three below).2) Don't think I'll be able to fit that into this comedy, but maybe for The Legend Imploded. Could be genius if done right.3) Don't have much to say about this except, again, that TLE's ending is different from the fifth movie's official ending. What appeared in the fifth movie's ending might not appear at all in TLE's ending, although that's not to say the ending of TLE is worse than the ending of the fifth movie. It's just different in the way TLE is different from BIONICLE 5. That's all.-TNTOS-
    What! Mata Nui isn't going to be the snot out of the dinosaurs! Ah well I'm not complaining. BTW maybe when Mata Nui abliterates the skrall he'll kill their new friend skrall or hospitalize I should say.
    Well, I might be able to throw something in the end about the dinosaurs (because dinosaurs are awesome). We'll see :) .Also Mata Nui isn't heading out to destroy the Skrall in this comedy. He already did that in the last one. No need repeat himself.-TNTOS-
  14. Thanks for the review, muharax :) . Really appreciate it.

    Hopefully it won't be too much like the unreleased fifth movie. Mind if I make a suggestion, I read on Greg's blog that the Skrall was from the southern region. You could make this region like actually south after the Civil Wrar (that's how I like to say it) "The Southern Region will rise again!" full of old Ice tribe soliders who aren't pleased with how the war turned out. One thing I'm looking forward to is the Biomechanical dinosaur scene which will be entertaining to me, because if the fifth movie did come out and I saw this here is what I'd be like:

    1) In comparison to TLReloaded, TLE follows the fifth movie's story almost to a tee. However, I do make several major and minor deviations from the story (TLE's ending, for instance, is very different from the fifth movie's ending. See point three below).2) Don't think I'll be able to fit that into this comedy, but maybe for The Legend Imploded. Could be genius if done right.3) Don't have much to say about this except, again, that TLE's ending is different from the fifth movie's official ending. What appeared in the fifth movie's ending might not appear at all in TLE's ending, although that's not to say the ending of TLE is worse than the ending of the fifth movie. It's just different in the way TLE is different from BIONICLE 5. That's all.-TNTOS-
  15. Hello, Comedies forumgoers! Welcome to the sequel to my last comedy, BIONICLE: The Legend Reloaded! (Warning: Link leads to old forums, so be careful about clicking it if you don't want to randomly log out.)As with TLReloaded, The Legend Exploded is a parody of a BIONICLE movie; specifically, the never released fifth BIONICLE film. Using the synopsis of BIONICLE 5 that Greg posted on his blog a couple of years back, I have now written a parody of BIONICLE 5. It more or less follows the plot outline in the synopsis, although many things have been changed to make it funnier or else crazy awesome.One last thing I'd like to note before we get to the first chapters is that you may notice a lot of continuity errors, plot holes, inconsistent characterizations, fights that break the laws of physics into bit-sized pieces, and so on. As with TLReloaded, any mistake you notice in here - save for most spelling and grammar mistakes - was intentional on my part. It is simply the nature of the Legend Trilogy to be completely over the top and stupid. The whole point of this comedy is to be stupid and parody bad writing.Also, TLE will be 19 chapters long (plus the prologue). I will post a new chapter once a week, so check back every Wednesday for another installment of awesomeness.Contents:Prologue: For the Lazy ReadersChapter I: The Darkness (Subtitle: Really Serious Chapter)Chapter II: The Attack (Subtitle: Mata Nui and friends take on an entire army of monsters)Chapter III: Another Ambush (Subtitle: Burritos!)Chapter IV: An Epic Confrontation (Subtitle: In which Mata Nui gets a pretense of character development)Chapter V: An Epic Challenge (Subtitle: Sort of)Chapter VI: A New Friend (Subtitle: Someone else to abuse Bucket-head)Chapter VII: Weird Events (Subtitle: It may not be a dream after all)Chapter VIII: More New Friends (Subtitle: Bucket-head just can't get a break)Chapter IX: Air Guitar Hero (Subtitle: In which Likus and Tera show off their mad air guitar skillz)Chapter X: The Champions of Air Guitar (Subtitle: Ackar and Likus act even stupider than usual)Chapter XI: Gone Fishing (Subtitle: Dah Element Lords finally make an appearance)Chapter XII: Anger & Drama (Subtitle: Mata Nui gets another semblance of character development (sort of))Chapter XIII: Watch out! (Subtitle: Exclamation marks make titles more exciting!)Chapter XIV: Betrayal (Subtitle: Dramatic plot twist time!)Chapter XV: Epic Battle (Subtitle: This chapter was brought to you by the letter 'A', for Awesome)Chapter XVI: The Epic Conclusion (Subtitle: Not!)Chapter XVII: A Battle so Epic even Jason Bourne must Join (Subtitle: I can't think of a good subtitle)Chapter XVIII: When Entities Do Battle (Subtitle: So much manliness it can't be contained!)Chapter XIX: The End (Subtitle: As if)Side Story: Biomechanical Dinosaur Hunting (Subtitle: Because you demanded it!)Now enough of my rambling. Here are the prologue and first chapter of BIONICLE: The Legend Exploded:

