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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Argetlam

  1. XD Short and to the point. The Argetlam
  2. So true, it's painful. The Argetlam
  3. So was it you?

  4. My name's on the BZP homepage, and not for a news story or the member spotlight... My PMship's been renewed, but it wasn't me. I have my suspicions, but I'm not sure. Whoever it was, though, I'd like to express my greatest gratitude to. You are awesome. The Argetlam
  5. Wow, I've never seen that one before. DO WANT. The Argetlam
  6. Argetlam

    Living Dead

    Eh, how do we know? Mostly we detect gas giants because they're bigger thus make a bigger wobble effect. We're not able to detect rock planets in most systems yet one way or other. Very true; my statement is merely an assumption off of what we've discovered thus far, and by all means is subject to change as we discover more. Hope they don't have hyperdrive. QFT But seriously, if we ever do find life, do you think they'll be as advanced as us, less advanced than us, or more advanced than us? Yeah. Not sure how that's going to work out though. It'll be difficult to maintain initially, and'll take many years to get built. The Argetlam
  7. Argetlam

    Living Dead

    Sounds very interesting... The Argetlam
  8. Argetlam

    Living Dead

    PMship lingers; I keep blogging. Astronomers announce the fact that almost 300 exo-planets have been discovered. The reason for these discoveries? Well, astronomers are looking for life on other worlds. Mainly through the existence of water. So far, nothing promising has been found, and instead, our questions about the universe have been answered with even more questions. For example, our solar system is the odd one out. Every other solar system we've discovered thus far has no more than 4 or 5 planets, and typically, all of them are gas giants. Furthermore, these gas giants orbit rediculously close to their stars, and carry masses many times that of Jupiter. Why then, is our solar system so different? Many star systems are lucky to have 1 rocky planetoid. Our sun boasts 4 rocky planets, and countless large asteroids and other planetoids. The discovery of the lack of rocky planets has discouraged astronomers as to the existance of water on other worlds, but then again, does life need water to survive? Is all life (assuming it exists elsewhere) dependant on water like us? Maybe, maybe not. We're not even sure if we're going to find any traces of life, let alone ones that can survive without water. IMO, the whole search seems like a wild goose chase. Let's say we find life on a star system 500 lightyears away. What are we going to do? Send them a message and wait over a millenium for any response? What if they don't receive it? What if they're unable to answer? What if they're hostile? Meh. Why don't we stick our money back into getting man on the moon again? (NASA plans a manned launch to the moon in the new Ares rocket by 2017) The Argetlam
  9. Argetlam

    Mocotw #1

    Glad to see that you've picked it up. Fine choice too. The Argetlam
  10. Argetlam

    Could Be It.

    I can, but I don't think it would be allowed on BZP at all. The Argetlam
  11. Argetlam

    Could Be It.

    I'm thinking that my PMship runs out today, so this could be the last blog entry here for quite a while. I do plan on renewing it, but until I do, note that nathan8472.com is being updated majorly, and should finish sometime in the beginning of December. I'm also updating the blog, but chances are, the updates won't be added until I renew my PMship. You can expect to see me around the forums a lot more while I don't have my PMship, but I'll still visit your blogs whenever I can. Finally, assuming that my PMship stays active for possibly a few more days, I'll try to get in at least one or two more entries here. The Argetlam
  12. Argetlam


    I'm in the process of checking all that out. I'll let you know as soon as I can. The Argetlam
  13. Actually, no, it wasn't CzaR. The Argetlam
  14. Argetlam


    Computer was wiped successfully, and I had no troubles reinstalling all that needed to be reinstalled. I'm on my PC once again, and I'm surprised at the short amount of time this process took. Needless to say, I'm back in business, and I'm Adware free! The Argetlam
  15. It's not good at all. >.< Annoying and time consuming, but not good. The Argetlam
  16. Thanks guys. (and yes, I am on the Mac right now) The Argetlam
  17. For anywhere from the next 5 hours to as long as 5 days. My computer has been infected with one of the worst Adware programs that exists. It hides itself in hundreds of registry files in my computer, so to some extent, there's no way to destroy it. If I let my computer stay that way, the Adware may install viruses and Spyware at complete random. As such, I've just finished backing up all my music files, images, projects, etc., to an external hard drive, and I will now reformat my entire hard drive; the only way to effectively destroy the infection. When finished, I'll have to reinstall most (if not all) of the programs that I use now. This process could take some time. On top of this, I'm going to Mandan for the next three days for Ministers Enrichment with my parents. Three full days of nothing but hanging out with friends, swimming, and playing Wii. Between these two things, I may not be very active on BZP for a short while. Just the same though, my dad's Mac is impervious to these horrid infections, so if I can't get my computer to work right away, I'll just use his. Finally, when this is all over, I may lose most of your AIM addresses, etc., (for those of you whom I've actually got) so I'll let you know later on if I need those again. The Argetlam
  18. XD Or for me to say that I don't have a job. The Argetlam
  19. You have my pity. But seriously, where are you working at that you dislike it so much? The Argetlam
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