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Posts posted by Adventurer

  1. I quite like the general design of the sets (lots of features and elements I like such as the gears and weapons etc...) though I do agree the colour schemes seem a bit odd - I'm guessing there's a reason they put in the gold. Overall am quite happy and based on the sets I think Pohatu would be my favourite at the moment. :)


    I quite like it! You definitely have the armoured tank look right. A few things that could be improved would maybe be the arm proportions (they look a bit long?), the many blades/long silver pieces aligned with each other make it look a bit busy in the photo (that could just be the photo though) and those two blue connector pieces used on the silver Onua claws on the chest are bugging me. :P Otherwise a nice version of Nuparu. :)

    Thank you!

    I have never thought about it, but yes, the arms looks a bit our of proportions (even tough they aren't any longer than Mahir Nuparu's arms). I’ll experiment with some other arms, see how that goes. Also I don't quite get it what you mean by him looking busy, but you mentioned it may be the photo, and I kind of have like a 3D model off him in my head... so... :P

    and yes, the blue connector pieces is annoying, but I have ordered some gray ones ;)


    - :t: :u: :r: :t: :e: :x:



    Hard to explain but I guess like when you first look at it, it takes a second to discern things and focus on each part of his structure? It kind of suits the style I guess though and I suspect it may very well be the photo. :P


    EDIT: Looking through the full album more carefully, I think it's my eyes getting distracted by the Onua claws on the front but also seeing the silver blades behind those? They both serve a similar purpose but clutter up his armpits a bit - maybe try experimenting with smaller silver armour pieces where the Onua claws are? Like the Nuva shoulder guards or something else (I'm not sure what would fit or look good I'm not super good at this stuff  :P ).

  3. I quite like it! You definitely have the armoured tank look right. A few things that could be improved would maybe be the arm proportions (they look a bit long?), the many blades/long silver pieces aligned with each other make it look a bit busy in the photo (that could just be the photo though) and those two blue connector pieces used on the silver Onua claws on the chest are bugging me. :P Otherwise a nice version of Nuparu. :)

  4. There will definitely be increases in activity from new fans, I think the question is how much. The internet has evolved since the original line and whether the next generation choose a traditional bulletin board style forum or some other news discussion forum remains to be seen. I think the fact BZPower has an established community and resources will hopefully entice a good amount of newcomers here I hope. :)

    • Upvote 1
  5. I think the biggest mistake they could make in a broad sense would be trying to do too much with the line. Over analysing what made the original series successful and trying to emulate too many different aspects while additionally trying to put in new ideas they've thought of since then. I think they should begin by keeping things simple and not try to do too much initially and focus on doing what they do do, well. (If that makes sense).


    For a more specific answer I'd really not like them to ignore the themes and style that has been associated with the series, that is basically just using the Bionicle names for some generic dime a dozen line. :/

  6. I recall that the Insectoids were originally intended as enemies for the Rock Raiders, but for whatever reason that never panned out. So a lot of this permeability seems to have trickled down from the Space line... I wonder if the Slizer planet was meant to vaguely coexist with the Space universe?


    And another big parallel to consider: the plot to Roboriders revolved around a virus being released, and six elemental robots being created to stop it. 


    Definitely seems like in the 90's and early 2000s the design process for the new lines involved reiterating some core elements and changing the variables. It seems very methodical in many ways, seeing which combination of elements (which were determined based on market research probably) would be a hit. They probably still do that but in a less noticeable way I guess? (Like so instead of story spill over, spill over in terms of the way the expanded universes and multimedia elements for certain lines are developed perhaps?)

  7. As mentioned previously - the images of him with the golden Kanohi in particular look straight out of the MNOG animations (specifically the Onua fight scene one). A really good MOC, my primary criticism would be the wide hips (makes his body shape/silhouette seem closer to Pohatu), but beyond that not much to say. :)

  8. I think around that period where Lego was experimenting with the multiple lines with similar thematic elements, they must have had an original concept at some point they wanted to develop into a flagship line. The mechanical/Technic element, the lore and story to accompany it and the multimedia promotion and expanded universes. These were all elements held in common by Roboriders, Slizers and to a lesser extent Rock Raiders. As a result I think that's probably where the carry over came over. Every time they decided one of these lines would be discontinued and replaced they probably revised the core concept, correcting what they determined needed changing to be more successful. Story elements like that may have survived or drawn upon the same original conceptual plans. Well that's what it seems like to me anyway. :P

  9. Very nifty! It is pretty intriguing how they're using the Mask of Creation as a central focus for this relaunch. I think LEGO is tactful enough to respect preexisting story and draw from it, but also for practical and business reasons they will likely keep this relaunch distant from the details and complex plots. I'm very curious how the Mask of Creation will tie these things together.


    Also - I presume this means we'll get a canon name for Creation in the Matoran language! ;)


    I think the Mask of Creation is actually a really good choice as (for reasons I'm guessing they deliberated on) it:

    • Gives a weak link to the existing lore, without having too much baggage
    • Is super special and awesome without having been explicitly seen yet
    • Fits in really well with theme of Lego in general - I mean is there a more Lego power than "creation"? Perfect for the launch/relaunch of a new line, regardless of whether it was in the previous incarnation or not.

    Very good decision by them I think. :)

    • Upvote 5
  10. Karzahni and the Mata Nui titan were the ones I regret the most. Karzahni was more of a "never got around to it" set and I let it slip past for too long. Mata Nui titan was a combination of money and availability - when he was available I couldn't afford him and assumed I could get him online later but had more trouble with that than I thought I would. Then his price climbed into unreasonable territory. :( The Mata Nui titan one is annoying in particular since I'd always wanted a giant Mata Nui set since the first year of Bionicle; was always a dream of mine. :(


    If anyone is selling new of either feel free to contact me by the way. :P

  11. I've seen a lot of familiar names that I haven't seen a lot of since Bionicle ended back in 2010. Seeing them again brings back some great memories for me. :) I can't wait to see everyone responses to the information about the new Bionicle when it becomes available. 

    I feel the same way. Haven't seen Adventurer in a long time.



    Aww I'm remembered! :inlove: (Hopefully in a semi-good/ok way by most that do. :P)


    Also for the complexity thing - I thing the story/lore did have a lot of unrefined edges, particular as you deviated away from the main story, but the complexity I must say was something in of itself I enjoyed a lot. I can see however that it would be frustrating to someone who wanted to keep up with the story, but didn't want to commit to following all the various sources and history etc... Even though you could just follow one source (comics or books) it would have felt a bit incomplete, for me at least, I feel. That being said, I also think that the issue wasn't so much the story, but that unrefined patched together feeling from the fringier parts of the lore, started to work their way into the primary story in some of the later years (not so much SM, but just before that). That was fine with me as made things exciting to analyse, but I can see why it wouldn't flow well for most.

  12. Fads/memes/in-jokes will develop naturally when a single member or small group of members do something others naturally want to do as well. Trying to organise them either fails or produces low quality or forgettable fads and what not. I'd say also that people using the Mask of Creation as a signature/avatar isn't really a "fad" as we've tended to refer to them on this site (at least from what I've seen), just more of a common symbol (not best wording to differentiate what I mean, I feel my vocabulary has deteriorated over the past few years. :P).


    That being said I hope the community flourishes enough again soon that we start seeing little cultural things like that popping up again, they're quite fun to take part of/observe. :)

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