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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. Yeah, Cartoon Network's got a few properties that they could definitely milk for set material-it's kind of surprising they haven't taken more advantage of it. I can think of a number of Ben 10 sets alone: *The Rustbucket-the RV I mentioned in my previous post, complete with the Tennyson family-Ben, Gwen, and Max-at least a couple of Ben's transformations-I'm thinking Diamondhead and maybe Cannonbolt-and a villain; either Doctor Animo with one of his creatures or human and monster versions of Kevin 11. *Vilgax's Warship-the main villain's vessel, complete with Omnitrix removal chamber, perhaps Max in his Plumber suit, Ben and another alien or two, and the big bad himself. *Lucky Girl Battle-probably a smaller set featuring Gwen in her Lucky Girl persona, Hex, Charmcaster, and Ben as Fourarms or Heatblast. *Drone Battle-another smaller set featuring Upgrade, two of Vilgax's drones, and Rojo in her cyborg form. *Bounty Hunter Battle-something like the Star Wars battlepacks with Sixsix, Klaw, Tetrax, and Vulkanus. *Waybig Battle-a set featuring Ben's giant form of Waybig-probably something along the lines of the Giant-Man figure. *Plumber HQ-featuring Ben, Max, Gwen, Cooper, Forever King Driscol, and the Red Knight if not more. *Future Clash-featuring Ben 10,000 with a couple transformations, Ken 10, Devlin 11, and Kevin 11,000 in both human and mutant forms. *Kevin's Car-featuring Alien Force style Ben, Gwen, and Kevin and maybe a couple of DNAliens. *Highbreed Cruiser-featuring a couple of Ben's transformations and a Highbreed, among others. *Azmuth's Lab-featuring microfigure Azmuth and Albedo, Malware 1.0, and Feedback. *Battle of the Ultimates-features Albedo-Ben, Ultimate Humungosaur, and Atomix, possibly amongst others. *Clash of the Bens-featuring the various alternate versions of Ben, Eon, and Professor Paradox. *Time Chase-featuring Ben and Rook on their time cycles, Maltruant with chariot, and Plumber George Washington.
  2. Glad that you're enjoying it. As for the Mata Nui-Glatorian thing, do you know where Greg revealed that? The impression I got from The Legend Reborn was that Mata Nui changed the weapons, though it may have allowed the Glatorian to access innate Elemental Powers they were previously unaware of. I don't see how Mata Nui would even have known about the Element Lords at that time-it's not like it would have been vital to his mission-so it seems like a stretch that he wouldn't tell Ackar or the others based on that. If I'm wrong I'm wrong; you're just the first source I've ever heard that from.
  3. You could also consider that, at least according to BIONICLE World, Mata Nui was never supposed to be inhabited. Undoubtedly the idea was that the Kal would function as a safeguard in the event that the Bahrag were impaired, and would have sought out the Toa Nuva on Metru Nui or wherever to obtain the symbols, which would probably have gone a lot more peaceably since it wouldn't be the Nuva turning over their power symbols to a group of beings they had just fought to save an island from. The idea was probably that, were the Kal needed, they could go, obtain the Nuva symbols, free the Bahrag, and then return the symbols to the Nuva so that the Nuva could wake up Mata Nui.
  4. Well said; I was quite a fan of that one too.
  5. They did that already, didn't they? They did in CCBS, but only released six sets that don't seem to have done that well. Of course, it was based on Alien Force, which was kind of weak. A line of sets with minifigures could be cool-Fourarms and other Tetramands could be Garmadon/Kozu style figs. I'm not the most familiar with Ben 10 as a property—does it have a good range of distinctive vehicles or settings that could be included in System-based sets? Because that can often be a sticking point for that sort of thing. A highly "toyetic" property like Star Wars with a huge assortment of unique vehicles is naturally a better fit for System than a franchise in which the character designs alone are the only sorts of things that would really have significant shelf appeal—for those, a constraction theme or standalone collectible minifigure series would probably work better. I would say that it does: it's had four series thus far with another one on the way, though the new one appears to be a more young child oriented reboot at least in name. Of course a big appeal would be that the main character of Ben Tennyson's main tactic is transforming into different alien species, of which there have been nigh on a hundred if not more introduced. The series also features numerous enemies and allies of Ben's that he typically fought on several occasions in a wide range of locations that could be replicated in set form. A great number of vehicles were also present, from a beat-up old RV secretly brimming with alien technology to various spacecraft used by the variety of alien cultures featured in the series.
