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Keizah the Kaleidoscope

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Everything posted by Keizah the Kaleidoscope

  1. OOC: Sorry for being so inactive lately. RPing as Kuzko and Pacha just feels...wrong, to be perfectly honest. I'll probably resort to leaving them dormant unless someone wants to do something in the Incan Empire.I'll also try to come up with a relevant IC for Yzma and Kronk soon.
  2. Good idea on not letting people use multiple Kings or Freres. Ideally, this problem could be solved by using a tier system to balance matches, but that would require an extensive metagame and usage statistics to make it even remotely reliable. The FE cap should do essentially the same thing, barring overuse of frail super-offensive spirits or certain parasite chains.
  3. Ah, that explains why some of the King Bohrok have pre-evolutions. Since EP's chief motivation is conquest, it makes sense that he'd want an army. It'll be very interesting to see how the others responded differently to the same set of circumstances.Also, I imagine that EP's presence will make the group dynamics even crazier, as his brash personality seems to contrast nicely with Kytan's "gentlemanly" one and Genekex's timidity.
  4. Yay, the conversation we seem to have every two pages. My family doesn't know, I don't care to tell them, end of story.Anywho, I just discovered "Epic Wub Time" today. Very funny, yet also self-aware at the same time. Of course, I can't imagine how many complaints they got just for making Vinyl's eyes magenta.
  5. Yeah, I definitely see why Khazror treats Kytan like a prodigy. I imagine the fire-lord won't really stand a chance, not unless he's a lot better than the future ones.
  6. Wow, I'm surprised to see my prediction at the beginning of the series was actually right. Since Amon has a power that technically should be Korra's, and Korra has shown a complete lack of skill with spirits, I wonder if this means that he stole it from her somehow. Either that or the lion-tortoise thing has turned evil or something. 0_0 Also, I have to agree that shipping is really annoying and disruptive. It's pretty much the downside of all fandoms.
  7. IC: Yzma groaned and put a claw to her head, as she was quickly developing a migraine. Her awe at the vibrant new world had quickly turned to annoyance and boredom. To think that the a powerful dragon Chernabog had described would end up trying to talk them to death. Of course, Scar's own ego was only making their efforts to negotiate more difficult.She noticed a glint of something near her feet. As she stooped to get a closer look, she discovered it was a small black scale the same shade as the dragon. Now that's interesting. Seems someone's hide isn't as thick as he might think. She quickly snatched the scale up and put it into her bag for safekeeping.
  8. OOC: Kraggh said he would be offline until next Monday, right?IC (The Emperor's New Groove): In the emperor's throne room, a solitary maid was sweeping the floor. As she came near the throne, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. The rest of the castle was busy either trying to locate the emperor's body or seize control in the power vacuum. Seeing nobody in or near the throne room, she debated with herself. Sitting in it for a second couldn't hurt right?She had just settled in the throne when she heard the sound of stone grinding against stone. Her eyes widened in shock as a creature covered in fur, a llama, fell from directly above her screaming bloody murder."DEMON LLAMA!!!!" she screamed as she ran from the room with her arms flailing above her. Meanwhile, Kuzko landed headfirst on the hard golden throne. He had just barely realized where he was when Pacha landed on top of him, causing him to wheeze in pain.It took a sort time for Pacha to realize he had landed on Kuzko, which was around the same time that the guards arrived following the hysterical maid. "Get them! They are going to take over the empire and make it descend into the underworld!!!" It was such a ridiculous claim that, rather than apprehending the llama and peasant, the guards burst out into laughter."Anyhow, I'm the emperor," Kuzko said bluntly. The guard's eyes jumped between a nearby portrait of the emperor and the soggy llama perched on the throne. "It's been a rough week. Just bring the members of the court, and I'll validate my claim in front of them." Since the llama certainly sounded like the emperor, the guards decided it would serve as decent entertainment for the lords and ladies of the court to see the talking animal imitate him.As the plump men and women wearing colorful robes and peacock-like headdresses began to congregate, Pacha leaned over to whisper something to Kuzko, "You have a plan, right?""C'mon Pacha, lighten up. These are my people, after all!"OOC: Yes, I realize that no one would logically let a llama rule an empire, but I need to get out of this dead end somehow.
  9. IC: "If it pleases my lord, I will be taking my leave as well," Yzma said in the sickly sweet voice she normally reserved for Kuzko. Hearing no counterorder from Churnabog's liason, she beckoned to Kronk and followed Scar into the portal.Once she could no longer feel the presence of Cherenbog staring at her back, she reached for the left side of her waist and felt it with the pad of her claw. She was relieved to feel her satchel, still concealed under her dress as usual. Her collection of potions were limited, so she would have to use them sparingly or find the means of creating more in the near future. Still, it was reassuring to know that she would not be completely helpless in a fight.She emerged in the middle of what seemed to be a battlefield, behind the towering profile of the dragon Churnabog had mentioned.OOC: A Kuzko post will have to wait for a bit, although I don't think anybody is waiting for him to do anything at the moment.Meanwhile, I imagine those Hyna's eyes are bugging out at the sight of so many shiny metal weapons.
  10. IC: Taking a cue from the lion man, Yzma dropped to her knees facing Chernabog and tugged at Kronk's shirt to get him to follow suit. As gruesome as the horseman was, Yzma was glad for the distraction from her lackey's bumbling, especially since he had gotten awfully close to revealing their ruse.
