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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. New month, new episode! Today we have the head honcho, the grand enchilada, the Bossman(drew) himself, Black Six! Hear us talk about animation, LEGO Movie screenings, and what the deal is with Macadamia nuts! [Editor's note: No such conversation on Macadamia nuts was had. For shame, Zatth.] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YA5xz8Zdls Next month we'll be talking with Aanchir, so if you've ever wanted to ask him a question, leave it here in the topic and I will ask him during next month's episode! In the meantine, enjoy this month's episode, leave questions for next month's episode, and any other comments or questions you might have on the series as a whole!
  2. I think the key phrase here is "without their permission." That rule is there to prevent people from maliciously impersonating other members, so if the member in question trusts you enough to let you run amok in their image, then I don't see a problem. But I'd stick around to let a more experienced staff member confirm that. Awesome! Thanks a bunch! That's my question answered, then. I love the smell of a freshly-answered question in the morning! but zatth it's 10 pm at n- Question answered, topic closed!
  3. Does this answer your question?
  4. And he thought there wouldn't be much interest in his episode... Yes, indeed this month's guest is the lovely Kakaru! We talk MOCs, we talk NYCC, we talk other acronyms! Feel free to enjoy our lovely conversation, and leave any comments and feedback! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXzOE00q9z8&feature=youtu.be
  5. I think that's fine, yeah! As long as it gets you writing and your story going I don't think there's a problem with that! I might recommend M. KIRIN's How To Plan A Novel Complete Workshop on YouTube, an hour-long video that gets you to plan out an entire novel. That approach specifically emphasizes the things that excite you and general concepts first, so it's a more relaxed but equally effective planning guide I like to use. As to time, I'll quote David Mitchell who recently had something to say about this: Hope that helps!
  6. As long as it's 50,000 words of whatever, NaNo is cool with it And glad to hear you're doing NaNo as well! How's everyone else doing?
  7. Same as Wind: I can't speak to your experience, but I did attend a school where overachieving was the norm, where having taken less than 8 AP classes made you beneath the students, and not applying to at least two Ivy Leagues (and hoping to get in) made you a source of contempt. If you need to vent, to talk, to see cute cat videos or pictures (I have an entire Google Doc devoted to those), let me know. BZP has helped to shape a lot of us, and I know we'd be more than glad to help one of our own when Life gets tough, as it tends to do. We're here for you, for whatever you need
  8. Did they learn nothing from The LEGO Movie?! sigh...
  9. Zatth

    Costume Time!

    Ha! Hmm... Jayne's hat underneath Indy's fedora, bowtie and suspenders beneath Indy's jacket, and Sonic Screwdriver and Nerf gun. Find the best quotations from the three and find ways to mix them into recognizable somethings that can identify the three, and create a punny/mixed name for the cosplay abomination brilliance! It won't even be your final form.
  10. Unless you already have a solid idea for a novel, or are willing to plan one over the next few days, it might be better to do the set of short stories. Of course, this is assuming that you've already got ideas for what to write for short stories. Either way you'll have to do some planning (either for a novel or for a set of short stories), so it comes down to what kind of planning you want to do and what ideas/materials, if any, you already have.
  11. ChocolateFrogs inquired about the subject in the latest Meet The Staff episode, calling me "the leading face for the Spanish[-speaking BIONICLE] online community" (which is too kind; I am nothing of the sort). Nonetheless, it is true that over the past year I've been helping out to give back to the Spanish-speaking community. This has taken the form of a YouTube channel I started last year called El Muro De La Historia, or Wall Of History. I mention it now because I wasn't entirely sure I'd continue doing this for too long. A year later, we've got 75 subs and over 5,000 views, and it doesn't seem like people want us to go away The only video in English we have so far is an interview we did with Kevin Hinkle, which I think all of y'all will enjoy (thanks to Sumiki for being a lovely cameraperson) I hope this channel can, first and foremost, be a hub of content for the Spanish-speaking BIONICLE and LEGO community. However, I hope the channel expands beyond that main mission. When I return from Oxford I aim to start translating some of our videos in English, in the hopes of also providing to the English-speaking fans (our weekly series where we review the news in the LEGO world is one that I would love to start providing in English). I also hope to continue creating videos that not only share knowledge on conventions, theme parks, and the latest news, but also foster discussion and interest in the toyline we all love. Feel free to suscribe if you want, though I will warn you that the YouTube subtitle feature will not help with the videos (unless your aim is to get a laugh, in which case I will highly recommend you turn on the subtitles). I can't say where the channel will be in a year, but as long as it allows me to continue helping out the community, I will be glad to welcome whatever comes
  12. I think that, as a Turaga, he would probably be more patient and wise than other characters, more likely to give thought to his actions and impart sager advice. Also, knowing his past history, his beliefs and ideas would be shaped by his experiences as a Matoran and then Toa, which could also explain why he might be more cautious than others.
  13. Oh, how the turn tables, as Zatth is the interviewee of the week (and a bit behind schedule, he will admit)! Unfortunately, after the episode was recorded, I realized my computer didn't capture the full Skype footage (remember in the Behind The Scenes how I said I usually hope the videos recorded well? Here's an example where the universe disagrees). Because of this, the footage of the lovely ChocolateFrogs who became the episode's interviewer was lost, but you can still thank him for taking the reigns for this episode! As always, let us know what you thought of the episode and what you want to see in the future! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTBvnIObmX4
  14. I'm thinking that during November, I might try and write bits of novel as my break between sections of essays. Don't know how much that'll work for you (or for me, for that matter ), but it might make it a teeny bit easier come November
  15. Added you as a Writing Buddy! (Username is Zatth. I know, who'd've thought )
  16. Maybe! Since the story (and characters) might change as you write, that idea could change. But, at least in my opinion, it sounds like it could work!
  17. Right; I was thinking in the sense that it is this Onu-Matoran who first travels to all six Koro during the Dark Time and gathers the information from all the Turaga. Maybe it turns out that this Matoran's insisting on the Turaga somehow convinces Takua to begin the quest/convinces the Turaga it is time to awaken the Toa?
  18. If it makes you feel better (and Jess/Tak, this is also a sort of response to yall's concerns) I'm creating all the hubbub about NaNoWriMo as an accountability mechanism to force me even more to try and do all I can this NaNo to win it or at least get as far as I can (it's a kind of egotistical accountability method of sorts ) Maybe you could have the story start before Takua uses the Toa Stones? So the story begins during the Dark Time, with an Onu-Matoran protagonist who doesn't know (yet) you need the Toa Stones to wake the Toa? Perhaps the novel could be about the Matron traveling across Mata Nui while Makuta is still terrorizing the island, as the Onu-Matoran pieces together for the first time how to awake the Toa?
  19. Hello lovely people! I know there is still a month until NaNoWriMo begins, but we all know that NaNo also requires some sort of planning and a community to force you to feel bad about not finishing 50,000 words along with them write and plan alongside you as November happens! So I was thinking of having this little thread for anyone to talk NaNo ideas, exchange usernames, plan characters or plots, and maybe even organize some community writing days or something! So, are you doing NaNoWriMo? If so, what ideas, if any, have you got? If you haven't considered doing NaNo this year, why not give it a shot? We'll be here as well!
  20. Zatth

