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Blog Entries posted by Trijhak

  1. Trijhak
    When Vakama said 'Our destinies are not written in stone, we have to find them/write them for ourselves ' or something, I took it literally in 2005.
    I imagined Vakama had a stone tablet and was etching his destiny into it. Imagine if destiny actually worked that way. I think it'd be more interesting than some 'because Destiny said so' stuff.
  2. Trijhak
    Look at the time.
    24 hours is up, and a new set of 24 hours begins. A Matoran wanders in, asks a few questions, and then...
    You Have 24 Hours.
    Don't tell me you don't what the time limit's for - remember when I said 'no exceptions'? I didn't actually mean it. There's always an exception. If someone says no exceptions, you can practically guarantee there's a exception somewhere. Maybe the right circumstances will bring it forward into the light, or perhaps it's hidden away behind a loophole... perhaps it'll take a bit of what we prefer to call 'persuasion', perhaps they are the very exception they claim doesn't exist. In this case, the exception happens to be you. You're new. Too new to trust. We won't trust you, and we can't trust you. You just wandered in here and asked if you could join. You even proposed that I was an Ostrich! You were being rather obstinate about it. You even complimented me on my name, saying it was 'such name', which I have to wonder... why? Then you asked me if I had 24 hours. Once again... why!? That's where the exception comes in. You are the exception in that you have no known ties to me, no history, a clean slate. Too clean. Too clean for our tastes, too clean for us not to be suspicious. I want you to dirty that clean slate. I want you not to stop until it's the dirtiest slate in existence, a slate so grimy and unsightly that you disgust even the most degenerate of wastrels. When you're done, I want you to arrive back here, right at the moment when 24 hours is up. I want absolutely no second, minute, hour of that period to go wasted. I want to see it on the news. I want to see evidence of it. What I do not want to see is you relaxing, talking to others, or calling for help. Help is for the weak. If you do any of the aforementioned things during the period, or anything not especially heinous and unbefitting of a future criminal like yourself, then you forfeit your life. Ever since you wandered in here, you've been my possession. You belong to me, and if you want to live, you must become worse than I. Because I can't have you ruining the image of the Mafia now, can I?
    Remember: You Have 24 Hours.
    Well. You Have 24 Hours came out of nowhere and was the top-voted name.
  3. Trijhak
    So, because it's a bit ridiculous, I'd like you BZPBM players to help me name the following:
    The Name of Tesara's Pro-Skrall Village
    The Name of Tesara's Anti-Skrall Village
    Specifics of the Revenant Great Being - name, gender, tribe.

