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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Argetlam

  1. Argetlam

    Mmmmmm Halo

    Spent Sunday night at a friends house, and we played Halo for almost 12 hours straight (starting in the afternoon and then ending when Live went offline). You know, I think I'm actually getting good at Halo, 'cuz I was able to beat my friend a few times, and he's really good. Also, he got a killtacular (5 kills in a very short time), and we both had some fun with a bunch of glitches that occurred in the Forge on Valhalla. Argy
  2. October starts this Wednesday, and I find it hard to believe that Christmas is less than 3 months away. Today I present to you the last MOCotW for September. Read on to see who won. Argy
  3. Ah, young love. The girls in my class and in my school hate me with a passion, but that's the way I like it. I wouldn't consider dating any of them for a second, but friends that live out of town, the girls that I see only a few times a year, etc., are a whole different story. You see, I'm 6'5" tall, and there's something in the wiring of the girls that I know that makes them really attracted to tall people. I try to brush it off, but it gets annoying to have girls comment on my height all the time. Argy
  4. Argetlam


    Well, I'm not completely done with it yet. So far, it's actually less slow than Eldest, and better too. Argy
  5. Argetlam


    NASA also plans to send people to Mars in 2033. Argy
  6. Argetlam

    Newly Accquired

    Awwww, you didn't have to spend $12 on me... *assumes that that's the ordered part you were waiting for* Argy
  7. Argetlam


    Is totally awesome! Argy
  8. You gotta love Adobe Premier Elements. I would have made them both better, but all I had was 50 minutes to make them. It was pure coincidence that the both had the same number of frames. Argy
  9. Wow, the weeks sure fly by quickly. Click to see this week's winner! Argy
  10. Argetlam


    Hmm, looks like a lesser counterpart of GarageBand. Argy
  11. You too? Honestly, I don't hear it. Each song sounds completely different to me. Six of the seven songs are in the same key, so maybe that's the similarity that you hear. No worries though, Track 8's gonna be in the key of E, so it'll be different than all of them in that sense. Also, you're only hearing 30 second previews, and not the whole songs, so one 30 second segment may sound like another, while the entire songs are completely different. Finally, I may note that all composers have their own unique "style" of a particular type of music. Obviously, my songs all follow that style, but typically only in instrument choice; something that I mixed up a bit with Tracks 1, 4, 6, and 7. Still each song sounds very different to me, and it may be because I composed it, and know all the intricacies and details of each. Argy
  12. Argetlam


    Man, when I got my license, it was like heaven on earth. Driving was so incredibly fun, but now, over a year later, it kinda lost its appeal. It's still fun, but without the novelty it once held. Argy
  13. Actually, no. None of the songs have lyrics with them, just the music. However, I have a very good friend of mine composing lyrics to go with Track 7 as a sort of "Special Edition" track solely for her and I. If you think all of the songs should have lyrics, well, it's certainly an interesting idea, but I can't sing. Background noise huh? Hmm, like reverb? Not sure if I completely understand where you're coming from, but the blandness you hear may just be because your not entirely used to music without singing. Just the same, glad you like them. Argy
  14. Glad to hear that, I hope you like them a lot. Argy
  15. Just finished composing Epic Journey Track 7, and finished editing Epic Journey Track 3. Previews of both songs have been posted on nathan8472.com with the other four completed songs, and I encourage you to check them out. Particularly Track 7, because it gave me quite the adrenaline rush. I am still in need of names for Tracks 2-8, so if you have any suggestions at all, please suggest them. I now officially have 10 days to start and finish Track 8 (already have the whole song in my head, so it should be a bit easier), finish editing Track 4, create an album cover, buy CDs and cases, and then get everything organized. Psshh, and you thought your life was busy. Argy
  16. Pictures of that guitar would be pretty cool. Argy
  17. SMRPG is on the buy list, but Mario Kart 64 is of my top priority. Too many great memories with that game when I had an N64. Dr. Mario? Hmmm, will look into it. Argy
  18. Ok, I go to your blog too. Argy
  19. My dad's been gone all this past week, and as has been tradition since I've been alive, he brought me a little present when he got back. The present? 2000 Wii Shop points. A wonderful present for me, as I'll be getting a Wii next month. Argy
  20. Czar - I gotta say I agree with you, designing and building stuff like that is awesome. Velox - Yes, need more of you in my blog, NOW. Argy
  21. Argetlam


    You lucky boy, you. Argy
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