  6. Alas, that would have been amazing. A pity that Lego did not see fit to produce them.Unfortunately, all themes are subject to the whims of the market. I get the impression that Lord of the Rings was generally less popular among kids than themes like Star Wars that are based on franchises marketed more directly toward them. And while AFOLs may make up some of the difference, there's a reason why sets aimed specifically at them are fewer and farther between—they're just a smaller market in general, and can't necessarily sustain a huge range of sets to the same degree. Also, unlike Star Wars, there really wasn't any mechanism to sustain the theme beyond the release of the last Hobbit movie, since there's no ongoing television media or anything like that (a factor that similarly limited the lifespan of themes like Indiana Jones and Harry Potter). Ultimately, while a certain amount of sales can be eked out of classic movies and media, without an infusion of new media and the new fans that accompany it, it's hard to keep a theme going for very long. Sad but true, my friend. EDIT: Especially when Disney produces merchandise for properties that haven't had new stuff in ages. Also, while Star Wars does continue to produce new media, you'd think there'd be a market for Middle Earth stuff when they continue to release sets based on the Prequel films and The Clone Wars. Is it really double posting if it's been a month since anyone else did anything? I'm not the biggest fan of Lego Dimensions-don't like all the properties involved and whatnot-but after seeing this: I feel that they are missing a big opportunity by not having a line of sets-actual sets, not just the little "fun packs"-based on the game. A Dalek flying saucer with a Sauron minifigure on top? Yes please! And that's only the tip of the iceberg. The Tri, the Anacondrai Serpent, the Balrog (with or without Riddler)-so many awesome opportunities...that Lego is failing to take advantage of.
  7. Interesting thought. You imagining like a Wampa or Rancor? Or just a largish humanoid like Chewbacca? It's true that single action figure characters have rarely been priced above Grievous's $35 price point, but then, the average Star Wars buildable figure is bigger than the average Bionicle or Hero Factory buildable figure… so maybe it could sustain higher price points than those for a "premium" figure as well. Imagine a CCBS Gorog on the same scale as the other buildables... well, actually, that would be incredibly impractical. Hey, we can dream right? The idea would be more of a larger scale figure, such as a Wampa or the Bendu from Rebels; Chewie honestly seems like he would probably be about the height of Vader or Grievous, if slimmer. Alas; these do really sound like some great ideas, even to someone like me who's not the biggest KotOR fan. EDIT: Having seen Through Imperial Eyes, I must add I.S.S. Chimaera to the list of desired Rebels sets; it'd be a great chance to get Thrawn's personal Star Destroyer along with Sentry Droids, Governor Pryce, Colonel Yularen, and Yogar Lyste (though I suppose he'd probably be hard to differentiate from most Imperial officers). Also, The Freemaker Adventures line could use a Blazemaker set; could be a good way to get some nonphysical minifigures like Graballa, Baash and Raam, Wick Cooper, Estoc, or even old Jek-14 and his Droids. Also, why do we not have THIS yet: EDIT: Found another one for the list!
  8. Yeah, can't say I care for the missing head spike either. Other than that I quite like the model.
  9. The sad fact of the matter is, it's hard to call anything G2 Makuta was involved in an actual battle: the "Battle of the Mask Makers" literally amounted to Ekimu knocking the Mask of Ultimate Power off of Makuta's face with his hammer, while his confrontation with the Uniters consisted solely of a short-lived contest between his blast of shadow and their six Elemental Blasts. It was one of the many things about G2's early cancellation that was sad; I'd imagine that a more fulfilling clash would have taken place had the series last at least another half a year. Of course, there is a pretty cool looking confrontation being set up by a fan: https://www.facebook.com/MetruNuiLegacy/photos/a.683996154991949.1073741830.568990476492518/1361772250547666/?type=3&theater I rather liked Teridax vs. Karzahni, though I was disappointed at how short it was; Teridax as Maxilos vs. Brutaka was pretty cool too. For that matter, Teridax vs. Miserix and Icarax sound cool, though it would have been nice to get more info.