    Prologue: For the Lazy Readers

    In the last comedy, BIONICLE: The Legend Reloaded, Mata Nui – resident gun-toting butt-kicker – had come home from hunting cybernetic demon wolves one day to discover that his girl, Kiina, had been kidnapped by a gang called the Skrall, led by the mighty Tuma, an old enemy of Mata Nui.Mata Nui’s mind snapped and he recruited his old war buddies: Ackar, the old man who could still hand your butt to you on a silver platter; Gresh, the fastest and most incomprehensible man alive; and ‘Double Barrel’ Berix, the Agori who escaped the Bota Magnan Asylum for Incurably Criminal Agori and lived to tell the tale. With his friends at his side, Mata Nui went after the Tuma, intent on getting his girl Kiina back.After several awesome and unbelievable adventures (most of which were unnecessary filler used by the author to pad out the word count), Mata Nui and his friends defeated the Tuma and rescued Kiina. However, the real villain was Metus, an old friend of Berix’s, who turned out to be controlled by an entity known as Destruction, who in turn was borne from the dark thoughts of a 100,000,000,000,000,000,000.3 year old being called the Abyss (or just Abyss. The author was never really consistent about that). Not only that but an army of demons arose to slay our heroes.But Mata Nui and friends – with the aid of Zeus, the Greek god of the sky – defeated the hordes of entities while looking really awesome at the same time. And then a good entity named Super Planet bestowed the power of unity upon Mata Nui and friends, giving them the power necessary to destroy the Abyss once and for all.After that, you’d think the plot would have ended. But nope. The author had to reach 50,000 words and by the time they destroyed the Abyss, the author was only at 25,000. So the author decided to stretch out the comedy just a little by having Mata Nui and his friends get involved in a ninja kidnapping plot.Old Man Raanu was kidnapped by a group of ninjas (who had no real reason for kidnapping him, by the way) and Mata Nui and friends had to rescue him. This caused them to go on a long, unnecessary journey in which they battled monster ponies (also known as ‘monies’), sheep and goat ninjas, and Death himself (well, they didn’t actually fight Death, but they annoyed him, anyway).Eventually, our band of butt-kickers reached the ninjas’ main base. After a somewhat anticlimactic battle, Mata Nui defeated the Grand Di-Shogun and freed Old Man Raanu, who, being the richest Agori in the universe, rewarded them with 80 trillion dollars. Billy, the Grand Di-Shogun’s nephew, became Super Planet’s apprentice, and both he and Super Planet flew off into space to fight evil and all that jazz.After that crazy adventure, Mata Nui and friends returned home. They split up, each going their separate ways, and for a while it looked like maybe they wouldn’t be dragged into another dumb plot.But then Mata Nui – polishing his 40k Mighty Grandma Assault rifle – received a note from a group calling themselves Dah Element Lords. Dah note from Dah Element Lords said that they had take Berix and Gresh hostage and demanded to see 80 trillion dollars by the end of the week or else they would kill Berix and Gresh.Because no one messes with Mata Nui’s friends and gets away with it with their spine intact, Mata Nui rounded up Kiina and Ackar to go on a rescue mission, which brings us up to present day, when Mata Nui, Ackar, and Kiina have been tracking down Dah Element Lords for a few days . . .

