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Posts posted by Adventurer



    On a slightly unrelated note, I think we need to acknowledge that there's an Earth Tribe too. It never got mentioned, but according to Greg it exists (came out of nowhere).

    What do you mean by acknowledge? I'm confused as to why you're bringing this up here. :shrugs:


    I just feel like it was a huge development that nobody's really taken any notice of (I actually find the way Greg drops stuff on that chat forum kind of annoying, since a lot of the SM canon feels only half-there), and since we were talking about the elemental tribes I thought it fitted. It's not really worth a whole topic.



    I think the main reason it felt half-there was because it only really had a year/year and a half to develop and he was trying to basically establish a new lore/sub-lore. In comparison to the later MU years, the first two years of Bionicle's law would have probably felt half-there too, but over time it accumulated, changing our expectations. That being said though, MNOG really helped flesh out and realise the world though, in a way the 2009 movie couldn't.


    As for the Earth tribe thing, it was probably something he mentioned as a potential story tool for later use but of course never had a chance to have a need to use it.

  2. I think it might also be worth pointing out in terms of fans wanting a continuation - that I've seen a decent amount of fans online who have said they're excited for the new line but were unimpressed with the state of the last few years of the story in general and would rather that be left behind. There's going to be people unhappy no matter what TLC decides to do - it's just a matter I think of picking the best option for the quality of the line and its success. Personally I like the "soft reboot" idea (I use quotation marks because everyone seems to have a different definition of all these terms :P) where its a new start of some sort but doesn't entirely disregard everything that has happened. There's a large number of ways that could be achieved and it seems to be a nice compromise for old fans of both types as well as giving the creators the freedom they need to do what they want with the new line.

  3. I think while there is a large percentage of the MU that was left unexplored, I feel they made the right choice moving away from it - it was refreshing. I'd still be interested seeing more of the MU and even more so finding out more about the "day-to-day" cultures and lives of the beings in it, but on the same token for the primary story I liked the shift. That being said from the point of view of now I'd be happy to explore the bits we didn't see more. :)

  4. Greg's ending fit a more recurring theme among Toa throughout the story - I'm guessing the inner struggle thing might be a favourite of his - and I actually prefer it overall, it's a more interesting concept to explore I feel. But that being said Cathy's ending did have a nice feel to it and worked better in the context of the story created throughout the rest of the book. I wouldn't say either is definitively better than the other - I think Greg's is more interesting, but having read Cathy's version first that one feels more "right" to me I guess?

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  5. I was introduced the first year - so I think I would have been about 6 at the time. I followed onto it from the previous two lines which I would have been following since I was about 4-5 I'd imagine (having been a fan of Lego in general since birth basically :P). If I were in your position I'd probably attempt to introduce my son to Bionicle, but not force it upon him if it wasn't his thing. I have a younger half brother who I'm going to try and get into the new line, but if he prefers the other lines then I'm not going to make him.(Obviously :P). But if they were into it, would make for some great family bonding I reckon, so definitely worth a shot!


    EDIT: In regards to introducing them to the older stuff - I find starting with something current is probably better because it would a) have the excitement factor of being new, advertised, going to the shops and getting them, finding out what the new sets are etc... which was always an excitement factor for me (and still is :P) and b) allow them to discuss it with friends and take advantage of the social side of it. Of course if they were interested in the current sets you could then go back and introduce them to the old stuff. :)

  6. Axonn hands were the coolest - though to make them proportional to most sets the rest of the body would need to be bigger (worked for Axonn, but we couldn't have all of our characters looking like Norse Dwarves :P). I did really like specifically though how the fingers and their ends looked like the animated version of the Matoran hands (that kind of nice rounded end). Hydraxon's hands and most other titan sized characters tended to have claws of some sort.


    Judging from what's been said above by Greg, I'm suspecting they'd essentially act like part of their breathing "organs", just located externally, regardless of whether its for aquatic only or amphibious. I suppose we could speculate that the extra external "organs" (I don't know what better word to use :P) allowed them to breath underwater and integrated with/around their Kanohi and then these pipes were modified to allow amphibious breathing. Something like that maybe.

    They'll definitely be some rather vulnerable organs.


    By organ I meant as in they served the purpose our windpipe type organs do - they're obviously made of inorganic material so I don't think they're that vulnerable.


    (Thus why I kept putting organs in quotation marks. :P)

  8. I think for the Toa as sets I liked Hewkii or Jaller the most - hard to say since I really liked Jaller's pet and sword, but Hewkii's spikes and colouring were awesome. I think Hewkii had the far cooler Kanohi power so will give the edge to him. Barraki is hard to say - I really loved Carapar's set, though his character wasn't my favourite. I think overall between set and character Pridak in retrospect would be my favourite, though at the time overall Ehlek was probably my favourite (awesome set and his character was pretty fun, but the more we found out about Pridak, his past and character the more I grew to really like him. In fact I'd say he's one of my favourite characters in the entire saga now. :P)

  9. Judging from what's been said above by Greg, I'm suspecting they'd essentially act like part of their breathing "organs", just located externally, regardless of whether its for aquatic only or amphibious. I suppose we could speculate that the extra external "organs" (I don't know what better word to use :P) allowed them to breath underwater and integrated with/around their Kanohi and then these pipes were modified to allow amphibious breathing. Something like that maybe.

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  10. That's a super impressive display! Nice and well organised - going through those photos was a nice trip through Bionicle's history. :P


    Did you switch the masks on the Muaka and Kane-Ra around on purpose? From memory the infected Hau were on the Muaka by default (not that it matters I just noticed that). Speaking of which the infected Matoran is really cool - looks almost the exact same as the one in MNOG (poor whichever Mctoran that was originally though. :P).

  11. Yeah, despite the rule I wish I'd saved them somewhere (offline of course :P) so that in the distant future (eg. now) I could look back at the progression. I still think among the most exciting ones were the Krana collecting ones - there's so many I can't remember well though.

  12. I think it'd be comparable to a school of roughly the same population, the Matoran from different Metrus (or classes/grades or whatever) would know each other as friends or acquaintances, whereas for the most part they'd probably see the Matoran from the other Metru around, be familiar with them, but not really know them, perhaps never having spoken beyond a brief exchange here and there.

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