    I am not good with names, and it's getting ridiculous referring to 'Tesara's Pro Skrall Village'. I know I could do this myself, but then you'd end up with names like 'Smolda' and 'Chlora'. As in smouldering and chlorophyll. As for the Revenant Great Being, I was planning to have players name them in the time between Episode Three and Four, but never acted on it. So I'm acting on it now.
  4. Trijhak
    In the 2005 film 'BIONICLE: WEB OF SHADOWS', a work of absolute and unparalleled art, the character RAHAGA NORIK (a small red helicopter rahkshi turaga) explains about the MYTHICAL RAHI KEETONGU. Another character, ONEWA HORDIKA, misinterprets this as the KEY TO NONGU, a legendary artefact. The mystery is not (it is a key) what it is or where it can be found, but what it unlocks.
    Thus I present to you our guess: in all of GENERATION ONE BIONICLE, there is only one candidate that fits. They are the GAHLOK. But this then presents a problem, as there are multiple Gahlok. Thus, we can eliminate the Gahlok and we are left with... GAHLOK-KAL. If we were to tell ONEWA, regardless of form, about GAHLOK-KAL, it is likely it would be misinterpreted as the 'GAH-LOCK ALL!' Thus, we have the first part of our guess.
    The second part of our guess is about deciphering the sentence, as it is not exactly telling us much, If we assume that the name of GAHLOK-KAL hides the truth behind what the KEY TO NONGU unlocks, then we do not have much to go on. Thus, we look to the homophones and homonyms. If we do, we find a much more telling sentence: "GA - LOCK ALL!' Thus, we find that KEY TO NONGU unlocks something in or around water. To make sense of the other two words, we swap them around, so we end up with "GA - ALL LOCK". This tells us even more: that the KEY TO NONGU unlocks EVERYTHING, as said by the 'ALL LOCK' part of the message hidden in GAHLOK-KAL's name.
    Thus, we learn why the KEY TO NONGU is so legendary: it unlocks ALL when put into the ALL LOCK located in or near water.
    The next mystery to uncover is: WHERE IS IT? That we cannot decipher, however if you donate to us 5w a day, we just might be able to come up with an explanation.
    Mystery Solved: Red Star actually Deus Ex Machina in disguise
    23 Weird Ways to get HORRIBLY MUTATED - you won't believe #15!
    Learn how to turn Bohrok into Vehicles with ONE AMAZING TIP
    Outrage: Hero Factory Actually Illegally Replacing BIONICLE
    Conspiracy: Did Matoro actually die?
    Trending on Chroniclr: #MatoroLives, #MataNuiIsDead, #SaveTheMukau, #BoycottHeroFactory, #EkimuIsEvil #JoinLucinasGameOfThronesInGames&TriviaItActuallyHasVeryLittleToDoWithTheRealGameOfThrones
  5. Trijhak
    Have I mentioned I have an egg allergy before? I might have, but I'll state it again anyway.
    It was very pleasant to find out.
    Now I look at every egg with fear, because the eggs are plotting against me - that much is obvious. Eggs are not nice. They are hard and hazardous with naught but a consideration with the welfare of other foodstuffs.
    Now, I shall ask BZPower a question because that seems to be what I do in blog entries a little too much. Tell me if I should stop. I know the answer is yes.
    What do you have an allergy to?
  6. Trijhak
    I've got some amazing ideas for some new elements for G1:
    Skull Spiders
    Generation Two
    Inika Torsos
    Centre-Aligned Text
    Bad Fanfiction
    Dead Horses
    All brilliant ideas.
  7. Trijhak
    1. Who are you, and why are you viewing this blog entry and plotting your invasion into my noble kingdom of the heart?

    2. Why do you swear fealty to Hapori Tohu?

    3. Can I swear fealty to you?

    4. A sword magically floats over to you and challenges you to a duel to non-existence. Do you accept?

    4a. Scenario A: The Sword wins. Do you accept defeat or do you consume the sword? I left out the detail that the sword was actually made of confectionery.

    4b. Scenario B: You win. You have become the herald of the end of the universe. I also left out the other detail that our universe was inside that sword. Congratulations on destroying the universe! Fix this.

    5. You wake up, like any other day, only to find out that your BIONICLE sets have revolted against you, citing the fact that you rip them apart limb from limb to create your own constructs, and they find this absolutely horrifying... I do too, now that I think about it. What do you do?

    6. It is now February 2016. In the past months, you have learned the secrets of shapeshifting your arms into incredibly useless objects, such as a keyboard with no keys and a paperclip that destroys everything it touches.

    7. Hello

    8. What is, in your opinion, the best worst BIONICLE set?

    9. What is, in your opinion, the worst best BIONICLE set?

    10. What is, in your opinion, the worst worst BIONICLE set?

    11. badguywillreturn2016

    12. You discover a conspiracy: MATORo. MATORan. MATORkuta. tMATORhu. ekiMATORu. MATORa nui. leMATORgo. emmeATORt brickowski. bzpMATORower. Matoro is everyone and everywhere. It's in the words. It's in the letters. It's in the numbers. It's in your DNA. It's in your eyes. It's in your triangles. It's in your tea. It's in your Matoro sets. It's in your dreams. It's everywhere.

