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Everything posted by Trijhak

  1. You are now plastic, and you are not alive. As you are made out of LEGO. I wish I had superpowers.
  2. 5/5 I always get Overlord for some reason.
  3. You bother, whatever it was you wanted to do, but you fail it. I wish I was more open-minded.
  4. These look extraordinarily like the first wave of HF. But that may have something to do with how each hero from the first wave has their original helmety-facey-masky thing. Looks like a pretty average wave to me. It might even be HF's last line, but I hope not. Black Phantom looks to be a repeat of Fire Lord/Witch Doctor/Rocka XL, so I'm not impressed. They've all used the same designs, mostly. All of the villains look pretty average. Splitface looks like an interesting idea, but executed poorly, the same with Jawblade. Toxicreapa is pretty much a 2.0/3.0 version of Meltdown, but nothing special asides from that. This whole wave of HF is probably the worst yet IMO.
  5. 5/5. Back to the soon-to-be regulars. A new topic brings a new bunch of new regulars.
  6. You outlive the universe, and as a result you also outlive everything you care about. I wish that people could grow moustaches and these moustaches could act like wings to make people fly. [/extremely random]
  7. The cat... is a lion. And it eventually eats you. I wish comic sans didn't exist.
  8. I have nothing to say.

  9. You happen to be suspended to be suspended over a pit of Iron spikes when your wish is granted. You are magnetic all the time. Guess what happens next. I wish that fences would kill me and hate me.
  10. It gets put into a cannon, which then fires into space. You never see Kinetics again. I wish I was a Matoran.
  11. Heh, those LEGOLAND employees aren't very good spellers, are they? Anyway. How long do we think we'll have to wait until the next update? My bet? 3 months. As per usual. They really need to speed content up. Also, I've grown slightly more tolerant of the inclusion of Ninjago in LU. Because Ninjago (apparently) sells well, they decided to put it in the game. LEGO probably expects people to buy LU as a result. Sound correct? The two promote each other, pretty much.
  12. I am not 'someone', but I am a placeholder for whoever that is. I wish that my signature could eat people.
  13. Legends of Metru Nui. For me, it has more to do with how it consolidated my interest in BIONICLE at the time.
  14. Someone mistakes it for 1.000000000 dollars, so you get only 1 dollar instead. I wish that Tahu cloned himself.
  15. When you get it, your 3DS is immediately broken. I wish I was edible.
  16. My least favourite set was the Baranus. Or maybe the Hordika.
  17. 5/5 You are the first person I have given 5/5 in HWKAY 3. But that's because of HWKAY 2.
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