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Takuma Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. I just wish I had a place to do that kind of stuff. If we can have places like skate parks, why not a parkour park/arena/center? I'm sure it'd be preferred to people doing it in public possibly endangering themselves and others.


  3. Yeah, I saw. I've been meaning to go read it. Time's really getting tight for me though. )=

  4. Thanks! It's my favorite 'shop job. d=

  5. Yeah, thanks for doing the clarifying for me. I guess I was a little vague. d=

  6. Gata, noooooooooooo!!! I liked the old avatar. D=

  7. AND you play Nightfall Incident?! You just became more win!......wait, where did you actually find that!?

  8. The Q&A topic last night, of course!

  9. Haha! I win! >8D

  10. You have 1111 posts. Nice. d=

  11. I only mad that u insultingly seem to suggest I don't work a full time job. :P As for the women, I can't get one to save my life, so forget it. xP

  12. Indeed it was. I just love that pic so much!

  13. How could you possibly hate the new drop system? o_O

  14. Uh, just thought I'd let you know, it's "security", not "sercurity". ;)

  15. I DID? SHOOT, I NEVER SAW IT!! >=(

  16. KEVIN'S A GIRL!? O=

  17. Not actively due to some homework, but that'll change in due time. I've actually got an idea for a comedy but it might go against some rules so I'll have to ask permission first to make sure it's okay.

  18. So much for me trying to be helpful. xP Thanks for catching that.

  19. Indeed it is! I got it for winning 3rd place in the Blog Theme contest!

  20. My cholesterol, dood.

  21. Exactly. When I buy a video game, I want to pay for it and be done with it. Guess I can't hold anything against them, though. It does cost constant money for the company to run those servers. /=

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