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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. I don't remeber that. Recall the scence.


    Half Octo Half Man. OctoMan


    Naedai! Flatline! Ahhhhh!


    You are like the coolest girl I ever met Emaky. The other girls are differemt in my school.

  2. That's great to know. How was your 4th of July?

  3. Well, I had a half day and I was bored. so I looked at you profile. What is up with you?

  4. Don't use that as an excuse!




    Try this code...


    What kind of girl are you? xD


    The cake is mine.


    Too simple...


    I have other things that make me happy. Movies, Video games, and knowledge.


    Makes sense. If you had one wish, what would it be?


    Well, it was obvious.

  5. I kinda of like it when you lecture. =P I

    But I though Jedis can't get married?

    Alrighty, cause I was starting to gett worried if got abducted by UFOS

  6. Im a Smash Bros. freak.

  7. Nice new avater lev. what is it?

  8. *walks in* Hey Naedai! *waves*

  9. I will give credit to myself. >=o

    I will use it. Thanks.

  10. I cannot find it on #######. Can you give me a link?

  11. I wanted an email too. How did it looked?

    Also, I need to post some new conduit infomation in the topic.

    Judgement Day is when Skynet launched all nuclear weapons aganist humanity. Just letting you know. lol

  12. Helloy therey havey ay hary timey readingy thisy?

    We Must get D-Exo. Activate the Death Star!

  13. Let's ask Naedai....

  14. Impossible!




    Well, he half-bio. They want him for research.


    But actors have alot of money...


    Hey, you stole my ideas before...


    No hug back? =P


    The new one?

  15. *high fives back*

    Yay, though I did saw a rated R movie one week before my birthday.

  16. Thanks. Nice new name change. Is there a meaning to it?

  17. You always say something random. And I thought what would be a random response from Emkay about Phazon? Answer:Corruption.

  18. yea we doe. Do you know Resev?

  19. orld. A world of complete perfection. Nothing so vague and incomplete as spirit can remain.

  20. Hmmm, now I can't play Metroid Prime Tri. My Wii says it can't read the game! Help me...

  21. =P If I can finish my spanish Paper, then yes. What time is ok with you?

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