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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. According to the Hall of Villainy section at the Ninjago website-assuming you can take anything like that as a reliable source-the Ninja "disposed of" their Elemental Blades after they returned to Ninjago Island (see below link). They were then apparently recovered by a "super fan" who went through Wu's trash and used to start up a Ninja Museum to rival the Ninjago Museum of History. https://www.lego.com/en-us/ninjago/virtualtour
  2. I didn't know he has a name. Derp. Thank you! Aww thank you! <3 In your defense, the name was only revealed in Journey to One; his set was referred to simply as "Ekimu Falcon." Nice work on all of these; cool reimaginings, and honestly more practical than the real deal.
  3. I see you got the G2 chapter up; very nice. Aw, how to explain biological reproduction to a robot-fun subject. Not a bad chapter, though I think it would have been funny if there had been a bit more emphasis on how different the G2 Toa are from the G1 versions Takanuva is familiar with.
  4. Yeah, a lot of the Rebels sets are depressingly expensive; CCBS versions of Rebels and Legends characters probably would be too, but at least it would be cool to see them developed. Among the various Rebels sets I would love to see developed would be the Nightbrother, Maul's Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter; we previously had a Pre Vizsla version but seeing it in Maul's colors would be pretty cool. I think it would also be a great opportunity to introduce a Rebels Maul minifigure along with season 3 Ezra and maybe even Sabine with the Darksaber. It would also be an ideal set for featuring either a Lego version of the Bendu-if you wanted to recreate scenes from the episode "Visions and Voices"-or a Rebels version of Obi-Wan Kenobi, if you want to recreate the anticipated return of Maul to Tatooine. Failing that, maybe do a Battle of Malachor set so that we can get Maul, the Eighth Brother and maybe even the Seventh Sister, though I also wouldn't mind her showing up in a Lothal Jedi Temple set with Jedi Temple Guard minifigures, including a Grand Inquisitor variant. Really, there are all sorts of sets they could do for Rebels if they set their mind to it: the Broken Horn, Merchant One, a Hammerhead Corvette, an Imperial Carrier, Cham Syndulla's ship; plenty of opportunities to introduce new ships and new minifigures to the line, like Vizago, his droids, Azmorigan, his men, Hondo, his Ugnaughts, Rebels Lando, W1-LE, Rebels Leia, Ryder Azadi and the Lothal Rebels, the Twi'lek Rebels...the list goes on and on. What would be really nice is if we could get minifigures of all the cool and unique Mandalorian designs the show has introduced and will be introducing; get some color thrown in with those lame Death Watch Figures and "Mandalorian Super Commandos."
  5. Greg Farshtey was a master. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't we have some sort of database with all of Greg's answers or something? BionicleSector01 tries, but he's given us a lot. Given that Tren Krom displayed the ability to produce an eye randomly to blast Carapar into oblivion, the idea of him having hole-like eyes at one point and yellow eyes at another hardly seems implausible.
  6. Undoubtedly; it's going to be interesting to see how Acronix and Krux play into this whole thing.
  7. Definitely agree with you on these guys. It'd be nice to get some more nonhuman characters like Ackbar, Bistan, Pao, and Raddus as well.
  8. Chapter 15 Turaga Dume and Raanu stood watching grimly as the Shadowed One led a small band of his Shadow Horde towards their camp, taking advantage of the absence of Toa, Glatorian, and other warriors who had marched off at Mata Nui's direction to battle the approaching armies. A pair of former Voya Nui Matoran fired off Rhotuka Spinners from launchers built into their chests while a pair of modified Fire Drones* fired off their own at the advancing villains. However, the weapons did little against the Dark Hunter known as Phantom, whose green and black Skakdi-like form** easily smashed the Fire Drones, sending the Matoran running for cover. Unlike the ex-Matoran, the massive form of Tracker was not above harming the villagers, which he demonstrated by striking a diminutive Matoran and shattering his mask. The victim was none other than Agil, the Toa canister builder encountered by Jaller's team in Karzahni, who found that the absence of his mask left him unable to stand on his recently repaired but short legs, and it fell to the Ta-Matoran Dezalk to drag him to safety with one arm as he wielded his sword in the other***. "We must put a halt to this somehow, Dume!" "How, Raanu? There are no other warriors to us to call upon, even with the unexpected arrival of that strange army of Matoran, Toa, and Turaga. With all the evil there is to be countered, there are none to be spared to help us...assuming there are even enough to see that even a few of us survive this battle. Do what you feel you must, my friend." The Fire Agori gave the Turaga a long look before nodding and departing, leaving Dume alone atop the great tree trunk. As such, he was not present to see a Necrofinch, that bird of Zakaz who resembled a Zamor Launcher with wings, swoop down towards Dume. Not so long ago this bird had changed its shape from that of a Cliff Screecher, and as it landed it assumed another form, a hulking brute with a Zamor Launcher on each shoulder. Covered in blue and white armor, the figure's head was a grinning skull with massive claws and large webbed feet. Though he had never met this particular being, Dume knew him by reputation, and thus addressed him: "So, Triglax."