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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Adventurer

  1. I have most the sets, with a few missing from certain years (ie never was able to get the Turaga/Manas or the Bohrok Va and most of the Kal, never got Karzahni either :( ). The majority of sets currently stored in their canisters built, or for larger sets in pieces in ziplock bags in containers. A few of my favouriter sets I have out and built, such as Toa Ignika and Lhikan. :)

  2. Artakha due to all the legends around it - however for place we've actually seen/been to properly I'd say Mata Nui followed by Metru Nui. I actually wish we'd had more than 1 year focused in the non-ruined Metru Nui, seeing all the city life of the Matoran was really cool, particularly towards the beginning of the 2004 story.

  3. I think a point to take notice of is that many if not all beings in the Bionicle universe have far greater life spans than we're used to and work in a different way mentally and emotionally. As a result being stuck in stasis while still conscious for the periods of time they are in the story may perceived differently to say, Teridax then say us. While for us we'd imagine that as a terrible fate (perhaps or perhaps not worse than death depending on who you are and your opinion on the matter), but its quite possible for them it doesn't seem as bad - merely some type of boredom even. Being idle for a large amount of time for Teridax for example could just be an annoyance to him, rather than torturous as it would be to us (I'm presuming :P). This difference could easily be explained either by their different mental/emotional states or by virtue of the fact they live longer lives and in doing so may perceive such times of entrapment differently (just two possible ideas explaining why it may not be worse than death :P).


    That being said, it'd definitely still be a punishment of some sort - but there's nothing saying Toa cannot punish those who need punishing. Perhaps even the no-killing rule isn't so much due to the severity of the action to the victim, but due to its consequences in altering destiny and interfering with the duty and destiny of the Toas a a result (they're there to preserve those things, not mess with them). As a result, they may be allowed in some capacity to do "bad" things a) if its the only option to do what must be done (to satisfy the destiny of events) by them and they are the only ones who can/will do it and b) as the code may actually be more of a "don't do bad things when there is another option/needlessly", with some hard restrictions on certain acts that would usually go against the purpose of their existence. Ultimately I think the point should be that the code is meant to deter them from abusing their power, being evil or altering the course events from their destined path and that tends to include not doing "bad" things. But under circumstances where others do such things, it's quite possible similar (but still far less severe action) is required to rectify the course of events, which is ultimately their purpose I guess.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Bionicle sparked my creativity and ability to think outside of the box I think - the somewhat abstract lore and universe of Bionicle which I completely immersed myself in makes a lot of things others would consider strange to be tame. :P In addition to that, my time on this site discussing and expanding the mythology and theory-crafting probably nurtured/sparked my love of that process and style of thinking which has led me to my current university degree and probable career path. I honestly feel I would have done worse at school if I hadn't become somewhat addicted to theory making and thinking how things worked and predicting the storyline, which I think helped train me to think in that way.


    Also it has had a large influence on some of the things I like, such as colours, locations (sometimes when I travel I compare places in my mind to various locations in the Bionicle universe), personalities (...to this day I still think of people I meet as different types of Bionicle characters sometimes :P) and how I connect them to one another (if that makes sense).

    • Upvote 2
  5. I got Onua and Gali Mata first - I guess you could count Gali first since she was the first I opened/built (I remember thinking ladies first :P ), but on the other hand I remember Onua was my favourite/one I was most excited about getting and he was also the one I chose first, so hard to say which I'd say was the absolute first. :P

  6. I always remember the older fans being slightly more cynical of the later Bionicle sets and stories and what not, but they were the minority. With a return I feel that will be the case again, however that particular demographic will be a bit larger (how large will depend on the success of the new line I suspect). For the most part though assuming some other successful fan site doesn't appear and steal our thunder I think the majority of activity will increase and be fairly positive - maybe a few more old grumps than before though. :P

  7. There's enough original content being produced here alone to fuel the community for quite a few years to come at least and that's ignoring external factors such as newer members and the discussion of other Lego lines and the what not. The site is doing amazingly well I'd say. :)


    (Based on my judgement anyway.)

    • Upvote 1
  8. Well if it was only one area of the site probably S&T or GD - but whenever I actually comeback I check these forums, the Bionicle/Lego set forums, briefly check blog and profile and the what not. Eventually I end up browsing everywhere depending on time allowance. :P


    a continuation while it could work, I think would require a lot more work for them to balance having the prior history

    Actually, the past story set up a world where past history isn't needed -- there's these biomechanical characters and they live on a big green world. And bad stuff starts now. Here's the new bad guys. And here's our heroes and citizens. Besides, Bionicle started with past history. It might be best even to just not mention major past events too clearly so people could go back and find them out themselves; lots of stories do that.


    The only major trouble I can think of is they'll have to introduce more species at once. But they could get around that quite easily by for example, having a new name for all the tall ones (something like Toa meaning heroes as an honorary title again, or something new), and a name for all the shorter ones (maybe both being just English so there's not another fancy word to learn). Then trivia could mention the more specific details about the Toa/Matoran and Glatorian/Agori split. Other species could be left on the sidelines for main plot or in some cases incorporated into bad guy groups.


    Really, the past history would be more of a problem with a reboot since people could always be looking up spoilers online. Of course style and specifics of many things could be changed, but that opens up problems too -- all avoided with a "continuation" (brand new, unrelated story set in future Spherus Magna).



    I think our definitions of reboot and continuation are opposite to each others. :P "all avoided with a "continuation" (brand new, unrelated story set in future Spherus Magna)." For me I would consider that a reboot if you're basically disregarding the prior story/not referring to it in any significant way, whilst a continuation would imply building upon the past events and materials. Regardless of the words if they're going to use the Bionicle line they're definitely going to use the same themes and probably (or maybe possibly) locations - otherwise they wouldn't bother reusing the license I believe. :P The question for me is more do they use more than that? Do they pick up where things left off  and have the "new" story of Spherus Magna with some old characters and species etc... in the background basically introduced as new - or do they start in a more rebooty way and not have these references beyond minor easter eggs? (This is why I said location possibly as even if the same location was used a more "reboot" style story could occur if its in the distant future or not really looking at the residents of Spherus Magna we do already know).


    I have a feeling in the spectrum between those two options we'd get something whereby the primary story and characters are almost entirely new (ie the plot isn't initiated by something particularly related to the previous story) with a few references and head nods here. Anything more I feel would either be reintroducing established content or having to have exposition of that contents history which -could- be difficult if not in small doses (eg easter eggs :P ).


    That being said if they started again with Tahu or someone as a primary character I could see that working equally well - though it might be odd having the characters mostly ignore their history more or less/not talk about past events. Would still work though with how iconic he (or whoever it is) is and what not, just may be more effort than it's worth.


    Also what did you mean by "Really, the past history would be more of a problem with a reboot since people could always be looking up spoilers online. "? To me a reboot would imply you couldn't gain significant information about the current series by looking at the old series as it's starting fresh? :???:

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