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Toa of Dancing

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Status Updates posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. I gives you no reason!

  2. I have discovered a new love. Fajita things sandwiched between two slices of cheese pizza.

    1. Bundalings


      That sounds really good.

    2. Toa of Dancing
  3. i iz a dancing munky

  4. I know of it mainly due to my bro.

  5. I love my nonexistent job. XD

  6. I today marks the anniversary of something happening somewhere at some time to someone and maybe someone else and then everyone lived except for those who died. The end. Cry if you time every like.

  7. I try. But I get distracted. If you want examples take my RPing, my work in the Epics section of the LSO, and my kinda-current works known as Super Smash Bros. Bionicle and Cry of the Broken.

  8. I was joking. It's actually a good name. I skimmed it.

  9. I'd do it if someone did something where I could post...

    Anyone who comes here to comment, please vote for me in the COT contest, poll E! My entry is "The Heart Shaped Box"!

  10. I'm just frustrated.

  11. I've tried reviewing things before, can't make good enough reviews to make myself happy, so I don't usually review things. :/

  12. inorite ;_;

    But yeah, I find it funny.

  13. inorite

    Also your banner creeps me out. XP

  14. inorite

    Also, real fake wood in your prof pic. XD

  15. It might have been.

  16. It seems to happen when I join his games. XD

  17. It's a cycling avvie. There are 236 (or something like that) that it can be.

  18. Jetpacks are cool.

  19. Just say he's there. And depends, you'll have to talk to her.

  20. Just saying, but the Roman numerals in your sig are incorrect. It would be XIX, not XVIV. Sorry if I'm a bit technical. XD

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