    13. One day the acclaimed Toa Mark Surge Brain Attack flew over the island of Makuherokoto nui where the hero factory was it was not in great danger and found a third wing and tore off his wings and made a staff that went bzzt at things and it was very intimidating and fast and electrocute... what is the next sentence of this story?

    14. BIONICLE 323859^4: MASK OF SHADOWED LEGENDS REBORN has recently came out, in cinemas and has become the most successful movie ever. It is based on ancient LEGOnds (at this point LEGO owns all the words with 'LE' and 'LEG' at the beginning, and has altered the spelling of those words) that the first generation of BIONICLE had ultra cool glow-in-the dark teeth. In the movie, the Herotoa of Bara-Nui search for the Mask of Shadowed Legends to give themselves glowing teeth as it was said that glowing teeth give you unlimited power. How do you feel about this movie?

    15. Fifteenth Question Goes Here

    16. This is the final question. It is a question so hard that if you answer incorrectly, that you will not suffer any consequences whatsoever, the most dangerous of consequences: Tahu, Kopaka, Matoro, USB Stick, Transparent Orange Mask of Fire, Paperclips, Savage Planet, Windows, or Eyeballs?

  8. Trijhak
    Summary of Bara Magna Parched. Sandy. Harsh. The desert planet of Bara Magna is no place for the faint of heart.
    It is also no place for the good-hearted. Generosity is frowned upon, for resources are very limited. As such, Glatorian warriors battle in the arenas to settle disputes over resources, scarce in the barren desert wastelands of Bara Magna, and yet even winning a battle does not guarantee the resources will be safe from the beings that prowl the deserts, such as the Vorox, Bone Hunters, the nomadic outcasts of the Iron Tribe, and if rumours are to be believed, the opportunistic Skrall of the Rock Tribe.
    Times are tough, and they only look grow tougher. It was only recently the Rock Tribe arrived, and since their arrival, the Skrall - warriors notably stronger and faster than the average Glatorian - have dominated in the arena matches. Tensions between Vulcanus and Tajun are rising, the former accusing the latter of killing two of its trainee Glatorian. Iconox, the sole source of exsidian, sells it for extortionate prices when not fought for, and its Glatorian are suspected to use underhanded tactics both in the arena and out. Tesara, meanwhile, is on the brink of a civil war, its twin villages now opposed to each other, one wishing to accept an offer from the Skrall, the other very wary of the Skrall. Tajun, being one of the only sources of clean, reliable water, finds itself a frequent target of Bone Hunter raids. Atero too suffers such raids being a nexus between villages, though Glatorian visiting to fight in the Arena Magna often defend it. Roxtus, on the whole, has no immediately obvious issues, something it attributes to the 'wisdom of the Skrall, and the Mighty Leader Tuma'.
    The villages, troubled as they are, have been offered protection by Tuma, leader of the Rock Tribe, who claims the Skrall can solve their issues - by uniting Bara Magna under the banner of the Skrall.
    In such times, such an offer is a very attractive prospect.
    Because this is Bara Magna, and it is no place for the faint of heart.

    Big changes from canon:
    Each village (barring the Iron Tribe) has its own non-Glatorian army, led by a general. Should a general be unavailable, command falls to the tribe's Glatorian, and then Leader.
    Glatorian are not a separate species from Agori, but rather Agori trained from birth to be warriors

