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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Argetlam

  1. Argetlam

    Chess Anyone?

    I love to play chess whenever I get the chance to. Usually, it's on my dad's Mac; versus the computer of course. Very fun, actually, 'cuz I don't have to press any buttons or anything. I just talk to the computer, telling it which piece to move and where, and it moves it for me. I've gotten pretty good over time, but I've been playing total for over 7 years. Nice chess set, by the way, looks really fun! The Argetlam
  2. Argetlam

    Major Updating

    I bet you are. The Argetlam
  3. Well, there wasn't any school today; 'twas a snow day. First snow of the season, actually, and it's a major blizzard. In the time off, I've had pretty much nothing to do, so I've been working on things that haven't been worked on for quite some time. I've got a new banner and avatar combo up, and I'm going to try to revamp (so to speak) my blog a bit. Also, I'm gonna use a different posting style for a while. I'm working on nathan8472.com too, but it's a major job that probably won't finish for a few more days. We've got a four day weekend, so I'll have plenty of time to work on it. I'm in the process of making a new Trading Topic, and I'm on the verge of a massive MOCing project. Wow, it's almost tiring. The Argetlam
  4. Argetlam


    Traditionally, a lot of Presidential Elects have promised all sorts of things but have failed to deliver big. Obama seems to be somewhat of an exception though. He's so enthusiastic about what he promises, that I'm not sure what to think about him. Argy
  5. Well, a great big congratulations to Obama on becoming our 44th president! If I could have voted, I would have voted for McCain, but I'm quite interested in seeing all that Obama can/will do for the US. Also, John Hoeven WON an unprecedented third term as governor of North Dakota! He beat his opponent in a major landslide, gaining over 75% of the popular vote, and I'm quite happy about it. Both of my parents voted for him, and if I could vote, I would have too. He's done a great many awesome things for our state, and I'm confident that he'll continue doing so for the next 4 years. Argy
  6. Argetlam

    I Cannot Say

    XD It goes both ways, doesn't it? Argy
  7. Argetlam


    That's what Fox has too. Sorry, can't go on Aim now, 'tis on my PC, and I'm on my dad's Mac right now, and I'm about to get off the computer for the night. Tomorrow? Argy
  8. Argetlam


    Yeah, they can be, but they haven't mentioned either candidate in any way for quite some time. All they're doing is talking about the polls and showing the current results. Argy
  9. Argetlam


    Been watching Fox News, and here's the basic stuff for ND: North Dakota's red right now, with McCain in the lead, but then again, they were saying that North Dakota's been a red state for 40 years; something that I never knew. I'm very surprised at the popular vote throughout the country though. Obama's lead is very, very thin. I didn't expect the race to be this close. For the governor elections of North Dakota, Governor John Hoeven is running for a third term, and it looks like he's gonna get it. So far, he's got 76% of the votes of ND in his favor, and his opponent has only 21%. I'm happy with that, I've liked Governor Hoeven; even met him a few times, and my dad serves on the ND Teen Challenge board with his wife. Argy
  10. Argetlam

    Election Day

    You're an awesome man Kohaku, an awesome man. Argy
  11. Bumping since it's Tuesday the 4th. With the elections coming up really soon, I find myself curious about which candidate people people are supporting. I've seen a few entries already of people stating who their supporting, and I'd like to do the same. I would like to make known, however, that I'm not locking this entry right away. I ask that you post here saying which candidate you support, but THAT IS ALL. There can be nothing else in your comment. I don't want to break BZP rules here, so there'll be no candidate bashing, or even any discussion about why you support them. Just post who you'd like to see win. The moment that this entry turns even slightly bad, it will be locked. I personally would like to see John McCain get the presidential chair. Argy
  12. Argetlam

    New Comic...

    It as quite the awesome plot twits. Argy
  13. Argetlam

    New Comic...

    The new Bionicle comic. It's epic. Argy
  14. Argetlam


    Man, and I thought that my life's been rough recently. My heart goes out to you AA, you're in my prayers. Argy
  15. Argetlam


    That and all the comma errors, etc. I do not know. Yeah really. Argy
  16. Argetlam


    Got the newspaper last night. Front page... I love it! The article can be read entirely here. Although, I must say that I dislike our newspaper editor's grammar, and she spelled Multimedia wrong. Argy
  17. Sorry for not getting this up sooner, BZP was down half of Sunday, and I was out of town yesterday. Just the same, 'tis time for the final MOCotW. This weeks winner is quite awesome, and seems to be an almost fitting close to the MOCotW legend. Argy
  18. Well, Youth Convention is over, and it was absolutely incredible. I had so much fun, it's not even funny. I'm working on MOCotW a little now, and it should be up at/by 6 PM Central time. In the meantime, I'd like to remind you once again to buy a copy of Epic Journey, just because it's that cool. Argy
  19. Well, I hope to get the blog back as soon as I can. Yeah, definitely. In fact, I'll probably be seen around the forums a whole lot more, since I won't be spending all my times in the blogs. Your math is impeccable, but unfortunately, the money I'm currently making on the CDs is going to other things right now. Argy
  20. I will be in Fargo from today until Saturday for Youth Convention, and I won't be able to find very much time for BZP. As such, I'll still try to blog a few times during my leave. Also, an explanation for the last MOCotW coming up. My PMship is going to end anytime from right now to a month from now, but I'm not sure of the exact date. Also, I am relatively broke right now, and I don't have the money to get another PMship, and probably won't for several months. Because of this, I want to formally finish MOCotW just to have one less thing to think about while I'm without my PMship. Argy
  21. Argetlam

    Oh Boy.

    What if someone called us a pair o' pathetic peripatetics? Argy
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