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Status Updates posted by Voxumo

  1. Must admit, loving the mythological being of the days. I may not comment on them all, mostly because I don't have anything meaningful to say, but am enjoying them.

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Oh, sorry then. I have a really bad memory for these things and keep forgetting. I'll try to remember.

    2. Voxumo


      Oh, I wasn't meaning it like that. I was just meaning that it is appreciated since not many people comment on them, and there is no way currently to upvote or rate profile comments yet.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, I got what you meant. I was just saying that I have memory troubles with things. I can forget what i ate for a meal just an hour after eating it sometimes. XD

  2. I did something today I haven't done since 2005: I bought two random packs of Yu-Gi-Oh Cards. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but it was a random buy.

  3. http://fbende.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Souls-II-The-Pursuer-457861916 ----> Makes you wonder if there is actually anything inside the pursuer, or if he is just a suit of armor.
  4. I feel like causing chaos and havoc.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Ah, excellent. You have my support.

    3. Rahkshi Guurahk
    4. Ghidora131


      If you really wanna cause chaos, make a topic in B/S/T saying "PROOF that Bionicle 2015 is a reboot" and there will be a fury fit.

  5. I should probably finish playing Fire Emblem: Awakening. I bought a bunch of DLC and haven't really touched them.

  6. Congrats on having Nydoretha featured on Ven's Moc Spotlight! Certainly deserves it given how impressive and alien like of an moc it is.

    1. BrickPharaoh


      Oh wow! When did that happen?!

    2. Voxumo


      About 3 hours ago.

    3. BrickPharaoh


      Seen it. Thanks for the heads-up! Don't think this has ever happened to me before :P

  7. Anyone here ever read Makuta's Guide to the Universe? Was it worth however much you spent on it?

    1. Ghidora131


      I rented it. It's an OK book, but just covers stuff I already knew.


      I don't know the price on it.

    2. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Got it for $2, knocked off of its original price of $10. It's a great read, very informative for someone just getting into the lore (someone like me, back in '09/'10), and enjoyable even if you already know the stuff that it covers. It includes excerpts from some of Greg's BIONICLE novels, the only complete map of Aqua Magna's islands to be found in printed form, and some really awesome diary entries of Makuta's "own" (hence "Makuta's" Gui...

    3. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      ..de to the Universe). The only thing it's really missing is some more info for 2005... but otherwise, its great. I'd definitely recommend it; it was well worth the price, and it would have been worth it at $10, too. If you have your eye on one, you should certainly get it.

  8. I wonder why Lego never really took advantage of this piece... I mean it only showed up in one set, but it's such an interesting piece. http://brickset.com/parts/4610708

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BrickPharaoh


      Fair point. It really is a nice piece and I wish they made more of it.

    3. sydorack


      whoa that is really interesting piece. it definitely looks like it has a lot of potential to it. does it fit over the head joint and clip to the shoulder joints on a ccbs torso frame? thats what it looks like to me.

    4. Voxumo


      That's exactly how it fits onto the ccbs torso frames... the large one's at least.

  9. *Silently approaches and pulls ghidora to the side, whispering one phrase* They return Mi'lord. The bots.

    1. Ghidora131


      *speaks right into megaphone* THE BEAST'S NOT ACTUALLY DEAD YET?

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Oh... oh, the wonderful colors... magnificent!

    2. sydorack


      yeah thats sweet

  10. You have to much fun closing down mafia games.

    1. Sumiki


      I'm glad people enjoy them.

  11. *Cackles Maniacly* I have finally found it! In the one place I never thought to look. Barnes and Noble has Joe's Apartment!

    1. Ghidora131


      The... What?

    2. Voxumo


      *Chuckles* It's an old movie, MTV's first actual attempt at movie making even before any of the Beavis and Butt-head movies. It's often a movie so horribly reviewed that it's just kinda of fallen to the annals of history. However I've always enjoyed it. Singing cockroaches, what's not to love about that concept.

