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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Jordboy1

  1. http://z15.Linking to message boards is NOT allowed! Contact Bionicle Rex/bioniclesunite/index.php?act=idx
  2. _____________


  3. -been looking forward to this night all week!


  4. :l :o :O 8O

    This could be bad....


  5. !!!!!!

    That's Kopaka's line!!!! >:(


  6. !seitiliba sdrawkcab fo retsam eht ma I


  7. !sekac lufisrem teewS


  8. ?enod uoy evah tahW .seR ,yracs era spmolG lol


  9. ?retaews ym ekil uoy od ybab retteb 'nihton s'ereht ho ho ho stnap ykcac ym ni ecnad snikwaH eidaS ehT

  10. ......Interesting....well mine stays in my pocket! :D


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