**** "So you know of me, little Turaga? Good-it is nice to be recognized. I fled the Dark Hunters some time ago, but I'm sure that the Shadowed One will be forgiving if I bring him the Kanohi of the Turaga who has caused him so much trouble. Some of the most feared Hunters have failed to kidnap or kill you, Dume-imagine the acclaim I will gain for succeeding." Dume had faced death on countless occasions as both a Toa and a Turaga, and had never given any villain the satisfaction of seeing him afraid. As such, his expression remained calm even as the two launchers trained on him, knowing that his old and small frame could not carry him away from the villain fast enough. With some surprise, he realized that his greatest regret was that he had not had more time to learn from the former Toa Metru. His fellow Turaga had often been a mystery to him...but he couldn't deny that the Matoran had benefited more from their leadership than from his. That thought was his last, as his mind and body were then caught in an explosion of force. Triglax looked down on the smoking form of the fallen Dume and chuckled-until he heard heavy footsteps behind him. He turned to find a being roughly his own height with a hodgepodge collection of armor facing him, with a double-bladed katana in one hand a Firestaff in the other. He looked at the body of the Turaga and then at his killer, his eyes narrowing in contempt. "Scum like you are the reason I helped Tuyet make her escape. Hope you enjoyed that, because Buzkayo is going to make sure that you never take the life of a defenseless victim again."***** As Matoran, Agori, and other civilians scattered before the Shadow Horde invaders encroaching on the camp, Turaga Onewa stumped his way towards a small opening in the fallen form of Mata Nui's original body. Passing through it, he entered a sizeable chamber where the leadership council, himself included, had ordered a number of valuable artifacts to be placed for safekeeping. So far as he could remember, there wasn't anything that could really be used as a weapon, but anything had to be better than his trusty but powerless hammer. With that in mind, Onewa set the Stone Hammer aside as he regarded the small group of guards who remained to protect the artifact chamber. The guard detail was a motley one, to say the least: it consisted of a single Order of Mata Nui member and a handful of Matoran. Jagiri, once the Order of Mata Nui Agent charged with observing Zakaz, towered over her fellows and wore a Kanohi Mahiki; her armaments consisted of a short trident held in one hand and a staff resembling Matau's Badge of Office in the other.^ Her four comrades in arms were Kalama,second-in-command to Kapura in the Ta-Matoran Guard; Gavla, the blue-colored Av-Matoran who still bore the signs of Makuta experimentation; Taipu, the simple but strong Onu-Matoran; and Ahkmou, Onewa's own traitorous former comrade. The former "Turaga" had volunteered for the responsibility, claiming he wished to make amends for his foolish loyalty to Makuta; Onewa had supported his assignment more to have him somewhere close at hand than through any belief in his supposed repentance. Jagiri looked down at Onewa, her head inclined in respect. "Turaga, what brings you here? Does the battle go well?" "It goes ill, Jagiri, despite the brave actions of your comrades and others. I have come hoping that there might be something amongst the leavings of our former universe that can help turn the tide, and quickly; the Shadowed One himself is invading the camp with his minions." Before any of the guards could react to Onewa's words, the space behind him began to twist and warp, and the Turaga of Stone turned just in time to see a hulking figure emerge from it. Though bereft of a mask, Karzahni remained an imposing sight, towering over the six other beings in the room. He regarded them with disinterest, before turning his eyes towards an artifact that floated above a pedestal in the center of the room. It was a long staff with two curved prongs at its base, while at the opposite end there sat a gigantic mechanism that appeared to be intended for allowing its head to rotate. The head itself was topped with an array of three blades that resembled flame, but colored in green, each sitting atop a curved black piece resembling a claw that curved around the cylindrical head of the artifact. "The Staff of Artakha...it reeks of my brother's touch. Makuta spoke of it in the Pit, when I faced him and was promptly punished for my rash actions. Artakha has taken my mask, so it is only fitting that I claim his precious staff!" With a roar not unlike