  10. Sad how the figures don't even match the stolen artwork.
  11. They did that already, didn't they? They did in CCBS, but only released six sets that don't seem to have done that well. Of course, it was based on Alien Force, which was kind of weak. A line of sets with minifigures could be cool-Fourarms and other Tetramands could be Garmadon/Kozu style figs.
  12. Alas, that would have been amazing. A pity that Lego did not see fit to produce them.
  13. I figured it had been long enough that it wasn't an issue. Yeah, I suppose the accessory packs would only work for fairly close character designs, and if you wanted to do some mix and match style modifications to your figures. Also, had anyone else thought anything about larger scaled figures?
  14. Chapter 16 Makuta's eyes narrowed as he regarded Mata Nui, whose new form was smaller than Makuta's even without the massive wings erupting from the villain's shoulders. Mata Nui looked up at his nemesis, reminded uncomfortably of the difference in stature between their previous forms, which had not been dissimilar to that which existed now. The towering beings regarded each other warily, having been reborn through the power of the Kanohi Ignika and-in Makuta's case-the Kanohi Vahi to resume their not long ago battle for Spherus Magna. One flexed massive claws, while the other stood ready with sword and combination shield and Thornax Launcher. After a moment, Makuta's jaws opened slightly, and cold, cruel laughter sounded within the razor-edged maw. "So, brother...it seems Destiny has given me a second chance to crush you." Startled, Mata Nui lifted his sword into guard position. "You remember our last battle? How? I thought that Voporak had brought you forward from some moment of your conflict with the Toa Metru!" "My body, yes...but along the way it picked up my mind as it was when we last met. I remember well how you took advantage of Tahu's use of the Great Beings' trickery and your misdirection of my power to bring me down. You will find me better prepared this time, though I really should have expected such trickery in the first place. What else is to be expected from the 'Great Spirit' who had such little esteem for his most loyal servant! "You know, there was a time, during my long isolation in Mangaia, when I thought you might be grateful for the rest I gave you from our labors. The Kraahkan whispered to me that if ever you awoke you would reward me, and the Matoran would at last see whom they truly owed their many blessings to. But then that fool Karzahni showed me what would happen if you rose without me seizing the universe for my own...and I realized that there was no capacity in your heart for gratitude. Even toying with Matoro lost its appeal once I realized that you would see me as a villain just like your accursed Toa-how fitting, then, that I should play the part and claim my rightful destiny. You bested me once, but now the time has come for you to pay in full!" With that, Makuta unleashed a wave of Gravity upon Mata Nui, eagerly anticipating watching the gold and yellow armor crumple beneath his might. To his astonishment, nothing happened, and behind the Ignika Mata Nui smiled for the first time since his nemesis had been reborn. Enraged, Makuta hurled Chain Lightning and Plasma bolts at his adversary, only for them to dissipate harmlessly upon contact with the hero's form. A blast of Sonics proved similarly ineffective, as did Makuta's efforts to rip Mata Nui's body apart with Magnetism. The winged titan's roar of rage turned swiftly to pain as Mata Nui's sword slashed into his chest, creating a small hole that leaked antidermis. "Another piece of 'Great Beings' trickery' for you, Makuta! You may have been given a second chance, but so have I-and this time your body contains no innocents to shield you from me!" With that, Mata Nui charged again, only for Makuta to lift into the air with a flap of his massive wings. Before the master of Shadows could take advantage of his new altitude, however, Mata Nui lifted Click and fired, sending a Thornax flying at Makuta and knocking him flying as it exploded. With another roar Makuta unleashed his Shadow Hand, which picked up Mata Nui despite his size and drew him towards his foe. However, Mata Nui swiftly severed the dark energy limb with his sword, and dropped heavily to the ground. Acting quickly, Makuta swooped down upon him, using one of his own claws to seize Mata Nui and attempt to bring him down with Poison. However, Mata Nui smirked and dealt Makuta a blow with his shield, knocking the villain back. "A pity you weren't aware that my new body is fully mechanical, Makuta-your Poison cannot harm me?" "Fully mechanical, you say?" Before Mata Nui could question Makuta's sudden elation, he felt a terrible chill within his form. With horror, he realized that Makuta was employing one of his species' abilities in an effort to take possession of Marendar. For a long moment the mighty hero stood rigid, his armor changing color from gold and yellow to black and infected as Makuta attempted