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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. Seriously though, it's not just the amount we're missing but WHO we're missing. Faramir, Eowyn, Bolg-even a set piece for the Witch-King's helmet would have been nice. Of course, you could kill a lot of birds with the same stone if you did a Battle of Pelennor Fields set: then you'd get the Witch-King, Eowyn, Rohirrim Merry, Gondor Pippin, and maybe even Faramir if you took a bit of artistic license, which Lego certainly isn't shy of doing. Bolg would be a bit harder to do, although I suppose you could always have an attack on Laketown and include Bard's daughters in the bargain; or, perhaps with another bit of artistic license, do the Battle of Azanulzibar with Bolg among Azog's forces and get young Balin, Dwalin, Thorin, Thror, and Thrain in the bargain.
  2. I was never really into Exo-Force, but I could definitely see the potential for it; I definitely remember Knights' Kingdom and honestly think it better-apart from the monotony-than Nexo Knights. I think you could get quite a lot out of it, particularly with the opportunity for an expanded cast. As for Ninjago, while it certainly would be different, it seems like it would no greater a departure than The LEGO Ninjago Movie. More feminine CCBS figure would probably appeal to a wider group, so long as they don't overdo it; I think that the Buildable Jyn Erso was a nice example at least so far as an action line goes.
  3. Yeah, the movies can be fairly weak at times; after A New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back things started to go downhill, though The Force Awakens and Rogue One are pretty excellent for the most part. Honestly, the only reason I keep bringing up Tarkin is because I like the idea of an evenly balanced number of hero and villain figures, and the Empire is sadly lacking in villain variety as a rule. Of course, they make up for it by producing all their troop designs, the idea I'm sure being that you can buy multiples. Personally, I'm the type to where I'm not liable to buy more than one of a set, unless I desperately wanted to make a combo model like G2 Shadow Titan Makuta. It'd be nice if we could get some of the Rebels trooper or droid variants, such as the Jumptroopers, Dark Troopers/Sentry Droids, and and Imperial Infiltrators. Some of the Clone Wars droids wouldn't hurt either, and maybe some of the Clone Trooper variants. http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/Jumptrooper http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Sentry_Droid http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Infiltrator_Droid
  4. This would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
  5. Another gem, my friend; love your work so far in imagining unseen events from G1. This little episode easily fits within the G1 canon in my mind, and it's nice to see a little focus on the Le-Matoran; it seems like they were always a tad neglected. Love how Orkahm is still Mr. Serious even after getting all of his memories erased, and the idea of Kongu as the leader who puts on a brave face on behalf of his men. I am hopeful that there is more to come.
  6. Anyone who's read the Star Wars topic I started knows I'm big into CCBS; I've gone on at length about how Lego needs to do more Star Wars Buildable figures. But why stop there where there are plenty of other themes you could get into? Of course Lego has dabbled in Marvel and DC previously, and there's plenty more they could do there, but what do y'all think would make a great new CCBS theme? Personally, I think it would be great-though unlikely-if Lego went back to the Middle Earth mythos with a CCBS line; I mean, they created a virtual CCBS Sauron as a boss in LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game for crying out loud! A recreation of that as an actual set would be great (especially if they could include a minifigure Sauron along with him) but that's just the start of possibilities. An Elendil/Isildur model would seem like a natural counterpart, though I don't know if they're big enough characters that Lego would want to produce them, but there's plenty of other more recognizable candidates. You could have at least four wizard sets (the two Gandalfs, Saruman, and Radagast) along with a Ringwraith, preferably with an interchangeable cowl and Witch-King helmet. Then of course there's Aragorn, Lurtz, Legolas, Bolg, Eowyn, Gothmog, Tauriel, Azog, Elrond, Warg, Boromir, the King of the Dead, Theoden...you get the idea. Of course a Middle Earth line would be uniquely suited to feature additional smaller sets, between at least 15 Dwarves (Thorin's company, Dain Ironfoot, and Gimli), at least 5 Hobbits (Bilbo and the Fellowship members), and Gollum. Some larger sets, such as trolls, Ents, the Balrog, an Eagle, or a Fell Beast, wouldn't go amiss either. Middle Earth is the line that most sticks out to me of the current licenses apart from the aforementioned comics lines.