    Chapter I: The Darkness

    Subtitle: Really Serious Chapter

    Ackar was an old man. He was often cranky, irritable, and in constant need of prunes. Unless he got his old guy sleep, his health would get worse and he might just die. Of course, that was if he wanted to die, for Death had already set him up to get killed twice and failed. So it was unlikely that Ackar would be croaking any time soon.So Ackar was just peacefully napping in the jungle, occasionally snorting or muttering things like, “Darn kids, get off my lawn” when a tree exploded for no apparent reason.Ackar’s eyes snapped open and he was on his feet instantly, sword in hand, as two figures flew out of the burning tree, did a few summersaults in midair, and landed on the ground with such ferocity that they caused an earthquake. But they did not want the earthquake around here, so the yellow one grabbed the earthquake and threw it into space, where it would harm no one. Yay.The two figures looked slightly similar to Ackar, but only slightly. One was yellow; a rather impractical color, but Ackar couldn’t judge because he wore bright red armor. The other one was blue and female, which is important for you to know because if you didn’t you would assume she is male due to the lack of female characters in BIONICLE, which would be sexist which would make you a bad person which would make me have to ask you to leave lest some people call this comedy sexist which it isn’t by the way as one of the main characters is female and is arguably one of the coolest characters in this comedy and-“Shut up!” Ackar snapped. “We get it. Bad things will happen, the apocalyse is upon us, blah, blah, blah. Gah, I need my prunes.”“I actually liked what the narrator was saying about me being one of the coolest characters in this comedy,” said the blue female (see? No sexism there).“You may be cool, Kiina,” said the yellow one as he pointed a thumb at himself. “But I am the coolest. Who threw that earthquake into space? Yep, me, Mata Nui, the main character and greatest action hero ever.”“Next to Jason Bourne, that is,” said Ackar.Mata Nui glared daggers at Ackar, who quickly deflected them out of the air with his sword. “What do you know about action heroes?”“More than you,” Ackar answered. “And why do you two look different? Last I saw, you guys looked less like Skrall rejects and more like actual warriors.”Ackar was right. Mata Nui and Kiina did look different, but because these particular versions of these characters were never released as sets, I cannot describe them. So use your imagination instead of relying on me to do all of the explaining. Back in my day, kids didn’t need cranky old narrators like me to tell them what things looked like. They used their own imagination, unlike kids nowadays, with their stupid Wiis and wireless Internet and My Little Pony dolls and all of that other stuff. Stupid modern kids.Ignoring me, Mata Nui said to Ackar, “We’re going undercover as Skrall, obviously.”“But last I checked, the Skrall were all black with various shades of other colors, but mostly red,” said Ackar, looking Mata Nui and Kiina up and down. “You’re bright yellow and blue. Also, we’re going after Dah Element Lords, not Skrall.”“We know,” said Mata Nui, nodding. “But they don’t know that.”“Who doesn’t know what?” asked Ackar.“Them,” said Mata Nui, pointing at the screen.All three of them looked at the readers and for a moment no one said anything.Then Ackar turned back to Mata Nui and Kiina and said, “Well, I still think you look stupid. If you think I’m going to put on some of that Skrall armor, you got another- Hey, where’d this Skrall armor come from?”While Ackar had been speaking, all of his armor had somehow been replaced by Skrall armor. He looked like a completely different person, because ya know, putting on a new suit of armor can alter your body structure. At least in BIONICLE it can, anyway.“Wow,” said Mata Nui, whose tone was one of extremely fake surprise. “Ackar, the armor must have chosen you! It is destiny!”“Yeah,” said Kiina, who was busily kicking something red out of sight. “Definitely. No going against destiny, right?”Ackar looked disgruntledly down at his new armor. “I don’t like it, but if you say so . . .”It was at that moment the plot attacked. Back down the path they had come up, they heard a noise, like someone sneaking around and failing at it.“Uh oh,” said Mata Nui. “Someone is following us.”“Or something,” said Ackar. “Remember the flying ninja chipmunk zombies?”“Oh, yeah,” said Mata Nui, nodding. “I still don’t know why the ducks sacrificed themselves to save us, though.”“Enough of the Noodle Incidents,” said Kiina, pointing down the path. “Ackar, because I’m too lazy to do anything, you go and find out what made that noise.”