to sever Mata Nui's recently formed connection with the automaton. However, Mata Nui had had quite enough of having his bodies stolen by Makuta, and with a roar he forced Makuta's dark spirit back into his own form, which staggered backwards. Laughter filled the air, but not from either combatant: Voporak, all but forgotten, was expressing his amusement at the contest. "Most entertaining, Mata Nui, though some of your success against my champion is due more to your good fortune of that body than any skill on your part. Still, the defeat of a single Makuta is not unheard of. Tell me: do you think your new form will enable you to defeat a whole force?" Mata Nui's heart sank as more disturbances in reality like that from which Makuta had emerged appeared, each spawning a different fallen member of the villain's Brotherhood. Antroz, Icarax, Krika, Kojol, Gorast, Spiriah, Vamprah, Mutran, Bitil, Tridax, Chirox, and Bingzak all regarded Mata Nui with identical hatred, none of them showing the slightest signs of disunity or hatred for each other. Mata Nui did not know from what corners of time Voporak had summoned them, but he knew that he could not hope to defeat them alone. Even the Kanohi Ignika's powers-such access to them as he had-could not enable him to defeat so many powerful foes together...unless he played Voporak at his own game. Hating to tamper with such dangerous powers, but knowing he had little choice, Mata Nui reached out and touched the powers of both Time and Life. Teridax and Miserix churned up the ground as they fought, surging back and forth with animalistic fury in their Makuta Nui forms and leaving great scratches on each other's forms as they lashed out with massive claws. The long claws on Teridax's left arm were countered by Miserix's bladed tail, a design element which he had borrowed from his own creation, the Kanohi Dragon. Neither seemed able to gain an advantage over the other, as evenly matched as they had apparently been in their humanoid Makuta forms. However, Miserix wasn't blind to the fact that while he had no allies to call upon-Tuyet was defeated, Tesara remained occupied battling Lewa, and their legions were being scattered and smashed by Teridax's army of Bota Magna reptiles and the Rahi legions of the Hagah, who along with Varian were lending their strength to crushing the Visorak hordes. By contrast, the forces Teridax had aligned with seemed to be increasing, and Miserix could well imagine the massive force of Toa, Matoran, and Glatorian that was advancing on the Shadow Horde turning its attention to him once they had dispatched the Shadowed One's underlings. With this in mind, Miserix realized that he would need even greater power, and knew of only one way to achieve it: consuming other beings. The problem was, even if he could break away from fighting Teridax long enough to feed, attempting to consume too many at once would result in his will being divided. His only hope was to absorb beings who had little to no will of their own, or whose will would already be dedicated to his service. The answer hit him in a flash, and with a cruel smile he reached out to his Rahkshi legions. As one the surviving children of Makuta broke away from their respective engagements, whether with the flying trio of Toa aboard their vehicles from the Codrex or with individual Rahi, and made their way towards Miserix. Summoning as much Shadow energy as he could spare, Miserix unleashed it in a massive blast to throw Teridax backwards, causing the ursine-formed Makuta to land heavily some distance away. Left with breathing room, Miserix welcomed his incoming minions, reaching out with his dark power to draw them into his form. As dozens and then hundreds of Rahkshi disappeared, their smaller shadows joining the greater, Miserix grew and grew until he was five times Teridax's size. Teridax looked upon his adversary and realized that Miserix had become the most powerful being on the battlefield without a Legendary Kanohi Mask in his possession. Every Rahkshi that had not fallen previously was now a part of the villain's substance, in effect making Miserix a twisted amalgam of his entire Brotherhood, for at least a handful of Rahkshi produced by each of the original hundred Makuta had survived long enough to join his legion. With such power at his command, Miserix had the potential to consume all of the most powerful combatants present and absorb their power in turn...and Teridax knew as well that he would seek the pool of antidermis that they could both sense nearby. Knowing that were Miserix left unchecked he could destroy Spherus Magna again and pose a threat to other worlds as well, Teridax realized he had but a single option. Roaring defiantly, the white-armored Makuta in the shape of a monstrous Ash Bear charged his larger foe, now allowing Miserix's greater size to daunt him. The red-armored Makuta watched his approach with amusement, clearly believing himself invincible. However, Miserix was in no mood to deal with Teridax any longer, and so unleashed a great Shadow Hand