    NaNoWriMo 2015

    Made a topic for BZPers to discuss/plan/worry over NaNoWriMo! Head on over there to exchange novel/NaNo info, pitch ideas, and in general see there are many of us who are wild enough to try and write 50,000 words in one month!
  21. Ended up not being able to visit Brickeens as was planned :/ Realized the night before flying that Ireland isn't part of the U.K, and so I needed an Irish visa to visit Ireland (the benefits of being Colombian: you're internationally stigmatized due to your nationality). Had to cancel the trip at the very last minute. But on the bright side, it looks like the office in London should allow me to get an Irish visa quite quickly, so the trip is just postponed, not cancelled! Started as a student of New College this week. Doing a course on Shakespeare and Metatheatre, and one on the Romantics (Poetry and Prose). Also our college campus is intercut by the old city walls. So that's kind of cool, or something? Will be doing NaNoWriMo this year! If you're doing it as well, look me up as Zatth! Here's the (tentative) cover so that I feel bad if I don't finish it! AND ONE FINAL VERY IMPORTANT THING THAT WILL BE A BENEFICIAL PSA. Sumiki has a phrase I have stolen from him: "I can't brain today, I have the dumb." Yesterday I discovered there is a word in the English language that means exactly that. Zwodder.
  22. GET PUMPED (well, maybe not too much b/c we both have our own cocktail of medical issues) ... GET MODERATELY PUMPED AND HYDRATED. THAT'S GOOD TOO. (also i am super very excite)
  23. (okay, i should provide some context. we have a vacation week starting tomorrow, and my trip will include legoland windsor on the 27th, doctor who experience and cardiff on the 28th and 29th, and then a flight from bristol to visit brickeens. spoiler alert: the trip to visit him was actually the reason for the study abroad program)
  24. Zatth


    I'm sitting in a flat in the centre of Oxford, doing a semester-long program. A year ago, we never would've imagined that I could live alone. That I could live alone in another country, without my doctors and parents. That I could study and be myself and learn and make mistakes and keep growing. I'm sitting in my (not really mine) creaky black chair, putting aside a one-page essay I have to finish, in order to read breaking news. Around 30 minutes ago, the announcement came that the Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla group have reached an agreement on the fifth and toughest part of a possible peace accord. They're saying the conflict should end, at most, by March 2016. I've been on this earth for 20 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days. Of those, none have known a day of peace in Colombia. For the first time, I (and so many of us) will know what it means to live in a time of peace. I've often felt naive, too optimistic for my own good. But there are days here and there when the universe and those around you remind you that, sometimes, it's good to be hopeful and to dream the impossible. Because maybe, just maybe, the impossible can come to be.
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