  7. I'm kind of on the same page with you-not a huge fan of TFU myself-but I do know that a lot of fans love the series and want to see more of it, as they do with KotOR. Just from the way things have been going and the reveal of two of the upcoming Buildable figures, I would say the next wave is probably going to be original trilogy based. It's fitting, considering that we haven't yet gotten Buildable figures for Han, Leia, or Chewie; the real question is whether we'll get a third villain to accompany the Stormtrooper Commander and Scout Trooper with Speeder Bike, or if they'll do like the Rogue One set of six and include another hero, most likely either C-3PO or Lando Calrissian. If they go with a villain, I would say it'll most likely be the Emperor, Boba Fett, or maybe Grand Moff Tarkin-I think those ones would be priority releases over the likes of Dengar, Bossk, or IG-88. The following wave-if they continue-will most likely be The Last Jedi inspired given it's release at the end of the year: I'm thinking we could see Old Luke, Jedi Rey, and probably some Knights of Ren. If they ever get around to doing some other Star Wars properties, I think-as I've said multiple times over-that Rebels would be a fertile source for characters. I figure the first wave could either be the Ghost Crew-maybe with Chopper included with Hera-with Rebels Ahsoka while the second wave could be the villains, unless they split it up like they did with the first wave of Buildables so that you can buy heroes and villains at the same time. If that's the case, I'd say a good even split would be the set pairs of Kanan vs. the Grand Inquisitor, Zeb vs. Kallus, Hera (and Chopper?) vs. Grand Admiral Thrawn, Ahsoka vs. the Seventh Sister, Ezra vs. the Fifth Brother, and Sabine (Darksaber included) vs. Gar Saxon. If they were to do more than two waves you could introduce variants of the Rebels crew and Maul, but Maul also seems like a good candidate if they do a wave of Prequel or Prequel+Original Trilogy inspired sets. Were such to be the case, you could have Maul vs. Qui-Gon, Dooku vs. Mace Windu, and maybe Captain Rex vs. Pre Vizsla or something like that (though I would love to see Plo Koon vs. Savage Opress; it never actually happened, but I like both their designs). Of course, the six Rogue One sets do still leave us without a complete movie lineup; at the very least I'd say Cassian, Bodhi, and Krennic should get figures, though I wouldn't say no to the addition of Admiral Raddus, Saw Gerrera, and an Imperial Tank Commander (see below link; don't know how to work setting up a link with different visual text on here). Blue Leader, Pao (and Bistan?), and even Tarkin could be further additions for Rogue One Buildables, though I do agree with Pohaturon that a few smaller scale (i.e. Bionicle Protector) sets wouldn't hurt. http://www.starwars.com/databank/imperial-combat-assault-tank-commander .
  8. It's gorgeous...is that designed for a Metru head or Mata head?
  9. Not a bad looking set-still need Cassian, Bodhi, Krennic, and a couple others for a true complete set of Rogue One figures.
  10. It's...the Batler! ...cuz, you know, Bat Butler. Personally, I think it would have been better if they'd included villains who haven't gotten minifigures yet, like Sauron.
  11. So I don't know about anyone else, but I've long been rather disappointed by the fact that there are nonphysical Lego minifigures-you know, minifigures that only appear in video games, cartoons, graphic novels, and so forth. It seems like Lego could find some way of producing them; alas, we can only dream. Among such minifigures that I would love to see brought to life are the following: The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings Sauron-armored and/or fiery forms as seen in the video games.DenethorThe Witch-King-with helmetEowynGothmogFaramirBolgThrorEasterlingCitadel GuardTom BombadilGil-galadElendilStar Wars Seventh Sister InquisitorDexster JettsterWatt TamborTion MedonSidon IthanoBail OrganaSnoke (maybe as a giant-sized one?)Adi GalliaBoss NassAdmiral StaturaHarry Potter Aberforth DumbledoreGrindelwaldTonksBarty Crouch (Sr. and Jr.)James PotterLily PotterThe GhostsRegulus BlackNinjago The First Spinjitzu MasterRonin's minions (from Shadow of Ronin)Seliel (graphic novel character)Time Ninja (graphic novel character)Cliff GordonCardinsto (graphic novel character)Ed and EdnaGahrann the Dreamer (graphic novel character)Dr. JulienLar (Graphic novel character)SelmaBut those are just my picks.
