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Everything posted by Wiriamu

  1. Nice-Shapeways does a fabulous job, though it's a pity they're forced to charge so much.
  2. Out comes the Ignika wearer from Jovan's team. In goes Jovan's team.
  3. Death caused by Kopeke's fury at a second Chronicler-it's always the quiet ones. Agil
  4. I should approach the other tribes about joining forces against the Baterra. The Baterra.
  5. With a little trick I learned from Bill Cipher I curse your third eye, causing you and Smoke Monster to switch locations while the mask remains in this dimension. Left in a stupor by his brief time in your new prison, Smoke Monster is in no position to stop me from plucking the mask from his grasp. My mask.
  6. An interesting history, though quite dreary at times. Love all the G1 references, even if the applying of male character names to females kinda throws me off. I too had imagined a relationship between G2 Artakha and Ekimu, though in my version the former is the father, rather than the son.
  7. I invoke healing magic for everybody's injuries before unleashing a cloud of nitrous oxide. Ha ha, my Mask.
  8. I ignore your mind trick and your insinuation that I'm weak-minded before activating my personal ray shield. You guys, on the other hand, failed to realize that we're on Scarif, and the Death Star just fired. Got you.
  9. Your attack on my benefactor prompts me to use the Force to generate a quake that rips open a fissure into which you fall. And I don't care if that's not how the Force works. Gotcha
  10. Wiriamu

    Review: Mask Maker

    Intense-actually brings to mind a plot line of my own involving Vopprak and the Great Beings. I'm also intrigued by this apparent development of a force in opposition to Velika.
  11. Unfortunately you have now given Oko a flaming undead army-they'll burn up eventually, but still be able to chase you for a while. And while your attention is diverted, I use a Mandalorian energy grapple to snatch the mask. My Mask
  12. Quoth the Doofenshmirtz: "Ha ha I survived!" Another pair of daunting options. I'm going to go with B on this one-the Fire Okotans COULD be hostile, while the Skull Army that could attack us on the wall IS hostile. Call me crazy, but I'm thinking that the Fire Okotans are also more likely to help a group with whom they share a common enemy...unless my understanding of this storyline is totally off.
  13. Out comes 2001 Kopaka-what? In go the Protectors
  14. It is a sweet build; did you have any sort of inspiration, or was it more based on what you had available?
  15. Out comes Skull Man-Spider In goes Lego Darkseid.
  16. I love Bara Magna, and I can't wait to be exiled to the wastes when I become decrepit. Marendar
  17. You and your army suffer the wrath of my white-out bomb. My mask.
  18. Slot 6, por favor?
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