    How It Works
    The game will last for ten rounds (also known as episodes), during which you may make your moves. Due to the nature of the game, many things are open to interpretation - and manipulation. Or even able to be ignored!
    If you are uncertain whether a move you can make is possible according to the (few) rules, simply ask me or a co-host in a private PM. We will let you know if it is impossible or illegal.
    Players will make their moves for each round via PM, of which there are two kinds - OFFICIAL and BACKDOOR.
    An OFFICIAL PM is any PM that involves me or a co-host. and moves made in them are the only ones that will be included in the scenes for each round, meaning they are the only ones that will officially occur - so if you want to travel, or do something involving another player, you would have to do it in an official PM. But that also means everyone will be aware of what is happening.
    A BACKDOOR PM is any PM or any other method of communication that does not involve me or a co-host. Anything done in this will not be included in the scenes for each round, and will not happen, period - you cannot kill a player in a backdoor PM. However, you can scheme, plan, and manipulate where others except those you choose cannot see, and this will allow you to set up your own plans that may take a while- you may officially appear to be the most benevolent individual, yet secretly plotting to kill everyone else.
    Travel - this is very simple, anyone can do it. To simplify things for all of us, Travelling between any village takes 24 hours, and must be performed in an official PM. Due to the nature of Bara Magna, however, travelling alone often tends to be a very bad idea - and creatures such as Vorox just might decide you'd make a tasty snack, or Bone Hunters might decide you've got something valuable. Vulcanus, Tajun, Tesara, Iconox, Roxtus, and Atero are the travel destinations you can go between. Map of Bara Magna - orange tint indicates dangerous area, other colour indicates which tribe the area belongs to. Light blue tint indicates Atero and Arena Magna, uncontested and neutral.
    Communication - the primary action, done every round without fail. Remember, before you can make use of any information you learn in a backdoor PM, you need to officially learn of it. Each tribe will get its own official PM, and other PMs will no doubt spring up over the course of the game.
    Arena Battle - This is an action between Glatorian, or anyone if it is a vehicle match. In Arena Battles, the two fighters will fight against each other, and this is one of the places where you'll likely use your stats the most - whoever wins will take whatever is at stake for their tribe. While not discouraged from an outside-perspective, a Glatorian who cheats or goes so far as to kill is considered dishonourable and may be exiled from their tribe, though intervention from others is not discouraged to save a Glatorian's life in such a battle - Glatorian are not infinite, and the tribes know this.
    Other Actions - There are many other actions you may decide you want to do. Perhaps you're feeling a little dishonourable and wish to rig an arena battle in your favour. Perhaps you wish to search the barren deserts of Bara Magna for something. Perhaps you wish to silence someone to be silenced for either a short or infinite time. As long as you can think of an action, you can try to pull it off.

    LEADER - These players lead their respective tribes. They make the final decisions, and their opinions can sway many Agori. If a Glatorian, General, or Diplomat does not do their job, or worse, it is up to them to fix that. The last thing a Leader wants is their Glatorian cheating or killing others, since that stains the whole tribe's reputation, or a Diplomat betraying their tribe, or a General being insubordinate and making a power-grab.
    GLATORIAN - These players are the ones fighting for their tribe in the arena for resources, and are often more adept at fighting than the other roles. They can also choose to serve as mercenaries, protecting others on journeys between the villages or excursions into the deserts.
    DIPLOMAT - These players are in charge of diplomatic relations between tribes, as well as trade - it is their job to ensure that supplies won in arena matches or sold and bought arrive in their destinations, and as such are also indirectly responsible for getting protection for others and themselves when travelling between villages.
    GENERAL - These players are in charge of their tribe's army - leading it, training it, and maintaining it, as well as the safety of the villages themselves. Should the tribe's leader die, they will assume command of the tribe.

    These stats will help set players apart, and you should fill out the following stat sheet and send it to me in a PM, titled as so: 'BZPBM: (MEMBER NAME)' , where member name is your BZP username. Do not show your stats to anyone else. You could fill it out to fit your desired role, but remember - you aren't guaranteed the role you want. You could also fill it out to make yourselves more manipulative or charismatic, or more lucky and agile - fill it out however you want. Some players may get bonuses depending on their roles, some might lose stats in some areas for the same reason - but those modifications will only occur after you have sent your stat form it, and after the roles have been assigned (remember, this isn't Mafia - here, you'll determine your roles in your tribe PM, where you stand a chance at getting the role you want). Furthermore, in-game events may increase or decrease those stats.
    You will get 40 points to assign wherever you choose, and can assign a maximum of 10 points to any individual stat. Whenever you make a move that requires a roll, this will be added to a RNG roll out of 10 for a combined result out of 20.
    Strength - determines things like attack damage, physical strength, use of large weapons
    Perception - determines your ability to notice things, see through disguises, recognising an incoming attack or opportunity to attack
    Endurance - stamina, how much damage you can take before you get exhausted or die, how much you can carry
    Charisma - ability to persuade and influence others, how people perceive you,
    Intelligence - success of more complex actions, ability to pilot vehicles, planning ability, historical knowledge
    Agility - dodging, hit mitigation, stealth, use of smaller weapons
    Luck - can be used to help chances in difficult rolls and mitigate your failed rolls. Fairly self-explanatory.

