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Blog Comments posted by Magna

  1. I have a question as well, are the voices good this time? Some were good, like Kopaka in the last ones, but the Le characters all sounded a bit Irish or something. Do you know if it's like that again, I don't want to say steroetyping, but I think you know what I mean.

    What's wrong with irish?It's good to have difference in terms of regeon voices.

  2. Thank you so much Greg.As a training animator, I'm very glad to hear about the part of the movie I am looking forward to see the most.Is there anything else you can share with us?Like were you watching a fighting scene?Was the styles of the characters different in terms of colour palette,metalic look etc?Was the background designed the same?.......anything.
  3. Never received a response to my PM, which would seem to add fuel to the idea that this was all fake. And, thankfully, I received a very nice PM from a member's Mom who had seen the blog entry and wanted to reassure me that BIONICLE was very welcome in her house.




    I thought it was fake too. Well, the question is "Why did this user send this lie?"

    Probably a prank but if it is true I wonder why did the bullie's scar his face and brake his collar bone just because he likes toys?My guess is that it wasnt just over Bionicle but the brother just speculated it to be.

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