that seized Teridax and drew him swiftly into his form. With his victory apparently sealed, the monstrous Makuta began moving slowly but inexorably towards the Matoran-Agori camp, the ground trembling under his massive frame. However, Teridax's consumption had been a part of his plan, and within the darkness of Miserix his Light began to glow brighter and brighter as he prepared to unleash all his power and will against the beast. Around him he could feel echoes of the Makuta of this universe, none more strongly than Spiriah and Bingzak, whom Miserix had personally consumed. These fallen ones were long subdued, however, their wills swallowed up by Miserix's and left incapable of offering any resistance. Even as Teridax lamented the lack of possible aid, Miserix's voice reverberated through him. "YOU THINK YOURSELF CLEVER, TERIDAX? DO NOT THINK I AM A FOOL-I KNOW WHAT YOU SEEK TO DO. DOUBTLESS YOUR POWERS OF LIGHT COULD DO GREAT DAMAGE TO ME, PERHAPS EVEN SLAY ME, WERE IT NOT FOR THE POWER I HAVE ACCUMULATED. YOUR PITIFUL LIGHT WILL BE SWALLOWED BY MY INFINITE SHADOW, WITH NEVER A CHANCE TO SHINE. SO MUCH FOR YOUR HEROICS." Even as Miserix spoke, Teridax could feel a wave of darkness flooding towards him, and realized with dread that his Light was not strong enough to extinguish it and Miserix. A sense of failure gripped him, though he did his best to continue building the energies, hoping against hope that he could at least wound his nemesis. However, to his astonishment, just as the wall of darkness was about to strike him, a new presence appeared and halted it, seeming to draw power from it. The shadowy form gained substance and shape, resolving into a transparent figure that Teridax was able to recognize: Kraata-Kal. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Kraata-Kal laughed bitterly, a hollow sound in the darkness. "Turnabout is fair play, eh Miserix? I pledged my loyalty to you, and you rewarded me by consuming me to increase your own power. I should have expected as much-the Kraata may be the 'children' of the Makuta, but the loyalty we feel to you is not returned; you had as little regard for me as my father, the Teridax of our universe. But you should have remembered how he toppled you...for now I will finish what he started. "You have consumed my body-no matter how much of your new power I take I cannot return to physical form. But your Shadows cannot destroy my spirit, for it too is Shadow. And so I stand here to halt your darkness, knowing that at least when the Light destroys me it shall destroy you as well. It's fitting, in a way; I was to be the first of a new kind, but instead I shall be the end of yours!" Miserix could do nothing but howl helplessly as Teridax, allowed to finish his task by Kraata-Kal's unexpected actions, unleashed all the Light that was within him. The blast of power consumed its maker and his unlikely ally and continued burning its way outwards, its energies proving fatal to the remnants of those beings who had forsaken it so long ago. As astonished onlookers watched, Miserix's massive form began to glow with blinding light as he screamed, a terrible scream filled with greater agony than Karzahni had provoked in the dark Teridax or Toa Ignika had in Icarax. Finally, left hollow by the destruction of its former inhabitant, Miserix's titanic form imploded, the glowing energies shrinking away to nothing and leaving nothing behind...or so it seemed. Astride the Tahtorak who had long ago shared Metru Nui with him-though neither of them had known it-Keetongu urged the great green beast forward towards the last standing Skopio, the very one that had menaced Mata Nui and his companions on their journey to Tajun. All around them lay other Tahtorak and Skopio, either dead or collapsed with exhaustion from the battle of giants they had waged. The number of survivors and fallen on both sides were fairly equal, the reptilian Rahi having been well-matched by the savage cyborg beasts of Spherus Magna. Indeed, the Tahtorak that had been Krahka's ally soon collapsed, having at last found a foe stronger than it-no mean feat given its battles with the Zivon, the Kardas, and the Kanohi Dragon. However, the Skopio's victory was short-lived, as Keetongu leaped from his mount's back to that of the beast, and with one great blow of his pickaxe ended the battle. Not far away, the Zivon had met its own demise at last, having found the Kanohi Dragon's armored scales even more formidable than its own hide and its tail blades more dangerous than its own stinger. Weakened by its ordeal, the dragon was nonetheless eager for further battle, which it demonstrated by unleashing its fire breath upon the Visorak that had wandered too close in investigating the demise of their greatest predator. The spiders fled from the monster only to run into an even more dangerous Rahi, if that were possible: Krahka, who unleashed the powers of the six Toa Metru upon the Visorak. Great was the fury of the shapeshifter, who was wreaking long-awaited vengeance upon the Visorak, whose kind had