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Freddy Mallins

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Everything posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. The Former Toa of Iron? You mean Lessy's Iron? Since he was killed by the Zyglak (actual storyline), I figured he'd drop his weapon, and years later, Iron Death would find it.

  2. Man, that server shut-down scared me. Even to the extent of doing the things on the compy that I should've done, like...8 months ago...

  3. 'Eating triple-fried pork rinds and burping video game music 6 ways 'till Tuesday!!!'
  4. Oh. You're a grrl? I always thought you were a guy....unless it's that stupid gender change crud that I can't stand.....=P

  5. Her, it's a he!! How dare you offend the Shade Muaka with gender confusion...=P

  6. Yeah, we're going to, bt we're not sure. Sometimes he limps, sometimes he's fine. I think he has the same problem as I do; our knees/legs pop out of place.

  7. Hmm....I like Cheezits.....that'll do quite nicely.

    But right now my kitteh has a gimp. =(

  8. Oooh! Swords! Do you have a Claymore, or a Crusader sword?

  9. Yes I am on BZP right now. Thank you.

  10. Heheh! Cattens. Nice. Yeah, Kameron's still about 3 foot long. I think he got bigger last month or so. I gotta get you a pic of my bunneh; he used to have a Pi sign above his nose, but it disappeared. =(

  11. That's......quite odd! I has a bunneh too!! It really depends on the size of your kittehs. Most likely, you could probably combine all your kittehs into a Voltron to be about as big as my kitteh. And my dog sucks, no one cares about him. =P

  12. Is that thier MMO? I didn't think they'd come out with that for awhile.

  13. Yeah, I don't like AQ myself. There is one? I've not seen it in the Official Topics Listing...

  14. I just thought of something, maybe we need a AQ/DF/MQ Official Topic in CoT...

  15. Yeah, I don't think I'll be paying anything for DF. Maybe a DA, but I dunno. I'm doing pretty well as a free player, a level 14, almost 15 Warrior, with both Ninja and Ranger armor, and soon to be getting Paladin or Deathknight.

  16. Yeah, if players are dumb enough to go and actually buy Dragon Coins whilst they're still newbies. Unless you did that, no offense.

  17. Did you get the Chicken-Cow armor on DF? I can never find that thing, and I heard it's incredibly and completely useless. Looks awesome, though.

  18. Freddy Mallins

    B Dot Com

    Suck o'er here too, 1/3 of my town is destroyed due to flooding. Looks good; can't quite see all of it, but it looks good for a website. Thanks, Bink!
  19. I wonder what's for dinner, my boy. Gamelon fo'evah.

  20. XD Nice reference. I still gotta watch that... Well, it's humid as ever in Indiana, after all this flooding. The actual town of Martinsville (where I live) smells like a toliet, because of all the sewage backup coming out of the manholes in the middle of the street. Good thing I'm about 5 miles away from it, on a hill.
  21. If they're gonna put that 'un up, you'd better hope to Mata Nui there's ones for 04, 05, and 07.
  22. Well, really depends on what kind of fire it is. Don't throw water on a grease fire, mind you. So if you're in a greasy eatery on the top floor of a high building, forget water.
  23. Seether/Ferhago/Roodaka Hunter/Whateverelseyouare- Noun; Someone you'd only know well through IMs. My thoughts personally, you're just like me - you were lucky that BZP celebs are your friends.
  24. I dunno. I never did figure out why those were there from the start. Maybe just to add texture... Found it. They fit somewhat onto where the Rakshi's shoulder log (and I do mean log, that thing IS a log ) does, and acts as a ball-joint connector to the arms, instead of a socket connector. It can't move very far side-to-side, but it's a start at a futuristic looking Rakshi.
  25. Pretty good analogy there Bones. I've only got one question, and it's probably something off-topic or whatnot, but....might as well ask it anyway. But why do the hip/pelvic pieces still have the gear teeth on them? I say it looks extremly odd, and there's absolutely no way to use the gear strip either in set or MOC.
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