those of the Tahtorak she had interacted with on Zakaz, Jagiri leaped upon the black-armored tyrant, striking with her weapons in a desperate bid to strike him down. Kalama rushed to aid her, only to be knocked flying by a boot from the mad tyrant, who soon threw Jagiri aside as well. The impact left her stunned, and Karzahni stepped forward to claim the Staff of Artakha. Desperately, Onewa prepared to employ his Kanohi power against the villain-only for Ahkmou to throw a punch that knocked the mask from Onewa's face. "Sorry, Onewa, but I owed you some long overdue payback. Yes, I remember Metru Nui-Makuta saw fit to restore my memories as a reward for my services, even if your precious Chronicler thwarted our plans. I was going to play nice with you and your Glatorian friends...but I think I just found a better alternative." Smiling wickedly, Karzahni took the staff, and contemplated it for a moment; the three blades then changed from green to red in color^^. "Interesting-it seemed my brother gave his creation the power to repair and to destroy, though only a being of our abilities could unlock its full potential in either. No wonder that Makuta sought to claim this for himself. You are wise, little Po-Matoran, and you shall indeed be rewarded in my service. Would any of the rest of you care to join me?" Despite Karzahni's size, Taipu braced himself, ready to fight in defense of Onewa and the other artifacts in the chamber. However, the attack came from a place he hadn't expected: behind him, as Gavla's claws pierced his back. Feeling weak for the first time in his life, the Onu-Matoran slumped to the ground as the Av-Matoran regarded him coldly before looking at Karzahni and Ahkmou. "I don't owe these losers any favors; count me in." Still wearing his cruel smile, Karzahni nodded, and with a thought caused Gavla to vanish, teleported a good distance away from the battle raging outside. He then turned his attention to the rest of the room, examining the artifacts to see if there might be anything else of value. Assuming that his new master would call for him if needed, Ahkmou walked over and picked up the Stone Hammer before turning to regard the unconscious form of Taipu and the prone Onewa, who looked up at him with thinly veiled contempt. Gripping his newfound weapon, Ahkmou swung it experimentally, shattering Onewa's Komau with ease. "Time for that payback, Onewa-and since Hafu isn't around for me to settle accounts, I suppose his Onu-Matoran twin will suffice." As his Shadow Horde minions terrorized the inhabitants of the Matoran-Agori camp, the Shadowed One smiled malevolently at the sight. Though he was looking forward to finishing off any Toa and other annoying interlopers, for the moment terrorizing the diminutive villagers was proving most amusing. However, he could see a group of Turaga rallying the Matoran and Agori, creating a barricade and manning it with Kanoka Launchers and various other weapons. The sight of Lhikan among them was more than a little disturbing, but the Turaga of Fire who stood beside him swiftly drew the Shadowed One's attention. Moving with grim purpose, the Shadowed One advanced on the redoubt, sending a stream of crystalline protodermis at a Kanoka Launcher that one of the Matoran dared to swing in his direction. He then addressed the being who had proved such a nuisance to his schemes a thousand years previously. "So, Vakama, you've survived; I would have thought a noble fool like you would have perished interfering in my war with the Brotherhood of Makuta long since. Still, I suppose you were on Metru Nui when Voporak claimed the Kanohi Vahi-I wish I could have seen the look on your face as he claimed the mask that you robbed me of." With an expression of confusion, Nokama turned to regard her colleague. "What is he talking about, Vakama?" "...something I should have shared with you and the rest of our brothers long ago, Nokama; the full history of what befell me when I returned to Metru Nui for the Mask of Time." Before Vakama could say more, however, the noise of battle reached the Shadowed One's ears, and he spun around to see what was happening. To his alarm, a band of Order of Mata Nui members and Toa were charging back into the camp and engaging his forces. Valmai's teammate Pala engaged Charger, using his Kanohi Izotor of Rahi Control to halt the mutated Kane-Ra, while Primal was forced to block Bumonda's weapons with his spear. The Magnetism Toa Papu narrowly ducked a blast from Spinner before waving his mace to send the Dark Hunter's weapons flying, while Uganu found himself being pressed by Ravager's furiously striking shield and sword. Papu's colleague Rangi was forced to melt a barrage of boulders before being set upon by Devastator, while Flammik used her red staff to entangle Amphibax's whip before swinging her hook at the Dark Hunter, who caught it on his claws. However, the Shadowed One had little time to process this conflict, as Takanuva was flying towards him atop a vehicle that, had the Dark Hunters been aware of events on the island of Mata Nui, he would have recognized as the Ussanui. Nothing of the vehicle's history, whether it's use against Makuta or its