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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jordboy1

  1. Jordboy1
    Sooooo all I've been playing since it's console release is Elder Scrolls Online for the Xbox One. I have characters in the Aldmeri Dominion and the Ebonheart Pact. I prefer the latter, but if anyone wants to play I'm pretty much on every night after 8! Also wouldn't complain if anyone wanted to help me become a werewolf ;p
    Come explore Tamriel with me! Oh, and also remember that disco is in this year!
  2. Jordboy1
    Greetings, old friends. (if you're still out there ) It's been 78 million years since I've been around, even longer than the 65 million year absence that I spoke of in the previous entry!
    I guess being back to just one job and the return along with being single again and many other things has given me more spare time to spend on other things....and nostalgia has once again brought me back to my old home here at BZP.
    I have moved to the Twin Cities in the Minnesota...and betrayed my old Wisconsin background! I also find it really weird adjusting to changes to the board like facebook being allowed and many other changes (such as the sad fact of the old forums being gone). I was offered a promotion and have moved to Minneapolis to be the team lead at a Target Mobile in Woodbury. First time I've ever lived anywhere but my home town! A lot of big changes and being super poor, but it's been fun. Had a lot of working several part time jobs, having a crazy year of being 21, ending a several year long relationship at the en of the year, and then getting promoted and moving for a fresh start in the last month. If you want to buy a phone pop on in! ;p
    I still really want to write a last chapter to Mata Nui High School and end it with the graduation and start to college like I always planned. I had originally planned to immediately follow it up with Mata Nui University, but obviously that's not going to happen now. I'll be lucky and happy to just finish the one comedy. lol I've always had the ending in mind, just never typed it out or filled in every little detail. There were always 2 or 3 possible endings and anyone who has read the old comedy probably has an idea of the possibilities or the main plot lines that could lead to different endings in the rom-com driven plot line. I've always been a sucker for high school drama and character development but only like writing sarcastic and stupid comedy material....to a fault where it's either too comedicly driven or too dramatic. Eh, the old readers enjoyed it in the now unreadable original post xP I'll dig out my old saved files some day though and post them up with the final chapter which is...still only half finished heh heh...
    I'm still just discoing through life as the manly coat lover I am. Pretty happy to see BIONICLE back on the store shelves! Also super tempted to add to my need to have every green BIONICLE....and get the next iteration of the best one ever. Aka Lewa. Something else I wouldn't mind coming back while on the topic of nostalgia...some how the Drome Racing Challenge.
    Highlights as of recent times....I got to meet Relient K and talk with the Matts! Got a signed T and picture with Matt T at the 10th anniversary tour of Mmhmm! Met a lot of great people in the last year, got to see my older bro get married, see the return of BIONICLE, and yeeeaahhhh....
    Great shows I'm currently keeping up on!
    - Supernatural
    - New Girl
    - Doctor Who
    - Archer
    - Brooklyn Nine Nine
    - Agents of Shield
    Now that I've moved, don't know anybody really yet, and only have a regular 40 hour full time job, I have a lot more time on my hands. I have been catching up on all my gaming! I still have my 360. Now I also have an Xbox One, Wii U, and 3DS! Also been playing a lot of Marvel Heroes. But anyway, what are all you guys up to these days? Anyone I know (or knows me anymore) still around?? How've you been? I'd love to catch up! Just to lay down the law....Pepsi. Windows. Android. Xbox. Relient K. Disco. Coats. All the way still.
    So anyway, peeps, scream at me about your lives if you happen to pop in and waste your life inside of my blog and inside of my mind! Also never forget that disco is (an will never NOT be) totally in this year.
  3. Jordboy1
    So as I've recently taken back my interest in BIONICLE after a year or so...and come back to BZPower for the time being, I realise a lot of new interests and changes in my life that have happened without any blog updates or anything of course
    SO! Why not just make a random blog entry about everything before my perks vanish?
    First off, I have moved out of my parents' house. That was around June 10th of last year. I now live with fellow BIONICLE and Doctor Who enthusiasts who I've been friends with for years. Which brings me to the next item on the list....

    I finally started watching Doctor Who, I believe it was, early last year or late 2011. After moving out I got my roommates into it and now it's enjoyable to talk about with friends since I'm not the only one who knows what the heck I'm talking about lol
    I have to say David Tennant is easily my favorite...though Matt Smith is pretty good...but just not David Tennant.
    Since coming back here (which originally was just to post a meme of the Doctor in 3d glasses that I made ), I picked back up on my comedy writing. I've missed writing my high school comedy for some time now...but just never had the inspiration to continue it. I hate leaving things unfinished and I've always wanted to end it with about 40 chapters or so. I'd love for anyone to read it and give feedback as to whether it's still the quality (if you can call it that ) that it used to be and holds up against the previous 20 chapters. Constructive criticism and pointers are always a huge help and much appreciated! LINK! I love writing and would love to go back to my other writings outside of fanfiction, but with work and everything I can't find the time or inspiration without feeluing rushed to go back to originals. I would LOVE to kick start "Stupid People!" again. I had only 8 comics made last year lol They were uploaded on another popular social site...but since I didn't update frequently enough, I figured it'd be pointless for a topic of them to be continued here, 'cause it'd get closed before I'd update with another comic.
