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Everything posted by Trijhak

  1. Last Bionicle set I ever bought was a Tahu Stars. And realising it was over a year ago now feels weird.
  2. I wouldn't exactly call it a 'great' game. While some people may like it, it's just pretty average and nothing really that special. I just play it when I'm bored and have nothing else to do.
  3. How many names have I had now? Impulse/Skrief/Timid/A Timid Person...

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      15 names and counting, according to the display name history thing on your profile. =P

    2. Overlord


      ... That's a lot.


      Hope you don't mind if I just call you Gnaritamancer. XP

    3. Trijhak


      Oh, we can add comments to these things now! Okay, Overlord, call me Gnaritamancer if you like.

  4. (sorry if I'm reviving this... at least people will see it.) Well, not much happened during the BZP downtime to LU. But this first post is wonderful... Anyway, I did quite a lot of stuff and also I appear to be the highest level already despite not really doing much. Level 45.
  5. The first HF set I got was Dunkan Bulk 1.0. To see what HF was like.
  6. I like most of the changes. However, it will take a while to get used to them and the new skin. As well as finding where everything is. But that's just a minor annoyance. Though there's probably something around here I will dislike...
  7. My first reaction was 'GATA WAS RIGHT' and my second reaction was a mess of gibberish that sounded excited.
  8. Over the downtime I bought Minecraft and since I've been playing it a ton as a result of the downtime. I'm glad I did. I've had no experience with multiplayer with a few exceptions, so 98% of my MC experience has been in single player. So, um, is there any difference between multiplayer and single player?
  9. Like others, the downtime didn't effect my interest at all, or if it did, it didn't do much.
  10. I wasn't really doing anything that much different, asides from viewing a few other sites and a few changes in my everyday and school life. Then I waited for about a month while talking to Gatanui for a few minutes every few days about the forums. Oh, and I also began my GCSEs. And I bought and played Minecraft.
  11. Lehvak-Kal. I got it in 2003. and I had no aware that the rest of Bionicle even existed, much less the original Bohrok.
  12. Glad to see the forums are finally back after six months or so.

    Just alerting you to this fact.

    (mine is %15 to being full...

  14. *11 days later*


  15. Why I am your last visitor's column....

    I thought I was logged in anonymously...

  16. Yeah, uh, this is going nowhere... um...

  17. Forums are back up, finally.. so... uh

  18. It does look kinda stupid...

    Isn't it weird when comments serve an unintentional purpose? I looked at my last comment on this page and wow it does something else. Even though it was replying to your comments, Overlord...

  19. Uh...

    My only response to that is 0_0.

  20. You don't seem like the kind of person to flame yourself.

    But then again if I could, I would flame my past selves because of how stupid they are.

  21. You made a comment one minute in the future?

    Probably isn't time travelling virtually.

    Are you sure it wasn't a trans-timeline memo, Overlord? :P

  22. You virtually time-travelled?

    One question: How?

    Unless you used that Internet Archive thing...

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