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Alex Humva

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Blog Comments posted by Alex Humva

  1. Or you could just let things happen. If they die, then they die, tough luck, cry, and move on. I mean, the time you devote here trying to 'find a cure' makes it sound like it's frickin' cancer or something. Just play your RPGs, have fun, and if they die...





    Make another one. =O

    I don't know if that was aimed at me or Exo, but I'll go with me.


    I'm not going write up a huge logical paragraph. All I'm going to say is this; I care for my RPGs, and I'll fight to find something that can save them. If there is no cure, then I let them die.


    I let Outbreak I die when I saw no cure, and I just made Outbreak II. If this was aimed at me, you're argument has no effected on me. If it was aimed at Exo... I can't speak for him.

  2. Outbreak's failure is a mystery. Even to Alex, who is far more involved in that RPG than I am, me having the only human charrie there. =P

    You can say that again. Outbreak's downfall is a mystery, but I intend to live up to my name as doctor and figure out what problem ills Outbreak before it dies and becomes little more than a memory.


    My personal opinion on the state of RPGs? Sorry, failsome, and crazy. Outbreak, Reality, Downfall, they all where good RPGs. Downfall met its downfall (:P) first, Outbreak is dying a slow death well kicking and screaming to its end, and Reality... meh. It'll die in peace, hopefully. But why do they die? My doctor self tells me that the bad RPGs have AIDs, and they spread their sickness to other RPGs like a cold virus in a closed room. Some RPGs are strong enough to stand up to it for a little while; but in the end, they all will die from it. My computer-virus-programing tells me that the COT RPGs will die off until a few remain, and we'll just have to start over.


    This plauge can't be stopped, in my opinion. We just have to ride it out.

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