    Fire Tribe The Fire Tribe is largely located in the village of Vulcanus, entrenched in a canyon. Currently, things are very tense - two of its trainee Glatorian never returned after being sent to Tajun, and the former leader, Raanu, has died of old age, a new leader yet to be established. Due to the lava flowing through the village, it is also where the vast majority of Bara Magna's weapons and armour are forged and repaired, and as such its main trades involve supplying said weapons and armour to the other tribes. Its military is roughly 400 Agori strong.

    Water Tribe The Water Tribe is located in the village of Tajun, next to the largest oasis on all of Bara Magna. As of recently, it finds itself victim of a higher-than-average amount of Bone Hunter Raids, preventing it from completing its trades and somewhat souring its relations with other tribes. Unsurprisingly, it mainly trades water to the other tribes, since it does not have many other resources of its own. Some also say that the village is home to long-forgotten secrets. Its military is roughly 300 Agori strong

    Jungle Tribe The Jungle Tribe is largely limited to something very rare on Bara Magna: a wide area of dense plant growth. Unlike the other tribes, it has not one, but two villages, dubbed the 'Twin Villages of Tesara'. Currently, due to an offer made by the Skrall, its villages are deeply divided and may very well break out into a civil war. Due to its abundance of plant life, its main trade involves supplying food to the other tribes beyond the normal repulsive Thornax stew. Its military is roughly 700 agori strong, unevenly split between the villages.

    Ice Tribe The Ice Tribe is largely located in the village of Iconox in the White Quartz Mountains, which sits atop the largest exsidian deposits on all of Bara Magna, a highly valuable and durable metal used in weapons, armour, and vehicles. It is no surprise that its main trades involve supplying exsidian to the other tribes, something it does very frequently - and, when not at stake in the arena, at extortionately high prices - something the other tribes only tolerate because there is no other known source of exsidian. Its military is roughly 450 agori strong.

    Rock Tribe The Rock Tribe is unique compared to the other tribes: it has no glatorian of its own, and it has no Agori leader. Instead, it has the Skrall, a race of warriors stronger and faster than even the most highly-trained Glatorian. It is led by the self-styled 'Mighty Leader Tuma', a massive, towering Skrall. In place of the glatorian, the Skrall fight instead. They are based in Roxtus, in the Black Spike Mountains, and do not trade anything to the other tribes, instead simply sending their Skrall to fight in the arenas for them - because they always win. Its military is 600 strong, of which 525 are normal Skrall, 25 Elite Skrall, and 50 Agori in support roles.

    Iron Tribe The Iron Tribe is not located in any one place, and there are not many of them. Instead of staying in any one place, the few Iron Tribe Agori that can be found on Bara Magna are scattered and nomadic, wandering the wastes and never welcome in any place, as they are outcasts for a reason now forgotten by all but the Iron Tribe itself. As such, it does not provide anything in trade, nor does it take anything - its members just simply often resort to taking what they work by force. Sometimes, they are contracted by the Skrall to do certain jobs, though what they are, only the Skrall and Iron Tribe know. Due its status, it has no military.

