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Posts posted by Adventurer

  1. I'd imagine the books are easier/less costly for Lego to produce than a TV series (though perhaps less effective from an advertising/marketing point of view?) - but don't the current lines tend to have games, books and TV series? I don't see why it would be different for Bionicle, particularly given its history.

  2. I could interpret this question as either focusing on the character or plot focused aspect of the storyline. In a character sense, there is some overlap between each of them, for example Lewa and Pohatu are both on the more light hearted end whilst Gali and Onua both have that kind of wise type thing. Tahu and Kopaka's relationship is absolutely essential, as is Gali's presence between that. Beyond that I think you definitely need Lewa or Pohatu - Lewa probably being the more prolific choice in the existing story. That being said Pohatu and Onua are/have been my two favourites and so I can't advocate their removal in anyway. But from a kind of analytical point of view I think their removal would have the least impact.


    As for the plot relevance, You could probably do with just Tahu, Gali and Kopaka I'd say, but I wouldn't see a motivation to remove the others as there's no real redundancy I believe and having the large cast of main characters has often allowed more varied adventures occurring simultaneously which I like more than the single hero type story. :)

  3. This is a really cool feature! I just had a quick play around with making one - will it be possible/allowed to make fun little "personality" type quizzes? Like as in "Which Metru-Nui district suits you most?" kind of quizzes? I can understand avoiding those but I have a soft spot for them. :P


    (Will be attempting the current quizzes after I've done my revision and have a spare 7.5 hours. :P )


    Been following the rumours loosely lately - trying to not form any expectations though . I feel if they revived the line we could expect it to be as similar to Bionicle to the more recent constraction lines with the Bionicle theming and branding being used primarily for convenience (TLC would already own the licensing and copyrights for everything etc...) and for the fact it was a very well established and successful franchise. Beyond that I think it'd be a very fresh start with little connection to the original line beyond a few references here and there and the same similarities the current sets share with the Bionicle sets. Exciting if it happens though. :)


    TBH, I just want to see a lot of promotion for it, like we had back in 2001. That really made Bionicle feel special and unique to me - seeing all those teasers and posters that make things mysterious. That's a big part of it for me.



    For me the big thing was the promotions in the expanded universe sense - the comics, games, books, websites and all made it feel like something you could really immerse yourself into. Given how TLC has handled recent lines I think it's safe to say we'd be getting a lot of that with a returning Bionicle line. It'd be awesome to have some viral marketing leading up to it as well. I'd kill for another online adventure game or RPG. :P

    • Upvote 1
  5. Tough question - I'd be torn whether to get one of the sets I missed out on/isn't easy to track down at the moment - or rebuy a set I love but whose pieces are scattered in my collection. :P If the former I'd get the special edition giant Mata Nui, Karzahni or the Manas most likely.

  6. I think a fresh start is most likely - a continuation while it could work, I think would require a lot more work for them to balance having the prior history, whilst not making it too inaccessible for the newer audience. That being said if you're going to revive a line with such a history, you'll definitely want to reference its history here and there - so in that case it would be a continuation. Practically thinking though what I imagine it to be would be a reboot. :P


    Second question is hard to say - I think the best indicator of what a new Bionicle line would be like would be the current Chima line. I really like a lot of the sets, but unfortunately don't know too much about the story.From what I have seen though I think the lore is pretty good but not as good as Bionicle's (even the early days where it wasn't as extensive - a fairer comparison I think since the Chima line hasn't been around as long). I'd have high hopes - but it'd be very hard to exceed the heights of the original. :)

  7. I can't really see Greg deciding to bring Teridax specifically - I feel his death was the grand climax of the whole original saga and bringing him back in some way or changing that ending would be a major thing that would be too important to have happen if the line didn't come back. However, from the quotes in this thread and general intuition, if they did bring the line back they'd be wanting to start a fresh story with a fresh evil - something easily accessible as the new audience wouldn't have been alive for a lot of Teridax's saga. :P That being said they could always have him come back as the villain and just re-establish him as basically a new character and have the fact he is Teridax a side fact, almost an easter egg for the old fans. While there's nothing wrong with doing that, it does seem kind of pointless in that you couldn't really refer to his past much without isolating newer fans to some degree and not referring to his past would basically make him a different character I feel. Anyway so I'm going to go with he isn't coming back. :P

    • Upvote 2
  8. Been following the rumours loosely lately - trying to not form any expectations though . I feel if they revived the line we could expect it to be as similar to Bionicle to the more recent constraction lines with the Bionicle theming and branding being used primarily for convenience (TLC would already own the licensing and copyrights for everything etc...) and for the fact it was a very well established and successful franchise. Beyond that I think it'd be a very fresh start with little connection to the original line beyond a few references here and there and the same similarities the current sets share with the Bionicle sets. Exciting if it happens though. :)

  9. This is kind of similar to how I always pictured it - though more symmetrical. I have a feeling my mental image (and perhaps yours) was inspired partially by the various visualisations of the Ignika - the general shape of the mask has a few similarities (the basic shape outline, the rectangular part of the pattern and the "horns") which is suitable given their kind of similar importance. I do agree the circle bits on the bottom looks a bit jarring, I think it'd look better to remove them and bring more focus t the kind of wispy beard looking bits. Just what I think though, looks great and very suitable for the mask. :)

  10. On first inspection I thought this take on Onua was great minus the dark green which felt wrong at first. However looking at it further and thinking about it I like how it adds an organic kind of appearance to him - kind of like how they are meant to look. In that regards this feels like a more accurate representation of a Toa than the original sets, nice work! :)

  11. While I'm not personally a fan of the Simpsons, I am still very impressed with the set. The size of the house and the detail in all the rooms blew me away. My only worry at this point would be the cost. I feel as though size wise it may be comparable to a modular kit, however I don't know if that price range is a good fit for a simpsons kit.


    Yeah I think since it has so much collectible value and that it's the only set they can get away with it, for example I was put off getting many of the Lord of the Rings sets not so much by the prices but by the fact there was so many of them. I think a single expensive set is better for a collector such as myself than a lot of cheaper ones. :P

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