subsequent repair by Nuparu, was known to him. Of course, the main thing that mattered was that it was currently hurtling towards him at high speeds with no indication of slowing down. The craft slammed into him and kept going, carrying the leader of the Shadow Horde higher and higher as Takanuva steered it towards the top of the great tree stump. Finally, Takanuva decelerated the vehicle, sending the Shadowed One flying to hand heavily atop the stump. Setting the Ussanui to descend slowly towards the ground, Takanuva leaped from its seat to land on the stump facing the Shadowed One, who had already recovered and risen to his feet. Both warriors circled each other warily, staffs held ready in preparation for their expected battle. Intent on each other, they barely noted the lifeless forms of Dume and Triglax and the senseless Buzkayo. Only Takanuva, who had been present when the substance had separated from Brutaka, spared a glance at the pool of Antidermis. "At long last we meet, Toa of Light. You know, there was a time when I respected and even feared you, for I believed that you had done what even I failed to: bested Makuta in battle. Of course, that was before he seized control of the universe and proved that he had played you as he had played all of us. Still, a warrior of Light is an uncommon thing, and your destruction will certainly cement my reputation as the greatest warrior on this planet." With a humorless grin, Takanuva replied. "You seem awfully confident in your ability to beat me; let's put it to the test!" Simultaneously the two opened fire with their staffs, crystalline protodermis flying forth in a stream to meet fountain of pure light that erupted from Takanuva's Power Lance. The two powers strained against each other, stretching out into bizarre shapes and forms as they clashed. At last the two combatants halted their attack, and were stunned by the result: a glimmering spire of crystalline protodermis that shone with captured light.^^^ However, the Shadowed One recovered quickly and darted to one side, sending a Rhotuka Spinner flying at Takanuva only for the Toa to fire off a blast from his Midak Skyblaster. The two projectiles collided, exploding and shattering the crystalline tower, fragments of which the two enemies were hard-pressed to evade. Eyes crackling with power, the Shadowed One launched a pair of his eye beams at Takanuva, only for Takanuva to use create a scoop of Light in his free hand to capture the blast, a trick that he had learned from his old friend Solek after being reunited with the Av-Matoran. Much as he had during his Kolhii battle with Makuta, Takanuva swung the scoop towards the Shadowed One, forcing the villain to evade his own destructive energy bolts. Before the Shadowed One could attack again Takanuva struck out with a power taught him by Radiak: using his light to engender feelings of peace and contentment within the Dark Hunter leader that slowed his movements to a crawl. However, the Shadowed One's force of will enabled him to fire off another Rhotuka Spinner; caught off guard, Takanuva found his mind awash in chaos, forcing him to release the villain from his attack. Taking advantage of his foe's weakness, the Shadowed One charged, only for Takanuva to recover enough to hit him with a double dose of Av-Matoran power: using techniques learned from the noble Kirop and the standoffish Gavla, Takanuva struck the Shadowed One with a Light blast that both blinded him and threw off his sense of balance, causing him to topple forward onto the ground. As he struggled to his feet, Takanuva unleashed Photok's power, shooting forward at light speed and dealing the Shadowed One a blow that would have staggered a Makuta. Before he could do more, however, he was disturbed by a voice calling from nearby. "Master, save me! I am not meant for battle-though Spiriah certainly seemed to think I was when he left me in charge of his Visorak platoon on Zakaz!" Up the path that was the most common route to the stump came the Recorder, a twisted figure with red, green, and black armor who wielded a long blade in one hand and a shorter one in the other and had a head that was red and almost featureless^^^^. However, he was swiftly pursued by a figure riding a Kanoka Disk and wielding a launcher: it was none other than Kodan, the Chronicler who had invented the sport of Akilini on Metru Nui. With the practiced hand of an able sportsman-something he had not lost while on the Red Star-Kodan fired off a disk in his launcher, striking the Recorder dead center in his back. Overcome by the disk's Weakness power, the Recorder stumbled, allowing Kodan to snag him under one arm and fly off with his captive. The display, while impressive, had the unfortunate effect of taking Takanuva's eyes off of his enemy long enough for the Shadowed One to recover. Though he could not match Takanuva's speed, the Shadowed One had great strength of his own, and demonstrated it by slamming his staff into the midsection of the Toa. Power Lance and Midak Skyblaster alike flew to either side as the blow knocked Takanuva backwards, and before the Toa could even think of recovering the Shadowed One had struck him again. The