condemned her to a solitary existence as the last of her kind. While Tesara was busy facing off with Lewa, his minions-the trees of the Forest of Blades with their Agori and Glatorian captives-marched against the Rahi under the command of the Hagah. A force of Artakha Bulls charged into the creatures, stabbing with spears and hacking with other tools, trying to free the imprisoned Spherus Magna natives. Formidable as they were, they couldn't match the raw fury displayed by Graalok and her fellow Ash Bears, who tore at the moving trees in a rage that bordered on insanity. The Hagah and Varian were forced to operate carefully, not wanting to harm their Rahi allies. Tera had freed all the Iron Tribesmen whom Miserix's forces had enslaved, and was now leading them in a mighty offensive against Sahmad and those few Iron Tribe Agori and Glatorian who had willingly served the last Makuta. Sahmad and the female Glatorian were locked in battle, Tera wielding her bar like a sword and hammering away at Sahmad's blade. So intent was she upon her foe that she failed to notice Metus, who had spotted his one time ally and hoped he might be able to make his escape with the aid of the Iron Tribe warrior. As such, the traitorous Agori advanced cautiously, and raised his Ice Axe to strike...only for it to be blocked by a protosteel dagger. Mazeka, Matoran of Ice and Order of Mata Nui agent, narrowed his eyes as he looked upon the startled Ice Glatorian. "Attacking a being who’s in the middle of fighting someone else? Not very sporting of you. You remind me of a certain scum I used to hunt, but somehow I doubt you're the fighter he is-but there's only one way to find out." Hapka, Toa of Psionics, stalked alone to the very center of the site where Miserix had met his apparent end, determined to insure that the Makuta had indeed perished and not simply pulled some kind of escape. However, the view that greeted her soon allayed her fears that the last Makuta had survived; pieces of Miserix's armor lay scattered everywhere. Wisps of Shadow and Light energy were also present in the air, remnants of the fallen. Confident in the demise of the villain, Hapka was about to leave to rejoin the battle when she spotted three objects lying nearby. A trio of Kanohi lay upon the ground, two of which even the well-traveled Hapka had never seen before. One was gold and decorated with several runes, with a dome-like shape and two wing-like extensions; this was the Kanohi Okoto**, Mask of Control, worn by the late Makuta Bingzak of Stelt. Close to it sat Miserix's Kanohi Artidax, but the once golden mask had become as black as Miserix's heart***. The third mask had also changed from gold to black, but no Toa could fail to recognize this mask: the Kanohi Kraahkan. Stained by the power of his vanquished enemy, the mask of the fallen alternate Teridax was now the same color as that once worn by his counterpart. Revolted at the sight of a mask that had become the very symbol of the hated Brotherhood, Hapka decided then and there to do something about it. Not wanting to risk touching the mask-a wise precaution, as Reidak could have told her-she called upon her own Kanohi Olmak to open a Dimensional Gate. Planning to send the filthy Kanohi to the Zone of Darkness where it could do no harm, she reached out with her telekinetic powers to lift the Kraahkan into the air so she could hurl it through the gate. However, as the reborn Makuta had informed Mata Nui, the Kraahkan was no mere mask, and while the alternate Teridax had not given heed to its dark will, his Kraahkan was just as malevolent as it's destroyed counterpart. Bolts of Shadow lashed out from the Kraahkan to strike the Olmak, taking charge of its power. The Dimensional Gate shrunk and then reopened, the Kraahkan having opened a portal back to its universe of origin. However, the mask's destiny was not to return home, though it's action did enable someone else's return journey. Caught by surprise, the inhabitants of the Melding universe were unable to prevent the escape of the much abused Vultraz, whose passage through the gate caused it to close. Hapka, realizing that the Matoran before her was not a peaceful villager like those she had sworn to protect, prepared to act only to be struck from behind. Falling unconscious to the ground, she didn't see the towering figure of Karzahni, who had teleported in after witnessing Miserix's demise from a distance. The tyrant and Vultraz looked each other in the eyes, and recognized kindred spirits of Shadow. As such, Vultraz picked up the Kraahkan-which accepted his touch due to his Makuta-enhanced evil-and the Okoto, while Karzahni took up the Artidax and placed it upon his face. In a flash they were gone to join Karzahni's other new recruits, leaving behind the slowly stirring Hapka. To be continued... *My way of harmonizing Makuta's Mask of Life interpretation with his depictions in later years. **Another G2 mask makes its way into G1, with a G2 name to go with it. ***Reflecting the Mask of Ultimate Power's appearance in The Journey to One.
