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Freddy Mallins

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Everything posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Ha, already saw it like....3 weeks ago. But yeah, it's an awesome movie. *sigh* Guess I'll have to say it again - if there's anything better than an insane clown cutting people's mouths open, I don't know what is. I swear, that's gonna be my epitath; don't know how many times I've said it.
  2. Aahhhh...that's gotta hurt. I don't run anymore, because I end up popping my knees out of place.
  3. I'm assuming that a Zergling is one of the lowest soldiers you can play as. If so, that's sweet.
  4. Ouch. I know how you feel, man....I can't even finish half of my weapons and Toa...which I will be sending some pics for you... I might use that metal skirt idea, as well. I've always wanted one of those, but they've never worked for me. This one should, though. -Tom/Kafei
  5. Wow. Not even I keep good track of my MOCs...
  6. Yay! Though it's a bit different than I expected...but oh well.
  7. Hey, Ballom. Anything new on your epic MOCs? I can't find the topic anymore...=(

  8. 'My lower intestine is full of spam...' Looks good, P. Can't wait to see it, IF you do post it...
  9. Ferhago the Additional Pylons. I rule.
  10. Danged right you will... Man, I'm still waiting for the Mistika o'er here. Should be out by next week, however.
  11. No, that's impossible unless you become the Spam King. I'd say go for 1700.
  12. Nice. I may be getting either Tahu or Gali soon.
  13. Aww....man, everybody's in Illinois!! :P Or Ohio, whichever one you're in.

  14. Yes, fear me, mortal. Fear me and my manly manliness.

  15. What's even funnier is that you spelled '>' wrong in the title. Now it's an angry guy licking his nose!
  16. Hamstray? Homegrown? Stairmaster? ___ of Angels? I got it. On FFVI, remember how I named Edgar after you? You could be Ferhag! (Because FFVI will only take 6 letters in a name)
  17. Hey, if you're a Colts fan, do you live in Indiana, too? (I hope I'm not the only one =P)

  18. Yay! Ballom really taught me how to MOC.
  19. Yes, it WAS awesome! The Joker in this movie is much different from any of the past ones. He's a lot darker, and he looks cluttered, trashed, like a madman. I love it.
  20. Thanks. Btw, if I do help, I have no idea what I'm able to do. Maybe Mog, maybe Edgar or Sabin, maybe a Doma/Figaro Overworld sprite - I don't even know my resources. All I know is that I own a TON of LEGO Bricks, and have absolutely NOTHING to do with them. But, I will see what I can do with them. Got any character sprites?

  21. Hey, are you still working on your Lego Final Fantasy project? If so, can I please help? I'm playing FFVI right now - I've just gotten Setzer in the World of Ruin, and I am now cruising around trying to find Locke and Cyan. Nice tatts, btw. =)

  22. I just wanna learn some from of Celtic; I'm a medieval fanatic. =P

  23. Most definitely. Approval, btw. Not giving you this out of randomess; I read parts of your blog. Pretty good.
  24. I'ma firin' my lazah!! SHOOOP

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