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Everything posted by -Windrider-

  1. All right, so the entry period has ended. Provided I survive the end of the semester, the poll will go up on May 5th!
  2. My apologies, I was a bit confused about the nature of member input in these topics, so I felt that G&T would be a good fit. If it's more discussion-based, though, maybe Bionicle Discussion would work. I'll bump this over to its new home.
  3. This forum is for discussion of value, too; we used to have a Marketplace Banter forum that got merged into this one, so B/S/T serves both purposes now.
  4. I don't think that would violate anything, so yeah, go for it.
  5. Feel free to introduce yourself here. And most of the rules topics are just variants of the main one. Still, I feel compelled to plug my topic over in General Discussion.
  6. Entries noted. Thanks! I guess fishers and I had the same song in mind.
  7. What you're proposing for the Vs. might be something suitable for G&T. As its leader, I think I'd be fine with having such a topic in there. The ban on religious discussion would not apply to fictional characters, as long as nothing's used for proselytizing or other such things. There is indeed a difference between religion as mythology and religion as belief; the rules here don't permit too much with regards to the latter, but the former should be fine. The topic you likely found this in gives two examples of statements that wouldn't be permitted. So avoid things like that, and you'll be totally fine. Thanks for the good questions - have any more, or does that answer things?
  8. "Uncontrollable" from the Xenoblade X soundtrack (tyrant battle theme). There's a spaceship we can ride, apparently.
  9. Where can we find the poll at? It'll be posted shortly after the entry period is over and everyone's submitted their games.
  10. All right, cool deal, guess we can call this one answered then!
  11. We have a handy entry list; I encourage everyone to check out and try playing at least one of the games! Some still have slots open! For the polls, you'll be asked to judge the entries in part on gameplay, so it's important to get some firsthand experience.
  12. Hit me up with that Nerval and Rimbaud
  13. "Ghost Love Score" by Nightwish, because.
  14. Some games run themselves, i.e. you would provide the prompt and then it would be up to the posters to continue the chain. See the "Everything is Awesome" entry, for instance. Other games would require that you actively run them. So it depends, really. If you post a game that would require your hosting, and then you wind up not running it, that would be unfair and I'd probably DQ the game on those grounds. If you don't have time to host, I'd consider working out a game that can run itself, then.
  15. Useful fact: technically double-posting's only given a go-ahead for Official Topics, but I'll let it slide.
  16. Sometimes I have to double post (see the Policy Change Reference Topic, for example), and even for me it feels wrong too. I ordered a new release of an old recording of Ginastera's piano concertos.
  17. This has been making the rounds on Facebook - on BIONICLE's page, and we've shared it on ours too.
  18. Got a lonely Starbucks lover They'll tell you I'm insane~ But I've got a blank space, baby, And I'll close your topic.
  19. Bohuslav Martinu's 1st cello concerto. There's a weird circle over the 'u' in the composer's last name, but I can't type it.
  20. No problem, let me know if it works.
  21. Hey! Do you see the number in the top right corner of the post? For instance, your post up there has "#1" next to the triangle symbol thing. Click on that or the symbol, and you should get a pop-up window containing a link to the post.
  22. "LEGO-related" has tons of loopholes. And since Portal is part of the LEGO universe now, it would count. Make things blocky or something, though, I dunno.
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