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Toa Xenronn

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Blog Comments posted by Toa Xenronn

  1. Very true, Turakii. Except for the part about chefs (har har aspirations), I agree. I see too much of this stuff; not only online but just in society in general. I try to think and find out why people are so harsh towards each other, but each time I try I come up empty-handed, no explanation whatsoever. How people can be so venomous to each other is beyond me - it doesn't accomplish anything and usually leads to more of the same. The more I see of it in society, the more is on the internet, and the other way around. Maye they're connshnected? (connected, for those of you who don't slur your words on purpose :P )


    Human nature is to have your own personal opinion and way of acting around others, and I know that people don't sometimes like the way I act. (trust me, I'm different offline.) But there's no need to get up-in-arms about it, we can work through disagreements as easily as a knife cuts through water. Simple calm discussion is all that is needed, and that's really the only thing I never see anymore.

    So really, all of us could be nice, caring individuals. Humans in general, I mean. Instead, we all seem to be fighting for what we think is right, when really it's up for debate that every single thought in the world is both right and wrong at the same time, depending on the angle you look at it from. I try to do that with every bit of info I hear(which is tons), and so maybe that's why I have this particular opinion.


    The simply put version: people are too mean to each other both on-and-offline these days and, like Turakii said, it's not getting us anywhere. Calming down and just talking is the key here I think, and it doesn't help that anyone can deny a claim they think is wrong if they're creative enough.


    Whoe. (that's a short, hard breath outwards).

    I think that speech had been locked away for years! speaking of something else locked away for years....

    (this literally took forever to find):


    And your post deserves this, T.1


    _Xenronn of Moon

  2. I'm not sure I'm excited about this YET, but then maybe that's just because this line was a part of my life for so long - I don't do well with change. On the plus side though, like you said, we won't be hindered by the sets anymore. I was admittently clinging to a false hope that more sets that were .... well, made properly would come out. Guess that's not a worry anymore? :P

    Now we can really kick things up, I think. The fanbase will be pretty much an online community next year, since no sets will be selling. If BZP turns out to be the hub of that, then our members will pretty much be the main idea/inspirers/"creators" of the non-canon (and heck, maybe some actual canon) stuff about the story.

    It's.... Sort of like a rebirth of the series, only more in the fans' hands, I think. Should be interesting.



  3. I'm assuming this "forested world" was to be the third planet out of the three that must become one? As for the dinosaurs, I really don't agree with that, but then I'm not the creator. Great job on the rest though, Mr. Farshtey. Very thrilling. Would've been a great flik.



  4. I'm still sorta trying to figure out what this NaNoWriMo is. Not that I'm unconnected with the community, but am I missing something here? :blink: I'd say that I give up on it too, but I don't even know what it is!! :P

    Oh, yeah, Toa of Moonlight's orders: GET BETTER NOW. I'm honestly getting a bit worried about you, LK. And, I often say that laughter is the best medicine, and sleep can ride shotgun. And robitussin can get in the trunk, that stuff tastes horrible. So, here's a picture of the most binding wedding rings I think I have ever seen.




    PS: Really, heal. I wasn't kidding.

  5. ^Yes, yes it does. Cheerful, ain't it? :P ^


    I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been listening to it nonstop since yesterday, and particularly like "Beautiful Bride" and "Treasure". Strangly, though, my album only has nineteen songs. Maybe 'cause I got it from the Zune store, not an actual CD. Oh, well. It's still awesome.



  6. Aw, glad you're feeling better now - start getting better and being awesome again! :P Strangly, I was feeling sickly during the same time period.


    Also pertainent is:

    I needed to hear that second part. My attitude the past few days has been dismal, and I've been attributing it to the fact my life sucks. This of course isn't true, but it took hearing it from someone else to really drive the point home; I'm feeling a whole lot better now, and am smiling again.


    _thanks from Xenronn

  7. Ghost in the Shell = GitS

    GitS = Glitch in the System HAR!


    So, yeah. I haven't posted in this blog in forever. advice: don't feel like the internet sites you like are making you unconcentrated - I did a couple weeks ago, and the computer has only just started working again. As for your novel:


    WAAAAAAAIT! I had no idea you were writing a novel! Are you publishing it? When can I buy it?!? I need more books! (because I'm addicted to reading) :P


    I'm gonna... umm. Go MOC. and calm down..



  8. I think I may agree with what you're saying here, but as usual, I look at an issue from all points of view, including (sadly enough) the view of nasty people.

    Yes, we all must strive to be more considerate on the 'net and especially, BZP. That's one of the thing that gives the internet a bad name in the first place; people not caring who they hurt. I definatly try to be respectful of the BZCommunity on the whole, and (I don't think) I've never purposefully insulted anyone on here. We all should try to give everyone equal merit, and definately take the time to think about what we're typing before clicking that "Add post" button.


    On the opposite spectrum, what you have to remember is that there are people out there (usually really bored people) who get on the internet for the sole purpose of hurting as many as they can. Then, you've got those "Newest Generation" (as I like to call them) kids, those mere novices who think they're all that and a bag of potato crisps, who simply think that because they are who they are, or have what they have, they're Gods. Well, of course the obvious answer is they're not, and should really grow up. It's all a bit downhill, and I'm aware I may be insulting someone, whether intentionally or not. Sorry in advance, but really.

    That, sweetheart, is the way of the world. (my wanting to quote someone here is amazing, and yet I can't remember who said that...)


