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Freddy Mallins

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Everything posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. It's a fake So? Still looks good. Heck, I don't know how good any of these cars run.
  2. Yeah, I know where Zionsville is. Thank gosh I'm not the only one in Indiana....I've been searching for anyone else who lived here for over a year. =P

  3. Still looks cool, IMHO. I don't know much about cars, but this looks good to me.
  4. =O Do you live in Indiana too?!?

  5. Shadow, the Ninja from Final Fantasy 6.

  6. Poll #1 - 6. It's very assassin-droidish. I just happen to like assassin droids. Poll #2 - 4. All that gold...
  7. Hey, don't tell ME what to think about them. I actually think they're quite nice; and they're preliminary, so don't get your hopes down, either.

  8. DaAaAaAaAaH, I'm a trendy tote bag!

  9. Burn! Yes, BUUUURN!!!!! Though that's really interesting to see what's on the inside of it.
  10. Freddy Mallins


    Well, hopefully the BZP cencus will actually listen this time... I guess that gives my WoW PM a good go.
  11. And the newborns shall be hung upon the gallows at the stroke of noon.
  12. Nothing is supposed to make sense; making sense is optional. Yeah, Taka's on my 'Get-when-you've-got-everything-else' list, along with Vultraz; nothing in him really speaks out to me. =/
  13. Oh, wewt, it's me! That is pretty funny. What kind of ornament was it?
  14. *sigh* You gotta give that up, man...=P

  15. Don't like iPods anyway. Too expensive. That, and I don't have enough music to fill much more than 2 gig - even then, I got an off-brand (that's extremely trustworthy; most to all of my computer parts are ULTRA brand) 2 gig for 30 bucks.
  16. Some of them are left together. It's all about piece-placement demand, on which new MOCs need pieces from old MOCs. IE, Krika, Samus, and Armored Protector are left together, because there are no current WIPs that demand their pieces; however Kopaka was destroyed due to the needing of certain ones.
  17. Wow. I really need to find some good fail pics....or make you send me them....
  18. Freddy Mallins


    Did you know, when superiors tell people not to do something, they will go ahead and do it anyway? I could've sworn Nuhrii the Metruan said to not PM Greg a bunch of suggestions...yet the majority of BZPower is blatantly illiterate, due to them not noticing that.... And yeah, how do people think up this stuff? It's hitting 'Random Page' on BS01 twice and trying to link the two pages together.
  19. I remember once, in Tae Kwon Do class, we had to stand in horse stance and hold our arms out, and be beat with Jukdos. That's a Kumdo sword, btw. If you still don't know what it is, it's basically a bamboo sword. Bruises don't hurt anymore.
  20. *SPARTAAAA!!!!s everyone into the Pit of Death, except for Ferhago, GGRider, and Nara* I bet he's pretty cool. According to schedule, he will be my.....6th Mistika for this year.
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