  15. Throw on some lightsabers and we're good to go. Ha ha, nice-still would be nice to have actual Kanan and Ezra figures so we could switch heads for some real disguised Rebel Models.
  16. She has had her helmet in one set: http://brickset.com/sets/75106-1/Imperial-Assault-Carrier But I agree she should have it in more of her appearances! It's a nice helmet with a lot of personality! Yeah, that's why I'm miffed that it remains the only one of her now four set appearances to include it. Still no Season 2 helmet. (These are the things I've resigned myself to because she probably won't get another Black Series figure, and if she gets a CCBS figure it'll only be one of the styles. Minifigs are the only real shot at portraying the full range she goes through.) Alas, Rebels gets very little love. I think I have thought of a way they could open things up a bit: accessory packs, not unlike the Kanohi/Krana/Kraata/Kanoka and such packs of old. Imagine it: buy a little box and suddenly you can turn your First Order Stormtrooper into a Flametrooper or Snowtrooper! Give your Sabine figure (which they need) her assorted armor pieces from the three seasons!
  17. According to the press release LEGO released before Toy Fair, "Popular characters also appear in buildable figure form with nine new sets." That's counting the five 2017 buildable figures that were shown at Toy Fair, so there will presumably be four buildable figures for The Last Jedi this fall. The issue with starfighter-sized vehicles is that they'd surely have an enormous price. Just look at the $200 price tag on the UCS TIE Fighter, and then realize that a version scaled to the size of a Star Wars buildable figure would be more than twice that size! So non-enclosed personal craft like speeder bikes or STAPs are probably the biggest Star Wars vehicles we could realistically get in buildable figure sets. MOCs, of course, are a different story. I'm not quite sure why I'm only now hearing so many worries about the future of brightly-colored CCBS sets, considering that the Baze Malbus buildable figure that just came out is probably the most brightly-colored of any of the Star Wars buildable figures we've had to date. Plus, a decade ago a lot of Bionicle fans were worried we might never see constraction sets in earth tones like brown and tan again! I agree though that a lot of the Star Wars buildable figure color schemes are a bit dull. Yeah, Brickset has had four open slots listed for some time-that's actually where I first heard about the Stormtrooper and Scout Trooper. Sadly vehicles and such would undoubtedly be ridiculously expensive-I mean, just look back at Bionicle.
  18. Yay, I got referenced! Nice piece of work, man-a cool look into the mentality of the Mahri, and a clever play on the ongoing struggle of the fanbase with various decisions made by Greg Farshtey. And of course of all the Toa Mahri to discuss the issue of romance, you picked the two who used to have girlfriends.
  19. Yeah, they don't really let you know when your topics get featured; it's happened to me twice and I only found out after either seeing the "Featured" button next to the topic name in its respective forum or by going to the homepage.
  20. Nasty looking brute, ain't 'e? Splendid work on this guy; you can definitely tell that he used to be an Okotan, but his transformation has been quite extensive. Interesting storyline too, it'd be cool to read an actual story form.
  21. Ooh, those are some good ideas-battle packs would have been good for The Lord of the Rings as well for Haradrim, Easterlings, Lothlorien Elves, Citadel Guards, and others. Barad-dur would be another pretty sweet set and potentially another opportunity to get a Sauron figure. If Lego really wanted to branch out and do book-inspired scenes in addition to film inspired, they could also do a Tom Bombadil set complete with Old Man Willow and some Barrow-wights. Lego Harry Potter could use a little more love as well, like a Hog's Head set so we could get Aberforth Dumbledore and a Death Eater or two without minifigures. While I'm not all that interested in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, I'm also rather surprised that Lego's only really done a couple Dimensions elements based on it. Dimensions honestly has a few themes attached to it-probably not all, but a few-that would make for some interesting sets, such as the Wizard of Oz or some additional Scooby-Doo sets.
  22. Not a bad mix of sets so far-don't care for Aayla Secura's presence on the Republic Fighter Tank, but otherwise I'm liking what I"m seeing. Of course there are still several more sets that have yet to be revealed, not even counting entries from The Last Jedi; it'd be nice if we could get a few more Rebels entries.