  12. This is true, and it kinda bugs. It also seems a bit nonsensical that only those four Elements were embodied by Golden Weapons. I'd like to think that the four Ninja could unlock Elemental Powers of their own accord with some training, but it seems unlikely to happen given their reliance on Lloyd. Even with as many elements as there are in the current Ninjago storyline, I think there's still meant to be something unique and special about the original four elements. They're the elements that were used to create Ninjago, and might behave differently than the other elements in other ways. Well, let's face it, apart from Energy, Wind and Water they're really the only ones that have been significant outside "The Tournament of Elements" season, which is probably my least favorite season of the show. Speaking of Wind, does anyone else think that Morro's demise might cause problems? I mean, if Wind is an Elemental Power meant to be possessed by someone in Ninjago and nobody has it anymore, couldn't that be disruptive?
  13. While we all love Bionicle-or at least, I assume we do; why would you be hanging out in the Bionicle Discussion forum of a predominantly Bionicle-based Lego fansite if you didn't?-I think we can all agree that it hasn't been perfect. In particular, there have been some set decisions that have been somewhat lackluster, from lack of poseability to color scheme to repetitive molds to gaps in figures like Toa Mata Nui (though I personally like the figure myself). So, the question this topic seeks answers to: if you could change a set of the past, how would you do so? Honestly, most of my complaints have more to do with accessories than with the actual build of the sets themselves. I'm kinda wishing that Dume and Norik had both one Pehkuis as opposed to Norik having a Kiril-shaped Pehkui; it's not like the Kiril was ever actually used for anything, whereas Norik actually put his mask to work. It would also have been nice if the Karzahni set had included an actual Olisi as opposed to two green Pridak feet. G2 was even bigger with mask issues, mostly due to incomplete mask sets or featuring masks that served no story purpose. I think the Lord of Skull Spiders should have come with the G2 Mask of Time and/or a corrupted Mask of Fire or Water, with whichever one of the latter two wasn't featured in that set being perhaps included with Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder. It would also have been nice if we could've gotten a full set of six "infected" Uniter Masks, and maybe the Mask of Ultimate Power to go along with Umarak the Destroyer; the only set from the final wave that didn't come with two masks, made more sad by the fact that including one with him would actually have mde sense.
  14. You know, you're right. I probably came up with too many movies. Perhaps we can think about how they can be managed. I like your idea of having the Chronicles, Legends, and Bara Magna arcs being the movies while the Metru Nui saga being a TV series. I would also like to think of TV shows for Lhikan's Toa team, Jovan's team, Lesovikk's team, the Order of Mata Nui, the Core War and pre-Mata-Nui-arriving-to-Bara-Magna arc, and perhaps Ekimu and the Protectors from G2. It's like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars for how they are managed. Honestly man, it doesn't seem that far fetched: the Marvel Cinematic universe is at around twenty-one released or announced with no signs of stopping, and that's without the likes of the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Whether or not so many movies would be the best form to tell Bionicle's story is another matter; it does seem to lend itself to something more episodic like a TV series. The idea of a crossover with minifigure-based properties seems a bit more far-fetched.