bladed end of the staff struck again and again, until the battered Takanuva was knocked to the ground before the onslaught. Laughing triumphantly, the Shadowed One raised his staff towards his foe, its tip glowing as it prepared to release crystalline protodermis. His eyes also crackled as his disintegration eyebeams began to build, ready to strike the Toa of Light down. Takanuva looked up at his enemy, and realized with regret that there was nothing he could do to escape his foe-the Shadowed One had struck too quickly and savagely, and now he had no means of stopping him. Resigned to his destruction, the Toa of Light closed his eyes-and then opened them again at an unexpected sound: the Shadowed One crying out in pain. His staff fell to the ground, and the villain was soon on his knees, revealing the form of his attacker behind him: Darkness. The two Piraka Kaita had led their hordes of Skakdi and Zyglak in a savage counterattack against Gali's army, forcing the various former Matoran Universe residents to flee before the onslaught of destructive weapons and powers wielded by both vicious races. Many were left sick or otherwise incapacitated by the diseased touch of the Zyglak and the various powers of the Skakdi, and those who couldn't get to safety under their own power or with the fortunate aid of their comrades were cruelly cut down. Those few beings brave enough to challenge the advance force were struck down by the might of the two Kaita, who were proving just as great a threat as their former merged form, Irnakk. However, on the vast and ever-changing battlefield, the tide could change quickly-and it did. Kopaka and Gali, though weak from battling the Element Lords of Ice and Water, unleashed a freezing rain upon the evil force; though the Zyglak and some of the Skakdi were immune to it, many of the latter were not, and the torn up ground of the battlefield became a sodden mire that slowed down those few whom the rain did not hamper. Then, even as Gali's forces cheered their unexpected rescue, Kopaka's forces moved in. While the battle with the Baterra had thinned their ranks somewhat, enough Bohrok and Bohrok Va had survived to mount a massive charge against the Zyglak and Skakdi. Using their various Elemental Powers, the Bohrok challenged the similar might of the Skakdi, while the Zyglak found their disease-spreading touch ineffective. Despite this, they eagerly struck against the Bohrok, recognizing them as the carriers of the Krana, organisms whom they remembered as hated "siblings" preferred by their creators, the Great Beings. With the Bohrok and Va keeping most of the Zyglak occupied, Gali's forces were able to regroup and launch their own counterattack, driving furiously into the ranks of the Skakdi. Suddenly less sure of their success, the two Piraka Kaita retreated, leaving their minions behind to guard their escape. However, in the face of the efforts of the Toa Nuva and the Bohrok Swarm, the two giants had forgotten about the Toa Mahri, Bohrok-Kal, and Toa Cordak. They were promptly reminded as Nikila, Tahnok-Kal, Terak, Kohrok-Kal, and Uxar unleashed their powers on the Kaita formed from Hakann, Avak, and Zaktan, while the other Kaita was set upon by Gahlok-Kal, new arrival Valmai, Pahrak-Kal, Melum, and Nuhvok-Kal. Reeling from the onslaught of Elemental Powers, the two Kaita attempted to respond with their own. However, Hakann's flames were checked by Jaller and Ikir, Thok's attempts to conjure cold were blown away by Kongu and Lesovikk, and Zaktan's Air was absorbed by Lehvak-Kal's Vacuum. Akida and Hahli seized control of Vezok's attempt at a flood, Ketar and Hewkii shattered the Stone Avak attempted to manipulate, and Nuparu quickly acted to thwart Reidak's attempt at an earthquake. So effectively stymied, the Kaita were defenseless as the Toa and Kal unleashed another attack; overwhelmed, the two giants split apart. Hakann, Thok, and Reidak rose to their feet while their comrades remained on the ground, unconscious. Even faced with a group of thirteen Toa and six elite Bohrok, the three Skakdi refused to back down. With a roar, Hakann employed his mental blast power as never before, unleashing a wide attack that left the Toa disoriented as he charged at Kongu, eyes blazing as he prepared a heat blast. Thok used his animation powers to animate the nearby fallen forms of Bohrok and Baterra and direct them towards his foes, while Reidak rumbled towards Jaller, who had taken the heaviest brunt of Hakann's attack. Still weak, Hahli watched in horror as the black Skakdi charged towards her friend, and found herself wondering if the warning of Kylma the seer had been meant for this day rather than the battle for the Mask of Light^^^^^. Even in the heat of war, Toa were reluctant to take a life; it was, after all, against one of the highest precepts of the Toa Code that governed their conduct under most circumstances. The Bohrok-Kal, however, had no such code: they existed to serve the will of Mata Nui, something that the Piraka had sought time and again to defy. As such, they acted in accordance with what seemed the best course to halt such evil. Gahlok-Kal's magnetic powers seized Thok's