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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Meiko

  1. Corrected teaser site URL: http://www.lego.com/en-us/mixels I've been working on and will continue to work on the Brickipedia article for the theme. I can't wait for further information from both TLG and Cartoon Network. I do have high hopes for the theme and the show. I'm hoping it may be something similar to Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, although it likely won't. Still, I'm excited. The sets look incredible, fun and playful, which is something I like in LEGO sets. The new pieces too.
  2. You should start a ticket in the Tracker and include a screenshot of your problem.
  3. That or other themes. Keep in mind BZPower changed their branding from BIONICLE News, Reference, and Discussion to LEGO News Reference, and Discussion. Anyways, happy birthday BZPower.
  4. Haha, I remember that. I still have no idea how you did that. I've been on Rank 5 or whatever for four years now, since you cannot possibly get 50 gypsum. It is not possible.
  5. Thunder! Vibration! URANUS! Thunder + Vibration = Uranus. Something seems wrong here.
  6. I want to play Minecraft. :3 Can I have the IP?
  7. So, I created a useless [removing site name with forums --Meiko] account just to discover that the access code ended and so is closed Beta? .... KARZ. Yep, you sure did.I'm interested in what open beta will have different from closed. I'm guessing just bug fixes and maybe a few more worlds than just the two, but some new customizations, an actual menu for game settings, and a few other new features would be nice. So, I heard you can't be the Crocs, Ravens, wolves or anything else on the bad side.....karz again... In closed beta, you couldn't. You could only choose Lions, Eagles, Gorillas or Bears. There may be more features and availabilities in open beta. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I hope there'll be Rhinos. "Cuz they're cool. Rhinos are a "bad" faction, and are allied with the crocs, ravens and wolves. WAT. Vultures? I've never heard of any vultures in Legends of Chima...
  8. So, I created a useless [removing site name with forums --Meiko] account just to discover that the access code ended and so is closed Beta? .... KARZ. Yep, you sure did.I'm interested in what open beta will have different from closed. I'm guessing just bug fixes and maybe a few more worlds than just the two, but some new customizations, an actual menu for game settings, and a few other new features would be nice. So, I heard you can't be the Crocs, Ravens, wolves or anything else on the bad side.....karz again... In closed beta, you couldn't. You could only choose Lions, Eagles, Gorillas or Bears. There may be more features and availabilities in open beta. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I hope there'll be Rhinos. "Cuz they're cool. Rhinos are a "bad" faction, and are allied with the crocs, ravens and wolves.
  9. So, I created a useless [removing site name with forums --Meiko] account just to discover that the access code ended and so is closed Beta? .... KARZ. Yep, you sure did.I'm interested in what open beta will have different from closed. I'm guessing just bug fixes and maybe a few more worlds than just the two, but some new customizations, an actual menu for game settings, and a few other new features would be nice. So, I heard you can't be the Crocs, Ravens, wolves or anything else on the bad side.....karz again... In closed beta, you couldn't. You could only choose Lions, Eagles, Gorillas or Bears. There may be more features and availabilities in open beta. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  10. So, I created a useless [removing site name with forums --Meiko] account just to discover that the access code ended and so is closed Beta? .... KARZ. Yep, you sure did.I'm interested in what open beta will have different from closed. I'm guessing just bug fixes and maybe a few more worlds than just the two, but some new customizations, an actual menu for game settings, and a few other new features would be nice.
  11. Witch Doctor. I only have gotten three HF sets since 2012 though, so I'm sure there's better sets I've missed.
  12. That's where I've been stuck at for years now.
  13. Goodness, I must have spent days on that. The fun thing about it was that some of my friends from school who were BZPower members as well would play it too. It was a great concept, but at a certain point, it got more difficult to get items and you'd essentially get stuck on a level, which sucked.
  14. Meiko


    Ah, good. I've run in to quite a few dead links in the references/sources for Brickipedia articles, so hopefully they get up soon.
  15. Eh, I can't really pick a favorite. I use Android, and sadly, LEGO doesn't develop nearly as many apps for Android as they do for iOS. Plus, when they do develop an Android app, they usually don't get the screen resolution compatibility right, in the case of Life of George. There are some nice looking LEGO iOS games, but sadly I can't try them out.
  16. Well as a twelve-year-old kid when the first BIONICLE movie came out, I didn't find anything about them lazy or pandering. I enjoyed them thoroughly. The most laziness I saw was the reuse of various assets, such as Kongu being a recolored Hafu or the Muaka being a slightly modified Ash Bear, and even that isn't extraordinarily lazy for a film with those kind of production values, considering how many new CGI assets were created for each film as well. Perhaps it's nostalgia speaking, but hardly anything in the movies that made sense to me back then makes considerably less sense to me now. As I six or whatever year old I was back then, I didn't even notice that much. All I remember is that I loved Mask of Light for some reason, and would watch it over and over again. So no, I didn't see it as being lazy at all.
  17. It depends how it's being used. If it's part of a knockoff LEGO set, sure, If not, no.
  18. Honestly, Ninjago's TV show was enough for me. For a LEGO-branded movie, I'd rather them do another thing like Clutch Powers or The LEGO Movie—something that isn't specifically branded to an individual LEGO line.
  19. With the news of the new species/characters in Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey, I'm hoping we see some of them in the MMO. It would be nice to have something other than eagles telling you what to do and fighting crocodiles all day.
  20. I'm working on possibly boosting the editing capabilities, such as improving the tools in the edit window or possibly even converting to a WYSIWYG editor. I'd also like to add a few features I've developed (or helped develop), such as a wiki chat for members to use.
  21. We're changing the version of the MediaWiki software. Give me 24 hours.
  22. I'm lost. Why wouldn't the account creation block and IP block have the same net effect? The "account creation block" prevents the user (has to be logged in as the username that was blocked) from accessing Special:CreateAccount. Blocking the IP prevents any user on that IP address, whether logged in or not, from doing anything.
  23. Hey did you know that the way spambots work, is, if they can't create an account on a site, they log that site, and frequently will try to revisit them. What you should do is CheckUser them and block the IP address from creating anymore accounts, ever. That's how you take care of spambots, not by detracting good users as well. By disabling it, you're losing possible contributors as well as stacking the number of "in-queue" spambots up, so you're really just making it harder on yourself. They've been disabling account creation for every single spambot they've blocked so far... And as far as possible contributors goes they can still sign up via HS01. Having registration through the sister site has, so far, been the most effective way of preventing spambots. If you think they haven't done it right, you do have admin now, don't you? So you're saying I should give myself CheckUser manually? I'm not even bureaucrat. Sure I can do that the same way I gave myself admin on BS01 without having it given by a bureaucrat, but I'm not sure that should happen without a proper RfR submission, now should it? And yeah, disabling account creation from the Special:Block page does not mean blocking the IP. Disabling account creation sets a permission error page when that user, while logged in, tries to access Special:CreateAccount. Blocking the IP means running Special:CheckUser on that account, finding the most recent IP address(es) used by that account, and blocking and disabling account creation for it via Special:BlockIP.
  24. Hey did you know that the way spambots work, is, if they can't create an account on a site, they log that site, and frequently will try to revisit them. What you should do is CheckUser them and block the IP address from creating anymore accounts, ever. That's how you take care of spambots, not by detracting good users as well. By disabling it, you're losing possible contributors as well as stacking the number of "in-queue" spambots up, so you're really just making it harder on yourself.
  25. Except it isn't very secure at all.
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