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Status Updates posted by Voxumo

  1. I think I worry about my laptop too much... I'm constantly worrying 'Is it too hot, is it too dusty, is the fan operating correctly, oh god where did this scratch come from!?' and I don't even use it for serious gaming.

    1. Voxumo


      Mind you, it's the first laptop I actually bought for myself, only the second computer I've had, and I don't know enough about computers to know if it wasn't actually working properly aside from serious malfunctions.

    2. Ghidora131


      Let's see, I'll try to answer you concerns in order:

      1. If it is too hot, give it lemonade

      2. Only if it's a fan of Star Trek

      3. Obviously your evil cat

    3. Voxumo


      Funny enough, the Acer Aspire R7-571 had a star trek version to go with the release of Into Darkness.

  2. I think my cat is trying to assimilate me, for he has been super clingy as of late.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voxumo


      Apparently several Bzpower members are in cahoots with my cat... at least two now

    3. Ghidora131


      Uh, which ones?

    4. Ghidora131


      I know I am, for giving him a chain sa-uh, I mean I've nottin tah do with it!

  3. I want to shake the hand of the person who created instant ramen

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voxumo


      I mean it is possibly the best thing ever

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Instant ramen is sheer awesome. It tastes great, makes you full (Assuming you can have two bowls of it, or one bowl and a snack), and it's not expensive.

    4. Voxumo


      Exactly it is like perfect.

  4. I was unaware that Mantax's 'claws' came in red only in one set, exo-force none the less. Perhaps now I can get rid of the obnoxious silver claw pieces on my Poison-dart Fikou

    1. Ghidora131


      Look who already has them!

  5. I wonder if anyone has created a good alternate head for 2015 masks..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CeeCee


      I get yah, Vox

    3. Voxumo


      You know Ghidora, if you are able to, I would be more than appreciative, but truthfully you don't have to. I'm sure you have more important things to spend time on.

    4. Ghidora131


      *sits around all day staring at BZPower and shoving Bonkles into each other as a form of play*


      Yeah, I'm really busy. :P

  6. I wonder why Lego never really took advantage of this piece... I mean it only showed up in one set, but it's such an interesting piece. http://brickset.com/parts/4610708

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BrickPharaoh


      Fair point. It really is a nice piece and I wish they made more of it.

    3. sydorack


      whoa that is really interesting piece. it definitely looks like it has a lot of potential to it. does it fit over the head joint and clip to the shoulder joints on a ccbs torso frame? thats what it looks like to me.

    4. Voxumo


      That's exactly how it fits onto the ccbs torso frames... the large one's at least.

  7. I'll be honest, I would prefer Bionicle just stay dead from this point on. Third time is often not the charm when it comes to franchises and themes.

  8. I'm always suspicious of the latest visitors to my profile *Squinty eyes*

  9. I'm back suckers.. be afraid.. be very afraid..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voxumo


      *turns all clint eastwood as he looks at Toatapio*

      "You feeling lucky punk?"

      *he then gives Dr.o a bro-hug since it is the only type of man-hug*

    3. Geardirector


      Manliest. Hug. Ever

      *puffs ring of smoke from pipe*

    4. Toatapio Nuva

      Toatapio Nuva

      High self-esteem can be as much of a curse as it is a blessing, yanno :P

  10. I'm curious, how did you come up with the name Chro?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Chro


      Vox means "voice" - which doesn't mean it can't be used outside of that context as part of a made-up word. :P

    3. CeeCee
    4. Ghidora131


      We all new you had a deep and sooting voice, Voxumo... Too bad you only use it when you chainsaw people.

  11. I'm currently updating my story The Switch Mirror so come on by

  12. I'm currently working on a Flashback style post between Tivanu and Krios for the Bzprpg... And god am I hating writing two characters in conflict in the same post. This is why none of my characters shall ever meet icly

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Yeah, just don't. I tried with two of mine, and it was hectic.

  13. I'm glad I bought Lorde: Pure Heroine. Surprisingly good music

  14. I'm guessing someone's a fan of the webcomic Zoophobia?

  15. I'm just now understanding your previous display name

  16. I'm just now understanding your previous display name

  17. I'm looking at my post count... and I have no clue where like 2,000 of those posts came from. I certainly don't feel like/remember posting that many times.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Stalker: texas rangerz :P

    3. Ghidora131


      Nobody knows what I'm talking about.

    4. Voxumo


      I know what your referring to... i'm just choosing to ignore it.

  18. I'm rebuilding my Toa nuva and Toa Phantoka/Mistika...

    1. Ghidora131


      ...Into a massive toa of DESTRUCTION!!!

    2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    3. fishers64
  19. I'm so close to beating dark souls, I can taste it. I still have to beat gwyn, gwyndolin, and Kalameet. Then I just have to kill the various npcs before I start new game +

    1. Ghidora131


      mm. Let me tell you, it tastes terrible. XP

  20. I'm surprised it took us this long to have one of us send the other a friend request.

    1. Quisoves Potoo

      Quisoves Potoo

      Indeed. I think I assumed that I'd done it already, ages ago.

    2. Voxumo


      I'm typically one who never actually sends a friend request because I don't like to presume I know this person good enough to qualify it as friendship

  21. I'm thinking of building either a black/blue or Blue/lime green ccbs style toa

  22. I've never been so giddy before.

  23. Is not afraid of anything, except dragonslayer great-bow wielding silver knights

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Mwahaha... well aren't you lucky...

    2. Voxumo


      Those things are evil.


  25. It is done. Jimothy the Bellsprout, lonely nature.

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