    Once again, credit to BS01 for the images and BZPGOT for the massive inspiration and basis.
    How does this look now? Still looking for a co-host - wondering how to split the host job. The target is 20-22 players, so I'm thinking that the individual 'stat' PMs have both of us - I'll add the co-host in once sent, as will the initial Tribe PMs. From there, we'll split the PM management.
  9. Trijhak
    1. Why was the Mistika's Silver so hated but not the excessive Grey of the Phantoka? If anything, the silver is much, much more preferable to the grey.
    2. Why hasn't anyone on Okoto simply stepped on the Skull Spiders to kill them?
    3. Why has BIONICLE not had a year in space yet?
    4. Who is Bingzak?
    5, Was Bingzak paid by Microsoft to promote Bing?
    6. Is Bingzak a hint of what's to come in 2017: the great BONKLE Search Engine war?
    7. What do Okotoans eat? What is their food source? How do they eat? Do they need to eat? Do they ingest gaseous nutrients through their ears, if they have them? Does Bingzak eat?
    8. Honkles!?
    9. We should get a torso armour piece in the same style as the piston add-on.
    10. This tenth thought is amazing!
  10. Trijhak
    What's the best CCBS set?
    What's the worst CCBS set?
    What G1 set displayed the best use of the old BIONICLE system?
    What G1 set displayed the old BIONICLE system at its worst?
    Transparent Orange Hau: good or bad?
    What enemies do you hope the Toa face in 2016?
    You are tasked with destroying the BIONICLE generation 1 universe in order to make way for generation 2. How do you do this?
    A volcano on Okoto erupts, covering the half of the island in ash. How does the island change?
    Okoto is not alone: it has a neighbouring landmass of unknown size. What populates this landmass and how hostile is it?
    Pit mutagen randomly leaks all over Okoto somehow. What changes
    Where did the Toa come from before crash-landing on Okoto from... somewhere?

  11. Trijhak
    A City of Earth, ceaselessly expanding, always advancing, eyes on the nearby fortress, consequences ignored, for they unofficially rule.

    A technophobic Treetop City, standing against technology, tied to nature itself, growing increasingly zealous.

    An increasingly isolationist Cavern Village, where outcasts are outcasts no longer, where the Red Stars can tell the future and the citizens refuse to share.

    An Ancient Fortress rumbles once more, guarded by many traps and unseen defenders - a fortress of much curiosity, containing ancient technology from before the Beginning, and treasures beyond that...

    Strangers from the skies arrive, slowly shattering the false history spread by the unofficial ruler of Bota Magna.

    Everything on Bota Magna is about to fall apart.

    Bara Magna was no place for the faint of heart / Everything on Bota Magna is about to fall apart

    Strangers come from the skies: Two Iron Agori. A Fire Agori. An Ice Agori. Innumerable seemingly biomechanical wolves, and...

    Pick an Element Lord:







  12. Trijhak
    Why is Takua up there by the blog title? What is he planning? Why is he taken aback by something? If he has more rocks in his head than a Po-Matoran, I think he should get surgery to fix that.
  13. Trijhak
    I wish we could type things in different fonts in search engines. Sometimes I search things and I'm surprised they actually exist. Sometimes I search things and I'm disappointed they don't exist. Sometimes I search things and I end up with completely irrelevant results.
    And for some reason, over the past few days, my mind has been wanting me to say 'Telephone' as if it were the pinnacle of all humour. What's so humorous about the word telephone, mind? I'd like to know why I giggle at the word telephone. Telephone. Telephone. Telephone. Te-le-phone. Why must I find this word hilarious suddenly? It'll go away eventually, hopefully, like the many other things I find humorous for six days and then stop thinking about. Almost posted a blog entry suggesting that anthropomorphic telephones are the enemy for BIONICLE 2017. Glad I didn't, that's a clear attempt at trying to be funny. Trying too little or too hard, and I find that humour ends up being forced and unfunny, you have to be told it's apparently funny. Granted, people have different senses of humour, but nobody thinks telephones are hilarious other than my stupid and unfunny mind right now. Once the 'hahaha randomness!' factor fades, so does the humour.
    Also, don't play things that are survival-horror-ish at 01:00 in the morning.
    Also, I'm suddenly curious to ask the following, about games, specifically, video games:

