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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. Lol, yes I can forsee the future. Nice comics, but it was an inside joke.

  2. It's the ACT for me. xP Well, so far I apply to one for far. I am trying to apply to two other schools. Have you visit your school?

  3. Hey there. How are you?

  4. Kermit the Frog is the leaders of the Aliens =O He is a god!

    What ya did? Buy lottery tickets? Haha

  5. Hey Trite! How do you do?

  6. It you would like to share, what caused your depression?

  7. Nice, also check out the new Conduit info.

  8. Cause Pit can shoot arrows. :P

    He is in brawl.

    How are you?

  9. Yes, it been out already. You should buy it cause it has a complete storyline of all 3 games.

    Lol, well it's going to be like Prime. I'm going to be confuse and then adjust and then I'm not confused. xP

  10. which one man? Yo ushould have a banner of him. XD

  11. Audrey Hepburn, amiga?

  12. Yea, maybe you should change your name to Dragõn Kanohi. =P

    Umm, I just trying to beat a game on the Gamecube.

  13. I know. *dances more*

  14. nuthin much. just going to post in yout blog soon. Resev, want a playtus?

  15. *shoots at Resev*

  16. Yea, need a drink?


    Oh shap! Kyle is Jon Conner's father?

    Ok ,though you canNOT infer the wedding...

  17. Time passes, people move, like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth.

  18. It only take about 5 min. :P

    So send me a Pm.

  19. "But I think we should put our differences behind us...for science...you monster..."

  20. You should get KH2 Re: Chain of Memories. Same with you. Though, I am not asking for much. =P

  21. Oh man. The jonas Brothers! I will help you, man! *stops playing Jonas brothers' music*

  22. A certain defect that my cousin has. It's when the right and left venctriles of the heart are anormal and the heart pumps too little or too much blood.

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