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Everything posted by WhispersAngels

  1. Fine I will call you that.

    Seriously, you are the most randomest person I met. ^^

    Said something...anything. =P

  2. What's up? Also, you need to change your pic. XD

  3. Nice, also check out the new Conduit info.

  4. And you cannot have a A with an accent.

  5. XD You are so werid, in a good way. I hope that doesn't offend you.

  6. XD It took them 3 months to find out that my name had illegal character.

    Maybe I should change my name to Sangre (blood).

    Also, you are currently not 16.

  7. I just realized that the mods changed my name back to English two days ago. DX Just great...

  8. The mods changed my name! DX

  9. Ah! The mods changed my name DX

  10. Then, put it to sleep.

  11. I can't let you do that, Resev!

  12. Aww... *inserts sad face*

  13. Wait, isn't he lvele 1 which makes it easy to defeat?

  14. Also, nice name change.

  15. Use Mean Look next time.

  16. Got to remind my parents to not visit any realtives in Mexico. I seriously don't want to get it. DX
  17. Dude, Vamos a La Playa?

  18. been there like 5 times or more lol

  19. *throws away the frosting* Happy? =P

  20. That's suppose to be Alena right?

  21. Happy birthday, you fool XD *gives you a cake with pink frosting*

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