  11. Yzma considered this for a second. While playing along could improve her standing, odds were it would turn out poorly if her lie were exposed. However, she did not want to reveal too much to her new "allies." "We come from the Empire of the Sun.""Yes...the empire...where the sun shines," Kronk added awkwardly.
  12. IC: "My name is Yzma, an adviser, among other things. And this is my servant, Kronk." She smiled. As this was already gruesome sight in her human form, the effect in her hyena form was macabre to the extreme.
  13. IC (Night on Bald Mountain, Yzma and Kronk): Hearing the mention of "hyenas", Yzma raised her hand. True to the specter's word, her fingers had been replaced with sharp claws and her skin was now covered in coarse gray hairs. Looking further up the arm revealed the presence of black spots as well as an additional joint between her elbow and her wrist. Following the wave of nausea from the initial shock, her scientific mind began working double time."Interesting...far more humanoid than anything I've seen," she muttered, then raised a claw to her mouth. "Is this my voice? Is this my voice???""Yzma, what a deep voice you have!" commented a brown hyena with a comically small head standing next to her, who had somehow remained oblivious to his own metamorphosis."Yes, Kronk," she replied tersely."I mean, what big claws you have!" he continued."I'm aware, Kronk," she hissed."And what big teeth you-""Yes Kronk, I'm a hyena! We're both hyenas! Is that clear enough?"The lug seemed to consider this for a moment. "Yeah, that'll do." It was at this moment that they heard an enormous bellow ripple through the air. Somehow, Yzma new that they were supposed to follow the voice and that this quest came with the promise of power. Alarmed that her thoughts were being manipulated, yet eager to get whatever she could out of the situation, Yzma climbed nimbly onto Kronk's shoulders."Follow that voice, and I may forgive your incompetence." The muscleman ran through the graveyard, quickly shifting to all fours as he got used to his new weight. It was not long until they noticed group of humanoids, two hyenas like themselves and one who resembled a lion. "You must be the one called Scar," Yzma said cautiously while approaching the feline, who she concluded was the leader based on his posture.
  14. OOC: Ah, thanks for clarifying. My last post was rather rushed, so you probably also missed the point where Yzma and Kronk sank into the newly forming portal. Also, I'd be fine with a path from the Incan Empire leading to London, if it's okay with Kumata.IC (The Emperor's New Groove): The opaque water was now more than halfway up the shelf. Curiously, it did not seem to effect nonliving things, as the shelf did not plunge into nothingness like the former adviser had. Naturally, the two beings perched on that shelf had no time to think about that; they were concerned purely with finding an escape route.Finally Pacha came up with an idea; "Can you reach that chandelier?"Kuzko took a second from his panicking to give Pacha a sarcastic expression. "Of course not, my legs are much too short." Pacha gestured at Kuzko's long, furry neck. "Oh, that."The anthropomorphic llama tried extending his neck, missing the chandelier at first, then managing to grab it in his teeth. He grimaced, both in celebration of his success and in response to the pain in his teeth. He slung a foreleg around the chandelier and extended his other leg toward Pacha. It was just out of reach. The rapidly climbing whirlpool caused them both to panic, Pacha hopping desperately and Kuzko trying to move the chandelier closer by shifting his weight.Finally, hoof made contact with hand, and Kuzko groaned from the exertion of lifting the portly farmer. Encouraged by their momentary success, the duo began shimmying up the rope toward the ceiling as the whirlpool claimed the shelf.
  15. Salad Shakers.(You know, those things from McDonald's back in 1998?)
  16. Like I said in my response to one of the previews, I really like the chemistry of this group a lot. I was pretty surprised by Genekex's personality; I never would have guessed that Khadaz's father would be a coward. On the other hand, unreasonable parents would do that to anyone. It does make me wonder if Genekex was a bit more lenient with Khadaz in response...Also, looking forward to seeing the source of Xyla's beef with Genekex. While Bioni-Lords has had tsundere-type characters before (Lilynette come to mind), none of them were quite as blunt and brutal as Xyla seems to be. Anywho, awesome stuff, definitely looking forward to next Friday.
  17. Agreed. On the subject of the Fire Villains, would it work to just refer to them as The Fire Lord's gang? Otherwise, I can't think of anything overly creative at the moment either. :/
  18. IC (The Emperor's New Groove): In a cave underneath the capital of the Inca Empine, the maniacal Yzma had just handed her minion a dagger and ordered him to finish off the former emperor turned llama, Kuzko, and his retainer, Pacha. The bodyguard was so busy debating with himself, and Yzma was so busy glaring at him and willing him to drop dead, that they did not notice a pool of black liquid inexplicably forming at their feet. Without warning, the pool began spinning violently, quickly tripling in size and pulling the shocked pretender to the throne and company through what had until then been a solid floor."We have to go after her, she has the potion!" the llama yelled.As if in response, the pool of black water erupted into a veritable geyser."On second thought, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"The duo managed to scramble up a shelf, then began looking frantically for a way to escape the flooding chamber.OOC: Incidentally, do we choose where our characters end up when they get portal'd? Or do you choose a random Fantasia world?@ Kumata. Yup, I had to pick the failed Lion King-wannabe that got converted into a screwball comedy halfway through production.
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