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Posts posted by Adventurer

  1. The shapes, materials the bodies of the Toa and whatnot are made of may interact differently with water - less resistance and the what not. Furthermore, I tend to think the Toa are quite a bit stronger in terms of the thrust they are capable of generating. For example if we assumed Matoran have equivalent strength to us (which isn't necessarily true and if it weren't true I'd suspect them to be stronger than us), the Toa are meant to be quite a lot more powerful than them, in terms of their raw physical capabilities. Keeping that in mind, it seems plausible hat the extra resistance introduced by the aquatic environment would pose less of an obstacle for the Toa than we would be familiar with from our own experiences.

  2. I'm still subscribed and even though I don't find most of the content relevant/interesting to me, its a nice overview of whats available and what kind of universe each line has and most importantly it allowed me to get the Bionicle comments. I wouldn't be upset not being able to get them anymore, but I'd be disappointed, particularly if that meant no easy access to physical copies of future comics.

  3. I impulsively went for the Vahki since I thought they were super cool - but that being said I could have just as easily gone for either the Phantoka or Mistika Makuta sets or the Bohrok/Bohrok-Kal. Now I come to think of it I really liked the Visorak at the tme as sets, but storywise I think I preferred the other options. If I were to make a judgement based equally on sets and story it'd be one of the two Makuta canister lines (I think the Phantoka sets were cooler as a whole but I liked the story for the canister Mistika Makuta more and I really really loved Bitil :P).

  4. I prefer text and image as it allows me to analyse things more thoroughly if I wish and I can read them when I can't use sound. Also easier to refer something in particular that was said (don't have to try and find the point where a particular feature was shown or something interesting was said etc...)

  5. Yes they make the story more complicated, but I wouldn't say TOO complicated. I think they add a lot to the mythology of the world and allows Greg to explore the characters in ways that can't be done in the main story (the what-ifs I think allow different sides of characters to be explored as well as showing the importance of certain events). That being said I don't think they're nessecary either, but on the same hand they're not harming anyone by being there either. They can quite easily be ignored if someone finds them too complicated and just wishes to follow the main story. :)

  6. Why can't he be more intelligent than those that made him? :s


    That being said I imagine he'd be on a lesser power level, however given his speciality - innovation and creation is the same as that of the Great Beings typically he could possibly be viewed as a "lite" Great Being, or perhaps even an improved one. I'd tend to believe the former is more likely however - but the mask of creation could be powerful enough to give him some sort f edge in that respect (remember the Ignikas power was dangerous even to the Great Beings and the mask of creation would have comparable capabilities and power levels).

  7. I wouldn't be surprised if Artakha somehow had access to "intelligence" in the form of prophecies as well, similar to how the Ko-Matoran on Metru/Mata-Nui would try to interpret the stars. Combine that with his connections, agents and technology it's not hard to imagine him pulling off something like that.

    • Upvote 3
  8. While I do like all the teams in some way or another, I can't not say my favourite overall team was the Mata/Nuva - for me they felt like the most solidly contrsucted with the most time to fit into their roles. They each had a distinct place in the team which felt relevant - some of the later teams tended to have characters that were sidelined more or felt less distinct. That being said my second favourite would be the Inika I think, they had a cool origin story and I also liked the way they functioned as a group and their journey they went through together.



    I don't think it's fair that BZP plays by the rules and other sites *cougheurobrickscough* don't, and yet LEGO has never seemed to disown the proverbial Other Sites for flagrantly ignoring their policy. In reality, LEGO doesn't care if sites abide by their policy or not.


    Compared to those sites, in the past at least, it always seems like BZPower has gotten somewhat special treatment, more collaborations and contact from TLC, at least with respect to Bionicle specifically.



    I don't recall BZP getting much special treatment during Bionicle's run, save for being personally contacted when Bionicle ended. I certainly don't remember free sets being a thing as much as they are now. I can't really see how BZP is treated any better than, say, Eurobricks. They certainly both seem to reap most of the same benefits, just with BZPower putting more effort into earning TLG's trust.


    My memory is fuzzy on this but I vaguely remember BZP being the first go to source on projects like the 2006 Bionicle video game for example. Could be mistaken though. :P

  10. I don't think it's fair that BZP plays by the rules and other sites *cougheurobrickscough* don't, and yet LEGO has never seemed to disown the proverbial Other Sites for flagrantly ignoring their policy. In reality, LEGO doesn't care if sites abide by their policy or not.


    Compared to those sites, in the past at least, it always seems like BZPower has gotten somewhat special treatment, more collaborations and contact from TLC, at least with respect to Bionicle specifically.

  11. I feel segregating the community would be a very bad idea. If you gave something to older members it'd feel unfair to the newer members and if you gave both something it'd seem pointless and basically just encourage a club like mentality which this site tends to deter (serious clubs that is).

    • Upvote 3
  12. I'd say the elements/powers which are more inherently OP than others tend to be restricted by the user, the extent to which the element can be manipulated or the consequences of using that power. For example a power over all matter would be very very OP, however if such a power were introduced in the story, going by past instances, it'd be restricted by say the user only being able to move 10g at a time or perhaps by losing a limb every time they use the power. :P So basically anything overtly OP probably won't ever appear in the story due to some reasoning like that - that being said you could make arguments based on existing demonstration of powers, but there's so many powerful powers that I don't think even those certain instances are issues.

  13. What Greg has said that he leans toward (but has NOT established definitely) is that they are essentially Glatorian, but with a strong interest in science. (And we do know they were altered by their contact with Annona to be even more creative.) We do know they're humanoid, as are Glatorian, so that would make a lot of sense.


    Maybe Great Beings are not human, but bonesiii is a Great Being then? :P


    Have we come to the point yet of wondering who made the Great Beings/where they come from? If they are Glatorian or similar in that respect it seems a natural question.

  14. I think due to the site's ties with LEGO until they give the greenlight to talk about it we're not meant to give the greenlight to talk about it officially. I'd rather keep our ties with TLC good than talk about stuff slightly earlier than we would otherwise. I may be wrong though/oversimplifying it. :P

    • Upvote 5
  15. i'd vote Lhikan except most of the best stuff he did as a Toa as he wasn't really a Turaga very long. My two favourites after him would then be Vakama and Nokama and so like everyone else it seems I voted Nokama. I did really like Nuju as a Turaga though with his whistling and the what not. :P

  16. I'm looking forward to Bionicle gen 2, but I'm already thinking forward to when it reaches its inevitable conclusion. I seriously doubt we'll get a third chance.


    B1 lasted almost ten years (more if you include the continuation of the serials), but the lifespan of B2 is entirely dependant on how it's recieved. I'm confident, however, that when B2 ends, we won't be getting a B3.


    This is Bionicle's second chance, but it will be our last, so let's make the best of it, and make it last...


    I don't think you think of it as "chances" if Lego have a recurring line that brings them some level (usually a high level) of success, there's no reason they shouldn't keep the line (which they've invested a fair bit in) alive, rest it every now and then to let it rejuvenate/try other lines and then bring it back later. Actually seems like a plausible long term strategy to me, having a nice long term line you can bring in and out of retirement. :P

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