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The Invisible Man

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Status Updates posted by The Invisible Man

  1. Kool!!!! I can start driving on februeary.

    if i had a car :(


  2. Ok it's officialy your Birthday!!!! happy birthday i hope you enjoy your day and enjoy the cake and piñata!!

  3. Kool!!!!

    but why do you have your mazeka today if your birthday is tomorrow?

    Anyways there is going to be a piñata?

  4. Hi again!!!!!long time no see!!! how'r ya?

  5. Mmm... you?.


    there is going to be a Birthday partay!!!!!!!!!!!

    With cake and a piñata!!



  6. Mmm... nutting much to tell, just the same things as always :I.

    and i still liking Ask Hakann :)

  7. Hi again!!! how'r ya?

    It's been a while since I don't send a comment to ya :).

    just message me if you wan't to chat (It's been a while since i don't get a message)

    bye :)

  8. You know... just wait and you'll see.

  9. Do you remember me? i'm your bad twin


    It's been a long time i don't write a comment to you since you gone to racoon city.

  10. Maybe a pridakbud would be cool.

  11. sorry but i'm lat but... i'm good, how'bout ya?

  12. Oh no, you just been Face melted... nooo!!!!!!

    Now you are a face melted zombie!! :(

  13. Ok no problem.

    But i don't understand that you reborn? then you're a zombie!!!!

  14. So... you went to racoon city? and died?... nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. No more zombies!!! destroy the Umbrella corp!!!!

  16. You already know this but a reminders it's not bad... DON'T GO TO RACOON CITY!!!!!

  17. well i know who she is but i don't liek her music.

  18. Yeah thats cool kitty but... DON'T GO TO RACOON CITY!!!!!

  19. Tom... *suspense* DON'T GO TO RACOON CITY!!!!!

  20. Ka-chan!!! don't go to racoon city!!

  21. Inu!!!!! don't go to racoon city!

  22. Mmm... i don't understand yer question.

  23. Ouche!!!! my eear.

    You've been pridaked... i know ridiculous.

    can i earbite people too?

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