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Takuma Nuva

Premier Blog Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. Cover me!

    1. Zatth



    2. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      "Just go ahead, kid, we won't shoot you." xP

  2. Culver's doesn't do curly fries...

  3. Darn you, freakish rating spazzers!

  4. Darned thing keeps adding extra spaces in that word...

  5. Did I ever mention how win your screen name is? =D

  6. Drat! How'd I go down to only four stars?!?!?! Somebody's gonna be hurtin' when I find them! AVENGE ME MY BRETHREN!

  7. Dude, did your parents force-feed you english-class books as a kid? d=

  8. Dude, I'm a fan of MacGyver all around! Well, except for Penny. She gets on my nerves. d= Now we just need to find someone to do a Murdoc av. XD

  9. Dude, lifetime premier? Now I can moderate your blog. :evilgrin:

  10. Dude, the Super Bowl just ended... =P

    New York won! Yeah!

  11. Dude, why so invisible at night all the time? d=

  12. Eat a Hex Bullet!

  13. Eh, sorry. Comic #0 doesn't count.

  14. Er, you know. That doctor doctor. Not Dr. Doom. I believe we already clarified that.

  15. Exactly. When I buy a video game, I want to pay for it and be done with it. Guess I can't hold anything against them, though. It does cost constant money for the company to run those servers. /=

  16. Ez-say OU-SAY!!!


  17. Finally a new comic is up!

  18. Finally a new comic is up!

  19. Flavored ketchup? Oooo...we could really go to town with this idea! I vouch for garlic kethcup! =P

    Chocolate kethcup would probably be a sure-fire way to get the ladies too I'm sure... ;D

  20. Foot-in-mouth tastes gol-darn-nasty.

  21. For anyone wondering, I won't be connecting to the internet for a few days. We (my family) have some important matters to deal with.

  22. For Christmas, how'd you like a flamethrower, Johnny? Or maybe just a bag of marshmallows?

  23. Funny you should say that...

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