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Everything posted by Whiplaaash

  1. ... ... ... *slaps FTZ with a random trout he found on the floor*
  2. lolrotflol

    Sorry I haven't posted in Swarm lately. I've been busy. Plus I got a new puppy! :D

  3. Whiplaaash

    New Puppy!

    OMG! My mom brought home a dog today after seeing him at the kennel at our family excursion. HE'S SO CUTE! He's a two month old Miniature Schnauzer. His name's Jacque, because my family traditionally names all our pets after Disney Characters (Lady & the Tramp). HE'S SO CUTE! This is my first dog, although are cats aren't socialized yet. HE'S SO CUTE! Pictures coming soon.
  4. Whiplaaash


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Meh.. I thought about getting them all, but these pictures kind of ruined it. >< The one with the most win is Strakk, though.
  5. Whiplaaash


    Woah, dude. Could you make a short recap of the whole thing, just making the point a bit more specific? I'd usually understand this, but..The whole deal is that your parents have gone mad and think you're on drugs? o.O And you got in trouble for no reason?
  6. *is shanked* » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I thought the chapter was good, but Vultraz having mercy is lame..
  7. Whiplaaash


    I did. But eventually I started liking them..Now I want them all. o.O *wishes he had money*
  8. Whiplaaash


    You know what, the more I think about it, the more appealing it sounds having all the Glatorian having a huge battle in my room. ... Despite the looks, I've decided to get them all. ... *sudden crying because he has to wait so long*
  9. Whiplaaash

    New Laptop!

    Schweet. I'm interested in getting a Laptop soon - Christmas, maybe. idklol. Because I can't really lug around my huge Scorpio computer. ><
  10. I'm stalking you in the sets forum. xD

  11. Tahu BEST. DEAL. EVER. Credit to Gryphus 1 for the idea of this.
  12. *slaps everybody in this entry with a large trout* That's one awesome emote.
  13. Whiplaaash


    Woah, wait. What was that about? o.O
  14. Whiplaaash


    I just drank YO milkshake. ... Sorry. I had to make an entry about how good strawberry milkshakes are.
  15. Whiplaaash


    I know, what the heck? I've been waiting all day for the aliens.
  16. You're going for McCain? I'm going for Obama.
  17. Whiplaaash


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I like Vorox too. LURVE the tan. Gresh isn't very good in my opinion, and if I'm correct, his chestplate sticks out and leaves a big, stupid space in his torso. Strakk and Skrall are cool, too. *is burned at stake*
  18. Whiplaaash

    Urgent Halp

    Cool, thanks for the advice. I did see Chameleon Hunter once or twice, and thought it was pretty cool, so it's definitely a probability I'll buy it. I'll check out Battle Arachnid.
  19. Sorry for the lack of updates, loyal (or not so loyal) people that read my Blog. Anyway, I'm in urgent need of help. Here's the story- I need to build a good MOC quite soon because of a new lego class I signed up for. But all my parts suck. I'm in a tight situation where I can't order anything online for a while, and what I'm primarily looking for is a set with good pieces, preferably cheap, and looks smooth. I'm trying to build something that really just flows, but don't have any good parts. I'd like it to be fusion, so any help? I really need to know a good set with a lot of flat pieces. Any halp? D:
  20. 'Cause this Is Thriller, Diller Night and No-ones Gonna Save You from the Beast about Strike. You Know its Thriller, chiller Night You're fighting for Your Life inside a Killer, Thriller.
  21. Whiplaaash

    Out Of Order

    "and so on..." Since I've read BL11, I'm interested in whether or not you'll dramatic ending in. That would be awesomesauce, though.
  22. mayday the squirrels are chewing their way into the shingles
  23. You scare me sometimes. O.o I think you may have a serious case of dream oddities. Consult your local lolcat for help.
  24. I want some cereal. brb in like, 15 minutes.
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