    Along with coming back ehre though, I've started reading Makuta's Guide to the Universe and using the BIONICLE encyclopedia to refresh myself while I continue my comedy writing. Makuta's is such a great book. I watched the first BIONICLE movie last night with my roommate and after work tonight I think I'll grab the other 3 from my parents' house.
    As far as just life goes, just working a lot at Target, still my epicly single self , was promoted to assistant front end supervisor and I have an interview coming up for the actual supervisor position. Christmas went great, I'm now an uncle for the 4th time as well lol, and my brother just recently bought Minecraft for the Xbox so I've just been playing that with him on my free time at night. Plenty of other random things have happened throughout the last year, but that's a good summary of it. One last note, I do transport myself everywhere my my blue '99 Plymouth Neon.
    So anyway, I realise the only blog, well personal blog, I've ever had, and it's on BZP But also, remember disco is in this year!
  4. Jordboy1
    Sooooo the other day my roommate and I ordered our own sonic screwdrivers based on the one that the tenth doctor has from the BBC series Doctor Who.
    Sonic Screwdriver
    You know you're cool when you shine your sonic screw drivers at each other down the hall or in the store....
    Other than that...I got Resident Evil 6 for Christmas! Aaaaaaand I also got promoted to front end supervisor at work. Sooo yeah...good times...and that's about it I guess...I know. I'm pretty exciting ;D
    But anyway, Happy New Year! And don't forget! (...or should I say remember? ) Disco is in this year!
  5. Jordboy1
    Soooo after only a year and 2 months...I finally have the next chapter up in my comedy, Mata Nui High School
    If you'd like to check it out and let me know what you think, that'd be great!
    Until then, remember disco is in this year!
  6. Jordboy1
    Here are 8 brand new coat awards to add to your collection! (because you know SO many people still use these )
    For more coat awards and the original blog entry, here's a SUPER convenient link: Coat Awards
    Add them to your blog or profile if you've earned any of them!
    Doctor Who Coat
    - Are a fan of Doctor Who
    Dark Blue Coat
    - Have 50 or more friends in your friends list
    Santa Coat
    - You love Christmas
    Elf Coat
    - Are a fan of the movie Elf
    Gray Santa Coat
    - You hate Christmas
    Teal Coat
    - Always use proper grammar
    Bow Tie Coat
    - You think bow ties are cool
    Neon Coat
    - Been a member since the old BZP forums
    Remember, coats are very precious and amazing inventions and should be treated with the utmost love and care..oh yeah and disco is in this year and all that stuff...
  7. Jordboy1
    Before my premiership runs out...I felt the need to randomly log on to BZP again and share this screen capture I took today...and added the following caption:
    And with that....just remember, I'm still alive...and so is disco...because, WELL, disco is in this year...
  8. Jordboy1
    A lot has happened since my last entry on April 14th. Most notably, however, I finally have a job!
    I started working at Target in mid August. Sadly though, it gets in the way of making comics and writing chapters for my comedies. :angry:
    I got my comics topic back up, and also wrote a new chapter to Mata Nui High School (which I've also posted up on here again too).
    My older brother is moving down to Georga on the 20th, so today we're having an early Thanksgiving (yes! I get to eat a bunch of food and call it a holiday TWICE this year! )
    But yeeeaaah, it's nice to see BZP back up, and pretty cool for it to have modern social site features. Though it's been said a million times, would be cool to have a "like" button...but that's not really that big of a deal to me.
    Sadly coming back here will make me have to see bronies again..but what ever, I'm not on here so often anymore anyway.
    My music list has grown a bunch since my last interests lists update...too bad I never reached the limit before the site changed...and I don't know if we have the limit on the new site, but I'll find out next time I edit my interests list.
    Mega Man Legends was canceled. :angry: That is all.
    May the coats be with you, and of course remember, disco is in this year! B)
  9. Jordboy1
    I actually find it pretty funny (for some reason) that the "Curse you" fad has picked up in the comedies just like the classic "Ask", "Run a ____", etc.
    Some good comedic moments have been made from this though.
    Remember, disco is in this year!
  10. Jordboy1
    Yes...after 4 years of being here...I finally have 1000 posts. Yay me?
    I average .62 posts a day.... Yessss!
    Remember, I may be slow at posting...but they are all the most meaningful posts ever to be on BZP! () Oh...and yeah, disco is in this year.
  11. Jordboy1
    Well I saw the second one. Not as good as the first, and to me the effect were a lot easier to tell that they were fake....but still not bad.
    I think the story kinda got funky this time around, and a lot of unnecessary suggestive stuff in this one. It almost seems like it should end too, then suddenly something happens and it's a cliff hanger ending.
    So...of course, I'll be seeing the third one sometime soon.