  23. Yeah, kinda figured we would have heard of a new constraction theme by now if it were coming anytime soon. Of course I think there's a number of themes they could go with-Middle Earth would be great but I doubt they'd revisit it now that The Hobbit movies are over and there's nothing else forthcoming so far as we know. DC and Marvel are always an option as well, unless they want to start an original theme.
  24. Hey bud, for future reference: use the edit button. But finally! Stormtroopers! I would have, but it seemed like something that qualified for another post; I'll keep that in mind for the future. So according to our news (see below), the remaining figures for this year will be based on The Last Jedi; looks like we'll have to wait a while for a Han Solo figure. Chewbacca could be a possibility I guess, but it seems more likely that we'll get a new Rey figure and maybe a Knight of Ren or three, if not other new characters; Brickset has unnamed entries for four more figures, so unless it's too early for additional slots I'd say we've got four figures coming based on Last Jedi. http://bzpower.com/story.php?ID=9199 It'll be interesting to see how this affects the balance of hero-to-villain sets, which thus far I calculate as follows: Luke=Vader Obi-Wan=Jango Cody=Grievous (don't know that they ever fought, but they could have, which is more than could be said for Cody and Jango to the best of my knowledge) Rey=Kylo Ren Finn=Phasma Poe=First Order Stormtrooper Jyn Erso=Scout Trooper (didn't actually happen, but her figure recalls Endor Leia so it seems to fit) K-2SO=Stormtrooper Commander Chirrut=Deathtrooper Baze=Shoretrooper Of course, it'd be nice if we could get a few more matchups, such as: Darth Maul=Qui-Gon Jinn Snowtrooper?=Leia (again, we're short on Imperial villains) Grand Inquisitor=Kanan Jarrus Savage Opress=Plo Koon/Kit Fisto (again, never actually happened) Fifth Brother=Ezra Bridger Boba Fett=Han Solo Battle Droid=Gungan Soldier? Seventh Sister=Rebels Ahsoka Orson Krennic=Cassian Andor Agent Kallus=Zeb Orrelios Bossk=Chewbacca Imperial Tank Driver (I know, I've harped on this one a ton)=Saw Gerrera TIE Pilot/Imperial Ground Crew=Bodhi Rook Count Dooku=Mace Windu Dengar=Lando Calrissian (same movie, right?) Gar Saxon=Sabine Wren Pre Vizsla=Captain Rex Malak=Revan EDIT: Forgot a couple. The Emperor=Yoda Thrawn=Hera Syndulla Dark Trooper/Imperial Sentry Droid=Chopper? EXD-9=Season 3 Zeb/AP-5? Rebels Maul=Season 3 Kanan Eighth Brother=Season 3 Ezra (a little artistic license on my part, admittedly) IG-88=Bespin Guard? 4-LOM=Hoth Trooper? Zuckuss=Lobot We've talked about smaller CCBS sets, ala Yoda or R2-D2, but what do folks think about larger sets for Star Wars? I'm thinking Wampa, Bendu, Rathtar; all those larger scale characters and creatures. Huh...kinda died off there, didn't it? I suppose we've gone over most of the big character ideas for CCBS, and until we get more info about "The Last Jedi" figures there's not much more to be said about the 2017 line. Had an idea that I brought up in the official Constraction thread in the News forum, but wanted to see what folks here thought: accessory packs. I figure that since the general consensus seems to be that too many monochrome figures are boring, and that it's unlikely Lego would release more than one figure per character, a reasonable solution would seem to be releasing Kanohi/Krana style packs including alternate head/helmet pieces, armor, and other accessories that could be used to modify the main figures. Among such solutions could be packs for modifying the main Stormtrooper into its various variants, such as Jumptroopers from Rebels, Snowtroopers, and so forth; you could also release a pack that includes Sabine Wren's different armor sets and any accessories that wouldn't be included with a main figure were it to be released. Speaking of Sabine, got another Rebels set I think would be cool: the Clan Wren Stronghold, a Lego recreation of the building of the same name. You could include a full set of Rebels Mandalorians: Gar Saxon, his Super Commandos, Ursa Wren, Clan Wren Warriors, Fenn Rau, Sabine, and Tristan.
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