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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Argetlam

  1. Get back here and fight like a man! Argy
  2. It has been decided that MOC of the Week will end at 40, so this is the second to last MOCotW contest. Argy
  3. I just got interviewed today... by the editor of our newspaper... about Epic Journey... which will now be advertised via that newspaper to several thousand people! Argy
  4. Argetlam

    Sat With A P

    Ouch. I never got that grading system though, at least, not for the PSAT. Last year, when I took it, I aced the entire math segment, but got a few wrong on the reading ones. All in all, last year I scored in the 98 percentile for sophomores, and I'm hoping that I did just as well, if not better, with this one. Argy
  5. Argetlam

    Sat With A P

    Took another PSAT test yesterday. They're getting really annoying. My guidance counselor wants me to have lots of test prep, etc., so to date I've taken the ACT once, the PLAN test twice, and the PSAT twice. Pretty soon, I'll be acing all that stuff. Argy
  6. Argetlam

    It Is Official

    And how does that make you feel. Glad you finally made this entry. I've been waiting for it since your love one back there. Argy
  7. Argetlam

    Add My Wii

    5957 8652 6617 1404 Post here with your Wii code if you add mine. Argy
  8. Argetlam


    This last week was absolutely awful, and I need today to simply relax. Sorry, but I'm not really in the mood to MOCotW at the moment, I need the time it takes to do other things. If I can get some sleep in, and finish up some homework, I'll still try to get MOCotW up, but I make no promises. Argy
  9. In order: Super Smash Brothers Brawl Metroid Prime: 3 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Anything you'd suggest? Argy
  10. Epic Journey is released! If you'd like to order a copy, head over here and fill out the form! So much work and so much of my life spent in the CD, and it's an awesome feeling to finally finish it. Pictures and the such will be added in the next few days. Argy
  11. I know someone who has that set, it's pretty fun. Argy
  12. Argetlam

    Heh Heh Heh

    The N64 version doesn't have the greatest graphics (of course), but it's courses are really fun, and I enjoy it quite a bit. Argy
  13. Argetlam

    Heh Heh Heh

    Wii = Win Which I now have. Used 1000 Wii points to buy Mario Kart 64, and I've been playing that with my dad for the past 3 hours. Argy
  14. Argetlam


    *despises Accounting* << >> *will quit once semester draws to an end* Argy
  15. Argetlam

    Lego Project

    I NOES THE SECRETS! And I owe it all to Kohaku. Argy
  16. Got a lot of PMs recommending this one, and I definitely think it deserves it... check it out! Argy
  17. Well, first off, that is an electric guitar, not an acoustic, and I like it very much. Know someone that has it, even. I suppose though, I do have an image of a black Les Paul that I could use instead though. Argy
  18. Smudger LET. It was on my dad's Mac, and I liked it, so I downloaded and installed it from Google. Argy
  19. Argetlam


    Who said it was a lady? Kohaku So it's a guy? Argy
  20. Argetlam

    Lego Nintendo

    ZAMORZ! [/spoilers] Argy (Whoops, forgot the opening spoiler tag *wink wink*)
  22. XD You gonna write in you're own name? Sometimes I think it would be awesome if someone other than the candidates won the election, and completely through a write-in. Doubt it'll ever happen though. Argy
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