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Status Updates posted by DeepFriedZombies

  1. Yay! I Finally got my name changed! WOOT!

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Yummy. does it come with fries and a large drink? no ice please. also I like my zombie fresh please?

  2. And a rip-off that makes bad jokes too.

  3. Sorry, But I'm Anti-dermis in a Nano-suit given to me by Adventurer. So how about we put a smile on that...head. *Strikes*

  4. I'm in your house, raiding your fridge.

  5. Even though we may be Makuta, that dosent stop me from killing you in Member hurt and heal.

  6. *Is in base so base gets incinerated (spelt that right?)*

    ...Is there a draft in here? Oh...wait...

  7. Yeah... i would like that spot in MH&H4...thanks.

  8. Eheh, thanks! Happy thanksgiving to you too!

    *eats turky*

  9. NEVAH! *Posses the body* Muwahaha... I controll

    EVERYTHING! Heh..*makes Takua's profile explode and dissapear*

  10. Hey, Caboose! Hows the saving the day going?

  11. *Large booming voice* Hey Adventurer, I Takua almost killed me, but I possed The giant mata-nui body. You want it over there incase we do a war? Almost, add me to the kill takua list.

  12. What happens when you run outa duck-tape?

  13. Awsome rank image is Awsome.

  14. SPIRIT, I give you the Mata-nui award- if I could find it... The seeker rank would fit me right now. >.

  15. Baby ducks fail. (It's opposite day by the way XD)

  16. Happy (Belated) Birthday! Also, My dad did a clean-out of our files and deleated the lyrics! I'm still mad!

  17. Well i was wondering... werent you leaving BZPower? O_o

  18. Did you know you have 10466 Profile views?

  19. Yay! It's the best armor a (for now) Makuta could have! Yay!

  20. I join your team on the Comment pie-throwing war.

  21. Oh, boy, I knew not going on for a long time would haunt me... Um... Wheres Bionicle Kingdoms:Reqiem? I cant find it! Only the discussion topic! D:

  22. Hey, Adventurer? Do you have a PS3?

  23. Ohhhh Taaakkuuuaaaa? Look at my new Nanosuit! Muwahahaha!

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