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Everything posted by DeepFriedZombies

  1. What is with the three works you have in there, and what job? Also, reminds me of when I was in school.... ~AdjutantReflex~
  2. That whack-a whatever banner you have, it is fun. XD

  3. Uh...is my profile cold or something?

  4. F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for U and me...

  5. Wow, Vezok, thats some great drawing. Someone should seriously hire BZPowers artists XD Man, I love that clone-trooper. He's awsome. The Former Terra the dark fighter, ~AdjutantReflex~
  6. Oh, nevermind. found it. >_

  7. Oh, boy, I knew not going on for a long time would haunt me... Um... Wheres Bionicle Kingdoms:Reqiem? I cant find it! Only the discussion topic! D:

  8. Well Bionicle Rex, I hope you had a good time here. You were a great admin. Good luck with your job!

  9. Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.

  10. I HATE hackers, And it would be a sad day when a Admin gets hacked.

  11. Hey, congrats on being un-banned, dude. Just one question: HOW did you get banned in the first place?

  12. Awsome rank image is Awsome.

  13. I wish that your epic, "The Search For Truth", and Your comic "Thetoaoflight's club" Continued, I saw potential in them.

  14. It deleated most of my writing! Anyway, that was a rough draft of what I could remember.

  15. Now this is a story all about how my armor got flipped-turned upside-down and I'd like to a minute and sit right there, and tell you how I became the fresh makuta of bel-air. In north destral made and trained at the labs where I spent most of my days chillin' and relax'in all cool and making some rahi up by the protodermis pool and a couple of toa they were up to no good! started m

  16. Yeah, I mean the rank images.

  17. If He's being punished, I wonder why...

  18. What school assingement has you compare the Thomas The Tank Theme to heavy metal? Unless they were all like "WE SHALL MAKE THEN COMPARE THIS TO THAT " ~AdjutantReflex~ PS: I really Need a blog award to give to you D:
  19. Somehow, I feel ok here. Must be my questinable sanity. Anyway, It looks like a frog, and the thornax launcher-in-mouth thing looks like a toung. :x The last of my kind, ~AdjutantReflex~
  20. Man, I NEED those images! :D

  21. Woah, Good job Omi, you got it before me! ~AdjutantReflex~
  22. Hey, I found out what that popping was comeing from! Popcorn!!! ^^


  23. Hm... I sense a quote coming up. Hurr hurrr. ~AdjutantReflex~
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