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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy

    "kk" ?

    What exactly does the phrase, "kk" mean? Please excuse me for my ignorance. Also: Yayz for SPRING BREAK! ~GBG~
  2. GreenBioGuy

    Bad Weather

    Yay for Windyness! ~GBG~
  3. GreenBioGuy

    Certyvus Wip =3

    Nice WIP thar! Color Scheme wise, I like the white/black/yellow, but I just don't like the overall placement; I would recommend a bit of yellow on the torso. The build is excellent; you made an excellent torso (love the shoulder armor). The main gripe I have is with the thighs. There are some unsightly gaps and the apparent technic holes and pins look unsightly. I would say add some smoothness in there (IMO ) Also, the only apparent black is in the arms and legs (but even there it's in the back); I would suggest you change that white metru torso armor on his lower torso to black. Right now it's all white. While I wouldn't think of Certavus as yellow white and black, if you do a good job of pulling of a balance of the colors in the MoC I'm sure that the idea would grow on me. You've got a pretty impressive MoC here Laka; good luck in the contest! ~GBG~
  4. Hey BD, your inbox is full. I'm wanting to send you my Certavus WIP pic. Please make space for me? :P

  5. You are quite welcome! ~GBG~
  6. I'm wondering exactly how much of my Certavus entry must be custom. I've seen several other members (the good ones) make heavily customized body parts. I didn't do that because I felt that I wanted Certavus to look set like and yet still be very different from the other Glatorian. Ordinarily I would want a customized body/parts, but for this contest I'm thinking that it would be better to hold off. Thoughts? ~GBG~
  7. I have made an interesting observation. I was just posting in the Forums but after doing so my post count stayed right at 964, the number it was before. Why is this? Could it be because of the recent wipe of info around here? BZPower isn't picking up a surplus of new posts, so it's not raising my number? Not that I really care about post count, I am just curious. Figured it out. ~GBG~
  8. Ok, I'll have to check it out! ~GBG~
  9. It all comes down to the MoC. Like Swert said, Metus' helmet looks good on some MoCs while not-so-good on others. If you make the MoC flow with Berix's helmet, then good for you! It would be great to see a variation from what we've been seeing. However, I for one am using a Metus Helmet simply because I think it looks the best for a Certavus MoC. ~GBG~
  10. Well, that's because it looks good. But Bfa's right, they can't make 100% new sets every time. ~GBG~
  11. Coming in? Who are you directing your words at here? Your comment is a bit vague... Point taken. I see that now. To be honest, I was a bit rushed in replying to Winslow's comment, and I got a little over defensive there, and thus I missed the "IMO" part. Looking back at your comment, I agree with you that my comment in response to yours was a bit unwarranted. Yours just came across to me as a bit offensive at the time, and thus I jumped to a conclusion that was incorrect. For that I apologize. Will you forgive me for jumpin' off the handle there? I understand where you were coming from now; it was your opinion on the weapons selection. Sorry once again! As to the weapons, I didn't have Kopaka in mind at all when I made them; I just like 'em and thus used 'em! I wasn't trying to copy him at all. In fact, the shield isn't even his (Kopaka's). It's the underside of a X-Pod! I don't know if I would have called that advice, but rather an observation. Nor did I dismiss it. How could I? I see it as his opinion on a part of the MoC; he gave no other option to change the weapons to. What do I have to dismiss? Seeing as I have seen none of Winslow's MoCs I can't really judge if he's a superior. However, if you think so, then that's fine with me! And you are perfectly right when you say that I should be happy with that much. I am thankful for not being ignored! Again, sorry for the misinterpretation on my part guys! ~GBG~
  12. I know that perfectly well, thanks. Ah, but I am not you, and therefor I do not have to follow your MoCing criteria in order to make a good MoC. Just because you say so doesn't mean it has to be so. What disappoints me is the fact that you can't seem to be open minded when it comes to MoCs. Either they are built the way you would have built them or they are horrible... ~GBG~
  13. Hello all! Well, I got inspired by Dok's recent new GIMP splash image, so I went and did a GBG rendition of one: Clicky the pic for the topic! ~GBG~
  14. GreenBioGuy

    Dark Tan

    Oh boy! Do you have a specific MoC in mind at this time? ~GBG~
  15. You replaced him as in you took him back to the store and got Raanu instead? The thing I don't like about pretty much all of the Agori is that their only set-specific pieces (as in that piece only appears in that set) are their helmets (for the most part). Metus, on the other hand has his nice snowflake. ~GBG~
  16. Just look at this. ~GBG~
  17. GreenBioGuy


    Go go go! While I did get Strakk to use him for the contest, so far I have only used his Thornax launcher, which has been nice. The hands, head, and helmet all could have come from Metus (the helmet did). ~GBG~
  18. Yesssss!!! I have FINALLY gotten Metus! Do you want to guess what shipping is for a little Agori on LEGO.com + tax? All told, the total would have been about $13, the price of the Glatorian themselves. Rest assured, I did not go by that route! Rather, my mom found him this morning in Target. And thus, she got him for me! (I still have to pay for him of course. ) So anyway, I now have the helmet for Certavus. I've tried it on, and I gotta say: I like it. I'm hoping to have him up some time next week during the break. He still needs a few tweaks, and I also need to send pics to a few select friends here on BZPower to ask for their opinion... ~GBG~
  19. How odd. They are on Photobucket... However, I will try to upload them to Brickshelf soon, it's just that for some reason my server here at home hates that site and it takes FOREVER to load!

  20. A very interesting theory no doubt... ~GBG~
  21. Dude, that's and epic curly right there... *want* I am seriously salivating right now... Of course it is dinner time... ~GBG~
  22. HALLELUJAH! ... Erm, what for? Spring Break? If so, then I agree most emphatically!!! ~GBG~
  23. GreenBioGuy


    Considering that my favorite color is green, I can't believe I missed that today was St. Patrick's! ~GBG~
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