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The Invisible Man

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Status Updates posted by The Invisible Man

  1. Thanks!! i like your personal pic and... OMG George Lopez!!!!!!!, Avatar, Avatar, PS2, DS, Pokemon games!!! Man you have to be on my friend list.

    What about the music?

  2. Cool some1 else!!!!!! what songs from Bukkit you have?

  3. Oh yea its your birthday!!!!! happy happy!!

  4. Happy birthatday and your face is electric death? thats a weird name.

  5. Ooh... your Birthday!!!

    My present for you is to get and infected Rhino. *evil laugh*

  6. Thanks for the tips :)

    Now i have to convince my parents to buy me a cat.

  7. How hard its to train a cat to make "his things" on the sand box?, cuz thats the other thing why my parents wont buy me a cat.

  8. K no problem man, so wassup?

  9. So i have to buy it while it still a kitten, so he get used to live with my dog, and my dog its a peaceful dog she just eats and sleeps. :)

  10. How do i see if they will fight or not? maybe i'll convince my parents to buy a cat for me :)

  11. Cool, i wish i could stay up that hour.

    I'm on vacation and i go to bed at 1:00 am.

  12. Nutting much... what 'bout ya?

  13. I cant have a cat cuz i already have a dog and they say that they will fight and things like that.

  14. *cough*Somebody...*cough*

  15. My parents don't want a cat :(

    I'm the only 1 onmy family that likes cats.

  16. i love cats too, but i cant have 1 :(

  17. Hi again YWN!!! how the life is being with ya? cool i hope.

    and Remember that i Has a Lol.


  18. xinlo owes me 1000000 coins for being xinlo.

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