    I think if I ever buy The Matrix for myself, instead of watching it at my friend's, I'll just buy the first one....unless they come in a cheap triple feature pack or something....
    But, until next time, remember, disco is in this year!
  12. Jordboy1
    It's a strange feeling, but have you ever known someone...then, one day, you gain a lot of respect for them because of something they did...then just a couple days or so later, lose it all because of something else they did? Well, it just happened to me.
    Edit: When reading this entry title....it makes me feel like I should have something more meaningful written here about respect...but when you click into the entry...all you get is this. xP
    But anyway, such and such, and remember, disco is in this year!
  13. Jordboy1
    Well, believe it or not, folkadanions, I, for the first time, finally saw the Matrix tonight. (or should I say last night...since by now it is in the morning? )
    'twas an awesome movie and before anyone goes like WHAT!?!? AYTYARAS*FNHSDYAGSNUAHG^&E(OJ&*68THJg67H&^9 YOU NEVER SAW THE MATRIX!?!??!?!
    Everyone has those certain movies that they never got around to watching. Sure, I already knew what it was, heard about it several times, and even had a Klondike bar tell me his favorite part of the movie before I ate him, but I just never watched it.
    Anyway, it's like midnight....soooooo, I'll be off to bed now...gotta get up for stuff tomorrow. BUT! This brings a whole new meaning and understanding to my good ol' turkey haired friend (Neo)'s name. (well...old name that is... )
    So think twice before watching the Blues Brothers....they might be agents, but also, remember that disco is definitely in this year!
  14. Jordboy1
    Out of all the comedies on BZP, there aren't many that I enjoyed so much that I go back and read them again. There is, however, the occasional comedy that stands out to me and "The Feast", by Snoopy82, is one of those comedies. I found this comedy genuinely funny and it's a short one-shot so it shouldn't take much to read. I encourage anyone who enjoys reading a good short (and humorous) BIONICLE fanfic to read it.
    A convenient link: The Feast
    Remember, good humor still exists on BZP, and, of course, disco is in this year!
  15. Jordboy1
    Due to BZP being down for about a week or so...I'll extend the current poll (Marvel vs. DC) to end on March 20th at midnight, central time. All the previous posts and the poll's content block will or (by the time you read this) have been edited to show the new ending date.
    So get your votes in there and remember, disco is in this year!
  16. Jordboy1
    I threw up eleven times today. D:
    I got the flu from my sister....man I haven't been sick like this for years...now I remember what it's like.
    wish me luck () and remember, disco is in this year!
  17. Jordboy1
    To those that have a problem with "Curse You Greg" being closed, the CCC had nothing to do with it.
    In fact, personally, I didn't even have a huge problem with it. The only crtisizm I would give it is the grammar. Also the comedy just wasn't my style.
    But for blaming the CCC...the topic wasn't even closed for the comedy's content. It was closed for the readers' spam filled and hateful posts.
    Remember, this is just a forum, something like a comedy isn't supposed to be taken so seriously....and yes, disco is in this year.
  18. Jordboy1
    Ever read a comedy and, once you reached the end, sat back and thought to yourself, "This comedy deserves more recognition..", or, "This comedy deserves an academy award!!!"?
    ...okay, maybe not the latter thought, but if there's a comedy that you'd like to nominate for the CCC Awards then click the link to the topic to find out more and then nominate your favorite comedies!
    -Comedy Critics Club Awards Topic-
    When nominating don't forget you can nominate your own comedies! ...hey, maybe you can even nominate a comedy by me?
    So get to nominating! And remember, disco is in this year!
  19. Jordboy1
    As a warning to anyone who's in the middle of PM conversations with me, my premiership is gonna run out soon. I will be renewing it, but just wanted to let you all know, so when you send me messages (particularly long ones) you might wanna copy the message before hitting send...just in case.
    Remember, disco is in this year!
  20. Jordboy1
    Welleths...for my birthday I received,
    -Ghostbuster The Video game
    -A tri-pod and camera case
    -Beef Jerky
    -The Back To The Future trilogy on Blu-Ray
    But! I also got another Relient K CD. Relient K's EP entitled, "Apathetic EP".
    The track listing is obviously smaller on this one, as it is an EP.
    The tracks:
    1. The Truth
    2. Apathetic Way To Be
    3. Be My Escape (acoustic)
    4. Which To Bury, Us Or The Hatchet (acoustic)
    5. Over Thinking (acoustic)
    6. The Thief
    This is one of my favorite EPs, if not my favorite, as it contains some of my favorite songs by them. (even if most of them are acoustics, sometimes acoustics a better to listen to at times)
    One of the reasons I like this particular EP, though, is also the fact that it contains songs from two of my favorite albums by them too, "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right... But Three Do" and "Mmhmm". It contains, of course, it's own tracks too, such as "Apathetic Way To Be", which the CD is named after.
    Anyway, another addition to my collection. I like this one a lot.
    So remember, Relient K is an awesome band (and not the only one I listen to, Laughin' Man ) and...disco is in this year!
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