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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. I reached 1000 posts today replying in my Certavus topic. .:Toa Velox:., Major Marvelous, and ChocolateFrogs, I responded to your comments in detail if you are interested in taking a look at what I said! ~GBG~
  2. Dude, being offensive is Cags hobby. Haven't you noticed? No, that is not sarcasm. BtB And this is a good thing? Honestly, just because that's his personality doesn't mean that it's ok. ~GBG~
  3. Hmmm... Sadly, the new one is not quite as good. The main problem is that he is now turned to the side too much. I can't see his right arm and his head is in a confused pose. I say go with the first one fo' sho'. Heh, I had this same problem with my pic (I think I shot him too much to the side). Nice pictures overall though! ~GBG~
  4. GreenBioGuy

    New (better) Pic

    Ditto. I see now that you used an Inika torso in your build... and no custom arm construction? I am very impressed (and glad that are great builders out there who are using them!) Custom is not always golden as I always say... ... Ok, I've never said that before, but it sounds good anyhow. ~GBG~
  5. Indeed, 'tis very bulky; not what I would envision Certavus to be like (though, mine is a bit bulky...) The head appears to be way too small and set back in the neck. The colors are a bit odd as well (placement wise). His legs look like two tree trunks... Perhaps if you posed him bending a bit? Good MoC? Yes Certavus? No ~GBG~
  6. GreenBioGuy

    Give Me

    And what, pray tell, are neopoints? ~GBG~
  7. If you're gonna be fair, you had better add me to the list. I didn't list you because you got punished for your infraction, they haven't been so far. Ah, Understood. I second .:Toa Velox:., what did they do? ~GBG~
  8. If you're gonna be fair, you had better add me to the list. I was DQed in the final poll for that last time around if you remember... Heh, it makes me feel better knowing that DV got banned for something in the past. It goes to show that if you get banned it doesn't (necessarily) ruin your happy plans for the future or your public image forever. You can learn the lesson, move on, and improve. ULTIMATE Laka (aka Winslow) - see his blog @DV: You've got some super insight and advice to give. I just hope that others listen to ya. (you should do a blog entry with what you've said here in this blog). Thanks for posting. ~GBG~
  9. Makes perfect sense to me! ~GBG~
  10. I'm with you... I can understand entries with white and some other odd color (like yellow or red), but ones with no white at all? Now don't get me wrong, Certavus could have been any color, so whatever the entrant wants to make him is fine; it just doesn't line up in my book. Yayz!
  11. Ah, well in that case (seeing as you have an account from your friend) then that does change the validity of your assumption. Seeing as I don't know anything more about the issue, I don't have anything more to say! ~GBG~
  12. It depends on what what the other colors of your MoC are. I'm guessing you're doing Certavus, in which case he would have alot of white in him... Seeing as you don't have any Glatorian hands I think that minifig hands would be pretty good, though you might be able to make the black fingers work. ~GBG~
  13. Very well written CzaR, and I agree with all that you said. I hope to respond in more detail some other time, but suffice me to say that I can understand what you're getting at (I've had first hand experience). And Cags, perhaps it's because the Admins viewpoint was right and the person being banned's viewpoint was wrong? It's a possibility that must not be ignored... ~GBG~
  14. Made you look! jk. But on a serious note, I have some thoughts on the recent happenings around here. I hope to write up a good blog entry here sometime in the near future... Strike that. First of all, it sounds noobish. Secondly, I don't have the time to write a big blog entry nor to I want to get mixed up in this business. ~GBG~
  15. You do that, and I will happily join! I love the idea. Oh, and thanx for your long review by the way! I'll have to get around to replying to it and the other good reviews some time soon... ~GBG~
  16. GreenBioGuy


    I almost recommended Tintin, lol. Tintin is fun to read, a classic. Sort of an old school graphic novel. 55555 Yay! Someone else who likes him! I wouldn't. o_o I read the first two and they were the corniest copycat books ever written. In My Opinion. I've been too scared to read the newest one. For seriously. In book two. They said. "Barges? Barges? We don't need no stinking barges!" And no I'm not kidding. I wish I were. =/ But the rest of the book isn't like that so it was really out of place and weird and awkward and I almost put the book down and I NEVER put books down. End rant. BtB lol! Yeah, I've gotta admit they do copy some other stuff, but personally I like them. I guess I wouldn't highly recommend them on hindsight. I just like that genre and the storyline; therefor, I like the books! NOT to say that you have to! I'm not sure what you were getting at with that quote. As I recall, it was from an individual who just talked that way. Not everyone was like that in the book! ~GBG~
  17. Sadly, that stuff would've still have been ignored in the BBC. >_< I know, right? I feel like posting a bunch of stuff there, try to get my name out to the world again, and then I realize it might be fruitless. -CF Do you MoC for the recognition of others or for your own enjoyment? If it is for the former, then you will most likely indeed hit a dead end. If, on the other hand, it is for the latter, then you will most likely find your highest potential. Not sure what I just said... but it sounds good... ~GBG~
  18. I agree, although it does help to have that many pieces of one type. (or just number of pieces in general) ~GBG~
  19. -- Clicky -- Please check him out and comment on him in the topic! ~GBG~
  20. I'd say the gun is about a foot and three inches or so. Why?

  21. Thanks for the heads up. I'm not sure I have the time to post right now, but I will try to keep you in mind! ^^

  22. GreenBioGuy


    Amen to that! You have spoken words of wisdom here Niki; I just hope others will listen. I would like to add that this would also apply to others who have wronged you whom you may not even know that well. It can be easier (or harder, lol) to forgive good friends, but when you are interacting with strangers it can be harder to move on and see them in a new light when they really and truly repent of a wrong... ~GBG~
  23. GreenBioGuy


    If you like Tolkien, I would highly recommend Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Series. The fourth (and final) book hasn't been released yet. It's all about dragons, magic, and sword fighting! The Harry Potter series is exceptional as well if you like fictional fantasy that is placed in our own world. It's very creative and humorous as well! The books keep you sucked in until the very end. If you want a really, really good thriller which will twist itself around your mind, you have to read Thr3e by Ted Dekker. His Circle Trilogy is wonderful too (that's one that I need to purchase one of these days...) If you would be interested in a humorous comic-book style novel that is very different from your average comic, I would recommend the Tintin series. That's right, Tintin. It's hard to describe, but his adventures are always enjoyable to read! And finally, if you want a book which is good for thought and will actually make a difference in your life and the life of others, I would highly highly highly (repeat: highly) recommend you read Alex and Brett Harris' "Do Hard Things". Don't ask why, just read it. Out of all of the books I have mentioned, you should read this one first. I mean that. Let us know what you get! ~GBG~
  24. GreenBioGuy

    "kk" ?

    Hm, yes, I thought it would be along those lines. I think it's the latter options you gave me. Thanks! ~GBG~
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