creations and threw them towards the Piraka, burying him under a pile of metal; Nuhvok-Kal then increased the weight of Gravity on the pile, double insuring Thok's demise. Kohrak-Kal and Lehvak-Kal then combined their powers, unleashing a blast of wind combined with a devastating Sonics wave that smashed Hakann, while Reidak discovered that even he couldn't survive the combined power of Lightning and Plasma. Once it was clear the three Skakdi had been dispatched and that their comrades weren't getting up anytime soon, the heroes breathed a sigh of relief. The Kal swiftly departed to continue leading the Bohrok against the routed Skakdi and Zyglak, while most of the Mahri and Cordak set about restraining the surviving Piraka and other stunned villains. Jaller, however, took a moment to check on Hahli, who was so overcome at his safety after fearing his imminent death that she embraced him. Watching the younger pair of Toa, Nikila found herself smiling, more so when Lesovikk took her hand with a look of relief behind his Kanohi Faxon not unlike Hahli's. To be continued... *The red and white "Good Guys" and green and yellow "Bad Guys" of 2006. **The Zaktan+Reidak combiner model. ***Agil is named for the G2 Creature of Light and represented in set form by the 2006 "Good Guy", while I chose to represent Dezalk with the 2007 "Good Guy" who wore a Kanohi Rode. ****The "Set Function" set from 2008, and the Thok+Vezok Piraka Combiner. *****Buzkayo is the Gahlok Va headed Bohrok Va Kabaya Combiner, with a name taken from Battle of the Mask Makers. ^Jagiri, whose name also comes from Battle of the Mask Makers, is the "Gamma" Turaga Kabaya Combiner model. ^^If you hadn't guessed from my choice of a repurposed G2 model to serve as the physical form of non-Pit Karzahni, the Staff of Artakha is represented by G2 Makuta's staff from his Shadow Titan form. ^^^A little something inspired by Rise of the Guardians. ^^^^If you couldn't tell, I hate when alternate models go without storyline roles, and I thought Spiriah's "Matoran" from 2008 would be a nice fit for the Recorder; his appearance in that set is further explained by his backstory as a one time assistant of Spiriah's. ^^^^^A reference to the Mata Nui Online Game II, if you weren't aware.
  9. Truly stellar work; you can definitely recognize Bionicle elements, but it's such a unique interpretation that it could easily be its own thing.
  10. Indeed. I haven't even gotten to the really scary stuff yet, such as EVERY OTHER BIONICLE VILLAIN EVER. Except maybe Sidorak. He sucks. Gee, someone's taking Web of Shadows as accuracy a bit too far. Alas, poor Sidorak; like General Grievous before him, he lost all glory when his movie came out.
  11. Nice inclusion of the abandoned Shadow Toa Ahkmou idea.
  12. It is certainly an interesting question, made more so by the fact that the original Master of Ice was-so far as we know-human, whereas Zane-the current master-is a robot. Makes you wonder how Zane received his powers, and whether or not Dr. Julien may have been connected in some way to the Master of Ice.
  13. I hear you on the smaller sets, Pohaturon. Droids, Yoda, Maz Kanata, Even Piell, the Ewoks; there's a wealth of smaller characters that could be created as sets. KotOR and TOR do have plenty of potential for buildable figures-I'm not the hugest fan of either, but I know plenty of people would like them. A few other "Legends" characters wouldn't go amiss either; I miss Clone Wars Durge. There really is a whole slew of characters that they could be including in this, and it's kind of sad that we're just not getting to eighteen when the theme's been around a couple years, in which time Bionicle G2 was able to churn out some thirty-seven sets of various sizes. Thrawn would definitely be a welcome addition, as would Rebels Ahsoka, the Inquisitors, various Clone Officers/variants like Captain Rex, and more humanoid droids.
  14. Well, as there's no dedicated forum or topic for Lego Star Wars that I've seen, figured I'd start one. First off, I want to talk Buildable Figures-as a long time fan of Bionicle and a casual fan of Hero Factory, I like CCBS and the fact that Star Wars has been making use of it. My only real complaint is that they haven't made as much of it as it seems like they could: it's been around since 2015 and so far we've only seen eighteen sets released with another six-including Stormtrooper Commander and Scout Trooper with Speeder Bike-teased on Brickset. I think the likes of Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Leia, the Emperor, Cassian Andor, Orson Krennic, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, Chewbacca, Bossk, Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Bodhi Rook, Saw Gerrera, and of course the myriad characters of Star Wars Rebels. Of course Star Wars has always been big on merchandising, so they have a wide array of characters from which to choose. On the subject of Rebels, they could definitely make more sets from it than they have, with cool unique characters like the Seventh Sister, the Bendu (as a big fig or something more unusual), and various droids. I particularly like the idea of additional Mandalorian minifigures.