    What's your favourite genre of game?
    What's your favourite game series?
    What's your favourite stand-alone game not part of a series?
    What's your favourite expansion to a game (not downloadable content - an expansion is something much larger, at least that's how I choose to perceive the word)?
    What's your favourite DLC of a game?
    What's the worst game you've ever played that isn't that E.T. game or that superman game or any famous bad games?
    What games are you looking forward to?
    BIONICLE G2 gets a game. What genre is it and what is its defining mechanics?
    What game has the best music?
    Seriously: what's funny about telephones?

  14. Trijhak
    When you think about it, the name 'BIONICLE Zone Power' doesn't really make much sense, does it? I could understand 'BIONICLE Zone' - we could say "Welcome to the BIONICLE Zone", but... BIONICLE Zone Power?
    "Weclome to the BIONICLE Zone... Power."
    "Welcome to BIONICLE Zone... Power."
    Now, I know this is about fourteen years late (wow BZP is older than some of its users), but why not something like 'KanohiZone Community' or 'BioniclePower Forums'? 'KanohiZone Community' makes a bit more sense than BIONICLE Zone... Power.
    Also, I feel like a badly written villain would be after the Power of the BIONICLE Zone: "I AM MAKUTA AND I SEEK THE POWER OF THE BIONICLE ZONE!"
    ...I just did a search and, apparently, there are two dead forums that seem to be made as imitations of BZPower: "Bionicle Power" and 'KanohiZone". Uhhhhh. Now that I know they exist, I don't know what to think. One is just completely dead and has been for a decade, the other is dead but occasionally spammed by bots. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by mentioning them, they are dead.
  15. Trijhak
    Ekimu is evil.
    You can tell because his name starts with 'E'.
    Evil begins with 'E'.
    Furthermore, Ekimu and Evil share an I, making Ekimu more evil.
    Ekimu? More like Evilkimu. And of course, everything he says about Makuta is not to be trusted.
    Also, he was sealed in a coffin by the Protectors. What if that wasn't because he was, uh, weak? What if that was because he was a source of great evil and had to be sealed away, and now he has manipulated the entirety of Okoto into reawakening him? Now he is free, ready to unleash his minions, and unleash them, he did.... [MASK OF LIGHT MUSIC]
    But seriously, what if Ekimu betrays the Toa?
  16. Trijhak
    I think at this point I've hinted enough that I do plan to one day host a BZPower's Bota Magna as a sort of sequel-but-also-not-really-sequel to BZPower's Bara Magna. So now I'd like to ask you to ask anything you can come up with.
    Did you know:
    There are biomechanical dinosaurs on Bota Magna?
    Bota Magna is home to the vast majority of the Earth Tribe, including the Element Lord of Earth?
    There is an Ancient Fortress, the origins of which unknown?
    The Red Stars in the skies can tell the future?
    Some - but by no means all - of Bota Magna's inhabitants are zealously technophobic, to the point where they fused their armor with plants?
    The Sand Tribe on Bota Magna did not regress in intelligence the same way the sand tribe on Bara Magna did, and that they once had a city of their own?
    The Skrall homeland is located on Bota Magna?

    Ask me anything about Bota Magna.
  17. Trijhak
    Apparently, it's ABSOLUTELY ABHORRENT that a major game studio hasn't released a game since 2011. That is apparently 'unacceptable' and game devs need to tell us a lot about what they are doing and must never be completely silent about it.
    Right. I prefer not to have games rushed, thank you. This year's seen far too much of that.
    Statements like those above, I imagine, really annoy game developers. I don't even make games and I understand that games just don't pop into existence, large games are definitely not easy to make, and that some game developers prefer to keep quiet about what they are doing. You should not hound game developers just because you feel you are entitled to a new game. Because you are not.
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