“Okay,” said Ackar, nodding. “I’ll be as stealthy as a ninja. In fact, I will play ‘Ninja’ by Europe while I am sneaking around. It’ll freak out whoever is following us.”Ackar pulled out a giant boom box from nowhere, put a CD in it, and pressed play. Suddenly ‘Ninja’ by Europe blared out of the speakers as Ackar not-so-stealthily went back down the path they had came. Exactly why Ackar felt the need to play that song, not even Mata Nui or Kiina knew. It was probably just the author inserting songs he likes into his story. Stupid author.TNTOS: Hey, Mr. Narrator. Keep that talk up and I’ll replace you with Amy.Wait, you can’t fire me! I have a wife and three children!TNTOS: No, you don’t. You sleep in your car outside the studio.Darn it. Well, you still can’t fire me. I’m not as bad as Amy, you know.TNTOS: Good point. Well, just keep your opinions about me to yourself and narrate the darn story.Yes, sir.Anyway, Ackar was sneaking along while ‘Ninja’ played. Despite Ackar’s best efforts, he lost control of his fire abilities (a problem he never faced before, but never mind that) and set a tree on fire. The light of the burning tree – which looked really awesome – illuminated a Skrall standing there, holding his hands over his ears, probably to protect them from the booming noise that came from the boom box.“Ah ha!” said Ackar, pointing at the Skrall. “I spy with my little eye a Skrall!”But the Skrall panicked and fired his gun at Ackar. The bullet hit Ackar and he went down (rest assured folks that Ackar is not badly hurt, just bruised).Mata Nui and Kiina had been watching the entire scene (including my argument with the author) and, as Ackar went down, Mata Nui yelled, “Ackar!”Oddly, his voice took on a weird echo-y effect and the rock behind the Skrall turned into Arnold Schwarzenegger and grabbed him. The Arnold Schwarzenegger rock statue thing began squeezing the Skrall, like a dumb kid who doesn’t seem to understand what happens when you squeeze a balloon full of helium. It would be funny if the Skrall popped like a balloon, now that I think about it.Just then, Ackar got to his feet and shook his head. He looked from Mata Nui to the Skrall and said to Mata Nui, “Keep it up, Mata Nui! Teach that dumb Skrall a lesson!”Ackar’s words seemed to break Mata Nui out of his reverie, for the Arnold Schwarzenegger statue suddenly dropped the Skrall and transformed back into a normal rock. Mata Nui shook his head and said, “Whoa. That was freaky.”Ackar sighed frustrated. “Fine. If you won’t kill him, I will.”Ackar raised his sword and was about to unleash a blast of fire that probably would have burned at least half of Bara Magna before the Skrall raised his hands in surrender and said, “Wait! Don’t shoot! I am not evil!”“Kill him, Ackar!” said Kiina eagerly. “When I was in the custody of the Skrall, they mistreated me. Don’t let him live.”“Kiina, although I love your bloodthirsty ruthlessness, I think we should hear the Skrall out first,” said Mata Nui, looking at Ackar now. “And then you can kill him.”Ackar looked disappointed, but he put his sword away in the place BIONICLE characters store their weapons in the movies (probably somewhere too inappropriate to show in this comedy). The Skrall stood up unsteadily, looking quite frightened at the three beings who obviously wanted him dead.“There is nothing left for me in Roxtus,” said the Skrall quickly, as though he had spent all night memorizing it. “I thought . . . well, I thought I could join with you guys and go home. But then the tree went on fire and I thought you were attacking. So I fought back in self-defense.”“A fishy story,” said Mata Nui, stroking his chin. “Quite a feat, as your story has no fish in it.”The Skrall’s eyes suddenly became puppy dog wide and he said, “Please, merciful Mata Nui, let me come with you. I just want to go home, back to my country which is for some reason unnamed, and you guys are going there, so I want to com with you. Please!”If the Skrall thought his attempt at puppy dog eyes would work, he was sorely mistaken. Mata Nui, Kiina, and Ackar took a step back at the disgusting and bizarre-looking Skrall, whose eyes immediately returned to normal when he saw how freaked out they were.So the Skrall tried a different approach. He threw himself at Mata Nui’s feet (quite a feat, as throwing oneself is harder than throwing someone else) and said, “O mighty Mata Nui, I would just like to go back to my home. That is all that this humble Skrall’s humble heart humbly desires.”“I don’t believe him,” said Kiina abruptly. “Mata Nui, can I kick him to Jupiter? Please?”Mata Nui looked down into the Skrall’s eyes. Even though Mata Nui had once killed millions of this Skrall’s people and had personally slain the Tuma, this Skrall wanted to join Mata Nui and his friends on their journey north. He just wanted to go home even if it meant traveling with enemies who might kill him in his sleep.What a stupid Skrall, Mata Nui thought. But I might be able to use this to my advantage.Mata Nui folded his arms – just to make himself look intimidating – and said, “Hmmmmmmmmmm, I’m not sure we should let him join, guys. I mean, Skrall are really stupid and willful. Not to mention we’re not going on a pleasure ride. We’re going to rescue Gresh and Berix, and I am not sure we have room for one more.”