  15. Well, "Vermillion Warriors Unite" seems to put a hole in my Borg theory...but I honestly think P.I.X.A.L. is a more likely/better candidate anyway.
  16. Well, there goes my "Borg could be the new Samurai X" theory, by all appearances. The fact that the Vermillion are Serpentine makes sense, though it is a tad boring. Interesting how Machia is apparently going to start out as a commander, and presumably gets a tail when she becomes a general like Skales did.
  17. Yeah, I'm thinking/hoping that it's going to be P.I.X.A.L. making a return to physical form, given how high-tech the new Samurai X seems to be. If there were the slightest chance of it being Seliel from the graphic novel, that would be a pretty sweet move on Lego's part. Failing that, I wouldn't object to Cyrus Borg...but I am going to be ticked if it turns out to be Ronin.
  18. Appreciate your comments guys-glad you liked it. Well, I wanted to try another installment; here's hoping the sequel can capture some of the magic of the original. Uhat, Toa of Smoke The reluctant leader of the Toa Atam and later the Toa Avun, Uhat would like it very much if everyone would just come to a decision together and not force him to direct anything. Akapok, Toa of Slush Absolutely cannot stand being alone, and thus loves to hang out in the party central that is Ak-Koro. Awel, Toa of (Doing) Nothing Guy is quite mellow, perfectly happy just sitting around doing nothing. Ilag, Toa of Raindrops Despises her fellow Toa: loves it when they don't have anything to do each other, hates it when the others insist on "teamwork." Utahop, Toa of Pebbles Grim, antisocial, speaks in an Australian accent...why does this sound familiar? Auno, Toa of Mud The most foolish of the Toa, avoids digging like the plague, kind of like a non-opposite Onu-Matoran we all know. Aukat/Avunakat, Toa of Dimness Once a workaholic Av-Matoran who hated traveling to other regions, now a goofball Toa who doesn't take anything seriously. Makuta Xadiret, Master of Shadows The revealing monologue is an art form for this guy...if only his plans weren't so obvious that everyone already knows what he's doing before he starts talking about it. Iun Atam, the Great Spirit Once the attentive but overlooked ruler of the Matoran universe, Iun Atam led the incompetent and insecure Xadiret put him into a coma so he can get some attention. Amakav Elder of Uh-Koro, Amakav spends most of his time caught in a bizarre vision and only occasionally has moments of lucid thought. Before becoming a Turaga, he was an ineffective Mask Maker who always felt that he was destined to be a Toa. Ujun Elder of Ak-Koro, a real party animal who strives to keep up on the latest jargon in order to make communication with him as easy as possible. Uatam The most serious Turaga, the elder of Aw-Koro has no time for games or flirting with the one female member of the group, much to her dismay. Amakon The lone female Turaga, the leader of Il-Koro likes to stir up strife among her fellows and has never liked Amakav, though she wishes Uatam would pay more attention to her. Aweno Elder of Ut-Koro, Aweno always believed in Amakav and never lost his temper with anyone, though he wishes people would fix their own problems and not bother him. Aunehw The Turaga of Au-Koro is perfectly content to let the place go to Karzahni, and enjoys contemplating the past about as much as a high school slacker enjoys history class. Alaj/Rellaj The Captain of the Guard of Uh-Koro, Rellaj-formerly Alaj-hates even the thought of responsibility and would rather just chill out on Uh-Wahi Beach with his gal. Upon inadvertently becoming a Toa his greatest aspiration is to outdo the legendary stupidity of his predecessors. Orotam Ujun's assistant, but one who's so out of touch due to his dislike for spending time outside that he can barely understand a word the Turaga says. Becoming a Toa was actually a huge boost to his ego, though it deflated again when he realized he'd been chosen to wear the Mask of Death; he promptly went back to wishing he hadn't gotten out of bed the day Rellaj recruited him. Ugnok Can't stand flying and is fairly convinced that he's the least funny, least cool Matoran ever to mar the face of Iun Atam. Upon becoming a Toa his attitude actually improved somewhat, mainly because his Kanohi Utelus makes it hard for him to concentrate on his work, let alone get down on himself. Ukam/Ukcam A consummate professional, Ukcam-formerly Ukam-never leaves Il-Koro without permission, despite her attraction to a certain Ut-Matoran. Ikuh/Iikweh Iikweh, formerly Ikuh, is a pretty lackluster athlete, yet somehow still managed to catch the eye of Ukcam. Upon becoming a Toa he always looks for the easiest methods of defeating his foes, not easy when he receives a Kanohi that makes him an even worse shot than before and another that creates a mess of Gravity around him in rapid succession. Upeno A humble, diligent worker, Upeno is repulsed by the very notion of praising his