    IN ESSENCE: I agree with what you say, and fully endorse the message, but there are some things good people generally just can't control. We wish we could have a world without pain, without ignorence, but it sadly is never going to happen as long as we're all human.


    _Xenronn, who feels a little like he's harping, and a little like he's about to make the same hypocritical mistake explained by clicking "Add Reply"....

  9. I'd love a weekly spotlight - It would give me more insight on the artists here at BZP (since I'm too lazy to look them up myself :P ) and would give those people credibility they might not normally have. And as another good thing, I could be in it if I EVER start posting artwork... XO


    And..... Um. Don't you think, when posting in a blog, that you should be able to see the latest 10 entries like in the forums? 'Cause I sometimes forget what I'm talking about, and seeing other's posts usually jogs my memory.




    Continuation: Oh, yeah. So, yay, Gits is back up, I've been wanting to read it, and not doing so, apart from being distressing, has upped the number of comma splices I've been doing, yeah.

    If you have Artist's block, I don't know if I can help you, but you might try this quick fix for Writer's block, which might prove useful. ->Writer's Block Guide

  10. Oi, tests. Everyone's favorite word....hai..png

    I suggest eating chocolate right before you take the test. (or as close to the start as you can get.) I'm serious, like a hershey's or something. It really helps you not space-out while taking the test. (which of course, is important. Schalorships!)

    Hope you do okay, LK.

    I'm gonna go give Niki her cookie, hug, and kitten now. (in that order?)



  11. Yaaaaay! *Kermit the Frog dance* You look very pretty with this hairstyle.




    EDIT: Looking at this for reference as I draw, I notice that perhaps the most beautiful thing about this picture is that you're smiling. ^_^ Figured it'd be nice to let you know.


    Heh. Flirt Much? :P (I'm just kidding, of course.)


    Back to this "message":



    And how many other words can I write using only one letter? Let's see.






    So, Major. Where am I headed, O' honorific and graticious field commando? Shall we tear down the world, or just storm the place and take all the valubles and food? Mostly the food? I like your style, Major. They've got cupcakes! *munchmunchmunch* MMMM, chocolate chips.


    _THiS IncReDIBlY rANdoM MessAGE wAs brOUghT To yOU bY XenroNN


    Edit: Y'know, your smile is pretty. (d'oh, hypocrtical me...)

  12. BionicleStory is for newbies


    I resent that. What about the Podcasts, and serials, huh? Some of us like to read... :P


    Anyway, yay updates and all that. I hope I'll be able to do better this time around once AM v2 comes out.... I still can't beat Malum in the second go-round....

    At least someone's updating... <_< (VGCats fans unite for update.)



  13. OOoooh, I want one. One of what, I'm not sure. But I want one!

    So, does USD payment mean that we can send you moneys in the mail, like a check or something? I must know this, as to ascertain a certain plan henceforth to jimmy up and procure some of your dashingly great-intuituioned pencilwork. (I want one of your artz.)



    PS: I'm strangly british now. PM me if you think this is abnormal.

  14. I'm pretty much in the same boat with Raia. 17's not old, it's awesome. Next is 18, then 21, then the prime of your life! You aren't old. Anyway, I'll be joining you on the seventeen pedastal in 9 days. (June 9th, rock on)

    Keep the SS "we're seniors" docked until I climb aboard, then?

    Make sure to keep your head above water, too. (Am I done with the nautical references yet? Does a Skakdi like poetry?)


    _Xenn' of the Moon

    PS: Arrrrgh!

  15. "Narrator: It was only a matter of time before Komas realized that, being a cat and all, dear Tachi would never fall for him.

    Tachi: Well, Kom, it's just that.... that..... I can't be married to somebody with whiskers!!!"




    Xenronn has gone too far. Xenronn lives under a rock. Xenronn must now finish his schoolwork and quit speaking in the 3rd person...



    PS: yes, LK, I am mocking this. Maybe it's the whiskers, maybe it's because he now looks waaaaaay too much like Sly Cooper....

  16. I SO totally call Szian. My voice be naturally deep. And stuff. I'll see if I can fish out our mic; I know it's somewhere in this house......


    You know of course, that I love this. I'm thinking of either Szian, or if I can't get him, Capn' Yuuzian. After all, I'm a pirate. :pirate: (no, Xenronn is not from somalia. <no offense, somalia>)



    PS: E-Mail is forthcoming, I just gotta FIND the darn thing!!!!11!!


    MAjor edit::: I read the post above me, Lady, and now I'm fearful. See, I live in NC, but still. Does this mean main roles will have to journey to one place, or something? I'm confusled. ...This is probably going to come to you in a PM.

  17. Lady K, you've got yourself an actor. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Want to do SZIAN!!!!!!! That is, if he has the normal Makuta-ish voice, y'know, all dark and low and scary; 'cause that's how my voice is normally! :P


    I'll try to figure out HOW to use our mic now, since I never had a want to do it before. Just PM me when you guys want to start, but keep in mind that I'll be in School until June 11th, so I may not be fully available until then. But available, nonetheless.


    I think that's all you needed to know right now; if I've forgotton anything, put it in the PM.

    And thank you for this chance, it absolutly rocks. (I'm trying to cut down on the "awesome" statements.)




    And now, a penguin. I'm off to read the final Glitch chapter.


  18. Is that a custom smily? hai..png

    *goes to read*



    Edit Upon Reading Monumentous Outstanding Marvolous Matierial Afterwards:

    (or "EUR MOMMA")




    Does THAT sum up chapter 19?

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