“But you cannot just abandon me!” said the Skrall in shock. “Mata Nui, we have met once before, don’t you remember?”Mata Nui thought hard about that for a moment. “Hmm, you can’t be one of the Skrall I killed because you wouldn’t be here. On the other hand, though, I never let any Skrall that I see live. Could be lying.”“I am not,” the Skrall insisted. “Do you remember, way back when, when you were captured by the Skrall? A Skrall freed you. That Skrall was me. I’m on your side, Mata Nui, for I did save your life, after all.”“True,” said Mata Nui, nodding. “But I seem to recall promising that particular Skrall I would kill him last, and I never make false promises.”“Uh, your memory must be faulty, then,” said the Skrall hastily. “But now you have all the proof you need of my innocence. What do you say? Friends?”“I never liked that show,” said Mata Nui thoughtfully. “But the more I think about it, having a Skrall as a meat shield, er, I mean, ally might not be such a bad idea.”“But Mata Nui, Skrall are mean, cruel, and dirty!” said Kiina, looking at Mata Nui in surprise. “All Skrall are the four letter word I can’t say because the BZP word filter blocks it! I say that’s more than enough reason to-““Kiina,” said Mata Nui, turning to her and whispering so quietly that the Skrall – who had super enhanced hearing abilities for no particular reason – couldn’t hear them. “I hate Skrall as much as you do. But think about it; he can be cannon fodder. Rather than risk our own lives, we can send this Skrall against our enemies during battle first. If he dies, so what? At least it’s not me, er, I mean you or Ackar. See where I’m going?”“Yeah, yeah I see,” said Kiina, nodding approvingly. “I knew there was a reason I loved you. Before I just thought it was because the author was mocking the Mata Nui/Kiina shipping, but maybe there is more to it than that.”“Yeah, sure, whatever,” said Mata Nui, turning away from Kiina to address the Skrall. “So, Mr. ‘I-Save-Your-Life-And-Now-You-Must-Help-Me-Go-Back-To-My-Home-Country’ Skrall, you may join us.”“You mean you aren’t going to ask me my opinion?” asked Ackar as he walked up to them. He had been trying to put out the tree he had set on fire during all of this, but had finally given up and punted the tree to the moon, where it would probably not hurt anyone.“You’re an old man,” said Mata Nui. “Old peoples’ opinions don’t count.”“But I’m your best friend!” said Ackar. Then his eyes rested on the Skrall and he growled, “You took my best friend away from me, Skrall. If you put even one toe out of line, I’ll kick your butt so hard it won’t even exist anymore.”If the Skrall had looked frightened before, he looked absolutely terrified now. “Um, no, O great Ackar, I will not put even one toe out of line. I-I am a good Skrall. Yes I am.”“Okay,” said Mata Nui. “So what’s your name?”“I have no name,” said the Skrall, shaking his head. “Skrall don’t get names unless they do something extraordinary, like defeating a powerful enemy or listening to the Tuma’s opera recital without going permenantly deaf. So I am nameless.”“Eh, you need a name,” said Ackar, folding his arms. “So I think I’ll call you Bucket-Head.”“I will carry the name with honor,” said the Skrall, bowing low. “Even though it is completely against what I have been taught my whole life, I shall not throttle you for disrespecting my culture and turning me against my people by giving me a name.”“Heh, Bucket-Head,” said Mata Nui. “It’s funny.”“Yes, it is,” said Ackar, nodding. “So, now that we’re all one big happy family, what’re we going to do now, Mata Nui?”“Hmm, we could play hunt the Skrall,” said Mata Nui. “That’s always fun.”“And we do have a Skrall on hand,” said Kiina, pointing at Bucket-Head.“Why don’t we continue our journey?” said Bucket-head quickly. “Aren’t two of your best friends kidnapped by Dah Element Lords or something?”“I’m not sure I’d call them best friends, but they’re friends, yeah,” said Mata Nui, nodding. “That’s a good idea. So, my friends, let’s get back to the plot. With a new slave, er, friend, we will bravely set forth into the unknown!”So Mata Nui and friends, with Bucket-head the Skrall, restarted their journey north. But everyone kept one paranoid eye on Bucket-head, for no one trusted him due to him being a Skrall. I would make some comment about racism and intolerance, but I have a feeling that would stray into religion and politics, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut.Comments, criticisms, etc. are all welcome :) .-TNTOS-