own efforts and can't stand the thought of shirking his responsibilities. Sanam These gigantic crabs love the cold and want to be everybody's best friend, to the point of wearing protective mittens over their claws. Akaum Large cats that wouldn't harm a fireflyer and react to Rahkshi about the way most people react to gas station food. Amar-Iun Insects that can't stand each other's company-if you think you have problems with your coworkers, imagine giant bugs who won't even work together under mind control. Avakarat Giant lizards whose powerful arms would be more effective if they weren't constantly getting into ineffectual slap fights... Ar-Enak These bovine creatures love to hang out in large groups, partly because they're afraid of their own shadows-not that you can blame them. Agaj-Iun Just big, cuddly arachnids...a pity they're so incredibly poisonous. Arupak A guy who enjoys rushing around like a maniac, but can't do it for very long because he never practices moving at speed. Ekepok The most talkative guy in Ak-Koro after Ujun; indeed, the hard part is getting him to stop. Uramat This guy loves his heights, but prefers admiring them from atop a slow-flying Uhak, tall tree, or cliff to swinging or jumping over them. Ilah/Ilhah Il-Koro's loudest and most boisterous resident, with a rude streak as wide as Iun Atam's giant robot head. Ufah A carver who can't stand his own work and would prefer to enjoy the creations of others. Upiat Au-Koro's greatest layabout, who would rather sit in a dark cave than check out the jungles of Aw-Koro. Kodhac and Kodhag The twin queens of the Bohrok Swarms, who exist to improve Iun Atam's camouflage-unfortunately they seem to think that it's meant to be permanent. The two of them get stronger the further they are away from each other, though it does make coordinating their minions a pain. Konhat The Bohrok swarm of Smoke, who delight in creating obscuring black clouds. Konhat-Lak the elite variant, is the king of static cling. Karhok The Bohrok swarm of Slush, born to make you slip-one of them snuck into the Generation 2 universe. Karhok-Lak is a great silencer-handy if you've got neighbors who throw wild parties in the middle of the night. Kavhel Jungle Bohrok, who spray miracle grow wherever they go. Kavhel-Lak moves air...you know, like one of those clunky old rotary fans that make your voice sound funny when you speak through them? Kolhag These Bohrok would be more effective if they could do more than doggy paddle. Kolhag-Lak is similarly hampered, as it can't go anywhere without randomly attracting every piece of metal in the area and then repelling them-it's like sneezing, but more shrapnel-y! Karhap These things love rocks-if you need a zen garden, you need a crew of these guys working for you. Karhap-Lak, meanwhile, is a great heat source-a pity he's got not defense against his own powers. Kovhun Bohrok of the Mud, the Kovhun live to fill tunnels and caverns with the stuff. Kovhun-Lak's about as useful to have around as Iikweh wearing the Kanohi Iarag-handy if you want objects that are normally heavy floating around and ones that are usually light impossible to move. Utok A fairly modest Il-Matoran who wasn't at all surprised when she wasn't picked to join the Iihlok team. Urapun An inventor who'd frankly rather improve existing machinery or equipment than come up with anything new. Becoming a Toa was quite a disappointment, as it forces him to be creative; he's tried that before...it was awful. Utrahk, Rahkshi of Courage Even as scary as he looks, Utrahk can't help but fill his adversaries with courage-which leads to him feeling fear when they gang up on him. Uukrahk, Rahkshi of Peace This son of Makuta fills the hearts of his enemies with peace...which would be great if he weren't supposed to be making them fight among themselves. Elrahk, Rahkshi of Purity You know that water supply you wanted tainted? It's clean now, thanks to this guy. Uugrahk, Rahkshi of Creation Improves the structural integrity of whatever you may be trying to destroy. Naprahk, Rahkshi of Faith Makes whatever you were trying to break apart as solid as granite. Ovrahk, Rahkshi of Prosperity Brings great wealth and plentiful food...to its enemies.
  19. A great tribute, and funny; love the idea of the Toa having real lives/jobs when they're not on the series.
  20. That Ekimu-I knew Skull had another y in it. Yet another great chapter.
  21. Definitely an interesting rewrite so far. The idea of the Glatorian actually making the full journey with Mata Nui is a good one; the fact that Greg wrote them out was somewhat disappointing. Maybe I missed it, but is Berix with them, or did he get injured and sent home as in the original version?
  22. An interesting ending, to be sure-you planning on a sequel, or will this be a wrap?
  23. So Voltex and the three rearguards survived after all, eh?
  24. Seems interesting so far-Triki does seem pretty entertaining.
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