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The Invisible Man

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Status Updates posted by The Invisible Man

  1. How could you!!! your avatar is a cat... or at least looks like 1 :P

    so wazzap Inu long time no see, how the life is with you good , bad?

  2. The book wasn't from Paulo Coelho?

  3. Hi man, how'r ya? and don't care about haru, he's just kidding. :P

  4. Deestroying for you zoks, i'll destroy you and your reign of chaos!!! :P

  5. Then why are you a girl?

    you know what... I'LL DESTROY YOU!!!! you can't run from me or your sad destiny... just jokez.

    and what's an Otaku?

  6. Don't be sad *hugs* i promise i'm not gonna try to rickroll you all the time... well not all the time. You can trust me. I'll be there if you need rickroll tips or something else :)

  7. Well... you never appear online to me, Pm your messengah thing again please.

  8. Yes i are, and you are kongoo tohunga rite?

  9. Man i reely love your Personal pic. it's awesome and funny.

  10. I know thees asdfKongu? maybe... if i don't know you nice to meet you and Hai.

  11. I know you... you are... an alien form of the planet X360. :P oh and you got messenger? i need more friends. cuz i are a-l-o-n-e, you know what i mean.

  12. Xeenlo!!! wazzap man, long tiem no see. any kids, how's your wife? are your boss being good with ya? or are you just chillin' ? just kidding :P. why you are never online?

  13. Hi i are Ozai, nice to meet you :P

    How the life is being with ya? good?, bad?

  14. Well the life is ok for me, i have no school, new sets, christmas is near, more new sets.

    Ooh and wanting a xbox 360 so i can play ledt 4 dead.

  15. Name changed ehh, i used to like Chan' e the demon girl but it's ok. what happens in your life? it's being good or bad with yo? hey you have messenger?

  16. I haven't heard the albino slunk or slug?

    I just heard colma, Electric tears, Inbred mountain, Monsters & Robots, Giant robot, crime slunk scene, the elephant man alarm clock, and Bucketheadland vol 2

  17. Search it on that famous video site, i'm watching it there.

  18. Yeah, you watch excel saga?

  19. wassup man!!! how'r ya?

  20. Thanks and happy thanksgiving to ya!!

  21. Thanks man!! happy Thanksgiving to you too :)

  22. Hi!!!

    You are The Alchemist because of Full Metal Alchemist or just a random Name?

    Anyways... wassup

  23. Hey haru, Haru, Haru, Haru, Hey, Hey haru, Haru, Hey Haru, Haru... hi :P

  24. Zokau, Hey zokau, Zokau , Zokau, Zokau, Hey, Hey zokau, Zokau... Nutting :P

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