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Everything posted by Whiplaaash

  1. Whiplaaash

    New Years

    Well, my Dad just bought the six Glatorian and four Agori. I don't know why, the other two might have been out of stock. =P Since I have two Gresh now, I can probably go purchase Berix and Zesk..if I can use the receipt from the online order in the store. Is that possible?
  2. Whiplaaash

    New Years

    Well, happy New Years. I'm still pretty jittery and full of energy because I had four sodas last night.. Anyway, I'll miss you 2008, you were too short. Now it's time to start 2009.. It was extra perfect last night because my shipment of Glatorian came. I got to start off the new year with some new sets..I didn't get much time to mess around with them though, since we were having a party. Pictures of all the Glatorian I got should be up pretty soon, go check down in My Collection. Happy New Years! Stupid project..I have to turn it in by the 5th..
  3. Whiplaaash


    I am still wallowing in the despairing pit of anxiety and irritation. =P Three UPS trucks came to my neighborhood yesterday, and of course, guess what happened? Only one came to my house, and the package was an overdue present for my Dad. *groans*
  4. I'm still waiting for my shipment of Glatorian and Agori to arrive..I doubt it will come today, though. After all, THREE UPS trucks came and two of them didn't give me anything. Then the third came up to our door, and I got all excited and everything, and it turned out it was a overdue present for my Dad. Somebody please get me hyped up for how awesome the sets are. Also, I prolonged my 100th Blog entry since I can't just waste it. =P
  5. I shot myself in the mouth with my Thornax. Ouch. ><
  6. Whiplaaash


    Christmas is <3. I got a black iPod Nano, a bunch of equipment for it, all the 2009 Bionicles 'cept for Fero and Tuma, a Barnes and noble gift card, SPORE, my own camera, The Dark Knight, Toa Ignika, some posters, a new backdrop, a guide to hackysacking and a new footbag, and some other stuff. The deal on the 2009 bionicles is, we're snowed in, so they never got here. As soon as the snow melts I'll get them. The nano is awesome..So..many..features..oO
  7. Whiplaaash


    Nope, no coal. xD Fehago, you keep better track of my Blog than I do. lol Anyway, I have an awesome idea for what to do on my 100th entry..Yeah, it was a digital. And why would I need a used car? I can't drive.
  8. Whiplaaash

    I'm Mad

    Why quit? If you have power, you can punish them. Write them back and tell them to shut up. They won't care. You'll get away with it - this is the INTERNET! I've destroyed somebody's site before because they aggravated me long enough. Okay, on a bit lighter note of punishment, just suspend them for a day or two and tell them not to start criticizing people for no reason. If it continues, prolong the suspension. Just try that.
  9. I know how you feel. My Mom says there is no chance at all I will be getting any Glatorian for Christmas. So I went out and bought Gresh. XDDD Seriously man, why do they seem so heckbent on you not having a DS? It's stupid, frankly.
  10. Whiplaaash

    I Knew It!

    Your toothbrush now contains the power of life. Use it wisely.
  11. Whiplaaash


    Sorry to hear that. I have a mild sore throat too, and it felt like strep. It's been going on only a day or two, though, so hopefully you'll recover soon. Just take some cough drops and you'll be better.
  12. Yeah, I've only seen the canisters.
  13. *is crowbar-ed in the mouth* Yeah, Shurt, that's the problem. I mean, it's not even Christmas yet, and I've seen them. I don't have anything to look forward to for a long time.
  14. I don't think I'm allowed to say. But overall, they aren't outstanding, at least to me.
  15. I've seen summer 2009 sets already. Heh, my mouth is shut.
  16. Whiplaaash

    Sore Throat

    I would take tea and hurl it out the window if somebody placed it before me. I HATE tea. >.<
  17. I was hungry I felt like it.
  18. Whiplaaash


    You should edit that image so it doesn't have the language, and remove the link at the bottom. Even though the site's really funny, I don't think BZP would permit it. Bunda's a pokefreak! D=
  19. Whiplaaash

    Way To Go, Tru

    Yup, that was major failure.
  20. Whiplaaash

    Long Masks

    Yeah, Skrall's awesome. I may get a few of him/her. XD
  21. Whiplaaash

    Sore Throat

    It's not hard getting the food down..it just hurts so much. My mom's taking me to the doctor today to see if I have strep throat. I would take your advice to get outside, but unfortunately, it's literally freezing out there, because there's snow everywhere.
  22. I'm have a sore throat which makes me want to kill myself. It's scratchy, sore, hurts.. The pain is nearly unbearable.. Ugh..
  23. Whiplaaash

    Bunda's Sick

    Nope. I'M sick. I'd like to tear out my throat right now because it feels like a abysmal whirlpool of pain and swollen-ness.
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