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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. *starts calling up Oberyn Martell and Ser Gregor Clegane*
  2. Zatth


    (we are recreating the spirit of game of thrones so well i am certain his Martinness would be proud)
  3. *whispers* no one Zatth should have all that power Nah, but the game is amazing. It's turning out unreal and I can see we've all been taking the game to new grounds, as any GoT-based situation should
  4. I'm incredibly sorry. NOT Break this mask, son [iNSERT RAINS OF CASTAMERE HERE] ... though not sure if it'd be from me to you or you to me
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ab8BOu4LE (r.i.p stone region) Onto the next episode, then! This is getting more gripping and exciting
  6. Zatth

    Need Authors

    Sure, I'll throw my hat into the ring!
  7. Fun fact: When George R(ocket) R(accoon) Martin was writing the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire, he only planned for the series to be a trilogy... but as he wrote more and more he realized it'd take about six-ish books for the whole thing. So it appears BZP GoT is mirroring reality more than we anticipated (and without the hour-long programming block of the TV show)
  8. Yes, it is indeed that time of the month when you get to meet (within technological confines) the Staff of BZP! As always, leave comments and ideas for the channel or future guests. Soon as we have our next guest, I'll post for you to send in questions!
  9. Bah, you know what, let's do this thing. Sign me up as a Stone Protector! (I'm guessing based on the description that they're supposed to be a Baratheon/Stark/Lannister analog in BZP GoT?)
  10. Galidor, you say? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASJbw4xWhrA (In all seriousness, though, it's brilliant to see fans that still find content around LEGO, and especially something that was short-lived but still remembered. Thank you for the link!)
  11. Yep! Thank you ToaTimeLord for staying on top of the news and making sure it gets to us, and thank you Lucina for clearing up that bit as well! Topic closed with the Mask of Topic Locking! (Which will be appearing in next year's graphic novel )
  12. Made a sushi boy joke, went back on your profile, found custom name is still there, happy t(hat) all is right with the universe

    1. Sumiki


      sushi boy is a legend that will and should never die

    2. Rahkshi Guurahk
  13. Legend has it that if you name the Scottish play by name on stage horrific curses befall the crew/cast/performance. And by legend has it, I mean that it's happened more than we care to admit (the most recent example of adhering to the supersticion being Michael Fassbender in the movie adaptation of the Scottish play)
  14. Eesh, real life just keeps being annoying. Two days late, but here be the latest installment of our sometimes monthly series! As always give it a look and leave comments below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8krKPz3xiU
  15. We're glad to see you're getting the hang of things! Anything else we can help out with?
  16. Please refrain from messages like these; this is a Review topic for "Independence". Trust that your story will attract viewers through its already-existing awesomeness., but please don't use a topic like this as a promotional tool.
  17. On another episode of Zatth is not that great at deadlines... (i promise it will get better in a month, pinky promise) This month's guest is Takuma Nuva, and this episode we feature a plethora of guest questions (by which I mean four)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqGuvli3pwI Go give it a look, and leave any comments! Soon we'll have an update on next month's guest!
  18. Very true! Apologies, we didn't consider this but we have now! The new rule will say that there is no rule against Photo/MOC comics (meaning your comic can be most this), so long as you include some hand drawn and sprite elements. Since the main point of the contest is fusing those two styles, we still would like to see those in your comic! We're gonna say no to this one.
  19. The story so far: In the beginning there were both sprite and hand-drawn comics. This made a lot of people angry and there were arguments about which was better. Luckily, it appears the dust has settled enough that y’all recognize both styles are pretty cool, so we want to see what you can do with both styles! Yes, that is indubitably what we are asking you to do! (If that was the question you were asking yourself, if not… sorry, I have no response for whatever question it was.) We want you to create a comic featuring both sprite and hand-drawn elements to make one amazing Kaita comic! Pow! Wham! Kablam! ———————————————————————— You have from Feb. 1st at 12:00 am to Feb. 22th at 11:59 PM (Eastern) to submit your entry! Rules (& Knuckles): Please try and have a balance of sprite and hand-drawn styles. If you have any questions we’ll look your entry over, but we believe it will be an easy medium to hitYour comic can be mostly a Photo/MOC comic, so long as it includes some hand drawn and sprite elements in the comic.One entry per memberDon’t flame, don’t cheat.Follow all BZP Rules & GuidelinesWhen entering, please postMember name: Entry Image (linked or embedded): Entry topic (if applicable): Voting period: You will vote from Feb 21st to Feb 23rd at 11:59 PM (Eastern) for semifinals, and from Feb 24th to Feb 26th at 11:59 PM (Eastern) for finals. Prizes: TBD Now go and create! So long and thanks for all the entries! (And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.) Zatth Sumiki
  20. Hey all! We now have our guest for next month's episode, so if you've every wanted to ask Takuma Nuva a question, post those questions on the Meet The Staff topic and they will most likely feature in next month's episode! *zatth out*
  21. Apologies (again) for the delay; the Zatth is really falling by the wayside, no? Luckily, here we have this month's episode, featuring the wonderful Aanchir and, as a first, questions from YOU, the audience! As always, comment away and send in questions for next month's guest, Takuma Nuva! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klIBNb-exfU
  22. Zatth


    Um, EXCUSE YOU Have you not read Neil Gaiman's "...And Weep Like Alexander"? Because that's where you'll find the answer. (sigh. Such a sushi boy.)
  23. Zatth

    BrickFair Funk

    Fun fact: Team Farm Animals actually sometimes tries to plan Vines or other shenanigans during every BrickFair. Sometimes they start as a joke or a throwaway line, and end up becoming a project that takes all five days to film and even more to plan/record/edit. There's still a day left in 2015 so this is not technically late. Anyways, enjoy. Also, stay tuned next week for the Behind The Scenes at our bloopers
  24. BIONICLE turned out to be a multi-year story centering on fashion choices
  25. Oxford changed me more than I thought. They were dark times... I miiiiiiight have to do one on Bonkles (if the people commenting on the videos realize I am joking and don't really think that's how BIONICLE is pronounced ) Of paws he would. #confirmed
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