  16. Stune (Turaga of Stone): I must say, Tamus, this is a fantastic deed. We should report this to the General himself, immediately.

    A Turaga of Stone named Stune . . . hmm.Anyway, okay chapter. There's really not much humor, IMO, and I think you could have cut down on some of the exposition, such as this line:

    Kipi: Most of the smaller villages tend to be. They don’t receive must hospitality from Kurahkzon-that is, if any hospitality is to be had from him.

    I can't really think of any reason for Kipi to say this, considering the other rebels probably already know this. It's just unnecessary exposition; exposition, I might add, that could be shown elsewhere rather than told here. Doesn't help that it can be taken away without damaging the scene.Keep on writing!-TNTOS-
  17. Also I don't recall exactly who killed them, but wasn't it Dark Hunters? And wasn't this before Nidhiki and Krekka came to Metru Nui? It'd have to be open for them to get there. (Obviously Nidhiki once was there, but he left). Unless of course those were the two who came in the dome and killed Lhikan's team after the team did close the gate.

    Teridax hired three Dark Hunters; Nidhiki, Krekka, and Eliminator. Nidhiki and Krekka worked in Metru Nui, while the one codenamed Eliminator killed Lhikan's team. Could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that's what happened.Also, I think it was mentioned in "Time Trap" that Krekka forced open the sea gate in order for Nidhiki and him to get to Metru Nui. It was at the part where the Shadowed One and Sentrakh were heading to Metru Nui and they saw that the gate was open, leading the Shadowed One to assume that Krekka had opened it.Again, I could be wrong, but I am sure that's what happened.-TNTOS-
  18. Doesn't his contract with LEGO expire at the end of this year? Has there been any word on that?

    What contract he is not leaving right??!!
    No. Greg is still working for LEGO as Chief Editor of the LEGO Magazine. LEGO only allowed him to write the serials up to the end of 2011.So Greg still works for LEGO, but he just isn't allowed to write any more serial chapters. It's a shame regardless, though.-TNTOS-
    Know what you mean. It happened to me loads of times when I was posting chapters of Dimension Hoppers' date=' but I usually caught it because I always previewed my posts before posting them.[/color']
    UG: The Matoran have uncovered some strange sort of sword. It is made of the finest metals, slightly curved, and is wickedly sharp. It bears some sort of emblem on the hilt.Kurahkzon: An emblem?UG: Yes, a symbol of a phoenix with two crossed swords behind it.Kurahkzon: Wow. Crossed swords are so overused.
    Swords in general are overused. We need freaking huge claws that can tear through earth and axes that can break down walls and stuff.Good chapter overall. The mysterious sword is obviously very mysterious and important (although it would be hilarious if it turned out it wasn't).-TNTOS-
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