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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. That's hurts, *eats knife to kill Resev*

  2. Are you sure. Cause I ron doesn't look epic win. :P

  3. Shut up! I'm sorry. *Eats Resev*

  4. Your one. *points at werid-mammal-bird thing D-Exo*

  5. Pretty good. You have your own website? *clicks*

  6. Is it epic win?

  7. I'm live. Thanks, Lewa.

  8. No!!! I want to see it so bad. So how is the gender bender stuff going?

  9. Sure. *takes tea* So how are you today?

  10. It was not D-Exo. It was......*dies*

  11. How awesome is Iron Man?

  12. *giggles* Want some chololate?

  13. I added you to my friend list. I don't know why. How are you?

  14. I know. *dances more*

  15. Want some cholocate?

  16. *hugs back* It's not bad being a feamale. Right, friend?

  17. I already did. Nuthin happan. *cries*

  18. This suxs. I going to cry about it. I hate girls feeling.

  19. *gigles* How are ya?

  20. Hey, how are ya? I'm a girl, help!

  21. I look all pretty. Help me!

  22. I don't know who turn we into a girl. Help me.

  23. It's sucks being a female. Well, might my name. How are you?

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