  15. Bionicle was a big series with quite a few sets and alternate models between it's two runs, but there were a good number of characters who never received an official set form. Granted, this has allowed for the creation of numerous wondrous MOCs, a tradition that continues to this day. But I'm sure we can all agree that there are at least a few characters that it would have been great to see in some kind of official set form, especially given the fact that many of them had masks that were never released as products and in most cases were never even depicted visually. Among the ones I wouldn't have minded seeing are the following: Sets The Shadow Toa Mata-sure, they would probably just be the original Toa Mata sets cast in black or other dark colors, but they still would have been cool.Tohunga/"Mctoran"-they may have been super basic, but there was a definite charm to those little guys. I for one wouldn't say no to Teridax's Matoran form, Kopeke, Tamaru, and Ahkmou (Black Rau). Takua, Midak, Kapura, Hahli, Taipu,and Kotu would be kinda cool too.Kolhii Matoran-I kinda found it sad that only eight Matoran got 2003 redesigns; it would have been nice to get Kongu, Tamaru, Onepu, and Taipu, and maybe Kapura and Nuparu for good measure.The Toa Mangai-granted, there are ten of these guys who never got sets of their Toa forms, and a few of them have been identified as having preexisting masks. But I figure that Tuyet, Nidhiki, the Toa of Jungle, and maybe even Naho could do with their own sets at least, if not the other six as well.Bionicle Hunters-a thought of mine that involves wanting a complete set of Hagah and figuring that, if Lego would have to release them as a set of six, you could include a couple other characters in place of Norik and Iruini. This could be an alternative place for Toa Nidhiki, and possibly a Lariska set. Failing Lariska, you could always create a Dume set so that we could finally have the sets Norik and Iruini were originally envisioned as.Additional Toa-Nikila, Varian, etc.; mostly aimed at those with unique elements or masks-and perhaps some Order of Mata Nui members?Titans-while I kind of like to envision Pre-Pit Karzahni as Shadow Titan Makuta of G2, it would have been cool to get an actual set of his non-mutated form with a real Olisi. While we're on that subject, I know I'm not the only one who wishes we could have gotten an Artakha set with the G1 Mask of Creation. It would also have been cool to get some Makuta in non-Karda Nui forms besides the original bad guy himself, such as a Mask of Scavenging sporting Icarax or a humanoid Miserix. I'd also imagine that Marendar would probably have been a Titan set if we'd gotten one.The Great Beings?Axato and Mask Hoarder-one of the few ideas I've had for an actual additional set for G2, featuring the book-only Skull Raider and Makuta, but not as seen in the online animations or Journey to One: this one is inspired by concept art in which Makuta had silver armor rather than gold. I think it would have been a nice touch, and maybe even an opportunity to include more masks.Alternate Models 2004 Matoran Nui-the concept was kinda cool, and it's sad that we never actually got to see it.Tunneler-an alternate model, probably constructed from Lhikan and Kikanalo.Vahki Transport-sort of a Vahki Nui: the vehicle created by combining pieces from all six Vahki.Kingdom Teridax-the guy was supposed to be a combiner model of all the 2008 Makuta; how amazing would that have been in actual set form?The Element LordsOrde, Chiara, and Zaria-seems to me that you could have made these guys as combo models of existing sets, particularly as Chiara apparently has a Volitak. It would also have been neat to get other alternate Toa, such as members of Jovan, Lesovikk, or Lhikan's original teams.Those are just my thoughts on the matter. Feel free to post your own or express your feelings on mine.
  16. Yeah, that issue definitely still exists. An additional issue I've noticed-which hopefully is enough to prevent this being classified as thread necromancy-seems to arise when you confront the Nui-Jaga in the Po-Wahi level. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like whenever I try playing the game lately I can't do any damage to that cave. I'm basically stuck having Pohatu kick Koli balls around hoping that one will work, but it never seems to. Anyone else run into this?
  17. Nuparu and two clones of him did appear in the issue where Onua saves Lewa from the Kranan.
  18. I know right? One of the saddest things for me about the "new" Clone Wars was that Durge was cut out; all the comic and game exclusive villains I can live without, but Durge was awesome.
  19. This guy over on YouTube has some pretty cool ideas, though he hasn't done Rebels or Legends yet so far as I've seen.