    3. Ghidora131


      ...Everything. :l

  12. So did youtube do a weird update for anyone else? Specifically the video player? I was watching one video and then the next one had a really different looking bottom bar.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arzaki


      I thought mine had glitched or something, but a couple of refreshes proved me wrong.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, I see it sometimes too. I also thought it was a bug, until it showed up on a large number of them.

    4. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      It's different, that's for sure.

  13. *Looks at Recent topics* Oh... It's attack of bots

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Thank you. :D it's nice to know what I write makes at least 1 person happy.

    3. Voxumo


      *points to the horizon* They return!

    4. Ghidora131



  14. Hey! Glad to see your shop is back up and running.

  15. *Pays for raffle tickets, but raffle tickets aren't added* Hmm, I'll give it a few days *3-4 days later and tickets still aren't added, but tickets for other raffle are added, but not this one* I wonder who I contact on bzpower about this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Best of luck to you!

    3. -Windrider-


      ME is correct; Dimensioneer handles all financial things, paid raffles included. I do have a feeling they'll be updated soon, though, which is likely why the winners haven't been posted (they expired August 1st).

    4. Voxumo


      Hence why I am waiting... In hopes that it gets corrected, afterall I'd rather not raise a fuss if it is something as simple as it needed to be updated.

  16. Just ordered about $15 worth of parts from bricklink. First time I've ever ordered parts from bricklink, always ordered sets in the past... Finally the Poison-Dart Fikou will have a proper color scheme

    1. Ghidora131
    2. sydorack


      brick link is so sick. I'm a jerk though and I'll order a single piece sometimes. Poor person has to put together an order for a 10 cent piece 0_0

    3. Voxumo


      I don't think I could ever bring myself to order a single piece, unless the piece was of substantial pricing.

  17. I'm guessing someone's a fan of the webcomic Zoophobia?

  18. One word: Nashandra

    1. Ghidora131


      One other word: What?

    2. Voxumo


      Firstly, Nashandra is like the 'final' boss in Dark Souls 2, secondly I plan on making an Moc of her. As far as I've been able to find, no one has done it yet. And I already have ideas in mind for the design.

  19. You ever have those moments when you're trying to build something, and you can't find a certain piece for the life of you, nor can you figure out which moc has it. For me that is lewa phantoka's feet

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. soularin


      Oh jeez, this happens to me every time I swear.

    3. sydorack


      the lime green versions of them on tuma's shoulders are cray cray. they're probably the coolest foot design though IMO

    4. Voxumo


      I'll admit the Mantax feet designs were probably one of my favorites... right next to the 'boot' like inika feet.

  20. Woo! Makutafest 2015 was quite fun... looking forward to next year already.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      That reference... went completely over my head. XP

    3. Voxumo


      You talking about the electric bungaloo thing?

    4. Ghidora131


      No! I has nightmares from that!

  21. *Pokes with a rather pointy stick* You alive?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voxumo


      *Pokes further* Wonder if I can turn this corpse into a decent stew... maybe even a soup if I let it sit long enough.

    3. Chro


      with a faint groaning noise, the corpse collapses to ash, unsuitable for consumption

    4. Voxumo


      *Grabs a vacuum and sucks the ash up* Will make a decent supplement to my fertilizer.

  22. Mmm... I don't often get hyped for games, but God dang am hyped for Dark Souls 3... It may be the only game that makes me want to buy a ps4, and a proper television to go with it since you have to have a HD tv for ps4...

    1. Ghidora131


      I used a regular old TV for so many years until my friends gave me a brand-new 52" HDTV.

  23. I really want to revamp syvra. For those that don't know, he is like my main character in the bzprpg, based around an old, horribly done Bo-toa moc I made awhile ago... and for some reason I still have the disgrace of an moc built.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Hm... While I don't own the mask, I do own the parts otherwise. I'll see what I can do.


      *grabs circulating saw*

    3. Voxumo


      I don't understand?


    4. Ghidora131
  24. Hmm... It's snowing currently... Melting almost instantly but still snowing.

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