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Blog Comments posted by Odarca

  1. So Macs were better than PCs, why? The reasons are:

    1)They won't infected by many viruses than PCs.

    2)They have more colors.

    3)Some programmes from Macs were better than PC's

    4)Enable to run Windows in Mac.[/font][/color]

    1.) Because they are not as popular. On a side note, viruses are very easy to avoid. Just install a few programs, like Virus Scan, and you will be set to go. ;)

    2.) Whoopie.

    3.) Some programs for PC are better than Mac

    4.) Kinda defeats the purpose, don't it? Isn't Mac about being different or whatnot?




    1) Yes theyre easy to avoid, but those programs take up hard drive space.

    Another thing is that With a mac, you don't need a seperate computer and moniter. It's all one thing.


  2. If you will not be turned … you will be … destroyed.*Unleashes PC lightning* Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand. Your feeble Macs are no match for the power of the Personal Computers. You have paid the price for your lack of vision.



    *Takes out Mac lightsaber*


    I will do what I must to ensure your demise.


    *Blocks PC lightning*


    Mac Saber... That sounds familiar... Oh yeah! You know how the MacBook Pros respond to motion so that if they fall it can protect the hardrive? Well, this guy wrote a program that makes the macbook pro make lightsaber sounds when you move it around quickly. Thou8ght you may want to know. :) Oh and for some reason, whenever you post, it streches the screen and I have to adjust the size of the window...

  3. NEVER! *Bashes D.Q over the head with a PC*

    If you will not be turned … you will be … destroyed.*Unleashes PC lightning* Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand. Your feeble Macs are no match for the power of the Personal Computers. You have paid the price for your lack of vision.


    Ahhh... But Macs are personal computers! They're just cooler than the ones that run windows. Also, if you think you can destroy those who are opposed to Windows then you're in for a bit of a suprise! The powers of Macs shall ressurect us from the dead and we shall conquer the world!!!! :evilgrin:

  4. Ever wonder if the color you are looking at right now is blue, but you see 'blue' differently from other people, whose 'blue' looks like your yellow, but they still recognize it as blue?






    Wow... you're right.

  5. Yay! I'm not the only one. it is a really wierd feeling though. A funny thing is, I always think of thing like these during math class, and my teacher always picks the moment I zone out to ask me questions and you can probably guess what happens next.

  6. Nice memory. I've only memorized 3.141592653. My pal emailed me the first 2 million digits of pi. If someone wants them PM me and then delete the message I send you soon after 'cause that's a lot of numbers.

  7. Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



    Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


    We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.


    Arts and crafts? :???: What do you mean?




    My favorite Barraki is probabaly kalmah. His overal design is very strong. And he's VERY well balanced. (look here!) The only thing I don't like is that in the front you can see all those black pieces.



    He-heh.I'm glad you have it my way.Kalmah is VERY well balanced.I balanced him on one hand on my STARWARS x-wing ship,he stood there for a week.Kalmah is my favorite as you can see.And arts and crafts means we might make avatars and banners.


    Yeah, mines still up there. I can make ehlek go up on one hand but not kalmah. The Y-Wing has virtually no places to put the hands and its on a serious tilt.


    I also like ehlek but hes a bit scrawny.


  8. Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



    Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


    We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.


    Arts and crafts? :???: What do you mean?




    My favorite Barraki is probabaly kalmah. His overal design is very strong. And he's VERY well balanced. (look here!) The only thing I don't like is that in the front you can see all those black pieces.

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