  20. This is true, and it kinda bugs. It also seems a bit nonsensical that only those four Elements were embodied by Golden Weapons. I'd like to think that the four Ninja could unlock Elemental Powers of their own accord with some training, but it seems unlikely to happen given their reliance on Lloyd.
  21. What, no Bionicle? Honestly, the idea of a CCBS Realm is a bit weird, but I suppose it's possible.
  22. The Serpentine Fortress was actually going to be a set, but sadly it was scrapped: http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/Serpentine_Train
  23. Yeah, can't say that I'm a fan either. Garmadon's new design his cool but his character is awful; I like the new Nya but everyone else-by which I guess I mean Lloyd and Jay, since they're the only other ones even really featured-seem pretty bad. I'm starting to think that Lego shouldn't be making stand-alone movies.
  24. When it comes to most things I'm a fan of, I'm a bit of a completist, especially in the area of merchandise. As such, if something appeared in the Ninjago TV series, I feel it should appear in set form. Now this doesn't apply to everything-I honestly don't care much for season four's Elemental Masters all that much-but there are definitely a few show elements that I think should appear in set form, such as the following: Young Wu and Garmadon-perhaps a recreation of their epic duel?-and the First Spinjitzu Master.Garmadon's Samurai Mech-that thing was a beast, and it seems a shame that it never got it's own set.The Overlord Dragon-the Golden Dragon was nice, but without its nemesis it seems incomplete. You could even get some extra out of it by including purified/pre-Sensei Garmadon or the First Spinjitzu Master; the latter would enable you to recreate the ancient battle of good and evil.Project: Arcturus-that ship was sweet, and a set version could be really cool. Of course, a figure of its Serpentine namesake wouldn't go amiss...The Preeminent-again, it just seems wrong to finish out a year without releasing a set of the big bad, and the Preeminent would definitely make a nice addition.The Earth Dragon-I'm sorry, but "Cole's Dragon" was garbage, especially compared to other Dragons we've had in the series. I figure we could get Cole, perhaps his dad and the Royal Blacksmiths or Yang's other four students who don't have Minifigs, and maybe even a Seliel fig? She is so cool, they really should put her in the show/toyline.Water and Fire Dragons-the upcoming "Fusion Dragon" is cool, but it'd be nice for the dragons who compose it to get their own sets.The Black Bounty-might just be a recolor of the Destiny's Bounty, but it would give you the chance to get Soto's crew and maybe even the Bizarro Ninja.So, anyone have any thoughts on these, or any suggestions for other sets?
  25. My but this forum is light on topics. So if my calculations are correct, as of the Day of the Departed special eight of the Ninjago series' Sixteen Realms have been identified: NinjagoThe UnderworldThe Dark Realm (where Lord Garmadon got his extra arms)The Cursed Realm (destroyed)Cloud KingdomChimaDjinnjago (destroyed)The Departed Realm As a result, there are eight realms that are as yet unaccounted for, though of course we may see more as the Hageman brothers see fit to use them as a plot device. Until we do, however, there's plenty of speculation to be made as to what the remaining eight realms might consist of. Personally, based on my own preferences and my assessments of Lego in general, I could see the following: Knighton-Nexo Knights seems to have replaced Chima, so it would make sense that it would have it's own realm.DC Super Heroes-whether or not Super Hero Girls would be included or be it's own separate thing is up for debate.Marvel Super HeroesStar Wars-goes without saying that, as one of Lego's most popular and expansive themes, it would get it's own realm.Middle Earth-what with two video games (not counting Dimensions) and numerous sets, it seems like it would have one.Harry Potter-again, Lego's done a lot with it.Elvendale/Heartlake City World-given their similar minifigure types, it would make sense for them to share a world.DisneyGiven the season one reference to Clutch Powers, I would imagine that the Lego City theme fits into Ninjago, along with the likes of Lego Atlantis. Any other themes would probably be bunched in with these realms or else could be described as additional ones beyond the "cluster" if you will of sixteen that includes Ninjago. Of course, the loss of two realms does also open it up to where there could be space for an additional two to fill the void.
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