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Keizah the Kaleidoscope

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Everything posted by Keizah the Kaleidoscope

  1. I try not to gush too much in my comments, but this chapter was really well written! I liked how world-weary Tahace seemed in his dialogue. A lot of writers seem to forget that having a long life also means accumulating more than a lifetime's worth of disappointment and pain. Of course, fire users tend to be irritable to begin with. Same deal with noting Kytan's feelings about being disowned; it just makes the whole thing feel more believable. Not to mention that you kept it subtle, rather than having him whine about it or putting it bluntly into the narrative.
  2. You're absolutely right; I came up with the name on a whim since the face looked "crablike" and one of the Manas was partly orange. Most of the purple pieces are from the Bungee Chopper (a reeally old technic set) and the Slizer "Spark". Yeah, I started using purple because I couldn't find the pieces for the skeleton in black...wait, you actually like the legs?
  3. Manas KalFrontCloseupBackLeft (shield detail)Right (cannon detail)Overhead detailHello BBC, it's been a while. Anywho, this little guy started out as my attempt at making original arm, shoulder, and torso pieces, but I kind of lost inspiration as a I went down the body. As a result, the legs are pretty much a mess. Do me a favor and ignore those for me. Comments and criticism welcome, although I'd rather you not dwell on the amateurish picture quality.
  4. Yeah, sorry you had to go through all that work and then get shut down like that. The ways of the mods are strange and mystifying to me as usual.
  5. The Ice-lord is probably my best bet, so I'll take him.EDIT: If is a "him." Though to be fair, "lord" is technically a male term.
  6. I think I'll go for a random battle right off the bat; let's take a walk outside the city walls.
  7. Hm...I suppose I'll start with Scuba, for nostalgia's sake. :-3
  8. Xyla is surprisingly unemotional about the rift between her and her relatives...although Onatewka's comments seemed to affect her fighting spirit more than one might expect. On the subject of Onatewka, I love how you used his fixation with tradition in a humorous manner at the start of this chapter, you totally caught me off guard with that one. Also, thank you for finally describing Cycletrack. Honestly, I wasn't even sure that it was a degenerative damage technique until now.
  9. Well, I think the developments in this chapter deserve using my catchphrase: very interesting, indeed. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngSince Genekex was able to fight on par with Frieza, I assume that the Kings can get past perfect fusion somehow, or at the very least "encourage" their hosts' development to the point that they can develop perfect fusion themselves. I'm guessing this whole ordeal will mess with Onatewka's challenge schedule quite a bit, sorry kiddies. Hm...I wonder if Cell simply received a briefing on the Kings and was able to determine EPKL's status by watching him fight, or if he was alive during the last cycle and therefore already "acquainted" with the Kings. I don't expect you to clarify that last one, by the way.
  10. Shearer vs Onatewka was really descriptive, reminds me of the quality of the battles at the end of Book 2. I wonder if the change in attitude is a default feature of the Hollowfication effect, or if it's more of an individual personality trait of the user.
  11. IC: Seeing the dragon and lion-man approaching the hole in the middle of the battlefield, Yzma used her potions to turn her and Kronk into a bat and a falcon, respectively, and followed them down into the portal. However, rather than being transported instantly to Bald Mountain, they were surrounded by a multitude of random flashing images."Hm...so it was Scar's presence that made the portal behave earlier.""So we'll end up somewhere random again?" Kronk squawked."Actually, this might be for the best. I'd like to analyze the sample I acquired from the dragon, so it would be best if we could return to my lab." Suddenly, the images shifted to a cavern filled with water."Oh for the love of Inti!" Yzma screamed as a very familiar alligator jumped out of the pool and snapped her up in its jaws.
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